Bavarian TV Awards

Bayerischer Fernsehpreis (the Bavarian TV award) is an award presented by the government of Bavaria, Germany since 1989.




  • Nina Gummich, Nachwuchsförderpreis (Youth Award)
  • Klaus Doldinger, Bavarian Prime Minister's award


  • Christoph Süß, Presenter of quer [Across] (ARD/BR)
  • Richard C. Schneider, Correspondent of Bayerischer Rundfunk, for Tage des Schreckens [Days of fear] (ARD/BR)
  • Roland Suso Richter, Special award for Mogadischu (ARD/BR and SWR)
  • Julia von Heinz, Nachwuchsförderpreis (Youth Award) for screenplay and director of Standesgemäß [According to social status] (ARD/BR und SWR)
  • Matti Bauer, writer and director of Domspatzen (arte/BR)
  • Falko Korth and Thomas Riedel as writers and directors of the documentary Freiheit! Das Ende der DDR [Freedom! The end of the German Democratic Republic] (Sat.1)
  • Silke Zertz, writer of Wir sind das Volk [We are the people] (Sat.1)
  • Bora Dağtekin for Doctor's Diary (RTL)
  • Walter Moers for Die drei Bärchen und der blöde Wolf [The three little bears and the big daft wolf] (ARD/WDR)
  • Christian Rach for Rach, der Restaurant-Tester [Rach, the restaurant reviewer] (RTL)
  • Dr. Petra Lidschreiber for Ein Jude der Deutschland liebte [A Jew who loved Germany] (ARD/rbb)
  • Anja Kling as best actress in the category television film for Wir sind das Volk [We are the people] (Sat.1)
  • Ken Duken as best actor in the category television film for Willkommen zuhause [Welcome home] (ARD/SWR)
  • Diana Amft as best actress in the category series for Doctor's Diary (RTL)
  • Manfred Zapatka as best actor in the category series for KDD – Kriminaldauerdienst [Permanent criminal investigation service] (ZDF)
  • Christiane Hörbiger, Bavarian Prime Minister's award for Der Besuch der alten Dame [The visit of the old Lady] (ARD), Zwei Ärzte sind einer zu viel [Two doctors are one more than needed] (ZDF) and for lifetime achievement


  • Katharina Wackernagel as Best Actress in the television film category for Contergan (ARD) and Mein Mörder kommt zurück [My murderer returns] (ZDF)
  • Edgar Selge as Best Actor in the television film category for Angsthasen [Scaredy-cats] (BR/ARD)
  • Alexandra Neldel as Best Actress in the series category for Unschuldig [Innocent] (ProSieben)
  • Axel Milberg as Best Actor in the series category for Doktor Martin (ZDF)
  • Karsten Scheuren as writer and director of Galileo Special Grab in eisigen Höhen - Bergung aus der Todeszone [A grave in icy heights – rescue from the zone of death] (ProSieben)
  • Thomas Präkelt as writer and producer of Der Arbeitsbeschaffer [The job-finder] (RTL)
  • Wolf von Lojewski as writer and director of Meine Heimat, Deine Heimat - mit Wolf von Lojewski durch Ostpreußen [My homeland, your homeland - through East Prussia with Wolf von Lojewski] (ZDF)
  • Hermine Huntgeburth for directing Teufelsbraten [Hellion] (WDR/NDR/Arte/ARD)
  • Detlef Michel as writer of Eine folgenschwere Affäre [An affair with consequences] (ZDF)
  • Anke Engelke and Bastian Pastewka for Fröhliche Weihnachten! - mit Wolfgang & Anneliese" [Merry Christmas with Wolfgang & Anneliese] (Sat.1)
  • Hape Kerkeling for Kerkeling liest - Ich bin dann mal weg [Kerkeling reads – So I'm gone now] (RTL)
  • Thomas Weidenbach and Shi Ming as writers, directors, and producers of Chinas Größenwahn am Yangtse [China's megalomania on the Yangtze] (arte/ARD)
  • Janina Stopper, Nachwuchsförderpreis (Youth Award) for her supporting role as Mother Anne Kempf in the Tatort episode Kleine Herzen [Little Hearts] (ARD)
  • Dieter Kronzucker, Bavarian Prime Minister's award
  • Trixter Film GmbH Michael Coldewey and Simone Kraus, special award for the development and implementation of virtual characters in the film Das Wunder von Loch Ness [The miracle of Loch Ness] (Sat.1)


