Doctor Who – Main Range

The Doctor Who – Main Range series consists of full-cast audiobook adventures based on the British science fiction television programme Doctor Who, produced by Nicholas Briggs and Big Finish Productions and starring one of the original actors to play The Doctor on television in the classic era of the programme. The main audio series currently feature the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctors, and have since developed the pattern of thirteen releases per year, one every month with two in September or December.[1][2] In May 2020, Big Finish announced that the Main Range would conclude with its 275th issue in March 2021, to be replaced with regular releases of each Doctor in their own boxsets throughout the year from January 2022.[3]

Big Finish Productions began producing audio dramas featuring the Fifth Doctor, Sixth Doctor, and Seventh Doctors, starting with The Sirens of Time in July 1999.[1][4] This continued through to 2000, and from 2001 to 2007, the main range also included releases featuring the Eighth Doctor with his companions Charley Pollard and C'rizz,[1] but these were ended due to the simultaneously-running Eighth Doctor Adventures, which ran from 2006 to 2011 and featured companion Lucie Miller.[5] From 2008 to late 2011, only one Eighth Doctor release was produced for the main range: The Company of Friends, featuring companions from other media to the audio plays and the historical figure Mary Shelley.[6] The Eighth Doctor returned to the main range in a trilogy of adventures with Mary Shelley in October 2011.[7]



No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
1"The Sirens of Time"Nicholas BriggsNicholas BriggsFifth Doctor, Sixth Doctor, Seventh Doctor, Time LordsJuly 1999 (1999-07)
2"Phantasmagoria"Nicholas BriggsMark GatissFifth Doctor, Vislor TurloughOctober 1999 (1999-10)
3"Whispers of Terror"Gary RussellJustin RichardsSixth Doctor, Peri BrownNovember 1999 (1999-11)


No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
4"The Land of the Dead"Gary RussellStephen ColeFifth Doctor, NyssaJanuary 2000 (2000-01)
5"The Fearmonger"Gary RussellJonathan BlumSeventh Doctor, Ace McShaneFebruary 2000 (2000-02)
6"The Marian Conspiracy"Gary RussellJacqueline RaynerSixth Doctor, Evelyn SmytheMarch 2000 (2000-03)
7"The Genocide Machine"Nicholas BriggsMike TuckerSeventh Doctor, Ace, Bev, DaleksApril 2000 (2000-04)
8"Red Dawn"Gary RussellJustin RichardsFifth Doctor, Peri, Ice WarriorsMay 2000 (2000-05)
9"The Spectre of Lanyon Moor"Nicholas PeggNicholas PeggSixth Doctor, Evelyn, BrigadierJune 2000 (2000-06)
10"Winter for the Adept"Gary RussellAndrew CartmelFifth Doctor, NyssaJuly 2000 (2000-07)
11"The Apocalypse Element"Nicholas BriggsStephen ColeSixth Doctor, Evelyn, Romana II, DaleksAugust 2000 (2000-08)
12"The Fires of Vulcan"Gary RussellSteve LyonsSeventh Doctor, MelSeptember 2000 (2000-09)
13"The Shadow of the Scourge"Gary RussellPaul CornellSeventh Doctor, Ace, BennyOctober 2000 (2000-10)
14"The Holy Terror"Nicholas PeggRobert ShearmanSixth Doctor, FrobisherNovember 2000 (2000-11)
15"The Mutant Phase"Nicholas BriggsNicholas BriggsFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Daleks, ThalsDecember 2000 (2000-12)


No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
16"Storm Warning"Gary RussellAlan BarnesEighth Doctor, Charley PollardJanuary 2001 (2001-01)
17"Sword of Orion"Nicholas BriggsNicholas BriggsEighth Doctor, Charley, CybermenFebruary 2001 (2001-02)
18"The Stones of Venice"Gary RussellPaul MagrsEighth Doctor, CharleyMarch 2001 (2001-03)
19"Minuet in Hell"Nicholas BriggsAlan W. Lear & Gary RussellEighth Doctor, Charley, BrigadierApril 2001 (2001-04)
20"Loups-Garoux"Nicholas PeggMarc PlattFifth Doctor, TurloughMay 2001 (2001-05)
21"Dust Breeding"Gary RussellMike TuckerSeventh Doctor, Ace, Bev, The Master, KrillJune 2001 (2001-06)
22"Bloodtide"Gary RussellJonathan MorrisSixth Doctor, Evelyn, SiluriansJuly 2001 (2001-07)
23"Project: Twilight"Gary RussellCavan Scott & Mark WrightSixth Doctor, Evelyn, Nimrod, The ForgeAugust 2001 (2001-08)
24"The Eye of the Scorpion"Gary RussellIain McLaughlinFifth Doctor, Peri, ErimemSeptember 2001 (2001-09)
25"Colditz"Gary RussellSteve LyonsSeventh Doctor, Ace, Elizabeth KleinOctober 2001 (2001-10)
26"Primeval"Gary RussellLance ParkinFifth Doctor, NyssaNovember 2001 (2001-11)
27"The One Doctor"Gary RussellGareth Roberts & Clayton HickmanSixth Doctor, MelDecember 2001 (2001-12)


No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
28"Invaders from Mars"Mark GatissMark GatissEighth Doctor, CharleyJanuary 2002 (2002-01)
29"The Chimes of Midnight"Barnaby EdwardsRobert ShearmanEighth Doctor, CharleyFebruary 2002 (2002-02)
30"Seasons of Fear"Gary RussellPaul Cornell & Caroline SymcoxEighth Doctor, Charley, NimonMarch 2002 (2002-03)
31"Embrace the Darkness"Nicholas BriggsNicholas BriggsEighth Doctor, CharleyApril 2002 (2002-04)
32"The Time of the Daleks"Nicholas BriggsJustin RichardsEighth Doctor, Charley, DaleksMay 2002 (2002-05)
33"Neverland"Gary RussellAlan BarnesEighth Doctor, Charley, Romana II, RassilonJune 2002 (2002-06)
34"Spare Parts"Gary RussellMarc PlattFifth Doctor, Nyssa, CybermenJuly 2002 (2002-07)
35"...ish"Nicholas BriggsPhil PascoeSixth Doctor, PeriAugust 2002 (2002-08)
36"The Rapture"Jason Haigh-ElleryJoseph LidsterSeventh Doctor, Ace, LiamSeptember 2002 (2002-09)
37"The Sandman"Gary RussellSimon A. ForwardSixth Doctor, EvelynOctober 2002 (2002-10)
38"The Church and the Crown"Gary RussellCavan Scott & Mark WrightFifth Doctor, Peri, ErimemNovember 2002 (2002-11)
39"Bang-Bang-a-Boom!"Nicholas PeggGareth Roberts & Clayton HickmanSeventh Doctor, MelDecember 2002 (2002-12)


