Chak 100/ML

Chak No 100 ML is a village situated in Union Council 98 ML, Karor Lal Esan Tehsil, Layyah District, Punjab, Pakistan.

Jamia Masjid Chak No 100 ML

It is located at a distance of about 15 km in west of Fatehpur (SubTehsil Of District Layyah). It is bounded on the north by Chak No. 99 ML, on the east by Chak No. 114 ML on the south by Chak No. 255 TDA and Chak No 101 ML on the west.Tarkhani Disty Canal[1] flows on its eastern side while a Winhar Canal (tail) takes a round about rest of the village.

Climate and general soil conditions

Village has an extremely hot climate. The temperature in winter is low due to nearness to koh-Suleman range of mountains. An average is 40 °C in the summer and 10 °C in the winter. The land is comparatively better developed agriculturally as compared to other areas of the district of Layyah.

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Avg high °C 20 23 28 35 41 43 40 38 38 35 28 23 32
Avg low temperature °C 4 8 12 18 24 29 28 28 24 17 9 4 17
Rainfall in. (Cm) 1.2 1.8 3.4 2.4 1.5 1.5 6.1 4.4 1.6 0.5 0.2 0.8 25.4
Source: weatherbase


Govt Elementary School Chak No. 100/ML, Tehsil Karor Lal Eson, Layyah

Village has two government and one private school. A religious institute is also located in the village.

  • Government Elementary School for Boys Chak N0 100 ML
  • Government High School for Girls Chak N0 100 ML
  • Al-Muddasser Model School Chak N0 100 ML
  • Madrassa Hifz-ul-Quran


Village Life of Chak No. 100 ML
Village of Chak No. 100 ML

Village culture is pure Punjabi. As people are Muslim by birth and faith. This culture is east Indian Muslim conservative culture. According to climate dress is very simple. Men uses "Shalwar Kameez", "Kurta Tehband" and women use Shalwar, Kamez, Duppata, Burqa and black Chaddar.

  • E'dain are the major festivals in the village and people come back to their native village to celebrate this festival with their loved ones.
  • "Chakk day Phattay Cricket Tournament" is also held every year and no of teams from neighbour villages come to participate in this tournament
  • Maila "Baba Charhani wala" is celebrated after the wheat harvesting


Its population is nearly 1500 and it has 708 registered voters.Total population consists of the migrants from Indian Punjab (1947) who settled here after leaving central Punjab in the 1970s and later.The village has 100 murabbas, a beautiful mosque, and three schools. 99% people are Gujjar by caste.

Crops and irrigation

Main crops of the village are sugarcane, cotton, oil seed and pulses while wheat being the major food crop. Cultivation of rice is also practiced. Malta Farms are also located in the village. Tarkhani Disty (length 14.885 miles, Parent Channel: Thal Canal Main Line Lower) is the channel that irrigates the village.


About 90 percent of the village's population form whom agriculture is the main occupation to earn their livings. The remainder one are serving in government institutions, forces, technical and business sector.

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gollark: It would basically involve taking about ten lines of publicly available code and basic JS knowledge.
gollark: You don't actually need one.
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gollark: Basically, I can't stop the code from being used to make an *un*-time-limited ARer.


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