Byzantine Musical Symbols

Byzantine Musical Symbols is a Unicode block containing characters for representing Byzantine-era musical notation.

Byzantine Musical Symbols
(256 code points)
Symbol setsByzantine musical notation
Assigned246 code points
Unused10 reserved code points
Unicode version history
3.1246 (+246)
Note: [1][2]


Byzantine Musical Symbols[1][2]
Official Unicode Consortium code chart (PDF)
U+1D00x ๐€€ ๐€ ๐€‚ ๐€ƒ ๐€„ ๐€… ๐€† ๐€‡ ๐€ˆ ๐€‰ ๐€Š ๐€‹ ๐€Œ ๐€ ๐€Ž ๐€
U+1D01x ๐€ ๐€‘ ๐€’ ๐€“ ๐€” ๐€• ๐€– ๐€— ๐€˜ ๐€™ ๐€š ๐€› ๐€œ ๐€ ๐€ž ๐€Ÿ
U+1D02x ๐€  ๐€ก ๐€ข ๐€ฃ ๐€ค ๐€ฅ ๐€ฆ ๐€ง ๐€จ ๐€ฉ ๐€ช ๐€ซ ๐€ฌ ๐€ญ ๐€ฎ ๐€ฏ
U+1D03x ๐€ฐ ๐€ฑ ๐€ฒ ๐€ณ ๐€ด ๐€ต ๐€ถ ๐€ท ๐€ธ ๐€น ๐€บ ๐€ป ๐€ผ ๐€ฝ ๐€พ ๐€ฟ
U+1D04x ๐€ ๐ ๐‚ ๐ƒ ๐„ ๐… ๐† ๐‡ ๐ˆ ๐‰ ๐Š ๐‹ ๐Œ ๐ ๐Ž ๐
U+1D05x ๐ ๐‘ ๐’ ๐“ ๐” ๐• ๐– ๐— ๐˜ ๐™ ๐š ๐› ๐œ ๐ ๐ž ๐Ÿ
U+1D06x ๐  ๐ก ๐ข ๐ฃ ๐ค ๐ฅ ๐ฆ ๐ง ๐จ ๐ฉ ๐ช ๐ซ ๐ฌ ๐ญ ๐ฎ ๐ฏ
U+1D07x ๐ฐ ๐ฑ ๐ฒ ๐ณ ๐ด ๐ต ๐ถ ๐ท ๐ธ ๐น ๐บ ๐ป ๐ผ ๐ฝ ๐พ ๐ฟ
U+1D08x ๐‚€ ๐‚ ๐‚‚ ๐‚ƒ ๐‚„ ๐‚… ๐‚† ๐‚‡ ๐‚ˆ ๐‚‰ ๐‚Š ๐‚‹ ๐‚Œ ๐‚ ๐‚Ž ๐‚
U+1D09x ๐‚ ๐‚‘ ๐‚’ ๐‚“ ๐‚” ๐‚• ๐‚– ๐‚— ๐‚˜ ๐‚™ ๐‚š ๐‚› ๐‚œ ๐‚ ๐‚ž ๐‚Ÿ
U+1D0Ax ๐‚  ๐‚ก ๐‚ข ๐‚ฃ ๐‚ค ๐‚ฅ ๐‚ฆ ๐‚ง ๐‚จ ๐‚ฉ ๐‚ช ๐‚ซ ๐‚ฌ ๐‚ญ ๐‚ฎ ๐‚ฏ
U+1D0Bx ๐‚ฐ ๐‚ฑ ๐‚ฒ ๐‚ณ ๐‚ด ๐‚ต ๐‚ถ ๐‚ท ๐‚ธ ๐‚น ๐‚บ ๐‚ป ๐‚ผ ๐‚ฝ ๐‚พ ๐‚ฟ
U+1D0Cx ๐ƒ€ ๐ƒ ๐ƒ‚ ๐ƒƒ ๐ƒ„ ๐ƒ… ๐ƒ† ๐ƒ‡ ๐ƒˆ ๐ƒ‰ ๐ƒŠ ๐ƒ‹ ๐ƒŒ ๐ƒ ๐ƒŽ ๐ƒ
U+1D0Dx ๐ƒ ๐ƒ‘ ๐ƒ’ ๐ƒ“ ๐ƒ” ๐ƒ• ๐ƒ– ๐ƒ— ๐ƒ˜ ๐ƒ™ ๐ƒš ๐ƒ› ๐ƒœ ๐ƒ ๐ƒž ๐ƒŸ
U+1D0Ex ๐ƒ  ๐ƒก ๐ƒข ๐ƒฃ ๐ƒค ๐ƒฅ ๐ƒฆ ๐ƒง ๐ƒจ ๐ƒฉ ๐ƒช ๐ƒซ ๐ƒฌ ๐ƒญ ๐ƒฎ ๐ƒฏ
U+1D0Fx ๐ƒฐ ๐ƒฑ ๐ƒฒ ๐ƒณ ๐ƒด ๐ƒต
1.^ As of Unicode version 13.0
2.^ Grey areas indicate non-assigned code points