No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
40"Jubilee"Nicholas Briggs, Robert ShearmanRobert ShearmanSixth Doctor, Evelyn, DaleksJanuary 2003 (2003-01)
41"Nekromanteia"John AinsworthAusten AtkinsonFifth Doctor, Peri, ErimemFebruary 2003 (2003-02)
42"The Dark Flame"Jason Haigh-ElleryTrevor BaxendaleSeventh Doctor, Ace, BennyMarch 2003 (2003-03)
43"Doctor Who and the Pirates"Barnaby EdwardsJacqueline RaynerSixth Doctor, EvelynApril 2003 (2003-04)
44"Creatures of Beauty"Nicholas BriggsNicholas BriggsFifth Doctor, NyssaMay 2003 (2003-05)
45"Project: Lazarus"Gary RussellCavan Scott & Mark WrightSixth Doctor, Seventh Doctor, Evelyn, NimrodJune 2003 (2003-06)
46"Flip-Flop"Gary RussellJonathan MorrisSeventh Doctor, MelJuly 2003 (2003-07)
47"Omega"Gary RussellNev FountainFifth Doctor, OmegaAugust 2003 (2003-08)
48"Davros"Gary RussellLance ParkinSixth Doctor, DavrosSeptember 2003 (2003-09)
49"Master"Gary RussellJoseph LidsterSeventh Doctor, The MasterOctober 2003 (2003-10)
50"Zagreus"Gary RussellGary Russell & Alan BarnesThird Doctor, Fifth Doctor, Sixth Doctor, Seventh Doctor, Eighth Doctor, Charley, Romana II, Leela, K9, RassilonNovember 2003 (2003-11)
51"The Wormery"Gary RussellStephen Cole & Paul MagrsSixth Doctor, Iris WildthymeNovember 2003 (2003-11)
52"Scherzo"Gary RussellRobert ShearmanEighth Doctor, CharleyDecember 2003 (2003-12)


No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
53"The Creed of the Kromon"Gary RussellPhilip MartinEighth Doctor, Charley, C'rizz, the Kro'Ka, KromonJanuary 2004 (2004-01)
54"The Natural History of Fear"Gary RussellJim MortimoreEighth Doctor, Charley, C'rizzFebruary 2004 (2004-02)
55"The Twilight Kingdom"Gary RussellWill ShindlerEighth Doctor, Charley, C'rizzMarch 2004 (2004-03)
56"The Axis of Insanity"Gary RussellSimon FurmanFifth Doctor, Peri, Erimem, Jarra ToApril 2004 (2004-04)
57"Arrangements for War"Gary RussellPaul SuttonSixth Doctor, EvelynMay 2004 (2004-05)
58"The Harvest"Gary RussellDan AbnettSeventh Doctor, Ace, Hex, CybermenJune 2004 (2004-06)
59"The Roof of the World"Gary RussellAdrian RigelsfordFifth Doctor, Peri, ErimemJuly 2004 (2004-07)
60"Medicinal Purposes"Gary RussellRobert RossSixth Doctor, Evelyn, Burke and HareAugust 2004 (2004-08)
61"Faith Stealer"Gary RussellGraham DuffEighth Doctor, Charley, C'rizzSeptember 2004 (2004-09)
62"The Last"Gary RussellGary HopkinsEighth Doctor, Charley, C'rizzOctober 2004 (2004-10)
63"Caerdroia"Gary RussellLloyd RoseEighth Doctor, Charley, C'rizzNovember 2004 (2004-11)
64"The Next Life"Gary RussellAlan Barnes & Gary RussellEighth Doctor, Charley, C'rizz, RassilonDecember 2004 (2004-12)


No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
65"The Juggernauts"Gary RussellScott Alan WoodardSixth Doctor, Mel, Davros, Daleks, MechonoidsJanuary 2005 (2005-01)
66"The Game"Gary RussellDarin HenryFifth Doctor, NyssaFebruary 2005 (2005-02)
67"Dreamtime"Gary RussellSimon A. ForwardSeventh Doctor, Ace, HexMarch 2005 (2005-03)
68"Catch-1782"Gary RussellAlison LawsonSixth Doctor, MelApril 2005 (2005-04)
69"Three's a Crowd"Gary RussellColin BrakeFifth Doctor, Peri, ErimemMay 2005 (2005-05)
70"Unregenerate!"John AinsworthDavid A. McInteeSeventh Doctor, MelJune 2005 (2005-06)
71"The Council of Nicaea"Gary RussellCaroline SymcoxFifth Doctor, Peri, ErimemJuly 2005 (2005-07)
72"Terror Firma"Gary RussellJoseph LidsterEighth Doctor, Charley, C'rizz, Samson and Gemma Griffin, Davros, DaleksAugust 2005 (2005-08)
73"Thicker Than Water"Edward SaltPaul SuttonSixth Doctor, Mel, EvelynSeptember 2005 (2005-09)
74"LIVE 34"Gary RussellJames Parsons & Andrew Stirling-BrownSeventh Doctor, Ace, HexSeptember 2005 (2005-09)
75"Scaredy Cat"Nigel FairsWill ShindlerEighth Doctor, Charley, C'rizzOctober 2005 (2005-10)
76"Singularity"Gary RussellJames SwallowFifth Doctor, TurloughNovember 2005 (2005-11)
77"Other Lives"Gary RussellGary HopkinsEighth Doctor, Charley, C'rizzDecember 2005 (2005-12)