  • Rosemarie Fendel as Best Actress for Das zweite Leben [Second Life] (BR/ARD)
  • Friedrich von Thun as Best Actor for Helen, Fred und Ted (ARD - BR as coproducer)
  • Saskia Vester as Best Actress for KDD – Kriminaldauerdienst (ZDF)
  • Christian Ulmen as Best Actor for Dr. Psycho (ProSieben)
  • Rosalie Thomass Nachwuchsförderpreis (Youth Award) for her theatrical performances in (among others) Polizeiruf 110: Er sollte tot (ARD)
  • Friedemann Fromm for directing, among others, the Tatort episode "Außer Gefecht" [Incapacitated] (BR/ARD)
  • Juliane Schuler for the long-term documentary film Marcel - Ein Kämpchen, das wär' schön (BR/ARD)
  • Cordula Stratmann in the Comedy category for Schillerstraße [Schiller Street] (Sat.1)
  • Daniel Speck for his screenplay for Meine verrückte türkische Hochzeit [My crazy Turkish wedding] (ProSieben)
  • Holly Fink for cinematography in the miniseries Die Flucht [March of Millions] (ARD)
  • Richard Gress, special award for his documentary about the Surma people in Ethiopia: Voxtours: Reise zu den letzten Gladiatoren [Voxtours: journey to the last gladiators] (VOX)
  • Ralf Benkö for his reportage about astronaut Thomas Reiter Ein Deutscher im All (RTL)
  • Manfred Oldenburg for his sports documentary Das verflixte dritte Tor - Wembley '66 - Die wahre Geschichte [That damn third goal - Wembley '66 - The true story] (ZDF)
  • Bayerischer Rundfunk, special award for the charity event Sternstunden [Magic Moments]
  • Frank Elstner, Bavarian Prime Minister's award


  • Heike Makatsch as actress in the area of television plays for Margarete Steiff
  • Matthias Brandt as actor in the area of television plays for In Sachen Kaminski [Concerning Kaminski]
  • Jutta Speidel as best actress in a serial for Um Himmels Willen [For Heaven's sake]
  • Fritz Wepper as best actor in a serial for Um Himmels Willen
  • Felicitas Woll Youth Award for her performance in the TV film Dresden
  • Beate Langmaack for a screenplay of Polizeiruf 110 episode Vorwärts wie rückwärts [Forwards like backwards]
  • Frank Plasberg in the field of information for his moderation of the political program Hart aber fair [Hard but fair]
  • Matti Geschonneck for directing the television films Die Nachrichten [The News] and Silberhochzeit [Silver wedding anniversary]
  • Frank-Markus Barwasser (also known as Erwin Pelzig) and the BR show Aufgemerkt! Pelzig unterhält sich [Attention! Pelzig chats] in the field of entertainment
  • Nico Hofmann, special award for Dresden, Die Luftbrücke [The airlift] and Die Sturmflut [The storm surge]
  • Joachim Lang for the children's show Tigerenten Club (ARD)
  • Klaus Feichtenberger for book and direction of ZDF series Expedition - der Kontinent [Expedition – the continent]
  • Lisa Eder and Thomas Wartmann for book and direction of the documentary Jenseits von Samarkand - eine usbekische Liebesgeschichte [Beyond Samarkand – an Usbek love story] (SWR/arte)
  • Jürgen Ast and Daniel Ast for the documentary Abrechnung mit Stalin - das Jahr 1956 [Settling the score with Stalin – the year 1956] (Arte/RBB)
  • Jens Kemper and Mark Brauckmann for the RTL documentary Mein Chef der Bundeskanzler - Ludwig Erhard aus der Nähe und in Farbe [My boss the chancellor – Ludwig Erhard close-ups in colour]
  • Hannelore Elsner, Bavarian Prime Minister's award


