
The Barrathon is an annual half marathon which takes place on the Isle of Barra, which is the southern most inhabited isle of the Outer Hebrides in Scotland. The Barrathon was initially a single event to mark the millennium, and a chance to raise some money for charity at the same time. The Charity was MacMillan Cancer Support.

Recent winners

Table of recent winners. [1]

Year Date Finishers Time (h:m:s) Men's winner Time (h:m:s) Women's winner
2000371:21:06Simon Axon1:42:09Marsie Ewing
2001461:25:51Simon Axon1:46:36Heather McIntosh
2002641:18:08Terence Coyle1:41:46Gillian Mckelvie
2003891:15:37Stuart Gibson1:33:07Isobel Knox [2]
2004871:16:23Graham Beal1:23:53Janet Roxburgh
20052 July981:22:16Brendan Bolland1:28:49Megan Clarke
20061 July1141:13:13Paul Freary1:34:54Isobel Knox[2]
200730 June1291:14:25Jamie Reid1:35:52Amanda Henderson
20081561:21:44Benjamin Kemp1:28:28Michelle Hetherington
20094 Jul1671:19:33Graham Beal1:31:07Marietta Beal
20101621:16:27Phil Mowbray1:27:52Megan Wright
20112 July2271:15:00Jamie Reid1:31:36Gillian Carr
20122501:20:53Andrew Laycock1:32:17Gloria White
201329 June2421:13:13Neil Renault [3]1:30:10Gloria White
201428 June2411:18:28Ray Ward [4]1:27:12Eilis McKechanie [5]
201527 June2491:17:12Ray Ward [4]1:30:14Megan Mowbray
201625 June2331:19:22Colin Doig1:31:49Megan Mowbray
20171 July2551:11:49Tom Martyn1:30:07Georgia Tindley
201830 June2711:13:24Fraser Stewart1:29:38Zanthe Wray
201929 June2771:12:23Cameron Milne1:26:02Jennifer Wetton


The Barrathon route is a clockwise circuit of the island, following an undulating course, the lowest point being near sea level and the highest point being just under 350 ft.

The route starts in Castlebay at about 60 ft falling quickly to sea level before rising to 100 ft around the 1-mile mark. The next 0.5 miles is mainly downhill and then the course undulates between sea level and 50 ft until the 4-mile mark.

From mile 4, the course climbs gradually as the route starts to head east, peaking at around 170 ft just past the 5.5-mile stage. The next 1.5 miles see the route drop back to sea level as the 7-mile mark is approached.

From miles 7 to 9, the route starts to work its way round the east coast of the island over a number of short, small climbs ranging from 50 ft to 90 ft. This is quickly followed by a downhill 0.5-mile and a gently undulating course to the 10.5-mile mark. From here the route climbs steeply to 340 ft at the 11.5-mile stage.

The route offers some respite with a mile long descent followed by a short but sharp climb of approximately 40 ft before a fairly steady run to the finish point in Castlebay.

The course was officially measured in 2008 by a company on behalf of Scottish Athletics and meets the minimum distance for a half marathon. The official record is over the measured course.

Fun Runs

There is also a "Fun Run" which is 3 miles. Runners must be 11 or over. Additionally, there is also a "Junior Fun Run" which is approximately 1 mile. The Junior Fun Run is for runners aged 4–10.

gollark: So this thing's stock room boots fine, but I have no idea how or why.
gollark: There seem to be some things missing.
gollark: ```Armor_X5_Q:/ $ ls /dev/block/platform/bootdevice/by-name/ boot cache expdb frp gz2 lk2 md1img metadata nvdata otp persist preloader_b protect1 recovery scp2 seccfg sspm_1 super tee2 vbmeta vbmeta_vendor boot_para dtbo flashinfo gz1 lk logo md_udc nvcfg nvram para preloader_a proinfo protect2 scp1 sec1 spmfw sspm_2 tee1 userdata vbmeta_system ```
gollark: So I tried flashing a generic system image from fastboot. Guess what? Apparently the system partition doesn't exist. That cannot possibly be standard-compliant.
gollark: See, I tried unlocking the bootloader then flashing an unofficial TWRP build, and *that* completes with no errors, but guess what? It doesn't *do anything*. It reboots a bit, and then I get the stock recovery somehow.


  1. "Barrathon Results". The Barrathon. Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 3 September 2015.
  2. Isobel Knox at Power of 10
  3. Neil Renault at Power of 10
  4. Ray Ward at Power of 10
  5. Eilis McKechanie at Power of 10
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