No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
78"Pier Pressure"Gary RussellRobert RossSixth Doctor, EvelynJanuary 2006 (2006-01)
79"Night Thoughts"Gary RussellEdward YoungSeventh Doctor, Ace, HexFebruary 2006 (2006-02)
80"Time Works"Edward SaltSteve LyonsEighth Doctor, Charley, C'rizzMarch 2006 (2006-03)
81"The Kingmaker"Gary RussellNev FountainFifth Doctor, Peri, ErimemApril 2006 (2006-04)
82"The Settling"Gary RussellSimon GuerrierSeventh Doctor, Ace, HexMay 2006 (2006-05)
83"Something Inside"Nicholas BriggsTrevor BaxendaleEighth Doctor, Charley, C'rizzJune 2006 (2006-06)
84"The Nowhere Place"Nicholas BriggsNicholas BriggsSixth Doctor, EvelynJuly 2006 (2006-07)
85"Red"Gary RussellStewart SheargoldSeventh Doctor, MelAugust 2006 (2006-08)
86"The Reaping"Gary RussellJoseph LidsterSixth Doctor, Peri, CybermenSeptember 2006 (2006-09)
87"The Gathering"Gary RussellJoseph LidsterFifth Doctor, Tegan, CybermenSeptember 2006 (2006-09)
88"Memory Lane"Gary RussellEddie RobsonEighth Doctor, Charley, C'rizzOctober 2006 (2006-10)
89"No Man's Land"John AinsworthMartin DaySeventh Doctor, Ace, HexNovember 2006 (2006-11)
90"Year of the Pig"Gary RussellMatthew SweetSixth Doctor, Peri, Toby the Sapient PigDecember 2006 (2006-12)


No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
91"Spring"John AinsworthPaul Cornell & Mike MaddoxFifth Doctor, NyssaJanuary 2007 (2007-01)
"Summer"John AinsworthPaul Cornell & Mike MaddoxFifth Doctor, NyssaJanuary 2007 (2007-01)
"Autumn"John AinsworthPaul Cornell & Mike MaddoxFifth Doctor, NyssaJanuary 2007 (2007-01)
"Winter"John AinsworthPaul Cornell & Mike MaddoxFifth Doctor, Nyssa, KamelionJanuary 2007 (2007-01)
Anthology release titled Circular Time.
92"Nocturne"John AinsworthDan AbnettSeventh Doctor, Ace, HexFebruary 2007 (2007-02)
93"Renaissance of the Daleks"John AinsworthChristopher H. BidmeadFifth Doctor, Nyssa, DaleksMarch 2007 (2007-03)
94"I.D. & Urgent Calls"John AinsworthEddie RobsonSixth Doctor, ScandroidsApril 2007 (2007-04)
95"Exotron & Urban Myths"Barnaby EdwardsPaul SuttonFifth Doctor, PeriMay 2007 (2007-05)
96"Valhalla"John AinsworthMarc PlattSeventh Doctor, NoneJune 2007 (2007-06)
97"The Wishing Beast & The Vanity Box"John AinsworthPaul MagrsSixth Doctor, MelJuly 2007 (2007-07)
98"Frozen Time"Barnaby EdwardsNicholas BriggsSeventh Doctor, Ice WarriorsAugust 2007 (2007-08)
99"Son of the Dragon"Barnaby EdwardsSteve LyonsFifth Doctor, Peri, ErimemSeptember 2007 (2007-09)
100"100 BC"Nicholas BriggsJacqueline RaynerSixth Doctor, EvelynSeptember 2007 (2007-09)
"My Own Private Wolfgang"Nicholas BriggsRob ShearmanSixth Doctor, EvelynSeptember 2007 (2007-09)
"Bedtime Story"Nicholas BriggsJoseph LidsterSixth Doctor, EvelynSeptember 2007 (2007-09)
"The 100 Days of the Doctor"Nicholas BriggsPaul CornellSixth Doctor, EvelynSeptember 2007 (2007-09)
Anthology release titled 100.
101"Absolution"Barnaby EdwardsScott Alan WoodardEighth Doctor, Charley, C'rizzOctober 2007 (2007-10)
102"The Mind's Eye"Barnaby EdwardsColin BrakeFifth Doctor, Peri, Erimem, Peri, ViyransNovember 2007 (2007-11)
"Mission of the Viyrans"Barnaby EdwardsNicholas BriggsFifth Doctor, Peri, Erimem, Peri, ViyransNovember 2007 (2007-11)
103"The Girl Who Never Was"Barnaby EdwardsAlan BarnesEighth Doctor, Charley, CybermenDecember 2007 (2007-12)


