
ExifTool is a free and open-source software program for reading, writing, and manipulating image, audio, video, and PDF metadata. It is platform independent, available as both a Perl library (Image::ExifTool) and command-line application. ExifTool is commonly incorporated into different types of digital workflows and supports many types of metadata including Exif, IPTC, XMP, JFIF, GeoTIFF, ICC Profile, Photoshop IRB, FlashPix, AFCP and ID3, as well as the manufacturer-specific metadata formats of many digital cameras.

Original author(s)Phil Harvey
Initial release19 November 2003 (2003-11-19)[1]
Stable release
11.85[2] / 28 January 2020 (2020-01-28)
Preview release
12.04[2] / 10 August 2020 (2020-08-10)
Written inPerl
Operating systemMicrosoft Windows, macOS, Linux
TypeTag editor
LicenseGPLv1+ or Artistic License
Meta Information Encapsulation
Filename extension
Internet media type
Magic number
  • 7e 10 04 xx 30 4d 49 45
  • 7e 18 04 xx 30 4d 49 45
Developed byPhil Harvey
Initial release28 November 2005 (2005-11-28)
Latest release
(21 January 2007 (2007-01-21))
Type of formatMetadata
Container forany other file format

The image hosting site Flickr uses ExifTool to parse the metadata from uploaded images.[3]

Meta Information Encapsulation

ExifTool implements its own open metadata format. It is designed to encapsulate meta information from many sources, in binary or textual form, and bundle it together with any type of file. It can either be a single file, wrapping existing data, or used as a sidecar file, carrying for example Exif or XMP metadata.

Supported file types

ExifTool can read, edit or create files with the following formats:[4]

