Anglican Diocese of Bathurst

The Anglican Diocese of Bathurst is located in the Province of New South Wales. It includes the cities of Orange, Bathurst and Dubbo. The Bishop is the Right Reverend Mark Calder, installed on 23 November 2019.

Diocese of Bathurst
Coat of arms
Ecclesiastical provinceNew South Wales
MetropolitanArchbishop of Sydney
Coordinates32°S 146°E
Churches<-- Number of churches in the diocese -->
CathedralAll Saints' Cathedral
Current leadership
Bishop of BathurstMark Calder
DeanJames Hodson


The diocese has 32 parishes covering about a third of the state of New South Wales. As well as the cities of Orange, Dubbo and Bathurst, major towns in the diocese include Bourke, Cobar, Cowra, Forbes, Mudgee, Parkes and Wellington.


All Saints' Cathedral

The cathedral church of the diocese is All Saints' Cathedral, Bathurst in the heart of the city. The cathedral building was originally designed by Edmund Blacket in 1845 as a parish church, but became a cathedral in 1870 with the creation of the Diocese of Bathurst. An organ was installed in 1886 and bells were hung in 1855. In the 1890s, however, the bell tower was found to be unstable, so the bells could not be "rung full circle" but only by striking them.

Due to structural problems the original cathedral was demolished in 1969–70 and replaced in 1971 by a new building constructed in a 20th-century style. In 2009, the bells were rehung in a new bell tower attached to the new cathedral.

Senior clergy

Bishops of Bathurst

Bishops of Bathurst
No From Until Incumbent Notes
1 1869 1885 Samuel Marsden Returned to England and served as an honorary assistant bishop in Gloucester.
2 1887 1911 Charles Camidge Enthroned 3 January 1888; died in office.
3 1911 1928 George Long CBE Consecrated 30 November 1911; translated to Newcastle.
4 1928 1936 Horace Crotty Previously Dean of Newcastle; returned to England.
5 1937 1958 Arnold Wylde CBE Coadjutor bishop since 1927; died in office.
6 1959 1981 Ken Leslie OBE
7 1981 1989 Howell Witt Translated from North West Australia.
8 1989 2000 Bruce Wilson previously Director of St Mark's Theological College, Canberra and Assistant Bishop of Canberra and Goulburn
9 2001 2012 Richard Hurford OAM Previously Dean of Grafton
10 2013 2019 Ian Palmer Consecrated and installed on 9 February 2013.[1] Previously Archdeacon of South Canberra
11 2019 present Mark Calder Consecrated 21 November 2019, installed 23 November 2019.[2]

Deans of Bathurst

The following individuals have served as Deans of the All Saints' Cathedral in Bathurst:

OrdinalNameTerm startTerm endNotes
1John Thomas Marriott1882unknown
2Henry Robert Holmes1932unknownDied 1948[3]
3Richard Franklin Appleby19801983Afterwards Bishop of Northern Territory, 1992
4Colin Davies Sheumackunknown1987Afterwards Bishop of Gippsland, 1987
5Ken Hewlett19881993Later became vicar at St Andrew's Church, Brighton in 1993 upon the retirement of Harlin Butterley and served there until c.2003.
6Michael Birch19942001
7Andrew Sempell20022010
8Anne Wentzel20102016
9James Hodson2017present

Parishes and Churches

The 32 parishes in the Diocese each perform services at multiple locations (except Cobar). Sunday and weekday services are usually conducted weekly or in certain weeks of the month indicated below in parentheses. In addition to church buildings, many parishes conduct services in nursing homes, hospitals or community halls which are included below. Most parishes employ one priest to oversee ministry of the parish who can be assisted by lay staff, assistant clergy or honorary clergy or lay readers. In the more remote worship centres, the Company of the Good Shepherd ensures that each church is able to run services and be served by a priest for Holy Communion and other purposes.

Many of the smaller or rural parishes do not keep or frequently update websites, meaning that the services times and staff listed below may be outdated. The best way to find accurate service times in these locations is to contact or visit the parish directly.

Company of the Good Sheperd

Parishes and Churches in the Anglican Diocese of Bathurst with Service Times
Parish Staff Church Services
Bathurst Cathedral Very Rev James Hodson

Ms Kathy Keech

All Saints' Cathedral, Bathurst Sat 5:00pm, 6:00pm

Sun 8:30am, 10:00am, 4:30pm (1st, 3rd)

Mon 8:30am

Tue 1:00pm

Wed 8:30am

Fri 10:00am

St Stephen's Fitzgerald's Valley Sun 2:00pm (4th)
St Paul's, Stewart Street None
Holy Spirit, Turondale Sun 3:00pm (3rd)
St Barnabas' South Bathurst

(meeting at Perthville Convent)