No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
104"The Bride of Peladon"Barnaby EdwardsBarnaby EdwardsFifth Doctor, Peri, Erimem, Alpha Centauri, Ice Warriors, OsiranJanuary 2008 (2008-01)
105"The Condemned"Nicholas BriggsEddie RobsonSixth Doctor, Charley, DI MenziesFebruary 2008 (2008-02)
106"The Dark Husband"Nicholas BriggsDavid QuantickSeventh Doctor, Ace, HexMarch 2008 (2008-03)
107"The Haunting of Thomas Brewster"Barnaby EdwardsJonathan MorrisFifth Doctor, Nyssa, BrewsterApril 2008 (2008-04)
108"Assassin in the Limelight"Barnaby EdwardsRobert RossSixth Doctor, EvelynMay 2008 (2008-05)
109"The Death Collectors"Ken BentleyStewart SheargoldSeventh Doctor, Dar TradersJune 2008 (2008-06)
"Spider's Shadow"Ken BentleyStewart SheargoldSeventh Doctor, Dar TradersJune 2008 (2008-06)
110"The Boy That Time Forgot"Barnaby EdwardsPaul MagrsFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Brewster, AdricJuly 2008 (2008-07)
111"The Doomwood Curse"Barnaby EdwardsJacqueline RaynerSixth Doctor, Charley, GrelAugust 2008 (2008-08)
112"Kingdom of Silver"Ken BentleyJames SwallowSeventh Doctor, CybermenSeptember 2008 (2008-09)
"Keepsake"Nicholas BriggsJames SwallowSeventh Doctor, CybermenSeptember 2008 (2008-09)
113"Time Reef"Barnaby EdwardsMarc PlattFifth Doctor, Nyssa, BrewsterSeptember 2008 (2008-09)
"A Perfect World"Barnaby EdwardsJonathan MorrisFifth Doctor, Nyssa, BrewsterSeptember 2008 (2008-09)
114"Brotherhood of the Daleks"Nicholas BriggsAlan BarnesSixth Doctor, Charley, Daleks, ThalsOctober 2008 (2008-10)
115"False Gods"Ken BentleyMark MorrisSeventh Doctor, Ace, HexNovember 2008 (2008-11)
"Order of Simplicity"Ken BentleyNick ScovellSeventh Doctor, Ace, HexNovember 2008 (2008-11)
"Casualties of War"Ken BentleyMark MichalowskiSeventh Doctor, Ace, Hex, the ForgeNovember 2008 (2008-11)
"The Word Lord"Ken BentleySteven HallSeventh Doctor, Ace, Hex, Nobody No-OneNovember 2008 (2008-11)
Anthology release titled Forty-five.
116"The Raincloud Man"Nicholas BriggsEddie RobsonSixth Doctor, Charley, DI MenziesDecember 2008 (2008-12)


No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
117"The Judgement of Isskar"Jason Haigh-EllerySimon GuerrierFifth Doctor, Amy, Zara, Ice WarriorsJanuary 2009 (2009-01)
118"The Destroyer of Delights"Lisa BowermanJonathan ClementsFifth Doctor, Amy, Black Guardian, White GuardianFebruary 2009 (2009-02)
119"The Chaos Pool"Lisa BowermanPeter AnghelidesFifth Doctor, Amy, Zara, Black Guardian, White Guardian, Romana IIMarch 2009 (2009-03)
120"The Magic Mousetrap"Ken BentleyMatthew SweetSeventh Doctor, Ace, Hex, Celestial ToymakerApril 2009 (2009-04)
121"Enemy of the Daleks"Ken BentleyDavid BishopSeventh Doctor, Ace, Hex, DaleksMay 2009 (2009-05)
122"The Angel of Scutari"Ken BentleyPaul SuttonSeventh Doctor, Ace, HexJune 2009 (2009-06)
123"Benny's Story"Nicholas BriggsLance ParkinEighth Doctor, BennyJuly 2009 (2009-07)
"Fitz's Story"Nicholas BriggsStephen ColeEighth Doctor, FitzJuly 2009 (2009-07)
"Izzy's Story"Nicholas BriggsAlan BarnesEighth Doctor, IzzyJuly 2009 (2009-07)
"Mary's Story"Nicholas BriggsJonathan MorrisEighth Doctor, Mary ShelleyJuly 2009 (2009-07)
Anthology release titled The Company of Friends.
124"Patient Zero"Nicholas BriggsNicholas BriggsSixth Doctor, Charley, Mila, Daleks, ViyransAugust 2009 (2009-08)
125"Paper Cuts"Nicholas BriggsMarc PlattSixth Doctor, Mila, DraconiansSeptember 2009 (2009-09)
126"Blue Forgotten Planet"Nicholas BriggsNicholas BriggsSixth Doctor, Charley, Mila, ViyransSeptember 2009 (2009-09)
127"Castle of Fear"Barnaby EdwardsAlan BarnesFifth Doctor, Nyssa, RutansOctober 2009 (2009-10)
128"The Eternal Summer"Barnaby EdwardsJonathan MorrisFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Maxwell EdisonNovember 2009 (2009-11)
129"Plague of the Daleks"Barnaby EdwardsMark MorrisFifth Doctor, Nyssa, DaleksDecember 2009 (2009-12)


No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
130"A Thousand Tiny Wings"Lisa BowermanAndy LaneSeventh Doctor, KleinJanuary 2010 (2010-01)
131"Survival of the Fittest"John AinsworthJonathan ClementsSeventh Doctor, Eighth Doctor, KleinFebruary 2010 (2010-02)
"Klein's Story"John AinsworthJohn Ainsworth & Lee MansfieldSeventh Doctor, Eighth Doctor, KleinFebruary 2010 (2010-02)
132"The Architects of History"John AinsworthSteve LyonsSeventh Doctor, Klein, Rachel Cooper, SelachiansMarch 2010 (2010-03)
133"City of Spires"Nicholas BriggsSimon BoveySixth Doctor, JamieApril 2010 (2010-04)
134"The Wreck of the Titan"Barnaby EdwardsBarnaby EdwardsSixth Doctor, JamieMay 2010 (2010-05)
135"Legend of the Cybermen"Nicholas BriggsMike MaddoxSixth Doctor, Jamie, Zoe, CybermenJune 2010 (2010-06)
136"Cobwebs"Barnaby EdwardsJonathan MorrisFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, TurloughJuly 2010 (2010-07)
137"The Whispering Forest"Barnaby EdwardsStephen ColeFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, TurloughAugust 2010 (2010-08)
138"The Cradle of the Snake"Barnaby EdwardsMarc PlattFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough, MaraSeptember 2010 (2010-09)
139"Project: Destiny"Ken BentleyCavan Scott & Mark WrightSeventh Doctor, Ace, Hex, Nimrod, AristedesSeptember 2010 (2010-09)
140"A Death in the Family"Ken BentleySteven HallSeventh Doctor, Ace, Hex, Evelyn, Nobody No-OneOctober 2010 (2010-10)
141"Lurkers at Sunlight's Edge"Ken BentleyMarty RossSeventh Doctor, Ace, HexNovember 2010 (2010-11)
142"The Demons of Red Lodge"Ken BentleyJason ArnoppFifth Doctor, NyssaDecember 2010 (2010-12)
"The Entropy Composition"Ken BentleyRick BriggsFifth Doctor, NyssaDecember 2010 (2010-12)
"Doing Time"Ken BentleyWilliam GallagherFifth Doctor, NyssaDecember 2010 (2010-12)
"Special Features"Ken BentleyJohn DorneyFifth Doctor, NyssaDecember 2010 (2010-12)
Anthology release titled The Demons of Red Lodge and Other Stories.