File TypeCan read?Can edit?Can create?Description
3FRYesNoNoHasselblad raw (TIFF-based)
3G2, 3GP2YesYesNo3rd Gen. Partnership Project 2 audio/video (QuickTime-based)
3GP, 3GPPYesYesNo3rd Gen. Partnership Project audio/video (QuickTime-based)
AYesNoNoUnix static library code Archive
AAYesNoNoAudible Audiobook
AAEYesNoNoApple edit information (XML PLIST-based)
AAXYesYesNoAudible Enhanced Audiobook (QuickTime-based)
ACRYesNoNoAmerican College of Radiology ACR-NEMA (DICOM-like)
AFM, ACFM, AMFMYesNoNoAdobe (Composite/Multiple Master) Font Metrics
AI, AITYesYesNoAdobe Illustrator (Template, PS or PDF)
AIFF, AIF, AIFCYesNoNoAudio Interchange File Format (Compressed)
APEYesNoNoMonkey's Audio
ARQYesYesNoSony Alpha Pixel-Shift raw (TIFF-based)
ARWYesYesNoSony Alpha raw (TIFF-based)
ASFYesNoNoMicrosoft Advanced Systems Format
AVIYesNoNoAudio Video Interleaved (RIFF-based)
AVIFYesYesNoAV1 Image File Format (QuickTime-based)
BMP, DIBYesNoNoWindows BitMaP / Device Independent Bitmap
BPGYesNoNoBetter Portable Graphics
BTFYesNoNoBigTIFF (64-bit Tagged Image File Format)
CHMYesNoNoMicrosoft Compiled HTML format
COSYesNoNoCapture One Settings (XML-based)
CR2YesYesNoCanon Raw 2 (TIFF-based) (CR2 specification)
CR3YesYesNoCanon Raw 3 (QuickTime-based) (CR3 specification)
CRW, CIFFYesYesNoCanon Raw Camera Image File Format (CRW specification)
CS1YesYesNoSinar CaptureShop 1-shot raw (PSD-based)
CSVYesNoNoComma-Separated Values
DCM, DC3, DIC, DICMYesNoNoDICOM - Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
DCPYesYesNoDNG Camera Profile (DNG-like)
DCRYesNoNoKodak Digital Camera Raw (TIFF-based)
DFONTYesNoNoMacintosh Data Fork Font
DIVXYesNoNoDivX media format (ASF-based)
DJVU, DJVYesNoNoDjVu image (AIFF-like)
DNGYesYesNoDigital Negative (TIFF-based)
DOC, DOTYesNoNoMicrosoft Word Document/Template (FPX-like)
DOCX, DOCMYesNoNoOffice Open XML Document (Macro-enabled)
DOTX, DOTMYesNoNoOffice Open XML Document Template (Macro-enabled)
DPXYesNoNoDigital Picture Exchange
DR4YesYesYesCanon DPP version 4 Recipe
DYLIBYesNoNoMac OS X Mach-O executable and library files
DVYesNoNoDigital Video
DVBYesYesNoDigital Video Broadcasting (QuickTime-based)
DVR-MSYesNoNoMicrosoft Digital Video Recording (ASF-based)
EIPYesNoNoCapture One Enhanced Image Package (ZIP-based)
EPS, EPSF, PSYesYesNo(Encapsulated) PostScript Format
EPUBYesNoNoElectronic Publication Format
ERFYesYesNoEpson Raw Format (TIFF-based)
EXE, DLLYesNoNoDOS/Windows executable and library files
EXIFYesYesYesExchangeable Image File Format metadata (TIFF-based)
EXRYesNoNoOpen EXR (Extended Range)
EXVYesYesYesExiv2 metadata file (JPEG-based)
F4A, F4B, F4P, F4VYesYesNoAdobe Flash Player 9+ Audio/Video (Quicktime-based)
FFFYesYesNoHasselblad Flexible File Format (TIFF-based)
FFFYesNoNoFLIR thermal image File Format
FLAYesNoNoMacromedia/Adobe Flash project (FPX-like)
FLACYesNoNoFree Lossless Audio Codec
FLIFYesYesNoFree Lossless Image Format
FLVYesNoNoFlash Video
FPFYesNoNoFLIR Public image Format
FPXYesNoNoFlashPix image
GIFYesYesNoCompuserve Graphics Interchange Format
GPRYesYesNoGoPro Raw (DNG-based)
GZ, GZIPYesNoNoGNU ZIP compressed archive
HDP, WDP, JXRYesYesNoWindows HD Photo / Media Photo / JPEG XR (TIFF-based)
HDRYesNoNoRadiance RGBE (Red Green Blue Exponent) High Dynamic-Range
HEIC, HEIF, HIFYesYesNoHigh Efficiency Image Format (QuickTime-based)
HTML, HTM, XHTMLYesNoNo(Extensible) HyperText Markup Language
ICC, ICMYesYesYesInternational Color Consortium color profile
ICS, ICALYesNoNoiCalendar Schedule
IDMLYesNoNoAdobe InDesign Markup Language (ZIP/XML-based)
IIQYesYesNoPhase One Intelligent Image Quality raw (TIFF-based)
IND, INDD, INDTYesYesNoAdobe InDesign Document/Template (XMP metadata only)
INSVYesNoNoInsta360 Video (QuickTime-based)
INXYesNoNoAdobe InDesign Interchange (XML-based, XMP metadata only)
ISOYesNoNoISO 9660 disk image
ITCYesNoNoiTunes Cover Flow artwork
J2C, J2K, JPCYesNoNoJPEG 2000 codestream
JP2, JPF, JPM, JPXYesYesNoJPEG 2000 image (Compound/Extended)
JPEG, JPG, JPEYesYesNoJoint Photographic Experts Group image (see table below)
JSONYesNoNoJavaScript Object Notation
K25YesNoNoKodak DC25 raw (TIFF-based)
KDCYesNoNoKodak Digital Camera raw (TIFF-based)
KEY, KTHYesNoNoApple iWork '09 Keynote presentation/Theme
LAYesNoNoLossless Audio (RIFF-based)
LFP, LFRYesNoNoLytro Light Field Picture
LNKYesNoNoMicrosoft Shell Link (Windows shortcut)
LRVYesYesNoLow-Resolution Video (QuickTime-based)
