Fisherman Sanpei

Fisherman Sanpei (釣りキチ三平, Tsurikichi Sanpei) is a Japanese manga written and illustrated by Takao Yaguchi. The manga is serialised in Kodansha's Weekly Shōnen Magazine from 1973 to 1983. Kodansha has published the manga's 57 bound volumes between July 5, 2003 and October 5, 2005.

Fisherman Sanpei
Written byTakao Yaguchi
Published byKodansha
MagazineWeekly Shōnen Magazine
Original run19731983
Written byTakao Yaguchi
Published byKodansha
Original run20022010
Anime television series
Directed byYoshikata Nitta
StudioNippon Animation
Original networkFuji TV
Original run April 7, 1980 July 28, 1982

The manga was adapted into a 109-episode anime series.[1][2] Directed by Yoshikata Nitta, the anime's 109 episodes were broadcast on Fuji TV between April 7, 1980 and July 28, 1982. The official English name is Fisherman Sanpei.[3]


  • Sanpei Mihira (三平三平)
  • Ippei Mihira (三平 一平)
  • Gyoshin Ayukawa (鮎川魚紳)
  • Masaharu Kase (加瀬 正治)
  • Yuri Takayama (高山 ユリ)


The anime uses two pieces of theme song. "Wakaki Tabibito" (若き旅人) by MoJo is the series' opening theme, while "Ore wa tsurikichi Sanpei da" (おれは釣りキチ三平だ) also by MoJo is the series' ending theme. An OVA called まんがビデオシリーズ 釣りキチ三平 was released in 2001 on VHS only.