No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
143"The Crimes of Thomas Brewster"Nicholas BriggsJonathan MorrisSixth Doctor, Evelyn, Brewster, Flip Jackson, DI MenziesJanuary 2011 (2011-01)
144"The Feast of Axos"Nicholas BriggsMike MaddoxSixth Doctor, Evelyn, Brewster, AxonsFebruary 2011 (2011-02)
145"Industrial Evolution"Nicholas BriggsEddie RobsonSixth Doctor, Evelyn, BrewsterMarch 2011 (2011-03)
146"Heroes of Sontar"Ken BentleyAlan BarnesFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough, SontaransApril 2011 (2011-04)
147"Kiss of Death"Ken BentleyStephen ColeFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, TurloughMay 2011 (2011-05)
148"Rat Trap"Ken BentleyTony LeeFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, TurloughJune 2011 (2011-06)
149"Robophobia"Nicholas BriggsNicholas BriggsSeventh Doctor, Voc Robots, Liv ChenkaJuly 2011 (2011-07)
150"Recorded Time"Ken BentleyCatherine HarveySixth Doctor, PeriAugust 2011 (2011-08)
"Paradoxicide"Ken BentleyRichard DinnickSixth Doctor, PeriAugust 2011 (2011-08)
"A Most Excellent Match"Ken BentleyMatt FittonSixth Doctor, PeriAugust 2011 (2011-08)
"Question Marks"Ken BentleyPhilip LawrenceSixth Doctor, PeriAugust 2011 (2011-08)
Anthology release titled Recorded Time and Other Stories.
151"The Doomsday Quatrain"Ken BentleyEmma Beeby & Gordon RennieSeventh Doctor, NoneSeptember 2011 (2011-09)
152"House of Blue Fire"Ken BentleyMark MorrisSeventh Doctor, SallySeptember 2011 (2011-09)
153"The Silver Turk"Barnaby EdwardsMarc PlattEighth Doctor, Mary Shelley, CybermenOctober 2011 (2011-10)
154"The Witch from the Well"Barnaby EdwardsRick BriggsEighth Doctor, Mary ShelleyNovember 2011 (2011-11)
155"Army of Death"Barnaby EdwardsJason ArnoppEighth Doctor, Mary ShelleyDecember 2011 (2011-12)


No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
156"The Curse of Davros"Nicholas BriggsJonathan MorrisSixth Doctor, Flip, Davros, DaleksJanuary 2012 (2012-01)
157"The Fourth Wall"Nicholas BriggsJohn DorneySixth Doctor, FlipFebruary 2012 (2012-02)
158"Wirrn Isle"Nicholas BriggsWilliam GallagherSixth Doctor, Flip, WirrnMarch 2012 (2012-03)
159"The Emerald Tiger"Barnaby EdwardsBarnaby EdwardsFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, TurloughApril 2012 (2012-04)
160"The Jupiter Conjunction"Ken BentleyEddie RobsonFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, TurloughMay 2012 (2012-05)
161"The Butcher of Brisbane"Ken BentleyMarc PlattFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough, Magnus GreelJune 2012 (2012-06)
162"Protect and Survive"Ken BentleyJonathan MorrisSeventh Doctor, Ace, Hex, Aristedes, SallyJuly 2012 (2012-07)
163"Black and White"Ken BentleyMatt FittonSeventh Doctor, Ace, Hex, Aristedes, Sally, GarundelAugust 2012 (2012-08)
164"Gods and Monsters"Ken BentleyMike Maddox & Alan BarnesSeventh Doctor, Ace, Hex, Aristedes, Sally, Fenric, HaemovoresSeptember 2012 (2012-09)
165"The Burning Prince"Ken BentleyJohn DorneyFifth Doctor, NoneSeptember 2012 (2012-09)
166"The Acheron Pulse"Ken BentleyRick BriggsSixth Doctor, The WrathOctober 2012 (2012-10)
167"The Shadow Heart"Ken BentleyJonathan MorrisSeventh Doctor, The WrathNovember 2012 (2012-11)
168"My Brother's Keeper"Barnaby EdwardsGordon RennieFifth Doctor, NyssaDecember 2012 (2012-12)
"The Interplanetarian"Barnaby EdwardsJonathan BarnesFifth Doctor, NyssaDecember 2012 (2012-12)
"Smuggling Tales"Barnaby EdwardsCatherine HarveyFifth Doctor, NyssaDecember 2012 (2012-12)
"1001 Nights"Barnaby EdwardsEmma BeebyFifth Doctor, NyssaDecember 2012 (2012-12)
Anthology release titled 1001 Nights.


No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
169"The Wrong Doctors"Nicholas BriggsMatt FittonSixth Doctor, MelJanuary 2013 (2013-01)
170"Spaceport Fear"Barnaby EdwardsWilliam GallagherSixth Doctor, MelFebruary 2013 (2013-02)
171"The Seeds of War"Barnaby EdwardsMatt Fitton & Nicholas BriggsSixth Doctor, Mel, The EminenceMarch 2013 (2013-03)
172"Eldrad Must Die!"Ken BentleyMarc PlattFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough, EldradApril 2013 (2013-04)
173"The Lady of Mercia"Ken BentleyPaul MagrsFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, TurloughMay 2013 (2013-05)
174"Prisoners of Fate"Ken BentleyJonathan MorrisFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, TurloughJune 2013 (2013-06)
175"Persuasion"Ken BentleyJonathan BarnesSeventh Doctor, Klein, WillJuly 2013 (2013-07)
176"Starlight Robbery"Ken BentleyMatt FittonSeventh Doctor, Klein, Will, Garundel, SontaransAugust 2013 (2013-08)
177"Daleks Among Us"Ken BentleyAlan BarnesSeventh Doctor, Klein, Will, Davros, DaleksSeptember 2013 (2013-09)
178"1963: Fanfare for the Common Men"Barnaby EdwardsEddie RobsonFifth Doctor, NyssaSeptember 2013 (2013-09)
179"1963: The Space Race"Nicholas BriggsJonathan MorrisSixth Doctor, PeriOctober 2013 (2013-10)
180"1963: The Assassination Games"Ken BentleyJohn DorneySeventh Doctor, Ace, Counter-MeasuresNovember 2013 (2013-11)
181"Afterlife"Ken BentleyMatt FittonSeventh Doctor, Ace, Hex, SallyDecember 2013 (2013-12)


