Enel X

Enel X is a company of the Enel Group that provides products and services aimed at energy transformation at home, city and industrial level, with a view to sustainable development.[2]

Enel X
Founded5 June 2003 (2003-06-05)
Key people
Francesco Venturini, CEO[1]
ServicesEnergy, digitization, sustainability, innovation
Revenue€63,704,079 (2020)
Number of employees
over 2,500 (2020)

By applying solutions resulting from the digital transformation to the energy sector, Enel X is dedicated to the fields of electric mobility, smart homes and smart cities, intelligent public lighting, integration of renewables, energy efficiency for businesses and public administrations. Its main office is in Rome.


Enel X progressively expanded its services by acquiring companies specialized in strategic sectors for the digitization of energy services,[3] and by creating partnerships with companies from other industries such as automotive,[4] home automation,[5] ITC, and real estate.[6] Its activity in the field of the electric mobility[3] led to a progressive installation of charging points throughout Italy. This was accomplished with a national plan aimed at the installation of charging infrastructures for electric vehicles, announced for the first time on 9 November 2017 during the e-Mobility Revolution event in Vallelunga[4] by Enel CEO Francesco Starace[5] and Enel X CEO Francesco Venturini.[6] In July 2018, Enel X acquired 21% of Ufinet International, a platform which operates in the ultra-broadband sector in America Latina.[7][8] In the same period, the Enel’s subsidiary acquired Yousave, thus expanding its business in the energy efficiency field, with a special focus on energy digitization.[9] In October 2018, Enel X announced that its subsidiary EnerNOC, Inc. rebranded to Enel X, integrating Enel’s advanced energy solutions in North America under one brand.[10] This is one of its acquisitions made in the USA, as well as those of Demand Energy (DEN) and eMotorWerks. On 20 December 2018, Enel X and Infracapital signed a deal to launch a platform dedicated to energy efficiency projects for business customers.[11] In September 2018, during the e-Mobility Revolution 2.0 event at the Vallelunga Circuit, a new range of "Juice" products was announced, as well as progresses in the installation plan of new charging points in Italy.[12] In January 2019, Enel X became Poland’s 2021 - 2023 demand response leader, with around a 70% share in that segment.[13][14] In order to develop new activities related to electric mobility, Enel X and FCA signed a partnership agreement in June 2019 to promote the uptake of electric vehicles.[15][16] Thus the Enel X’s partnership with Hyundai in October 2019, which comprises the possibility of recharging electric vehicles at Enel X public recharging infrastructures,[17][18] as well as those with many other car manufacturers such as Audi,[19] PSA[20] and Smart.[21] In January 2020, Enel X presented JuiceAbility, a device to charge electric wheelchairs using car charging infrastructures, together with JuiceBox, JuicePump and JuiceLamp mini. These devices were presented during the Consumer Electronics Show - CES in Las Vegas, in January 2020.[22][23]


Enel X is structured in four Global Product Lines operating in different reference sectors:

  • e-Industries,[24] offering solutions aimed at businesses, mainly focusing on flexible services, such as consulting, energy efficiency technologies, distributed generation, Demand Response, and off-grid solutions;
  • e-Mobility,[25][26] aimed at creating products and services for electrical mobility, as well as at promoting increasingly efficient charging infrastructures, Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) and second-life battery services;
  • e-Home, with the aim of managing the domestic eco-system and offering innovative automation products and services, for smarter, safer, more efficient and comfortable homes;
  • e-City,[27] offering local government integrated services (public lighting, smart city systems and energy efficiency services, as well as connectivity solutions such as the wholesale offer of fiber-optic services).

Financial Services, which offers financial, insurance and payment services through physical and digital channels. The proposed initiatives include Enel X Pay, which allows people to manage their finances in a conscious and aggregate way.

At the same time, Enel X created as well an "Innovation & Product Lab",[28] to develop and test new scalable products and services – often incorporating input of startups, research centers, universities and customers – with a circular economy approach. Solutions and services for flexibility, like Demand Response, digital payment, adaptive public lighting systems and City Analytics[29] are a direct result.

Among the various ongoing projects and activities, "Vivi Meglio" [30][31] started in 2019 and Homix[32], which integrates Alexa [33] and allows a development of the concept of intelligent thermostat.