Sun 8:00am, 9:30am

Wed 6:00pm

St Paul's, Yetholme Sun 11:45am (1st, 3rd)
St Peter's, Rockley Sun 11:00am, 11:30am (4th), 3:00pm (2nd)
St Martin's, Perthville Sun 11:30am (2nd)
St Catherine's Nursing Home Wed 9:30am
Blayney - Christ Church, Blayney Sun 8:00am, 9:30am
St Mark's, Millthorpe Sun 9:30am
St John's, Lucknow Sun 11:30am (3rd)
St Paul's, Carcoar Sun 8:00am (1st, 3rd)
Holy Spirit, Trunkey Creek Sun 8:00am (2nd), 9:00am (4th)
St James', Barry Sun 9:00am (3rd)
Bourke/Brewarrina Rev John & Denise Gaff

Rev Canon Grahame Yager

Bourke Sat 6:00pm
Brewarrina Sun 9:00am
Weilmoringle Tennis Shed by arrangement
Wanaaring Community Hall by arrangement (monthly)
Canowindra Rev Joy Harris All Saints', Canowindra Sun 9:00am
Uniting, Canowindra Sun 5:00pm (3rd)

Thu 10:00am (1st, 2nd)

St Matthews', Woodstook Sun 8:00am (1st, 3rd), evening (5th)
Uniting, Cranbury Sun 11:00am (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th)
Uniting, Cudal Sun evening (2nd)
Cobar Company of the Good Shepherd St Paul's, Cobar Sun 9:00am
Condobolin Company of the Good Shepherd All Saints', Condobolin Sun 9:00am

Wed 10:30am (4th)

The Ret. Village, Condobolin Wed 10:30am (1st)
Kiacatoo CWA Hall by arrangement
Vermont Hill Tennis Club by arrangement
Coolah/Dunedoo - St Andrew's, Coolah Sun 9:00am
All Saints', Dunedoo Sun 8:30am (1st, 3rd)

Sat 6:00pm (before 2nd & 4th Sun)

St Chad's, Mendooran Sun 11:30am (3rd)
St Laurence's, Neilrex Sun 11:30am (4th)
Old School, Elong Elong Sun 11:30am (2nd)
St John's, Uarbry destroyed by fire
Coolah Hospital Wed 10:30am (1st)
Kahkama Hospital, Dunedoo Fri 9:45am (3rd)
Coonabarabran - Christ Church, Coonabarabran Sun 7:30am (not 5th), 9:00am
St Andrew's, Binnaway Sun 9:30am (1st, 3rd)
'Cooinda' Day Care Fri 9:30am
Coonamble Rev Jeff Tym

Company of the Good Shepherd

St Barnabas', Coonamble Sun 9:00am
Warrumbungles Sun 3:00pm (4th)
Quambone Sun 11:30am (3rd)
Marra Creek Sun 3:00pm (3rd)
Carinda by arrangement
Cowra Rev John Croudace St John's Cowra Sun 9:00am (not 5th), 10:30am (5th)
Holy Trinity, Darby's Falls Sun 11:00am (1st, 3rd)
St Peter's, Morongla Sun 11:00am (2nd, 4th)
Weeronga Nursing Home Wed 11:00am (3rd)
Bilyara Retirement Village Mon 2:00pm (4th)
Cudal St James', Cudal Sun 8:45am (1st, 3rd)
St Luke's, Manildra Sun 10:30am (1st, 3rd, 4th)
St Alban's, Toogong Sun 8:30am (4th, not Jun-Aug)
Cumnock St Matthew's, Cumnock Sun 9:30am
All Saints', Baldry Sun 8:00am (1st, 3rd)
Yeoval UPA Aged Care Sun 1:30pm (2nd)
Dubbo Rev Canon Brett Waterson Holy Trinity, Dubbo Sun 8:00am, 10:00am

Wed 10:00am

Fri 10:00am

Sat 6:00pm

St John's, Emmagool Sun 11:00am (1st)
Coboco Community Hall Sun 5:00pm (2nd, 4th)
Eugowra Rev Joy Harris St Matthew's, Eugowra c/- Canowindra
Forbes Rev Crystal Spindler St John's, Forbes Sun 7:30am, 9:30am

Fri 10:00am

Bedgerebong Sun 11:00am (4th)
Jemalong Residential Village Tue 10:30am (2nd, 4th)
Northside Chapel Sun 12:30pm (2nd)
Gilgandra Rev Canon Grahame Yager St Ambrose', Gilgandra Sun 9:00am