No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
182"Antidote to Oblivion"Nicholas BriggsPhilip MartinSixth Doctor, Flip, SilJanuary 2014 (2014-01)
183"The Brood of Erys"Nicholas BriggsAndrew SmithSixth Doctor, FlipFebruary 2014 (2014-02)
184"Scavenger"Nicholas BriggsWilliam GallagherSixth Doctor, FlipMarch 2014 (2014-03)
185"Moonflesh"Ken BentleyMark MorrisFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Hannah BartholemewApril 2014 (2014-04)
186"Tomb Ship"Ken BentleyGordon Rennie & Emma BeebyFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Hannah BartholemewMay 2014 (2014-05)
187"Masquerade"Ken BentleyStephen ColeFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Hannah Bartholemew, The Steamroller ManJune 2014 (2014-06)
188"Breaking Bubbles"Nicholas BriggsL M MylesSixth Doctor, PeriJuly 2014 (2014-07)
"Of Chaos Time The"Nicholas BriggsMark RavenhillSixth Doctor, PeriJuly 2014 (2014-07)
"An Eye for Murder"Nicholas BriggsUna McCormackSixth Doctor, PeriJuly 2014 (2014-07)
"The Curious Incident of the Doctor in the Night-Time"Nicholas BriggsNev FountainSixth Doctor, PeriJuly 2014 (2014-07)
Anthology release titled Breaking Bubbles and Other Stories.
189"Revenge of the Swarm"Ken BentleyJonathan MorrisSeventh Doctor, Ace, Hex, The SwarmAugust 2014 (2014-08)
190"Mask of Tragedy"Ken BentleyJames GossSeventh Doctor, Ace, HexSeptember 2014 (2014-09)
191"Signs and Wonders"Ken BentleyMatt FittonSeventh Doctor, Ace, Hex, SallySeptember 2014 (2014-09)
192"The Widow's Assassin"Ken BentleyNev FountainSixth Doctor, Peri, Sil, FlipOctober 2014 (2014-10)
193"Masters of Earth"Nicholas BriggsCavan Scott & Mark WrightSixth Doctor, Peri, DaleksNovember 2014 (2014-11)
194"The Rani Elite"Ken BentleyJustin RichardsSixth Doctor, Peri, the RaniDecember 2014 (2014-12)


No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
195"Mistfall"Ken BentleyAndrew SmithFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough, MarshmenJanuary 2015 (2015-01)
196"Equilibrium"Ken BentleyMatt FittonFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, TurloughFebruary 2015 (2015-02)
197"The Entropy Plague"Ken BentleyJonathan MorrisFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, TurloughMarch 2015 (2015-03)
198"The Defectors"Nicholas BriggsNicholas BriggsSeventh Doctor, Jo Grant, Mike YatesApril 2015 (2015-04)
199"Last of the Cybermen"Ken BentleyAlan BarnesSixth Doctor, Jamie McCrimmon, Zoe Heriot, CybermenMay 2015 (2015-05)
200"The Secret History"Barnaby EdwardsEddie RobsonFifth Doctor, Vicki, Steven Taylor, the MonkJune 2015 (2015-06)
201"We Are the Daleks"Ken BentleyJonathan MorrisSeventh Doctor, Mel, DaleksJuly 2015 (2015-07)
202"The Warehouse"Barnaby EdwardsMike TuckerSeventh Doctor, MelAugust 2015 (2015-08)
203"Terror of the Sontarans"Ken BentleyJohn Dorney & Dan StarkeySeventh Doctor, Mel, SontaransSeptember 2015 (2015-09)
204"Criss-Cross"Ken BentleyMatt FittonSixth Doctor, ConstanceSeptember 2015 (2015-09)
205"Planet of the Rani"Ken BentleyMarc PlattSixth Doctor, Constance, the RaniOctober 2015 (2015-10)
206"Shield of the Jötunn"Louise JamesonIan EdgintonSixth Doctor, ConstanceNovember 2015 (2015-11)
207"You Are the Doctor"Ken BentleyJohn DorneySeventh Doctor, AceDecember 2015 (2015-12)
"Come Die With Me"Ken BentleyJamie AndersonSeventh Doctor, AceDecember 2015 (2015-12)
"The Grand Betelgeuse Hotel"Ken BentleyChristopher CooperSeventh Doctor, AceDecember 2015 (2015-12)
"Dead to the World"Ken BentleyMatthew ElliottSeventh Doctor, AceDecember 2015 (2015-12)
Anthology release titled You Are the Doctor and Other Stories.


