is a Lithuanian online newspaper. It was launched on February 21, 2004 and is run by Vilnius Franciscan community. It was founded as an alternative to major Lithuanian media, with a goal to provide objective information. The motto of the newspaper is a Confucius quote: "Instead of cursing the darkness, light a candle!"
Type of site
Online newspaper, Christian
Created editorial staff

Editorial staff and authors

Current editor in chief of the website is Andrius Navickas;[1] culture, family and education sector is edited by Elvyra Kučinskaitė; politics, economics and civics society - Loreta Povilionienė, language editor is Michailina Bočiarova and technical editor - Povilas Zaleskis

The newspaper has published writings by many renowned Lithuanian journalists and social activists: Rimvydas Paleckis, Ginas Dabašinskas, Dalius Stancikas, Vladimiras Laučius, Tomas Viluckas, Valdas Kilpys, Aušra Maslauskaitė, Doloresa Kazragytė, Giedrius Kuprevičius, Egdūnas Račius, Laima Arnatkevičiūtė, Gintautas Vaitoška, Leonidas Donskis, Virgis Valentinavičius, Arūnas Poviliūnas, Indrė Makaraitytė, Rytis Juozapavičius, Vytautas Radžvilas and others.

gollark: Also it's a fun game.
gollark: Oh, I just agree with its political/economic/personal freedoms thing.
gollark: planned economy bad.
gollark: (which does mean that the current high inequality is somewhat problematic, but I'm not sure what the fix for that is unless you *can* somehow split economic/political power a lot)
gollark: (unless you can somehow strongly decouple them? it would be interesting if that could be done somehow)


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