Dag Øistein Endsjø

Dag Øistein Endsjø (born 11 November 1968 in Ann Arbor, Michigan) is a Norwegian professor in religious studies at the University of Oslo, Norway published in twelve languages.[1]


Endsjø research focuses on the continuity between traditional Greek and early Christian beliefs, on sex and religion, religion and human rights, and religion and popular culture. In his book Greek Resurrection Beliefs and the Success of Christianity (2009), he demonstrated how Christian resurrection beliefs also connects to ancient Greek beliefs in resurrection and physical immortality.[2] The book Primordial Landscapes, Incorruptible Bodies (2008) deals with the continuity of geography, asceticism, immortality between traditional Greek and early Christian worldviews.[3]

Of his other books, Sex and Religion: Teachings and Taboos in the History of World Faiths has been published in eleven languages: Bulgarian,[4] Chinese,[5] English, Italian,[6] Macedonian,[7] Norwegian,[8] Polish,[9] Portuguese,[10] Serbian,[11], Swedish.[12], and Ukrainian,[13] while The History of Immortality is published in Norwegian[14] and Latvian.[15]

Endsjø has published various texts on religion and human rights,[16] religion and popular culture,[17] and the cultural understanding of space in ancient Greek religion.[18] He writes on a variety of political and popularized subjects in Norwegian media.[19]

As an expert on human rights, Endsjø also contributed to change the Norwegian equal rights legislation more in accordance with international human rights, as well as the national debate on equal rights into a general discussion of human rights.[20]

He is also the designer of the coat of arms of Fjord Municipality in Møre og Romsdal.[21]


  • Udødelighetens historie. Fra Jesus’ oppstandelse til zombier, antioksidanter og barn i ilden (History of immortality. From the resurrection of Jesus to zombies, antioxidants and children in the fire). Oslo: Cappelen Damm 2016. Also published in Latvian.
  • Sex and Religion: Teachings and Taboos in the History of World Faiths. London: Reaktion Books 2011. ISBN 978-1-86189-815-9. This book is also published in Bulgarian, Chinese, Italian, Macedonian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Serbian, Swedish and Ukrainian.
  • Det folk vil ha. Religion og populærkultur (What People Want. Religion and Popular Culture) (written together with Liv Ingeborg Lied). Oslo: Universitetsforlaget 2011. ISBN 978-82-15-01748-8
  • Greek Resurrection Beliefs and the Success of Christianity. New York: Palgrave Macmillan 2009.
  • Primordial Landscapes, Incorruptible Bodies. New York: Peter Lang 2008.
  • Naturlig sex. Seksualitet og kjønn i den kristne antikken (co-editor with Halvor Moxnes and Jostein Børtnes). Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk 2002.
  • Lei av kjønn? Nær-kjønn-opplevelser og andre beretninger fra virkeligheten (co-editor with Helge Svare). Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk Forlag 2001.

Other publications (selection)

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gollark: Oh, Syl became sentient and picked a longer name?!
gollark: This runs on a version of discord-irc, a Node.js program, which I made a bunch of tweaks to, in nano, with no testing outside of production, and indeed no indenting in many areas.
gollark: They aren't "messages". The bridge has to explicitly relay them.
gollark: Great!


