Anthem of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic

The State Anthem of the Latvian SSR (Latvian: Latvijas PSR himna; Russian: Гимн Латвийской ССР) was the anthem of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic under the Soviet Union.[1]

Latvijas Padomju Sociālistiskās Republikas himna
English: State Anthem of the Latvian SSR

State anthem of Latvian SSR
LyricsFricis Rokpelnis and Jūlijs Vanags
MusicAnatols Liepiņš
Adopted19 July 1945
Relinquished15 February 1991
Succeeded byDievs, svētī Latviju!
Audio sample
Anthem of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic
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During Soviet rule, the previous anthem, "Dievs, svētī Latviju!", composed by Kārlis Baumanis was illegal and the anthem was approved by the Supreme Soviet of the Latvian Soviet Socialist Republic on 19 July 1945. The original lyrics had references to Joseph Stalin until its replacement in 1977 when the references of him were removed. After Latvia regained independence in 1990, Dievs, svētī Latviju! was restored as its anthem on 15 February 1991.


The decree on the Anthem of the Latvian SSR. The anthem was adopted on 19 July 1945.

The music was composed by Anatols Liepiņš, and the lyrics were written by Fricis Rokpelnis and Jūlijs Vanags.



Latvian version

Latvian Cyrillic (unproposed)
IPA transcription

Šai zemē visdārgā mēs brīvību guvām,
Te paaudžu paaudzēm laimīgam dzimt,
Te šalc mūsu jūra, te zied mūsu druvas,
Te skan mūsu pilsētas, Rīga te dimd.

Padomju Latvija mūžos lai dzīvo,
Spoža lai Padomju vainagā mirdz!

Mēs cēlāmies, verdzības važas lai rautu,
Par gadsimtu cīņām ik vieta vēl teic.
Vien biedros ar diženās Krievzemes tautu
Mēs kļuvām par spēku, kas pretvaru veic.

Padomju Latvija mūžos lai dzīvo,
Spoža lai Padomju vainagā mirdz!

Pa Ļeņina ceļu uz laimi un slavu
Ar Oktobra karogu iesim mūždien.
Mēs sargāsim Padomju Tēvzemi savu
Līdz pēdējai asiņu lāsei ikviens.

Padomju Latvija mūžos lai dzīvo,
Spoža lai Padomju vainagā mirdz![2]

Шаи земе̄ висда̄рга̄ ме̄с брӣвӣбу гува̄м,
Те паауџу паауѕе̄м лаимӣгам ѕимт,
Те шалц мӯсу јӯра, те зиед мӯсу друвас,
Те скан мӯсу пилсе̄тас, Рӣга те димд.

Падомју Латвија мӯжос лаи ѕӣво,
Спожа лаи Падомју ваинага̄ мирѕ!

Ме̄с це̄ла̄миес, верѕӣбас важас лаи рауту,
Пар гадсимту цӣња̄м ик виета вел теиц.
Виен биедрос ар дижена̄с Криевземес тауту
Мес кљувам пар спе̄ку, кас претвару веиц.

Падомју Латвија мӯжос лаи ѕӣво,
Спожа лаи Падомју ваинага̄ мирѕ!

Па Љењина цељу уз лаими ун славу
Ар Октобра карогу иесим мӯждиен.
Ме̄с сарга̄сим Падомју Те̄вземи саву
Лӣѕ пе̄де̄јаи асињу ла̄сеи иквиенс.

Падомју Латвија мӯжос лаи ѕӣво,
Спожа лаи Падомју ваинага̄ мирѕ!

[ʃaj zɛmɛː vizdaːrgaː mɛːs briːviːbu guvaːm |]
[tɛ paːwd͡ʒu paːwd͡zɛːm lajmiːgam d͡zimt |]
[tɛ ʃalt͡s muːsu juːra | tɛ zjɛd muːsu druvas |]
[tɛ skan muːsu pilsɛːtas | riːga tɛ dimd ‖]

[padʷɔmʲu latvija muːʒʷɔs laj d͡ziːvʷɔ |]
[spʷɔʒa laj padʷɔmʲu vajnagaː mird͡z ‖]

[mɛːs t͡sɛːlaːmjɛs ǀ værd͡ziːbas vaʒas laj rawtu ǀ]
[par gad͡zimtu t͡siːɲaːm ik vjɛta vɛːl tɛjt͡s ǁ]
[vjɛn bjɛdrʷɔs ar diʒɛnaːs krjɛvzɛmɛs tawtu]
[mɛːs kʎuvaːm par spɛːku ǀ kas prɛtvaru vɛjt͡s ǁ]

