Attention (disambiguation)

Attention is the mental process involved in attending to other objects.

Attention may also refer to:

Psychology and neuroscience

  • Attention seeking, behavior which is intended to attract attention from others
  • Attention span, the amount of time a person can concentrate on a single activity
  • Selective attention, the process by which only a subset of stimuli received by our sensory organs are selected to enter the consciousness
  • Attentional bias, a type of cognitive bias
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, a developmental disorder
  • Adult attention-deficit disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder present in adulthood
  • Continuous partial attention, constantly paying attention to different things, but only partially
  • Inattentional blindness, the phenomenon of not being able to see things (as of a cognitive filtering process) that are actually there


Economy and management

  • Attention economy, an approach to the management of information that treats human attention as a scarce commodity
  • Attention (advertising), the measure of an advertisement's ability to win the audience's attention
  • Social attention. Level of attention that people dedicate to interacting with other. (this concept is linked with Attention economy)


Other uses

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