Episode list

  1. Monster of Yonaki (1) The Shadow of Narukami (夜泣き谷の怪物1 鳴神淵の黒い影)
  2. Monster of Yonaki (2) The Leaping Sazen Char (夜泣き谷の怪物2 左膳岩魚が翔んだ)
  3. Blue Crucian Carp of the Caldera (1) The Mysterious Blue Swamp (カルデラの青鮒1 青い沼のミステリー)
  4. Blue Crucian Carp of the Caldera (2) The Illustrated Blue Scale (カルデラの青鮒2 幻の青いウロコ)
  5. Blue Crucian Carp of the Caldera (3) Challenge the Blue Giant Herabuna (カルデラの青鮒3 挑戦!青い巨ベラ)
  6. Wild Koi of Mikazukiko (1) The True Identity of Kappa (三日月湖の野鯉1 お化けカッパの正体)
  7. Wild Koi of Mikazukiko (2) The Competition with Kyoshin-san (三日月湖の野鯉2 魚紳さん勝負だ!)
  8. Wild Koi of Mikazukiko (3) Compete By Using the Method (三日月湖の野鯉3 決死のドロボー釣り)
  9. The Mitsumatachi Gang (三ツ又池のギャング)
  10. The God of Fury Hook (1) The Dancing Mayfly (毛バリの神サマ1 かげろうの舞い)
  11. God of Fury Bait (2) The Secret of Fury Bait Making (毛バリの神サマ2 毛バリたたきの謎)
  12. The God of Fury Bait (3) Fury Bait Sanjin Turning into (毛バリの神サマ3 毛バリ山人石化けの術)
  13. The Goro Pulling Rascal (ゴロ引きゴンベ)
  14. Takitaro of O-ike (1) Ive did it! The Dance of O (池の滝太郎1 ヒット!ルアーが踊る)
  15. Takitaro of O-ike (2) The Weird of Mukashi Iwa (O池の滝太郎2 ムカシ岩魚の怪!)
  16. Takitaro of O-ike (3) Farewell, Illustrated Takitaro! (O池の滝太郎3 さらば!幻の滝太郎)
  17. The King of The Rock (1) Sanpeis First Sea Fishing (磯の王者1 三平!はじめての海)
  18. The King of The Rock (2) The broken sunglasses (磯の王者2 砕かれたサングラス)
  19. The King of The Rock (3) Its coming! Ishi Tai! The (磯の王者3 来たぞ!イシダイ!三段引き!)
  20. The Tears of Shiro Itsu (1) The Proud Master-stroke (シロギスの涙1 シャークのジンの得意技)
  21. The Tears of Shiro Itsu (2) The Spinning Sound of Rods at (シロギスの涙2 ロッドが唸る!無名島)
  22. The Tears of Shiro Itsu (3) Great Battle! The Shark fling (シロギスの涙3 激突!シャーク対フルターン)
  23. The Tears of Shiro Itsu (4) The Champion, Don't Cry! (シロギスの涙4 泣くなチャンピオン!)
  24. Saida Iwas Denya (1) The Weird Man of the swamp! (𩹷の原野1 湿原の怪人!谷地坊主)
  25. Saida Iwas Denya (2) The Shadow Which Went Near (𩹷の原野2 野ネズミルアーに迫る影)
  26. Saida Iwas Swamp field (3) The Battle in the Swamp Field (𩹷の原野3 湿原の大決戦!)
  27. Meko Iwa (メッコ岩魚の怪)
  28. The Little Fox Near The Fishing Field (釣り場の子ギツネ)
  29. Night Catching Kaikatsu (カジカの夜突き)
  30. The Monster of Sanga Ike (三角瀞の主)
  31. The Sad Song of Zukiga Field ススキ川原エレジー
  32. The Sogiyo of Kabura Wata 蕪渡しの草魚
  33. The Mini Big Game 小さなビッグゲーム
  34. The Rod of Unrest Soul 怨み竿
  35. Naboromo Buna of Syunema 幽沼の羽衣鮒
  36. The weird fishes in old billabong 古沼の大怪魚
  37. The red crucian in cave billabong おっぽり沼の緋鮒
  38. The bareheaded in the Bareheaded Bog 坊主沢の沢坊主
  39. The universal crucian of the Burn Bog 焼沼の宇宙ブナ
  40. The bomb fish of the Youming beach (1) 有明海のムツゴロウ その1
  41. The bomb fish of the Youming beach (2) 有明海のムツゴロウ その2
  42. The bomb fish of the Youming sea (3) 有明海のムツゴロウ その3
  43. The competition of salmon in Canada (1) カナダのサーモンダービー その1
  44. The competition of salmon fish in Canada (2) カナダのサーモンダービー その2
  45. The competition of salmon fish in Canada (3) カナダのサーモンダービー その3
  46. The dancer of the lake mountain (1) 山上湖の舞姫 その1
  47. The dancer of the lake mountain (2) 山上湖の舞姫 その2
  48. The dancer of the lake mountain (3) 山上湖の舞姫 その3
  49. RCフィッシング
  50. The Sakura and Black Cyprinoid 桜吹雪カラス鯉
  51. The battle between Raigyo and Kuma-hawk ライギョ対ミサゴ王者の対決
  52. The Gold Carp (1) 黄金の鯉 前編
  53. The gold carp fish (2) 黄金の鯉 後編
  54. The Blue Flag Marlin of Hawaii (1) ハワイのブルーマーリン その1