No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
208"The Waters of Amsterdam"Jamie AndersonJonathan MorrisFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, NyxJanuary 2016 (2016-01)
209"Aquitaine"Ken BentleySimon Barnard & Paul MorrisFifth Doctor, Nyssa, TeganFebruary 2016 (2016-02)
210"The Peterloo Massacre"Jamie AndersonPaul MagrsFifth Doctor, Nyssa, TeganMarch 2016 (2016-03)
211"And You Will Obey Me"Jamie AndersonAlan BarnesFifth Doctor, The MasterApril 2016 (2016-04)
212"Vampire of the Mind"Jamie AndersonJustin RichardsSixth Doctor, The MasterMay 2016 (2016-05)
213"The Two Masters"Jamie AndersonJohn DorneySeventh Doctor, The MasterJune 2016 (2016-06)
214"A Life of Crime"Ken BentleyMatt FittonSeventh Doctor, Mel, AceJuly 2016 (2016-07)
215"Fiesta of the Damned"Ken BentleyGuy AdamsSeventh Doctor, Mel, AceAugust 2016 (2016-08)
216"Maker of Demons"Ken BentleyMatthew J ElliottSeventh Doctor, Mel, AceSeptember 2016 (2016-09)
217"The Memory Bank"Helen GoldwynChris ChapmanFifth Doctor, TurloughOctober 2016 (2016-10)
"The Last Fairy Tale"Helen GoldwynPaul MagrsFifth Doctor, TurloughOctober 2016 (2016-10)
"Repeat Offender"Helen GoldwynEddie RobsonFifth Doctor, TurloughOctober 2016 (2016-10)
"The Becoming"Helen GoldwynIan PotterFifth Doctor, TurloughOctober 2016 (2016-10)
Anthology release titled The Memory Bank and Other Stories.
218"Order of the Daleks"Jamie AndersonMike TuckerSixth Doctor, Constance, DaleksNovember 2016 (2016-11)
219"Absolute Power"Jamie AndersonJamie AndersonSixth Doctor, ConstanceDecember 2016 (2016-12)
220"Quicksilver"Jamie AndersonMatt FittonSixth Doctor, Constance, FlipDecember 2016 (2016-12)


No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
221"The Star Men"Barnaby EdwardsAndrew SmithFifth Doctor, Adric, Nyssa, TeganJanuary 2017 (2017-01)
222"The Contingency Club"Barnaby EdwardsPhil MulryneFifth Doctor, Adric, Nyssa, TeganFebruary 2017 (2017-02)
223"Zaltys"Barnaby EdwardsMatthew J ElliottFifth Doctor, Adric, Nyssa, TeganMarch 2017 (2017-03)
224"Alien Heart"Ken BentleyStephen ColeFifth Doctor, Nyssa, DaleksApril 2017 (2017-04)
"Dalek Soul"Ken BentleyGuy AdamsFifth Doctor, Nyssa, DaleksApril 2017 (2017-04)
225"Vortex Ice"Ken BentleyJonathan MorrisSixth Doctor, FlipMay 2017 (2017-05)
"Cortex Fire"Ken BentleyIan PotterSixth Doctor, FlipMay 2017 (2017-05)
226"Shadow Planet"Ken BentleyAK BenedictSeventh Doctor, Ace, HexJune 2017 (2017-06)
"World Apart"Ken BentleyScott HandcockSeventh Doctor, Ace, HexJune 2017 (2017-06)
227"The High Price of Parking"Ken BentleyJohn DorneySeventh Doctor, Ace, MelJuly 2017 (2017-07)
228"The Blood Furnace"Ken BentleyEddie RobsonSeventh Doctor, Ace, MelAugust 2017 (2017-08)
229"The Silurian Candidate"Ken BentleyMatthew J ElliotSeventh Doctor, Ace, Mel, SiluriansSeptember 2017 (2017-09)
230"Time in Office"Helen GoldwynEddie RobsonFifth Doctor, Tegan, LeelaSeptember 2017 (2017-09)
231"The Behemoth"Jamie AndersonMarc PlattSixth Doctor, Constance, FlipOctober 2017 (2017-10)
232"The Middle"Jamie AndersonChris ChapmanSixth Doctor, Constance, FlipNovember 2017 (2017-11)
233"Static"Jamie AndersonJonathan MorrisSixth Doctor, Constance, Flip,The StaticDecember 2017 (2017-12)


No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
234"Kingdom of Lies"Barnaby EdwardsRobert Khan & Tom SalinskyFifth Doctor, Adric, Nyssa, TeganJanuary 2018 (2018-01)
235"Ghost Walk"Barnaby EdwardsJames GossFifth Doctor, Adric, Nyssa, Tegan, SabaothFebruary 2018 (2018-02)
236"Serpent in the Silver Mask"Barnaby EdwardsDavid LlewellynFifth Doctor, Adric, Nyssa, TeganMarch 2018 (2018-03)
237"The Helliax Rift"Jamie AndersonScott HandcockFifth Doctor, Daniel HopkinsApril 2018 (2018-04)
238"The Lure of the Nomad"John AinsworthMatthew J ElliottSixth Doctor, Mathew SharpeMay 2018 (2018-05)
239"Iron Bright"John AinsworthChris ChapmanSixth Doctor, NoneJune 2018 (2018-06)
240"Hour of the Cybermen"Jamie AndersonAndrew SmithSixth Doctor, Daniel Hopkins, Cyber Leader, Cyber Lieutenant, CybermenJuly 2018 (2018-07)
241"Red Planets"Jamie AndersonUna McCormackSeventh Doctor, Ace, MelAugust 2018 (2018-08)
242"The Dispossessed"Jamie AndersonMark MorrisSeventh Doctor, Ace, MelSeptember 2018 (2018-09)
243"The Quantum Possibility Engine"Jamie AndersonGuy AdamsSeventh Doctor, Ace, Mel, NarvinOctober 2018 (2018-10)
244"Warlock's Cross"Jamie AndersonSteve LyonsSeventh Doctor, Klein, Daniel HopkinsNovember 2018 (2018-11)
245"Muse of Fire"Jamie AndersonPaul MagrsSeventh Doctor, Ace, Hex, Iris WildthymeDecember 2018 (2018-12)
246"The Hunting Ground"John AinsworthA K BenedictSixth Doctor, NoneDecember 2018 (2018-12)


