Arab tribes in Iraq

Many Iraqis identify strongly with a tribe (العشيرة 'ashira). Thirty of the 150 or so identifiable tribes in Iraq are the most influential. Tribes are grouped into federations (qabila). Below the tribe, there are the clan (الفخذ fukhdh), the house (البيت beit) and the extended family (الخمس khams). On its accession to power in the 17 July Revolution of 1968, the Ba'ath Party announced its opposition to tribalism ( القبلية al-qabaliyya), although for pragmatic reasons, especially during the war with Iran, tribalism was sometimes tolerated and even encouraged.

List of major tribes ('ashira)

These prefixes are ignored in the alphabetical ordering of the following list: Al, Al-Bu, Albu, Bani, Banu.

Partial source: Tribes in Iraq, Humanitarian Information Centre for Iraq. 2003.

gollark: Top one.
gollark: not really; just annoying.
gollark: Oh, right, not enough slots, oh well.
gollark: If so givemethemaaaaaagh.
gollark: ARE they CB?

See also


    • Tripp, Charles (2000) A History of Iraq. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-55404-7/ISBN 0-521-55633-3
    • Al-Azzawi, Abbas. Asha'ir al-Iraq (The Tribes of Iraq). Baghdad Press, Iraq.
    • Al-Amiri, Thamir. "Mawsu'at al-Qaba'il al-Iraqiyya" (The Encyclopedia of Iraqi Tribes). 9 vols. Baghdad, 1991-1997.
    • Al-Samarra'i, Younis Al-Sheikh Ibrahim. Al-Qaba'il al-Iraqiyya (Iraqi Tribes). Al-Sharaf Al-Jedid Press, Baghdad, Iraq.
    • Al-Samarra'i, Younis Al-Sheikh Ibrahim. Al-Qaba'il wa al-Biyoutat al-Hashimiya fi al-Iraq (Hashimi Tribes and Families in Iraq). Al-Umma Press, Baghdad.
    • Al-Durubi, Ibrahim. Al-Baghdadiyun, Akhbaruhum wa Majalisuhum (The Baghdadis, Their Annals and Assemblies). Al-Rabita Press, Baghdad, 1958.
    • ath-Thuroihi, Abdul Maula. (Ar-Riyaadh al-Azhariyyah Fii Taariikh al-Usor al-‘Alawiyyah)
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