  • Ulrike Kriener for her performance as an actress in Kommissarin Lucas - Vergangene Sünden [Commissioner Lucas – Sins of the past] and Kommissarin Lucas - Vertrauen bis zuletzt [Trust until the end] (ZDF)
  • Ulrich Mühe und Gregor Edelmann for the script and acting performance in Der letzte Zeuge (ZDF)
  • Heike Richter-Karst for producing of the Polizeiruf 110 episodes "Winterende" [End of the winter] and "Dumm wie Brot" [Thick as a brick] (NDR/ARD)
  • Franz Xaver Bogner for book and direction of the series München 7 (BR)
  • Christoph Maria Herbst for his acting performance in the entertainment series Stromberg (Pro7)
  • Isabel Kleefeld for directing the television film Das Gespenst von Canterville [The ghost of Canterville] (Sat.1)
  • Bastian Pastewka for his performance as an actor in the broadcast Ohne Worte [Wordless] (RTL)
  • Sebastian Koch for his acting performance in the television film Speer und Er Speer and Him (WDR/NDR/BR/ARD/ORF)
  • Andrea Morgenthaler for the documentary Joseph Goebbels (SWR/WDR/ARD)
  • Dan Setton and Helmar Büchel for directing the report In Gottes Namen - Die Rekruten des Heiligen Krieges [In the name of God - the recruits of the Holy War] (Spiegel TV/RTL)
  • Theo Koll for presenting the broadcast Frontal 21 (ZDF), as a proxy for the entire editorial staff
  • Rainer Kaufmann for directing the television films Die Kirschenkönigin [The cherry queen] (ZDF) and Marias letzte Reise [Maria's last journey] (BR/ARD)
  • Evita Bauer for book and direction of Lena Christ - Heimat und Sehnsucht [Lena Christ – homeland and longing] (BR)
  • Monica Bleibtreu, Nina Kunzendorf and Michael Fitz, special award for their acting performances in the television film Marias letzte Reise (BR/ARD)
  • Joachim Fuchsberger, Bavarian Prime Minister's award


  • Kaspar Heidelbach and Götz Weidner for the television filme Das Wunder von Lengede (Sat.1)
  • Axel Stäck for the script of the television film Mein erster Freund, Mutter und ich [My first friend, Mother and I] (ProSieben)
  • Dagmar Manzel for the television film Leben wäre schön [Life would be nice] (BR/ARD)
  • Veronica Ferres for the television films Annas Heimkehr [Anna's returning home] (BR/ARD), Für immer verloren [Lost forever] (Sat.1) and Stärker als der Tod [Stronger than death] (ZDF)
  • Tobias Moretti for the television film Schwabenkinder [Children of Swabia] (BR/SWR/ARD/Arte/ORF/SF DRS)
  • Wolfgang Stumph for the TV series Stubbe – Von Fall zu Fall [Stubbe – From case to case] (ZDF)
  • Marc Conrad and Friedrich Wildfeuer for the TV series Abschnitt 40 [] (RTL)
  • Heidi Umbreit and Bernd Umbreit for the documentary "Sam und Tim – geboren an der Grenze des Lebens" [Sam and Tim – born at the edge of life] from the series Menschen hautnah [Close to people] (WDR/ARD)
  • Meinhard Prill for the episode "Von Himmel und Erde – Alltag im Kloster Landshut-Seligenthal" [On Heaven and Earth – Life in the Landshut-Seligenthal monastery] from the series Irgendwo in Bayern [Somewhere in Bavaria] (BFS) and "Kulisse für alle Zeiten – der Stadtplatz von Eggenfelden" [A scenery for eternity – the town square of Eggenfelden] from the program series Unter unserem Himmel [Under our skies] (BFS)
  • Dominique Klughammer for the film Jung, erfolgreich – arbeitslos [Young, successful… unemployed] from the program series 37° (ZDF)
  • Danuta Harrich-Zandberg and Walter Harrich for the documentary Der Contergan-Skandal [The contergan row] (NDR/ARD)
  • Hape Kerkeling for the entertainment program Die 70er Show [The 70's show] (RTL)
  • Artem Demenok and Andreas Christoph Schmidt, special award for the documentary Helden ohne Ruhm – der 17. Juni 1953 [Heroes without glory – 17 June 1953] (RBB/ARD/Arte)
  • Ruth Drexel, Special award for lifetime achievement
  • Harry Valérien Bavarian Prime Minister's award