[padʷɔmʲu latvija muːʒʷɔs laj d͡ziːvʷɔ |]
[spʷɔʒa laj padʷɔmʲu vajnagaː mird͡z ‖]

[pa ʎɛɲina t͡sɛʎu uz lajmi un slavu]
[ar ɔktɔbra karʷɔgu jɛsim muːʒdjɛn ‖]
[mɛːs sargaːsim padʷɔmʲu tɛːvzɛmi savu]
[liːd͡z pɛːdɛːjaj asiɲu laːsɛj igvjæns ‖]

[padʷɔmʲu latvija muːʒʷɔs laj d͡ziːvʷɔ |]
[spʷɔʒa laj padʷɔmʲu vajnagaː mird͡z ‖]

English translation of Latvian

In this land most dear we gained our freedom,
Generation upon generation blessed to be born here,
Here our sea sighs, here our fields blossom,
Here our cities ring out, here Riga resounds.

Let Soviet Latvia live for ever,
Let it shine bright in the Soviet crown!

We rose to break chains of slavery,
About centuries' long struggles it is told in every place.
Only in fraternity with the great Russian nation
We became a power to wage revolution.

Let Soviet Latvia live for ever,
Let it shine bright in the Soviet crown!

On Lenin's road to blessings and glory,
With the flag of October we will go on forever.
We will guard our Soviet Fatherland,
Everyone to the last drop of our blood.

Let Soviet Latvia live for ever,
Let it shine bright in the Soviet crown!<ref name="marxists" />

Russian version

Cyrillic script Latin script

Свободен навеки народ наш счастливый,
Путь светлый для всех поколений открыт.
Шумит наше море, цветут наши нивы,
В семье городов наша Рига гремит.

Славься, Советская Латвия наша,
Ярко в созвездии республик сияй!

Не раз мы за волю ходили походом,
Бесправия цепи пытались разбить,
Лишь в дружбе незыблемой с русским народом
Смогли мы неправду и зло победить.

Славься, Советская Латвия наша,
Ярко в созвездии республик сияй!

Под знаменем Ленина к счастью и славе
Путем Октября мы победно идем.
Верны мы великой Советской державе
И кровь за нее, если надо, прольем!

Славься, Советская Латвия наша,
Ярко в созвездии республик сияй![2]

Svoboden naveki narod naš sčastlivyj,
Putj svetlyj dlja vseh pokolenij otkryt.
Šumit naše more, cvetut naši nivy,
V semje gorodov naša Riga gremit.

Slavjsja, Sovetskaja Latvija naša,
Jarko v sozvezdii respublik sijaj!

Ne raz my za volju hodili pohodom,
Bespravija celi pytalisj razbitj,
Lišj v družbe nezyblemoj s russkim narodom
Smogli my nepravdu i zlo pobeditj.

Slavjsja, Sovetskaja Latvija naša,
Jarko v sozvezdii respublik sijaj!

Pod znamenem Lenina k sčastjju i slave
Putem Oktjabrja my pobedno idem.
Verny my velikoj Sovetskoj deržave
I krovj za neje, jesli nado, proljem!

Slavjsja, Sovetskaja Latvija naša,
Jarko v sozvezdii respublik sijaj!

English translation of Russian

Free forever are our happy people,
A light path is open to all generations.
Rustles our sea, our fields bloom;
In the family of our cities Riga rattles.

Glory to our Soviet Latvia,
Shine brightly in the constellation of our republics!

Many times we fought for freedom
Tried to break the chains of lawlessness,
Only in the unshakable friendship with the Russian people
We were able to defeat the evil and falsehood.

Glory to our Soviet Latvia,
Shine brightly in the constellation of our republics!

Under the banner of Lenin to happiness and glory
By the Way of the October we are going triumphantly.
We are true of the great Soviet Power
And the blood for her, if necessary, we will shed!

Glory to our Soviet Latvia,
Shine brightly in the constellation of our republics!


The original version of the song is almost identical to the post-1977 version; instead of "Ar Oktobra karogu iesim mūždien" ("With the flag of October we will go on forever"), it is "Ar Staļinu sirdī uzvarām ko mēs ejam" ("And Stalin has found the way through the path").


    The chorus at the last stanza is repeated twice respectively.

    gollark: The result is the same, the implementation is different.
    gollark: Observe, the GTech™ listening post and GPS server™ for the Overworld.
    gollark: Actually, it is, via GTech™ GGPS™.
    gollark: I merely do not interact with this server much, because it's too active.
    gollark: Of course I am.


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