
Banjački is a secret language used by bricklayers from Podrinje region (eastern Bosnia and western Serbia).

The language was invented by brickworkers from Osat in eastern Bosnia and later spread to surrounding regions. Brickworkers use it when they want to hide something from their employers.[1][2] Serbian author Dragan Panić classifies it as a variant of šatrovački.[3]


Кулаба кећаст, не убањава гарачу, шушљику и рушу да се попири![1] Газда је лош, не да кафу, ракију и пиво да се попије! Kulaba kećast, ne ubanjava garaču, šušljiku i rušu da se popiri! Gazda je loš, ne da kafu, rakiju i pivo da se popije! The boss is bad, he doesn't allow [us] coffee, rakija or beer!
У кулабинице се шумно кећурају коњиштаре и тавже шумне чкојалице.[1] Газдарица има добре груди, а има и добре ноге. U kulabinice se šumno kećuraju konjištare i tavže šumne čkojalice. Gazdarica ima dobre grudi, a ima i dobre noge. The boss's wife has nice breasts and legs.
gollark: observe my highly amazing UI skillz.
gollark: > what 'web project'; this is heresyminoteaur-rs
gollark: THREE files! my web project.
gollark: ~30 seconds for regular incremental compiles.
gollark: > I still don't know why it'd take that long lol215 dependency crates.

See also


  • Nametak, Alija (1955). "Banjački govor na području Srebrenice". Bilten Instituta za proučavanje folklora. Sarajevo. 3.
  • Šćepanović, Mihailo; Đukanović, Petar (1997). "Banjački (tajni jezik osaćkih majstora)". Srpski jezik - studije srpske i slovenske. II (1–2): 131–151.


  1. "Banjacki - tajni jezik zidara" (in Serbian).
  2. Milan B. Andrić (2006-09-08). ""Banjački" jezik zidarski tajni kod". Glas Javnosti (in Serbian). Retrieved 2008-01-27.
  3. Zoran Panović (2002-11-21). "Panjaklija kao domaći Vujaklija". Danas (in Serbian). Retrieved 2008-01-27.
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