  • Anke Engelke and Olli Dittrich for Blind Date – Taxi nach Schweinau (ZDF)
  • Götz George and Klaus J. Behrendt for Mein Vater [My father] (WDR/ARD)
  • Matti Geschonneck for Die Mutter [The mother] (WDR/ARD)
  • Hannelore Hoger for the Bella Block episode "Tödliche Nähe" [Fatal closeness] (ZDF)
  • Maybrit Illner for the Berlin Mitte political magazine (ZDF)
  • Rebecca Immanuel and Christoph M. Ohrt for the Edel & Starck series (Sat.1)
  • Max Thomas Mehr for the screenplay of "Sebnitz – die perfekte Story" [Sebnitz – the perfect story] from the series Ein Tag mit Folgen [A day with consequences] (arte)
  • Jan Mojto for producing Napoléon (ZDF)
  • Jochen Richter for Landschaften der Erde [Landscapes of the Earth] (BR/ARD)
  • Anneke Kim Sarnau for Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt [Hope springs eternal] (NDR/ARD)
  • Britta Stöckle for the screenplay for Geht nicht, gibt’s nicht [lit.: 'It won't work', doesn't work.] (ZDF)
  • Hilmar Thate for Operation Rubikon (ProSieben)
  • Willi Weitzel for Willi will's wissen (BR/WDR/KI.KA)
  • Andre Zalbertus and Peter Kloeppel for Kanzler, Krisen, Koalitionen [Chancellors, crises, coalitions] (RTL)
  • Special award for Horst Tappert in Derrick (ZDF)
  • Special award for the editors of 50 years of Tagesschau (ARD)
  • Helmut Dietl, Bavarian Prime Minister's award



  • Aiman Abdallah and Susanne Wiesner for the popular science series Galileo (ProSieben)
  • Hans-Christoph Blumenberg and Ulrich Lenze for the television film Deutschlandspiel [The Germany Game] (ZDF/Arte)
  • Sebastian Dehnhardt, Christian Frey and Meinhard Prill for Die Vertriebenen - Hitlers letzte Opfer [The displaced - Hitler's last victims] (MDR/NDR/ARD)
  • Heino Ferch and Roland Suso Richter for the television film Der Tunnel [The tunnel] (Sat.1)
  • Vivian Naefe, Miroslav Nemec and Udo Wachtveitl for Tatort (BR/ARD)
  • Christiane Hörbiger for the soap Julia – Eine ungewöhnliche Frau [Julia – an extraordinary lady] (SR/ARD/ORF)
  • Christian Jeltsch for Einer geht noch [One for the road!] (BR/SWR/arte) und Rote Glut [Red heat] (ZDF/Arte)
  • Peter Schönhofer and Thomas Grimm for Faust – der Tragödie erster und zweiter Teil Faust– acts 1 and 2 (ZDF/Arte/3sat/ZDF-Theaterkanal)
  • Sandra Maischberger for her political talk show Maischberger (n-tv)
  • Gert Scobel for Kulturzeit [Culture time] (3sat)
  • Michael Mandlik for reporting from Rome and Vatican City (BR/ARD)
  • Günther Jauch, Bavarian Prime Minister's award


  • Martina Gedeck for acting performance in Deine besten Jahre [Your best years] (Arte/ZDF)
  • Bernd Grote for the series 2000 Jahre Christentum [2000 years of Christendom]
  • Bernadette Heerwagen for Der Schandfleck [The eyesore]
  • Hans-Hermann Hertle and Gunther Scholz as directors of Als die Mauer fiel. 50 Stunden, die die Welt veränderten [When the Berlin Wall fell. 50 hours that changed the world] (SFB)
  • Janusch Kozminski and Richard Chaim Schneider as producer of Wir sind da! - Juden in Deutschland nach 1945 [We're there! Jews in Germany after 1945] (WDR/BR)
  • Jan-Josef Liefers for directing and acting performance in Jack’s Baby
  • Peter Lohmeyer for acting performance in Der Elefant in meinem Bett [The elephant in my bed]
  • Hans Werner Meyer for acting performance in Und morgen geht die Sonne wieder auf [And tomorrow the sun will rise again] and Die Cleveren [The smart ones] (RTL)
  • Christine Neubauer for acting performance in Frische Ware [Fresh goods] (BR)
  • Elmar Paulke for the documentary Boris Becker – I did it my way (DSF)
  • Julian Pölsler, Hans-Michael Rehberg and Bernadette Heerwagen, special award for directing Der Schandfleck (BR/ARD)
  • Antje Schmidt for the TV films Und morgen geht die Sonne wieder auf (RTL) and Der Elefant in meinem Bett (ProSieben)
  • Hartmut Schoen for the TV film Warten ist der Tod [Waiting is death] (ZDF)
  • Walter Flemmer, Bavarian Prime Minister's award