  1. Dag Øistein Endsjø - University of Oslo
  2. Outi Lehtipuu Debates Over the Resurrection of the Dead: Constructing Early Christian Identity. Oxford University Press 2015: 62-65; Richard C. Miller Resurrection and Reception in Early Christianity Routledge 2014:196; Jeremy Punt “Paul, body, and resurrection in an imperial setting: Considering hermeneutics and power” in Neotestamentica 45 (2011): 311-30; Candida R. Moss “Heavenly Healing: Eschatological Cleansing and the Resurrection of the Dead in the Early Church” in Journal of the American Academy of Religion 79 (2011): 196; Dennis P. Quinn: “Review of Greek Resurrection Beliefs and the Success of Christianity – By Dag Øistein Endsjø” in Religion & Theology 17 (2010), 461-64; Per Bilde: “Greek Resurrection Beliefs and the Success of Christianity. Review” in Numen 58 (2011), 134-36.
  3. Primordial Landscapes, Incorruptible Bodies Peter Lang 2008.
  4. Даг Ойстейн Ендсьо. Сексът и религията. Персей/Perseus 2012.
  5. 性与宗教—世界信仰史上的信条与禁忌 Social Sciences Adademic Press 2014.
  6. Tra sesso e castità. Un viaggio fra dogmi e tabù nelle religioni del mondi. Odoya 2012.
  7. Даг Ејстејн Ендше. Сексот и религијата Archived 2015-11-19 at the Wayback Machine. Karpos Press 2014
  8. Sex og religion. Fra jomfruball til hellig homosex. Universitetsforlaget 2009.
  9. Seks a religia. Od balu dziewic po święty seks homoseksualny Archived 2012-08-02 at Archive.today. Czarnaowca 2011.
  10. Sexo e religião. Do baile de virgens sexo sagrado homossexual. Geração Editorial 2014.
  11. Dag Ejstejn Endše. Seks i religia. Karpos 2010.
  12. [https://web.archive.org/web/20110701091825/http://www.norstedts.se/bocker/utgiven/2011/Var/endsjo_dag-oistein-sex_och_religion-kartonnage/ Sex och religion. Från kyskhetsbal till heligt homosex. Norstedts 2011.
  13. Даг Ейстейн Ендшьо. Секс та релігія. Від балу цноти до благословенної гомосексуальності. Anetty Antonenko 2017.
  14. Udødelighetens historie. Fra Jesus' oppstandelse til zombier, antioksidanter og barn i ilden. Cappelen Damm 2016.
  15. Dāgs Eisteins Ennšē. Nemirstības vēsture. Unciti 2018.
  16. “Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights and the religious relativism of human rights”. Human Rights Review, vol. 6:2, 2005: 102-10; “Kirche und Ketzer. Wege und Abwege des Christentums” Tomas Hägg (ed.) Kirche und Ketzer. Wege und Abwege des Christentums. Böhlau Verlag 2010: 987-82; “I kjønnets grenseland. Vestens relative menneskerettighetsbegrep” in Mennesker og rettigheter. Nordic Journal for Human Rights number 4, 2001: 81-90.
  17. Det folk vil ha. Religion og populærkultur (co-written with Liv Ingeborg Lied). Universitetsforlaget 2011.
  18. “The queer periphery. Sexual deviancy and the cultural understanding of space” in Journal of Homosexuality 54 (2008): 9-20. “To control death. Sacrifice and space in classical Greece” in Religion 33 (2003): 323-340; “To lock up Eleusis. A question of liminal space” in Numen 47 (2000): 351-86; “Placing the Unplaceable. The Making of Apollonius’s Argonautic Geography” in Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 38 (1997): 373-85.
  19. Texts by Dag Øistein Endsjø on Cristin - Current Research Information System in Norway.
  20. “Dag Øistein Endsjø”. Entry on Endsjø in Skeivopedia, the University of Bergen encyclopedia on Norwegian LGBT history; Berit Vegheim “Ansvaret for diskriminering” in Dagbladet 16 April 2004; Christian Bjørnes “Leder. Flukten fra ansvaret” in Blikk number 5, 2004; Erna Solberg “Rettslig vern mot diskriminering” in Dagbladet 10 February 2005; Bent Høie “Vern mot diskriminering” Archived 2015-11-19 at the Wayback Machine on Gaysir 25 February 2005; Tore Rønning “Stortingets flertall inn for generelt diskrimineringsvern“ in Norges Blinde 21 April 2005; Innstilling fra justiskomiteen om lov om endringer i straffeloven 20 May 2005 nr. 28 mv. Innst. O. nr.73 (2008–2009), 5.2 Komiteens merknader; Håkon Haugli “Slutt på forskjellsbehandling” in Klassekampen 17 March 2010; Håkon Haugli (A) at Stortinget 9 March 2010 om Innstilling fra familie- og kulturkomiteen om endringer i arbeidsmiljøloven, likestillingsloven, diskrimineringsombudsloven og diskriminerings- og tilgjengelighetsloven (Homofile og kvinner i trossamfunn m.m.) (Innst. 158 L (2009–2010); Fartein Horgar “Hellig og blasfemisk i senga” in Adresseavisen 14 December 2009; André Oktay Dahl “Mindreverdige homofile” in Klassekampen 22 April 2009; Magnus Halsnes “Inspirerande og provoserande prisvinnar“ in Institutt for arkeologi, historie, kultur- og religionsvitenskap 5 February 2013; Hilde Danielsen, Eirinn Larsen, and Ingeborg Winderen Owesen Norsk likestillingshistorie 1814-2013. Fagbokforlaget 2013; Synnøve Ressem “Endsjø fornøyd med dommen” in Universitetsavisa 24 Januar 2003; Trine Nickelsen “— Dommen er gledelig i Uniforum 27 January 2003; Nordforsk “Norge dømt i EFTA-domstol” on Nordforsk 28 January 2003.
  21. .“No skal dei ‘spela’ kvarandre endå betre”. Sunnmørsposten 21 January 2020.
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