FIS Ski Flying World Championships 1983

The FIS Ski Flying World Ski Championships 1983 took place at Čerťák in Harrachov, Czechoslovakia on 1 January 1983.[1]


Medal Athlete Points
Gold  Klaus Ostwald (GDR) 1051.0
Silver  Pavel Ploc (TCH) 1045.5
Bronze  Matti Nykänen (FIN) 1043.5

Medal table

1 East Germany (GDR)1001
2 Czechoslovakia (TCH)0101
3 Finland (FIN)0011
Totals (3 nations)1113

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gollark: Okay, so I now have suspicious-looking requests redirected to my program which then logs them to a SQLite database.
gollark: Well, HTTP/0.9 bad, after all.


  1. "FIS Ski-Flying World Championships - Men's Flying Hill 01.01.1983". International Ski Federation|FIS]]. Retrieved 2015-05-26.
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