  • Bayerischer Rundfunk for the ARD network reporting on the Kosovo War (Dr. Gerhard Fuchs and Sigmund Gottlieb as proxies)
  • Thomas Berger and Barbara Jago for the script to Busenfreunde 2 – Alles wird gut [Bosom Buddies 2 – It's going to be alright]
  • Suzanne von Borsody for Dunkle Tag [Dark days] (WDR) and Die Mörderin [The murderess] (ZDF)
  • Axel Engstfeld for Im Bannkreis des Nordens - Labyrinth des Todes [Under the spell of the North – Labyrinth of death]
  • Oliver Hirschbiegel for Todfeinde – Die falsche Entscheidung [Sworn enemies – The wrong decision]
  • Dariusz Jablonski for Der Fotograf [The photographer]
  • Kathi Leitner für Einmal leben [Living for once]
  • Jan Peter for the episode "Drei Tage im August" [Three days in August] from the History series (ZDF)
  • Dieter Pfaff for the episode "Sperling und der brennende Arm" [Sperling and the burning arm] from the Sperling police series
  • Harald Schmidt for Die Harald Schmidt Show (Sat.1)
  • Dror Zahavi for the episode "Die Todfreundin" [lit: the deadly girlfriend] from the series Doppelter Einsatz
  • Jo Baier, special award for the television play Der Laden [The store] after the novel by Erwin Strittmatter
  • Thomas Gottschalk, Bavarian Prime Minister's award


  • Friedhelm Brebeck for his reports on the various crises in the former Yugoslavia
  • Karoline Eichhorn for the TV film Gegen Ende der Nacht [Towards the end of the night]
  • Heiner Gatzemaier, Ingeborg Jacobs and Hartmut Seifert for the documentary series OP – Schicksale im Klinikum [OP – Fate and fortunate in the clinic]
  • Hans Grimmelmann for the TV film Blind Date – Flirt mit Folgen [Blind Date – a fateful flirt]
  • Paul Hengge for the TV film Das Urteil [The verdict]
  • Günther Jauch and Marcel Reif for presenting the 1997–98 UEFA Champions League semi finals football game Real Madrid C.F. vs Borussia Dortmund
  • Heiner Lauterbach for the TV films Der Skorpion [The scorpion] and Opernball [Opera Ball]
  • Klaus Löwitsch for the TV film Das Urteil [The verdict]
  • Franka Potente for the TV film Opernball [Opera Ball]
  • Roland Suso Richter for the TV film Die Bubi Scholz Story [The Bubi Scholz story]
  • Nina Steinhauser for Tötet die Hure – Der Fall Maria Stuart [Kill the whore – the case of Mary, Queen of Scots]
  • Dominik Graf special award for the TV films Der Skorpion [The scorpion], Dr. Knock and Das Wispern im Berg der Dinge [The whispering inside the mountain of things]
  • Peter Ustinov, Bavarian Prime Minister's award


  • Percy Adlon for directing Hotel Adlon (BR/Arte)
  • Heinrich Breloer special award for the TV film Todesspiel [Deadly game]
  • Markus Fischötter and Andre Zalbertus for Einmal Hölle und zurück [Return ticket to hell]
  • Evelyn Hamann for acting performance in Adelheid und ihre Mörder (ARD)
  • Corinna Harfouch for acting performance in Der Ausbruch [The prison break] and Gefährliche Freundin [Dangerous girlfriend]
  • Guido Knopp for the documentary series Hitlers Helfer [Hitler's helpers] (ZDF)
  • Antje-Katrin Kühnemann for presenting the medical series Die Sprechstunde [The consultation] (BR)
  • Rainer Laux for editing Leben im Ghetto [Life in the Ghetto]
  • Ulrich Noethen for acting performance in Der Ausbruch [The prison break] and Busenfreunde [Bosom buddies]
  • Johannes Reben as the author of Bruder Esel [Brother Donkey]
  • Gernot Roll as cinematographer for Unter die Haut [Under the skin] and Das Mädchen Rosemarie [A Girl Called Rosemary]
  • Christoph Waltz for acting performance in Roy Black Story
  • Peter Welz for Viel Spaß mit meiner Frau [Have fun with my wife]
  • Eduard Zimmermann, Bavarian Prime Minister's award


