

The contubernium was, at least very late in the period (though it is possible the title existed in the late republic and early principate) led by a Decanus, who might crudely be described as the equivalent of a junior non-commissioned officer, however there is no evidence of a decanus exercising any kind of battlefield command role, regardless of any responsibilities they may have had in garrison or camp. They were presumably appointed from within the contubernium and were most likely the longest serving legionary.[2] Their duties would likely have included organising the erection of the marching tent and ensuring their tent-mates kept things tidy.[3]

Two auxiliary “servants”, vaguely equivalent to modern logistical support troops, were assigned to each contubernium.[1] They were responsible for the care of the contubernium's pack mule, making sure that the legionaries had water during the march, and may have had special skills like blacksmithing or carpentry (however legionaries often fulfilled specialist roles so it is very possible that they were simply grooms and servants.) There were 10 contubernia (8 men) each led by a decanus, in a century (100 men including 20 support staff) which was commanded by a centurion.

gollark: LIES!
gollark: Unless I had some really good reason. I don't know what.
gollark: I would NEVER use Golang.
gollark: Nim.
gollark: Fascinating.


  1. "The Roman Army of the Roman Republic". 2010. Retrieved 12 April 2010.
  2. "Roman Military Glossary". 15 Mar 2010. Archived from the original on 3 March 2015. Retrieved 12 April 2010.
  3. "Decanus 1st century AD". Retrieved 12 April 2010.

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