In 2017, Enel X won Corporate Art Award 2017 "for its ability to promote historical heritage and urban projects through artistic lighting".[34] In 2018, it took the third place on the podium on the charging services Leaderboard drawn up by Navigant Research.[35] In 2019, Enel X’s circular economy model took centre stage at EXCO 2019, an event which focused on international cooperation.[36] In 2020 Enel X was ranked 2nd globally in two reports from Guidehouse Insights (“Leaderboard: EV Charging Hardware Suppliers” and “Leaderboard: Commercial and Industrial Energy Storage Systems Integrators”), which included Enel X among the best companies in the EV charging and energy storage[37][38].

gollark: The BBC, that is.
gollark: You can mostly rely on them to report somewhat accurate factual content, at least.
gollark: Personally, I mostly get my news and stuff from the BBC, and what random people say on the internet.
gollark: But you don't really notice generic, normal, mainstream political stuff as much as incredibly weird stuff.
gollark: There is probably a more accurate word.


  1. "Enel 2018".
  2. Enel X, un nuovo brand per i servizi energetici e digitali - Wired
  3. Enel X, la rivoluzione della mobilità elettrica continua | Virgilio Motori
  4. Enel: nasce a Vallelunga primo 'Enel X e-Mobility Hub' - Eco Mobilità - ANSA.it
  5. E-mobility revolution, Enel X presenta i prodotti per la mobilità elettrica - Affaritaliani.it
  6. EnelX, entro l’anno 850 colonnine in 4 città - Il Sole 24 ORE
  7. Enel acquisisce il 21% Ufinet International da Cinven - MilanoFinanza.it
  8. Enel investe in America Latina: acquisito il 21% di Ufinet (fibra ottica) - Il Sole 24 ORE
  9. Enel, controllata Enel X acquisisce principale ramo azenda di Yousave - Reuters
  10. EnerNOC Rebranded Into Enel X, All Advanced Energy Solutions In North America Integrated Under One Global Brand
  11. Enel X e Infracapital insieme per la cogenerazione nell’industria | e-gazette
  12. Enel X, è rivoluzione elettrica: 2.500 colonnine di ricarica entro l'anno - Corriere dello Sport
  13. Enel X leader nel demand response in Polonia nel 2021-2023 - MilanoFinanza.it
  14. A Enel X il 70% del demand response polacco tra 2021 e 2023 | QualEnergia.it
  15. Fca, al via partnership con Enel-X ed Engie per le auto elettriche - Il Sole 24 ORE
  16. Enel X commenta accordo con FCA sull'e-mobility - Attualità - ANSA.it
  17. Hyundai sceglie le soluzioni di ricarica di Enel X - Eco Mobilità - ANSA.it
  18. Hyundai ed Enel X, insieme per l'auto elettrica - Repubblica.it
  19. Enel X ricarica la nuova Audi e-tron, nessun pensiero e un bonus di 3.300 kW pari a 14mila km
  20. Peugeot, al via la transizione elettrica - Repubblica.it
  21. Smart e Enel X, un matrimonio riuscito - la Repubblica
  22. Ces 2020, Enel X tra illuminazione pubblica adattativa e mobilità elettrica - Wired
  23. Carrozzine elettriche: Enel X lancia la ricarica alle colonnine - FIRSTonline
  24. Le proposte di Enel X nell’Industria e nel Terziario
  25. Il ruolo di Enel X nello sviluppo dell’e-Mobility: "EV Charging As A Service" - MOTUS-E
  26. Enel X: la mobilità elettrica diventa possibile (e facile) - Auto Tecnica
  27. Che cosa farà Enel-X con città, municipalizzate e complessi industriali - Startmag
  28. Enel: 10 Innovation Hub nel mondo; focus sull’Italia con Milano, Catania, Pisa - Affaritaliani.it
  29. Enel X: City Analytics per gestire le smart city - HDmotori.it
  30. Il condominio diventa "smart" grazie a Vivi Meglio di Enel X - CorCom
  31. I super bonus per ristrutturare casa in modo conveniente - Corriere.it
  32. Enel X lancia Homix, un termostato intelligente che ti dà anche le ultime notizie | Prima Comunicazione
  33. Homix, la smart home di Enel X comunica anche via Alexa - Wired
  34. AgCult | Cultura e mecenatismo, ecco i vincitori dei Corporate Art Awards 2017
  35. Navigant Research Names Enel X and Nuvve the Leading Electric Mobility Service Providers | Business Wire
  36. A Exco sette aziende premiate per l’economia circolare - Il Sole 24 ORE
  37. Guidehouse Insights Names ENGIE, Enel X, Tesla, Honeywell, Con Edison Battery Storage, EDF, and NantEnergy the Leading Energy - Bloomberg
  38. ENGIE, Enel X, Tesla top Guidehouse rankings of energy storage players | Utility Dive
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