  • Mario Adorf, Günter Strack and Heinz Hoenig for the TV film Der Schattenmann [The Shadow Man] (ZDF)
  • Jo Baier for the comedy Der schönste Tag im Leben [The best day in your life] (ZDF)
  • Monika Baumgartner, Bettina Kupfer and Kathrin Waligura for the TV films Sau sticht [lit. (the) sow jabs], Das Wunschkind, Für alle Fälle Stefanie (ZDF)
  • Michael von Dessauer for the series Welt der Wunder [World of Miracles] (Pro Sieben)
  • Andrzej Falber and Ekkehard Kuhn for the documentary film Schlesien - Brücke in Europa Silesia – a bridge in Europe (ZDF)
  • Christel Hinrichsen for the documentary series Lebenslinien [Life lines] (BR)
  • Nico Hofmann for directing the action series Der Sandmann [The Sandman] (RTL2)
  • Peter Kloeppel for the news series RTL aktuell (RTL)
  • Siegfried Lowitz, special award for acting performance
  • Erni Singerl, special award for acting performance
  • Lorin Maazel, Bavarian Prime Minister's award


  • Gerd Anthoff for acting performance in "Über Kreuz" (BR/ARD)
  • Wolf Bachofner, Karl Markovics and Tobias Moretti for the police series Inspector Rex (Sat.1)
  • Reinhold Beckmann for the football magazine Ran – Sat.1 Bundesliga (Sat.1)
  • Cornelia Froboess for acting performance in Tag der Abrechnung [Payoff Day] (RTL)
  • Martina Gedeck for acting performance in Hölleisengretl (ZDF)
  • Max Grießer, Thomas Hackenberg, April Hailer, Geert Müller-Gerbes and Lutz Reichart for the series Wie bitte? [Excuse me?] (RTL)
  • Armin Maiwald for the episode "Nachkriegsmaus" [Post-war Mouse] from the children's series Die Sendung mit der Maus [The program with the Mouse] (WDR/ARD)
  • Imo Moskowicz for directing Über Kreuz [Across] (BR/ARD)
  • Christian Rischert for the portrait of the city of Vienna, Wiener Lust [Viennese lust] (BR/ARD)
  • Andreas Christoph Schmidt for the documentary film Festung Berlin - Der Untergang der Reichshauptstadt [Fortress Berlin – The downfall of the Reich's capital] (SFB/ARD)
  • Oliver Storz, special award for the television film Drei Tage im April [Three days in April] (SDR/ARD/Arte)
  • Uschi Glas, Bavarian Prime Minister's award


  • Wigald Boning, Olli Dittrich, Stefan Jürgens, Mirco Nontschew, Tanja Schumann, Esther Schweins and Hugo Egon Balder as of the comedy show RTL Samstag Nacht (RTL)
  • Joachim Bublath for the series Abenteuer Forschung [The adventure of research] and Die knoff-hoff Show [The 'knoff-hoff' show (a pun on the English "know-how")] (ZDF)
  • Max Färberböck for the TV films Einer zahlt immer [There's always one who's got to pay] and Bella Block (ZDF)
  • Wolf Gaudlitz for the documentary Gezählte Tage [Numbered days] (Radio Bremen/ARD)
  • Arabella Kiesbauer for the talk show Arabella (ProSieben)
  • Jennifer Nitsch for the series Nur eine kleine Affäre [Only a small affair] (ZDF)
  • Udo Samel for the TV film Durchreise [Transit] (ZDF)
  • Thekla Carola Wied for the television play Ich klage an [I accuse] (Sat.1)
  • Henric L. Wuermeling, special award for the documentary Netzwerk [Network] (BR/ARD)
  • Gerd Ruge, special award for his reports as ARD correspondent in Moscow
  • Willy Millowitsch, Bavarian Prime Minister's award


  • Ingo Bethke und Ulrich Brochhagen for the TV film Pulverfaß Provinz. Der 17. Juni 1953 im Bezirk Halle [The provincial tinderbox – the 17 June 2953 in the Halle district] (MDR)
  • Gero von Boehm for the TV film Schöpfer Mensch [Creator Man] (SWF)
  • Franz X. Bogner for the TV film Madame Bäurin [Madame farmer] (BR)
  • Harald Juhnke for the TV film Der Papagei [The parrot] (BR)
  • Leslie Malton and Dieter Wedel for the TV film Der große Bellheim [The Great Bellheim] (ZDF)
  • Linda de Mol for the series Traumhochzeit [Wedding of your dreams] (RTL)
  • Otto Schenk for the TV films Duett (WDR/ORF) and Die Sternstunde des Josef Bieder [Josef Bieder's moment of glory] (SDR/ORF)
  • Karl Heinz Willschrei for "Poker" from the detective series Wolffs Revier [Wolff's precinct] (Sat.1)
  • Herbert Reinecker, Bavarian Prime Minister's award