  55. The Blue Flag Marlin of Hawaii (2) ハワイのブルーマーリン その2
  56. The Blue Flag Marlin of Hawaii (3) ハワイのブルーマーリン その3
  57. The Blue Flag Marlin of Hawaii (4) ハワイのブルーマーリン その4
  58. The Finger fish in Hand bog 手形沼の指切り魚
  59. The Dragon of Dragon Waterfall (1) 竜神滝の竜 前編
  60. Dragon of the Dragon Waterfall (2) 竜神滝の竜 後編
  61. 蝉しぐれのブラウン
  62. The Esa fish after the Northwest rain 驟雨のオトリアユ
  63. Fishing dog Shou Hachi (1) 釣犬ハチ公 前編
  64. Fishing dog Hachi Ooyake (2) 釣犬ハチ公 後編
  65. The weird rockfish in Shower Valley しぐれ谷の化物イワナ
  66. The secret technique of River Zhuchuan 簗川流簗秘伝
  67. Battle of Sanpei Syringe 三平式珍ドウ作戦
  68. The legend of Ali Crucian お里鮒伝説
  69. The dream net 茜屋流小鷹網 幻の投網の巻
  70. Aneka eagle net, Kigawa 茜屋流小鷹網 紀ノ川の巻
  71. Net in a house; devil but Buddhisms heart. 茜屋流小鷹網 鬼手仏心の巻
  72. Kluck sound, brawniness ガッチンがん鉄
  73. Killer of the lake, Black rocket launcher 湖の殺し屋ブラックバス
  74. Maple leaf dike big rainbow trout 紅葉堤の大ニジマス
  75. Rintaros great carp 太郎沼の巨鯉
  76. Fishing mother 1553 フィッシングかあちゃん
  77. Instruction fish fishing law トモ釣り伝授
  78. Golden Valleys Gold fish 黄金谷のキンイワナ
  79. Red Eddy Fish and The Famous Fishing-Rod アカブチと幻の名竿
  80. Fight Bravely At The Pond Fishing 釣り堀奮戦記
  81. Fighting Of The Transplantation Of Rock Fish イワナ大移植作戦
  82. Fishing The Egret Fish In The Ice Cave ワカサギの氷穴釣り
  83. Red Dragonfly Fishing Method Of 1 Meter Long Dragon Fish 尺バヤのアカネ釣り
  84. ペンペン釣りとポカン釣り
  85. Use The Wood Toon To Tooning The Guqi Fish クキのドン突き
  86. The Big Black Silver Carp 幻の大魚コクレン
  87. Secret Of The Fire Rock 火の石の謎
  88. Lakes Monster Of Nian Zhu Lake 念珠湖のネッシー
  89. Fossil Fishing Way 石化け
  90. Fighting With Carp 巨鯉釣り大作戦
  91. Secret Method! Reed Rod 秘技!ススキ釣り
  92. Gold colour trout - Golden Trout 黄金のマス・ゴールデントラウト
  93. Enticement Of Aquatic larva ニンフの誘惑
  94. Odd Fish With Vine Cane Flower Look カラクサ模様の怪魚
  95. Princess Water 水のプリンセス
  96. the magician of the brook Mountain Jade 渓流の魔術師ヤマセミ
  97. The summer of the delicious fish 若鮎たちの夏
  98. The king of fisherman- The ghost fish 湿原の王者釣り
  99. Facing Attack Rockfish Catcher 襲われたイワナ密漁者
  100. Hunters superior... Sansi Lang 熊撃ちマタギの三四郎
  101. Bulrush fishing-rod to fishing frigid zone Arhat fish 寒バヤのアシ竿釣り
  102. Chinese Toon Fish Wujinqiu group ドン突き!たまきんトリオ
  103. Fishing Chinese Toon Fish San Ping secret battle ドン突き!三平(秘)作戦
  104. Summer Brook - Movement of Sliver crap 春の小川・ギンブナ騒動
  105. Lower savory fish Rotate Fishing 落鮎のコロガシ釣り
  106. The Strange Fish was Curse 呪い谷の怪奇魚
  107. The secret of Flying bird カジカの夜突き・蛍火の謎
  108. The Struggle of Worm ケダニ先生奮戦記
  109. Aiko, Spread the Wings! 大空へはばたけ、三平!


It was made into a live action film in 2009, starring Kenta Suga, Takashi Tsukamoto and Yuu Kashii. The official English name of this movie is Sanpei the Fisher Boy.[4]


There were two official videogames, made by Cross Media Soft for MSX home computers:

  • Fisherman Sanpei Blue Marine Edition (釣りキチ三平ブルーマリン編) (1988)
  • Tsurikichi Sanpei Tsurisennin Hen (釣りキチ三平釣り仙人編) (1989)
gollark: "Group"? How would this bé çoñfigured?
gollark: Hmm. Odd.
gollark: Did you also configure the networking in the rack thingy properly?
gollark: I suspect you haven't connected the screen to it.
gollark: Do you have a screen or whatever?


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