
Eumelus /jˈmləs/ (Ancient Greek: Εὔμηλος Eúmēlos) was the name of:


  • Eumelus, succeeded his father Admetus as the King of Pherae, and his mother was Alcestis, daughter of King Pelias of Iolcus. Eumelus married Iphthime, daughter of Icarius of Sparta, and possibly by her, became the father of Zeuxippus.[1] Eumelus was one of the "suitors of Helen" and thus, led Pherae and Iolcus in the Trojan War on the side of the Greeks. He was the fifth and last in the chariot races at Patroclus's funeral. Eumelus was also one of the Greeks in the Trojan Horse.
  • Eumelus, companion of Triptolemus. He had a son Antheias who tried to ride the chariot of Triptolemus but fell off and died.
  • Eumelus (father of Botres), son of Eugnotus and father of Botres
  • Eumelus, one of the suitors of Penelope
  • Eumelus, son of Merops and father of Byssa, Meropis and Agron. The family offended Hermes and were transformed into birds.
  • Eumelus, a companion of Aeneas
  • Eumelus (Gadeirus), twin brother of Atlas in Plato's myth of Atlantis



  1. Scholia on Plato, Symposium, 208d, citing Hellanicus
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