Bus lines in Bordeaux

The Urban Community of Bordeaux Public Transport System (Transports Bordeaux Métropole, TBM) (Keolis) manages 65 regular bus and tram lines in Bordeaux Métropole. These tram and bus lines comprise:

  • 13 high frequency (10–15 minute) services (LIANES)
  • 9 main lines which have a service frequency from 15 to 30 minutes
  • 6 suburban services (COROL)
  • 8 local services (CITÉIS)
  • 2 express services
  • 16 lower frequency services
  • 11 special services (e.g. school services)
  • 4 Day Flexo (flexible services which follow fixed routes to a location and then pick up or set down on demand in that location)
  • 6 Evening Flexo (flexible services which follow fixed routes to a location and then pick up or set down on demand in that location)
  • 1 Night Flexo (flexible services which follow fixed routes to a location and then pick up or set down on demand in that location)
  • 3 Résago areas (demand responsive services which serve areas with little or no coverage by the normal bus or tram services).

This network commenced operation on 22 February 2010.


LIgne A Niveau Elevé de Service (line with high level of service) These 13 lines constitute with the tram, the main axes of the network. They function from 5 am to midnight or 1 am with a 10- to 15-minute fréquency between 7 am and 8 pm, with an identical service the Saturday morning and a connection to 2 lines of tram.

Liane Tracé Exploitant
1+Bordeaux Gare Saint Jean <=> MérignacAéroportTBM
2Bordeaux Quinconces <=> Eysines-Le Sulky ou Eysines-Le PlateauTBM
3+Bordeaux Quinconces <=> Saint-Médard-en-Jalles-Issac ou Gare Routière ou Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc-VillepreuxTBM
4Bordeaux-St Louis <=> Pessac-Magonty ou Cap de BosTBM
5 NorthBordeaux Palais de Justice <=> Eysines-Sirtema ou Le Taillan-Médoc-La BoétieTBM
5 SouthVillenave-d'Ornon-Piscine Chambéry <=> Bordeaux Palais de JusticeTBM
6Bordeaux Quinconces <=> Blanquefort-Caychac BourgTBM
7Bordeaux centre commercial du Lac <=> Ambarès-et-Lagrave-ParabelleTBM
8+Bordeaux Hôpital Pellegrin <=> Gradignan-MalarticTBM
9Bordeaux Gare Saint Jean <=> BrandenburgTBM
10Bouliac-Centre Commercial <=> Gradignan-BeausoleilTBM
11Bègles-Rives d'Arcins <=> Martignas les Pins ou Le Haillan-5 CheminsTBM
15Villenave-d'Ornon-Bourg ou Pont de la Maye <=> Bordeaux centre commercial du LacTBM
16Bordeaux République <=> Mérignac Les Pins (René Coty)TBM

Main lines

The main lines have a frequency from 15 to 30 minutes. They function from 6 am to 9 pm.

Ligne Tracé Exploitant
20Victoire <=> Talence-ThouarsTBC
21Peixotto <=> Gradignan-Stade OrnonKéolis Gironde
23Fontaine d'Arlac <=> Pessac-Romainville ou ToctoucauTBC
24Porte de Bourgogne <=> PessacBougnardTBC
26Quinconces <=> Bègles-Le DoratTBC
27Buttinière <=> StalingradTBC
28Galin <=> StalingradTBC
29Quinconces <=> Eysines-Lycée Charles Péguy ou Blanquefort-EcoparcTBC
30Mérignac-Cimetière Intercommunal <=> Le Haillan-Parc Ste Christine ou Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc-Lycée Sud-Médoc or Saint-Médard-en-Jalles-Collège François MauriacKéolis Gironde


These 6 lines connect the peripheric city without passing by the center of Bordeaux. They function from 6 am to 9 pm.