  • Jürgen Bretzinger and Susanne Schneider for the TV film Fremde liebe Fremde [Stranger, dear stranger] (BR)
  • Sabine Christiansen for the news program Tagesthemen (ARD)
  • Maxim Dessau for the portrait Ugorski, denn seinen Freunden gibt er's schlafend [Ugorski – for he gives to his friends when they sleep] (ZDF)
  • Christian Frey and Heiner Sylvester for the TV film Clara Mosch oder die schöpferische Zersetzung [Clara Mosch, or the creative disintegration] (MDR)
  • Götz George and Hajo Gies for the TV film Der Fall Schimanski [The Schimanski case] (WDR)
  • Detlev Kleinert for the report Die Hölle von Sarajewo [The hell of Sarajevo] (BR)
  • Roger Willemsen for the talk show 0137 (Premiere)
  • Rudolf Mühlfenzl, honorary award
  • Hans Christian Blech, Bavarian Prime Minister's award


  • Ernst Arendt and Hans Schweiger for the TV film "Lied der Landschaft" [Song of the landscape] from the series "Tiere vor der Kamera" [lit.: animals in front of the camera] (BR)
  • Erich Böhme for the talk show Talk im Turm [Talk in the tower] (Sat.1)
  • Heinrich Breloer and Georg M. Hafner for the television play Kollege Otto - Die co op-Affäre [Colleague Otto – the co op affair] (WDR)
  • Hellmuth Karasek, Sigrid Löffler and Marcel Reich-Ranicki for the series Das literarische Quartett [The literary Quartet] (ZDF)
  • Hape Kerkeling for the program Total Normal [Totally normal] (Radio Bremen)
  • Employees of the correspondent posts of ARD and ZDF in East Berlin
  • Willy Purucker for the series Löwengrube [The lion's den] (BR)
  • Peter Scholl-Latour for the documentary series Das Schwert des Islam [The sword of Islam]
  • Sönke Wortmann, for the television film Eine Wahnsinnsehe [A crazy marriage] (ZDF)


  • Jo Baier for the television film "Rosse" (BR)
  • Jurek Becker, Manfred Krug and Werner Masten for the series Liebling Kreuzberg (SFB/NDR/WDR)
  • Karin Brandauer for the TV films Marleneken [dialect for 'Little Marlene'] (ZDF) and Verkaufte Heimat [Sold homeland] (ORF/NDR)
  • Nikolaus Brender and Georg M. Hafner for the report El Expectador - Der Tod schreibt mit [El Expectador – Death is taking notes] (WDR)
  • Eva Mieke for the TV film Marleneken (ZDF)
  • Günter Rohrbach for the series Rote Erde [Red soil] (WDR)
  • Hartmut Schoen for the documentary Kälte, Mord und Perestroika [Cold, murder, and Perestroika] (ZDF)
  • Dieter Wieland for the series Topographie [Topography] (BR)
  • Peter von Zahn, Bavarian Prime Minister's award


  • Fritz Egner for the show Dingsda [lit.: 'thingy'] (BR)
  • Marianne Hoppe for the television play Bei Thea [At Thea's] (ZDF)
  • Günther Jauch for the series Menschen [People], Na siehste [lit.: Look (I told you)] and Das aktuelle Sportstudio (ZDF)
  • Franz Peter Wirth for Die unruhige Nacht [Restless night] and Ein Stück Himmel [A Square of Sky]
  • Henric L. Wuermeling for the TV series August '39 - Elf Tage zwischen Frieden und Krieg [August '39 - Eleven days between peace and war] (ARD)
  • Dana Vávrová and Werner Stocker for Herbstmilch [Autumn Milk]
  • Rüdiger Proske for the TV series Mitten in Europa – Deutsche Geschichte [In the heart of Europe – History of Germany] (Sat.1)
  • Helmut Ringelmann, Bavarian Prime Minister's award
gollark: Oh good.
gollark: Don't limit yourself to ASCII though, use the extra CC characters.
gollark: `pcall` can execute strings? I thought that was only `load`/`loadstring`, neat.
gollark: Storing everything as strings also makes serialization/deserialization for files easy!
gollark: Be sure to use memorable variable names reflecting the types the strings might represent, like `table` or just `string`, maybe even `vector`.
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