M2TS, MTS, M2T, TSYesNoNoMPEG-2 Transport Stream (used for AVCHD video)
M4A, M4B, M4P, M4VYesYesNoMPEG-4 Audio/Video (Quicktime-based)
MAXYesNoNo3D Studio MAX (FPX-like)
MEFYesYesNoMamiya (raw) Electronic Format (TIFF-based)
MIEYesYesYesMeta Information Encapsulation (MIE specification)
MIFF, MIFYesNoNoMagick Image File Format
MKA, MKV, MKSYesNoNoMatroska Audio/Video/Subtitle
MOBI, AZW, AZW3YesNoNoMobipocket electronic book (Palm-based)
MODDYesNoNoSony Picture Motion metadata (XML PLIST-based)
MOIYesNoNoMOD Information file
MOSYesYesNoCreo Leaf Mosaic (TIFF-based)
MOV, QTYesYesNoApple QuickTime Movie
MP3YesNoNoMPEG-1 layer 3 audio (uses ID3 information)
MP4YesYesNoMotion Picture Experts Group version 4 (Quicktime-based)
MPCYesNoNoMusepack Audio
MPEG, MPG, M2VYesNoNoMotion Picture Experts Group version 1 or 2
MPOYesYesNoExtended Multi-Picture format (JPEG with MPF extensions)
MQVYesYesNoSony Mobile QuickTime Video
MRWYesYesNoMinolta Raw
MXFYesNoNoMaterial Exchange Format
NEFYesYesNoNikon (raw) Electronic Format (TIFF-based)
NMBTEMPLATEYesNoNoApple iWork '09 Numbers Template
NRWYesYesNoNikon Raw (2) (TIFF-based)
NUMBERSYesNoNoApple iWork '09 Numbers spreadsheet
OYesNoNoUnix compiled code Object
YesNoNoOpen Document Database/Chart/Formula/Graphics/
Image/Presentation/Spreadsheet/Text (ZIP/XML-based)
OFRYesNoNoOptimFROG audio (RIFF-based)
OGG, OGVYesNoNoOgg bitstream container
OPUSYesNoNoOgg Opus audio
ORFYesYesNoOlympus Raw Format (TIFF-based)
OTFYesNoNoOpen Type Font
PACYesNoNoLossless Predictive Audio Compression (RIFF-based)
PAGESYesNoNoApple iWork '09 Pages document
PCDYesNoNoKodak Photo CD Image Pac
PCXYesNoNoPC Paintbrush
PDB, PRCYesNoNoPalm Database
PDFYesYesNoAdobe Portable Document Format
PEFYesYesNoPentax (raw) Electronic Format (TIFF-based)
PFA, PFBYesNoNoPostScript Font ASCII/Binary
PFMYesNoNoPrinter Font Metrics
PGFYesNoNoProgressive Graphics File
PICT, PCTYesNoNoApple Picture file
PLISTYesNoNoApple Property List (binary and XML formats)
PMPYesNoNoSony DSC-F1 Cyber-Shot image
PNG, JNG, MNGYesYesNoPortable/JPEG/Multiple-image Network Graphics
PPM, PBM, PGMYesYesNoPortable Pixel/Bit/Gray Map
PPT, PPS, POTYesNoNoMicrosoft PowerPoint Presentation/Slideshow/Template (FPX-like)
POTX, POTMYesNoNoOffice Open XML Presentation Template (Macro-enabled)
PPAX, PPAMYesNoNoOffice Open XML Presentation Addin (Macro-enabled)
PPSX, PPSMYesNoNoOffice Open XML Presentation Slideshow (Macro-enabled)
PPTX, PPTMYesNoNoOffice Open XML Presentation (Macro-enabled)
PSD, PSB, PSDTYesYesNoPhotoShop Drawing / Large Document / Template
PSP, PSPIMAGEYesNoNoPaint Shop Pro
QTIF, QTI, QIFYesYesNoQuickTime Image File
R3DYesNoNoRedcode raw video
RAFYesYesNoFujiFilm Raw Format
RAM, RPMYesNoNoRealAudio/Plug-in Metafile
RARYesNoNoRAR Archive
RAWYesNoNoKyocera Contax N Digital Raw
RAWYesYesNoPanasonic Raw (TIFF-based)
RIFF, RIFYesNoNoResource Interchange File Format
RM, RV, RMVBYesNoNoReal Media/Video (Variable Bitrate)
RSRCYesNoNoMac OS Resource
RTFYesNoNoRich Text Format
RW2YesYesNoPanasonic Raw 2 (TIFF-based)
RWLYesYesNoLeica Raw (TIFF-based)
RWZYesNoNoRawzor compressed image
SEQYesNoNoFLIR Systems image Sequence
SKETCHYesNoNoSketch design file
SOYesNoNoUnix ELF executable and Shared Object files
SR2YesYesNoSony Raw 2 (TIFF-based)
SRFYesNoNoSony Raw Format (TIFF-based)
SRWYesYesNoSamsung Raw format (TIFF-based)
SVGYesNoNoScalable Vector Graphics (XML-based)
SWFYesNoNoShockwave Flash
THMYesYesNoCanon Thumbnail (JPEG)
THMXYesNoNoOffice Open XML Theme
TIFF, TIFYesYesNoTagged Image File Format
TTF, TTCYesNoNoTrue Type Font/Collection
TORRENTYesNoNoBitTorrent description file
TXTYesNoNoText files
VCF, VCARDYesNoNoVirtual Card
VOBYesNoNoVideo Object (MPEG-based)
VRDYesYesYesCanon DPP Recipe Data
VSDYesNoNoMicrosoft Visio Drawing (FPX-like)
WAVYesNoNoWindows digital audio WAVeform (RIFF-based)
WEBMYesNoNoGoogle Web Movie (MKV-based)
WEBPYesNoNoGoogle Web Picture (RIFF-based)
WMA, WMVYesNoNoWindows Media Audio/Video (ASF-based)
WTVYesNoNoWindos recorded TV show
WVYesNoNoWavePack lossless audio (RIFF-based)
X3FYesYesNoSigma/Foveon raw
XCFYesNoNoGIMP native image format
XLS, XLTYesNoNoMicrosoft Excel Spreadsheet/Template (FPX-like)
XLSX, XLSM, XLSBYesNoNoOffice Open XML Spreadsheet (Macro-enabled/Binary)
XLTX, XLTMYesNoNoOffice Open XML Spreadsheet Template (Macro-enabled)
XMPYesYesYesExtensible Metadata Platform sidecar file
ZIPYesNoNoZIP archive