Fri 10:00am

St Mary Magdalene, Tooraweenah Sun 11:30 (1st)
CWA Hall, Collie Sun 11:30 (4th)
Grenfell Rev Ross Craven Holy Trinity, Grenfell Sun 7:30am, 9:30am
St Margaret's, Glenelg Sun 11:30am (4th)
St Paul's, Warraderry special services
Gulgong St Luke's, Gulgong Sun 9:00am
Wenonah Lodge Tue 10:30am (2nd)
Kelso Rev Tim Fogo Holy Trinity, Kelso Sun 9:00am, 3:00pm

Wed 10:00am

St John the Evangelist, Peel Sun 11:30am (1st, even months)
St James', Raglan Sun 11:30am (1st, odd months)
Ilumba Gardens Ret. Village Wed 11:00am (1st)
Bathurst Nursing Home Wed 10:00am (3rd)
Bathurst Gardens Ret. Village Thu 10:00am (4th)
Molong St John's Molong Sun 9:30am
Holy Trinity, Beri special services
Molong Hospital Fri 11:00am (2nd, 4th)
Prunus Lodge Nursing Home Fri 9:30am (2nd, 4th)
Mudgee Rev Canon Jono Williams St John the Baptist, Mudgee Sun 8:30am, 5:30pm

Wed 10:00am, 5:30pm

Fri 5:30pm

St Andrew's, Cooyal Sun 10:00am (1st)
Holy Redeemer, Windeyer Sun 10:00am (4th)
Pioneer House Fri (1st)
Mudgee Nursing Home Fri (3rd)
Kanandah Fri (4th)
Narromine Rev Phil Howes St Mary's, Narromine Sun 9:00am, 5:00pm

Tue 10:00am

St Andrew's Uniting, Trangie Sun 11:00am (2nd, 4th)
St John's Primary, Trangie Thu 6:00pm
Nyngan Rev Graham McLeod

Company of the Good Shepherd

St Mark's, Nyngan Sun 9:00am

Thu 1:00am (1st)

St Faith's Hermidale Sun 11:00am (1st)
"Mudall" Homestead Fri 7:30pm (3rd)
St Matthew's West Bogan Sun (4th of quarter)
Oberon St Barnabas', Oberon Sun 9:00am
St Stephen's, Tarana Sun 11:30am (3rd)
St Peter's, Mutton Falls Sun 11:30am (5th)
St Thomas', Hampton

(Blackheath Parish, Sydney)

Sun 11:30am (2nd, 4th)
Orange Rev Mal Dunnett Holy Trinity, Orange Sun 8:00am, 9:30am, 4:00pm

Thu 10:00am

Sat 5:00pm

Christ Church, Borenore Sun 5:00pm (1st)
Orange East Rev Bob Cameron St Barnabas', Orange East Sun 7:30am, 9:30am

Thurs 10:30am

St Philip's, March Sun 11:30am (1st)
Parkes Rev Ron Spindler St George's, Parkes Sun 7:30am, 9:30am

Wed 10:00am

Sat 6:00pm

St Stephen's, Peak Hill Sun 9:00am
Bindogundra Sun 11:15am (1st)
Reedy Creek Sun 11:30am (3rd)
Rylstone/Kandos vacant St James', Rylstone Sun 9:00am (2nd, 4th)
St Laurence', Kandos Sun 9:00am (1st, 3rd)
Rylstone Hospital Wed 11:00am (fortnightly)
ADA Cottage, Kandos Wed 11:00am (fortnightly)
Trundle Rev Brian Schmalkuche

Company of the Good Shepherd

St Augustine's, Trundle Sun 10:30am (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
St Luke's Bogan Gate Sun 8:30am (1st)
St John's, Tullamore Sun 8:30am (2nd)
All Saints', Albert Sun 1:00pm (3rd)
Warren Company of the Good Shepherd St John the Baptist, Warren Sun 9:00am
St Mark's, Tottenham Sun 9:00am

Tue 10:00am

St Thomas', Nevertire Sun 11:00am (4th)
Wellington St John the Baptist, Wellington Sun 8:00am, 9:30am

Fri 11:00am Sat 6:00pm

Geurie Sun 11:30am (2nd, 4th)
Stuart Town Sun 5:00/3:00pm (1st, summer/winter)
Spicer's Creek Sun 11:30am (1st)
Curra Creek Sun 2:30pm (3rd)
Bellhaven Nursing Home Thu 11:00am (1st)
West Wyalong Rev Daryl McCullough St Barnabas', West Wyalong Sun 9:30am

Tue 10:00am

Waratah Village Tue 10:30am (4th)
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See also


  1. Bathurst Anglican – The Bishop of Bathurst (Accessed 26 June 2013)
  2. "Our People". Anglican Church of Noosa. Retrieved 30 December 2019.
  3. "DEAN HOLMES INSTALLED. BATHURST, Monday". The Sydney Morning Herald (NSW : 1842 - 1954). National Library of Australia. 7 June 1932. p. 10. Retrieved 27 December 2012.
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