No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
247"Devil in the Mist"Ken BentleyCavan ScottFifth Doctor, Tegan, Turlough, KamelionJanuary 2019 (2019-01)
248"Black Thursday"Ken BentleyJamie AndersonFifth Doctor, Tegan, Turlough, KamelionFebruary 2019 (2019-02)
"Power Game"Ken BentleyEddie RobsonFifth Doctor, Tegan, Turlough, KamelionFebruary 2019 (2019-02)
249"The Kamelion Empire"Ken BentleyJonathan MorrisFifth Doctor, Tegan, Turlough, KamelionMarch 2019 (2019-03)
250"The Monsters of Gokroth"Samuel ClemensMatt FittonSeventh Doctor, MagsApril 2019 (2019-04)
251"The Moons of Vulpana"Samuel ClemensEmma ReevesSeventh Doctor, MagsMay 2019 (2019-05)
252"An Alien Werewolf in London"Samuel ClemensAlan BarnesSeventh Doctor, Mags, AceJune 2019 (2019-06)
253"Memories of a Tyrant"John AinsworthRoland MooreSixth Doctor, PeriJuly 2019 (2019-07)
254"Emissary of the Daleks"John AinsworthAndrew SmithSixth Doctor, Peri, DaleksAugust 2019 (2019-08)
255"Harry Houdini's War"Ken BentleySteve LyonsSixth Doctor, Peri, Harry HoudiniSeptember 2019 (2019-09)
256"Tartarus"Scott HandcockDavid LlewellynFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Marc, CiceroSeptember 2019 (2019-09)
257"Interstitial"Scott HandcockCarl RowensFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, MarcOctober 2019 (2019-10)
"Feast of Fear"Scott HandcockMartyn WaitesFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, MarcOctober 2019 (2019-10)
258"Warzone"Scott HandcockGuy AdamsFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, MarcNovember 2019 (2019-11)
"Conversion"Scott HandcockChris ChapmanFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Marc, CybermenNovember 2019 (2019-11)
259"Blood on Santa's Claw"John AinsworthAlan TerigoSixth Doctor, Peri, Joe CarnabyDecember 2019 (2019-12)
"The Baby Awakes"John AinsworthSusan DennomSixth Doctor, Peri, Joe CarnabyDecember 2019 (2019-12)
"I Wish It Could Be Christmas Every Day"John AinsworthAndrew LiasSixth Doctor, Peri, Joe CarnabyDecember 2019 (2019-12)
"Brightly Shone the Moon That Night"John AinsworthNev FountainSixth Doctor, Peri, Joe CarnabyDecember 2019 (2019-12)
Anthology release titled Blood on Santa's Claw and Other Stories.


No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
260"Dark Universe"Ken BentleyGuy AdamsSeventh Doctor, Ace, The Eleven, OlistraJanuary 2020 (2020-01)
261"The Psychic Circus"Samuel ClemensStephen WyattSeventh Doctor, The Master, Gods of RagnorokFebruary 2020 (2020-02)
262"Subterfuge"Samuel ClemensHelen GoldwynSeventh Doctor, Churchill, The Monk,March 2020 (2020-03)
263"Cry of the Vultriss"John AinsworthDarren JonesSixth Doctor, Constance, Flip, Ice WarriorsApril 2020 (2020-04)
264"Scorched Earth"John AinsworthChris ChapmanSixth Doctor, Constance, FlipMay 2020 (2020-05)
265"The Lovecraft Invasion"Scott HandcockRobert ValentineSixth Doctor, Constance, Flip, H.P. LovecraftJuly 2020 (2020-07)[lower-alpha 1]
266"Ghost Station"Ken BentleySteve LyonsFifth DoctorJuly 2020 (2020-07)
"The Bridge Master"Ken BentleyJacuqeline RaynerFifth DoctorJuly 2020 (2020-07)
"What Lurks Down Under"Ken BentleyTommy DonbavandFifth DoctorJuly 2020 (2020-07)
"The Dancing Plague"Ken BentleyKate ThormanFifth DoctorJuly 2020 (2020-07)
Anthology release titled Time Apart.
267"Thin Time"Scott HandcockDan AbnettFifth DoctorAugust 2020 (2020-08)
"Madquake"Scott HandcockGuy AdamsFifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Marc, SlitheenAugust 2020 (2020-08)
268"The Flying Dutchman"[10]Samuel ClemensGemma ArrowsmithSeventh Doctor, Ace, HexSeptember 2020 (2020-09)
"Displaced"[10]Samuel ClemensKatharine ArmitageSeventh Doctor, Ace, HexSeptember 2020 (2020-09)
269"Aimed at the Body"[10]Ken BentleyJonathan MorrisFifth Doctor, DaleksOctober 2020 (2020-10)
"Lightspeed"[10]Ken BentleySimon GuerrierFifth Doctor, DaleksOctober 2020 (2020-10)
"The Bookshop at the End of the World"[10]Ken BentleyDan StarkeyFifth Doctor, DaleksOctober 2020 (2020-10)
"Interlude"[10]Ken BentleyJames KettleFifth Doctor, DaleksOctober 2020 (2020-10)
Anthology release titled Shadow of the Daleks 1.[10]
270"The Echo Chamber"[10]Ken BentleyLizzie HopleyFifth Doctor, DaleksNovember 2020 (2020-11)
"Towards Zero"[10]Ken BentleyJohn DorneyFifth Doctor, DaleksNovember 2020 (2020-11)
"Castle Hydra"[10]Ken BentleyRoland MooreFifth Doctor, DaleksNovember 2020 (2020-11)
"Effect and Cause"[10]Ken BentleyJonathan BarnesFifth Doctor, DaleksNovember 2020 (2020-11)
Anthology release titled Shadow of the Daleks 2.[10]
271"Plight of the Pimpernel"[10]John AinsworthChris ChapmanSixth Doctor, PeriDecember 2020 (2020-12)
272"The Grey Man of the Mountain"[10]Samuel ClemensLizbeth MylesSeventh Doctor, Ace, Brigadier Lethbridge-StewartDecember 2020 (2020-12)


No.TitleDirected byWritten byFeaturingReleased
273TBATBATBATBAJanuary 2021 (2021-01)[10]
274TBATBATBATBAFebruary 2021 (2021-02)[10]
275TBATBATBATBAMarch 2021 (2021-03)[10]


  1. This title suffered from a delay in production due to the COVID-19 lockdown, and was not released during the original release window of June 2020. It was ultimately released on 30 July 2020.[8][9]
gollark: Just store it in an unhackable OS, like potatOS.
gollark: And really, how will *bad* people reach your data at all?
gollark: Better than total data loss, Gala»«tone.
gollark: Put a tape drive beside the ĸomputer.
gollark: The nice thing about 3rot13 is that you can't lose access to your data by losing the key.


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