Supported JPEG metadata

ExifTool can read, edit or create the following types of metadata in JPEG images:[4]

JPEG Meta InformationCan read?Can edit?Can create?Description
APP0 - JFIFYesYesYesJPEG File Interchange Format
APP0 - JFXXYesNoNoExtended JFIF
APP0 - CIFFYesYesNoCamera Image File Format (used by some Canon models)
APP0 - AVI1YesNoNoJPEG AVI information
APP0 - OcadYesNoNoPhotobucket Ocad segment
APP1 - EXIFYesYesYesExchangeable Image File Format (including maker notes)
APP1 - XMPYesYesYesExtensible Metadata Platform (multi-segment)
APP1 - QVCIYesNoNoCasio QV-7000SX QVCI information
APP1 - FLIRYesNoNoFLIR thermal imaging data (multi-segment)
APP1 - RawThermalImageYesNoNoThermal image from Parrot Bebop-Pro Thermal drone
APP2 - ICCYesYesYesInternational Color Consortium (multi-segment)
APP2 - FPXRYesNoNoFlashPix Ready (multi-segment)
APP2 - MPFYesNoNoMulti-Picture Format
APP2 - PreviewImageYesNoNoSamsung APP2 preview image (multi-segment)
APP3 - Kodak MetaYesYesNoKodak Meta information (Exif-like)
APP3 - StimYesNoNoStereo Still Image format
APP3 - PreviewImageYesNoNoSamsung/HP preview image (multi-segment)
APP4 - ScaladoYesNoNo(presumably written by Scalado mobile software)
APP4 - FPXRYesNoNoFlashPix Ready in non-standard location (multi-segment)
APP4 - PreviewImageYesNoNo(continued from APP3)
APP5 - Ricoh RMETAYesNoNoRicoh custom fields
APP5 - Samsung UniqueIDYesNoNoSamsung Unique ID
APP5 - PreviewImageYesNoNo(continued from APP4)
APP6 - EPPIMYesNoNoToshiba PrintIM
APP6 - NITFYesNoNoNational Imagery Transmission Format
APP6 - HP TDHDYesNoNoHewlett-Packard Photosmart R837 TDHD information
APP6 - GoProYesNoNoGoPro Metadata Format (GPMF) information
APP7 - PentaxYesNoNoPentax APP7 maker notes
APP7 - QualcommYesNoNoQualcomm Camera Attributes
APP8 - SPIFFYesNoNoStill Picture Interchange File Format
APP9 - Media JukeboxYesNoNoMedia Jukebox XML information
APP10 - CommentYesNoNoPhotoStudio Unicode Comment
APP11 - JPEG-HDRYesNoNoJPEG-HDR compressed ratio image
APP12 - Picture InfoYesNoNoASCII-based Picture Information
APP12 - DuckyYesYesYesPhotoshop "Save for Web"
APP13 - Photoshop IRBYesYesYesImage Resource Block (multi-segment, includes IPTC)
APP13 - Adobe CMYesNoNoAdobe Color Management
APP14 - AdobeYesYesYesAdobe DCT filter
APP15 - GraphicConverterYesNoNoGraphicConverter quality
COMYesYesYesJPEG Comment (multi-segment)
DQTYesNoNo(used to calculate the Extra:JPEGDigest tag value)
SOFYesNoNoJPEG Start Of Frame
AFCP trailerYesYesNoAXS File Concatenation Protocol (includes IPTC)
CanonVRD trailerYesYesYesCanon DPP Recipe Data
FotoStation trailerYesYesNoFotoWare FotoStation (includes IPTC)
PhotoMechanic trailerYesYesNoCamera Bits Photo Mechanic
MIE trailerYesYesNoMeta Information Encapsulation
Samsung trailerYesNoNoSamsung Galaxy trailer
PreviewImage trailerYesYesYes(preview image written after JPEG EOI)
EmbeddedVideo trailerYesNoNo(extracted only with ExtractEmbedded option)
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gollark: Get happiness™.
gollark: Get Linux
gollark: <@270035320894914560> Get SSD
gollark: DaddySalteen, you're a ||wonderful person||, you ||excellent individual||.

See also

  • Libsndfile see sndfile-info which displays audio file info


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