The following Unicode-related documents record the purpose and process of defining specific characters in the Byzantine Musical Symbols block:

VersionFinal code points[lower-alpha 1]CountUTC IDL2 IDWG2 IDDocument
3.1U+1D000..1D0F5246X3L2/95-122N1208Byzantine musical notation system, 1995-03-30
X3L2/95-090N1253 (doc, txt)Umamaheswaran, V. S.; Ksar, Mike (1995-09-09), "6.4.2", Unconfirmed Minutes of WG 2 Meeting # 28 in Helsinki, Finland; 1995-06-26--27
UTC/1995-054"Byzantine Music", Unicode Technical Committee Meeting #66, Draft Minutes, 1995-09-29
N1303 (html, doc)Umamaheswaran, V. S.; Ksar, Mike (1996-01-26), "8.3 Byzantine music symbols", Minutes of Meeting 29, Tokyo
UTC/1996-013McGowan, Rick (1996-03-08), Greek (Byzantine) Musical Notation System, Notes and observations on ISO/IEC JTC1/SC2/WG2 N1208 and attachments
N1375Revised Proposal - Repertoire of Greek Byzantine Musical Notation System, 1996-04-16
N1353Umamaheswaran, V. S.; Ksar, Mike (1996-06-25), "8.7.1", Draft minutes of WG2 Copenhagen Meeting # 30
L2/97-144N15823rd revision for proposal of repertoire of Greek Byzantine Music Notation System, 1997-06-11
L2/97-288N1603Umamaheswaran, V. S. (1997-10-24), "8.3", Unconfirmed Meeting Minutes, WG 2 Meeting # 33, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 20 June - 4 July 1997
L2/01-050N2253Umamaheswaran, V. S. (2001-01-21), "8.1 (Comments from Ireland section, Byzantine musical symbols item)", Minutes of the SC2/WG2 meeting in Athens, September 2000
L2/05-106Nicholas, Nick (2005-05-02), Byzantine Musical Notation: Proposal for Changes
L2/05-153Freytag, Asmus (2005-05-12), Recommendations on how to handle the input from document L2/05-106 Proposal for Changes in Byzantine Musical Notation
L2/05-108RMoore, Lisa (2005-08-26), "Consensus 103-C16", UTC #103 Minutes, Swap the glyphs for U+1D09C BYZANTINE MUSICAL SYMBOL AGOGI ARGI and U+1D09F BYZANTINE MUSICAL SYMBOL AGOGI GORGI.
L2/05-341Anderson, Deborah (2005-10-25), Summary of proposed changes from L2/05-106, Byzantine Musical Notation
  1. Proposed code points and characters names may differ from final code points and names
gollark: Not really.
gollark: No. There is not in fact any rounding. It simply polls for reminders every 60 seconds.
gollark: That's a fascinating inference to make.
gollark: Since 2008, to save on computational resources, time is heavily discretized.
gollark: Please read the documentation.

See also


  1. "Unicode character database". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2016-07-09.
  2. "Enumerated Versions of The Unicode Standard". The Unicode Standard. Retrieved 2016-07-09.

Notes and manuals

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