Corol Tracé Exploitant
32Bouliac-Centre commercial <=> Bassins à flotCitram Aquitaine
33Mérignac-Soleil <=> Parc des Expositions de BordeauxTBC
34Mérignac-Cité des Pins <=> Bègles-Rives d'ArcinsTBC
35Peixotto <=> Les AubiersTBC
36Gare de Pessac ou Villenave-d'Ornon - Anatole France <=> Bègles Terres NeuvesKéolis Gironde
37Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc-Lycée Sud-Médoc <=> Les AubiersTBC


The 8 Citéis are proximity lines, which connect districts of the same city. Citéis 42, 45 and 46 circulate in loop with double direction, with only one terminus. Citéis 47 "the Electric Shuttle" crosses the small streets of the downtown area : it doesn't have any precise stop, the bus stops only when passengers request. They have a frequency of 20 to 60 minutes. They function from 6:30 am to 8 pm.

Citéis Tracé Exploitant
40Cenon-Beausite ou LormontLauriers <=> ButtinièreTBC
41Pins Francs(Caudéran) <=> Le TonduTBC
42Mérignac-Lycée Daguin (operation in loop with double direction around Mérignac)TBC
43Victoire <=> Bègles-Victor Hugo ou Bègles-PosteKéolis Gironde
44Pessac-Candeau <=> UNITECTBC
45Jardin Botanique (operation in loop with double direction around Bordeaux)TBC
46Place Ravezies-Le Bouscat (operation in loop with double direction around Le Bouscat)TBC
47La Navette Electrique Victoire <=> QuinconcesSARL Evadys

Express lines

Alternatives Express from LIANE 6.

Ligne Tracé Exploitant
53 Expressdeleted and remplaced by Liane 3 best performing
56 ExpressPalais de Justice <=> Parempuyre-Lisière du VignobleTBC

Local lines

Local lines have a frequency from 30 to 45 minutes. They function from 6:30 am to 8 pm.

Ligne Tracé Exploitant
62Stalingrad <=> Bouliac-FayzeauTBC
64Buttinière <=> Artigues-près-Bordeaux-FontderodeTBC
67Buttinière => Artigues-près-Bordeaux-Cimetière Intercommunal => ButtinièreTBC
70Mérignac-Lycée Daguin <=> Mérignac-I.M.A.Citram Aquitaine
71Mérignac Centre <=> Le Taillan-Médoc-Lycée Sud Médoc Bois de MontCitram Aquitaine
72Eysines-Centre <=> Bordeaux-Martinique / Camille GodardTBC
73Place Ravezies-Le Bouscat <=> Bruges-Villabois ou Bruges-Zone de FretKéolis Gironde
76BordeauxClaveau <=> Parempuyre-Lisière du VignobleKéolis Gironde
77Blanquefort-Lycée du Bâtiment <=> Parempuyre-Lisière du VignobleKéolis Gironde
83Quinconces ou Saint-Médard-en-Jalles-Collège François Mauriac <=> Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc-PinsolesKéolis Gironde
87Pessac Centre <=> Villenave-d'Ornon-Piscine ChambéryTBC
88Bègles-Aléxis Labro <=> Villenave-d'Ornon-CourréjeanKéolis Gironde
89Bègles-Aléxis Labro <=> Cadaujac-Le BouscautKéolis Gironde
90Bassens-La Chênaie <=> Carbon-Blanc-La Mouline ou Saint-Louis-de-Montferrand-Belle RiveCitram Aquitaine
91Stalingrad <=> Ambès-EscarraguelCitram Aquitaine
92Stalingrad <=> Ambès-Escarraguel ou -Fort LajardCitram Aquitaine

Spécific lines

The specific lines serve some schools and function only in school period.

Ligne Tracé Exploitant
74Bordeaux-Lycée Camille Jullian <=> Bordeaux-Place Gabriel FauréTBC
75Mérignac-Beaudésert <=> Mérignac-Collège Paul LangevinCitram Aquitaine
78Eysines-Centre <=> Blanquefort-Lycée Jean MonnetKéolis Gironde
79Eysines-Le Vigean <=> Saint-Médard-en-Jalles-Lycée Sud Médoc Bois du MontKéolis Gironde
80Floirac-Dravemont <=> Bordeaux-Lycée François MauriacCitram Aquitaine
81Gradignan-Malartic <=> Gradignan-Collège MonjousKéolis Gironde
86Gradignan-Ornon ou -Malartic <=> Gradignan-Lycée des GravesKéolis Gironde
93Lormont-Allende / Lycée Elie Faure <=> Ambès-Fort LajardCitram Aquitaine
94Lormont-Allende / Lycée Elie Faure <=> Ambarès-et-Lagrave-ParabelleCitram Aquitaine
95Ambarès-et-Lagrave-Collège Massé <=> Ambarès-et-Lagrave-ParabelleCitram Aquitaine
96Lormont-Allende / Lycée Elie Faure <=> Saint-Louis-de-Montferrand-Belle RiveCitram Aquitaine


They have a regular frequency. They have a route fix which leads in a geographical area. In these zones, there are stops served automatically and stops on request. There exists 4-day Flexo, 6 evenings and 1 night connecting the district of the nightclub to the university campus from 1:50 am to 4:45 am from Thursday to Saturday.

Day Flexo :

Monday to Friday :

FleXo Tracé / Desserte Exploitant
48Pessac-Haut Livrac <=> Mérignac-Le Burck puis desserte de la zone d'emploi de MérignacTBC
49Ambarès-et-Lagrave-Collège C. Massé <=> Ambarès-et-Lagrave-La Gorp puis zone flexo d'AmbarèsCitram Aquitaine

Saturday :

FleXo Tracé / Desserte Exploitant
68Buttinière <=> Artigues-près-Bordeaux-Echangeur du Moulinat puis zone englobant les arrets des lignes 64 et 67TBC

Sunday :

FleXo Tracé / Desserte Exploitant
38Stalingrad <=> Bouliac Vettiner puis desserte à la demande du haut et bas BouliacTBC

Evening Flexo :

FleXo Tracé / Desserte Exploitant
50Stalingrad <=> Ambarès-et-Lagrave-Europe puis desserte à la demande des arrêts du Bec d'AmbèsCitram Aquitaine
51Galin <=> Artigues-près-Bordeaux-Virecourt puis desserte à la demande des arrêts d'Artigues-près-BordeauxKéolis Gironde
52Galin <=> Bouliac Vettiner puis desserte à la demande du haut et bas BouliacKéolis Gironde
54Fontaine d'Arlac <=> zone flexo de la ZI de Bersol <=> BougnardKéolis Gironde
55Au départ de la place de la République, desserte de Saint-Médard-en-Jalles et Saint-Aubin-de-Médoc en soiréeKéolis Gironde
57Les Aubiers <=> Parempuyre-Route de Bordeaux puis desserte de Parempuyre en soirée

Night Flexo :

FleXO Tracé / Desserte Exploitant
58Bordeaux-Pont St Jean <=> Gradignan-Village 6-IUT (Jeudi à Samedi)TBC


To supplement these lines, on the cities of Le Taillan-Medoc, Bouliac and Artigues-près-Bordeaux is set up Résago. This service of Demand responsive transport makes it possible to serve zones little or not covered by the traditional lines of bus or tram. This service requires a preliminary telephone reservation, until the day before 7pm. The Résago vehicle leads then the passengers of a point given to a bus or tram stop. This service costs the price of a normal ticket of TBC.

Monday to Saturday :

RésaGO Tracé / Desserte Exploitant
BouliacStalingrad <=> desserte à la demande du haut et bas Bouliac (Fonctionne en HC en remplacement du 62)Affrété

Monday to Friday :

RésaGO Tracé / Desserte Exploitant
Le TaillanMairie du Taillan-Médoc <=> Desserte Le Taillan TanaïsAffrété

Sunday :

RésaGO Tracé / Desserte Exploitant
ArtiguesLormontButtinière <=> Desserte d'Artigues-près-Bordeaux (Fonctionne en remplacement du Flexo 68)Affrété
gollark: That is *kind of* what osmarkscalculator™ is doing.
gollark: Oh, not actual stringy strings.
gollark: osmarkscalculator™ exprs look like this:```rust#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord, Clone, Hash)]enum Value { Num(i128), Call(InlinableString, Vec<Value>), Identifier(InlinableString),}```
gollark: How interesting.
gollark: Recursive *string rewrites*?
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