Ana Bedran-Russo
Ana Bedran-Russo (née Ana Karina Bedran de Castro) is an Professor in restorative dentistry at the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry.
Bedran-Russo previously taught at the University of Campinas's Piracicaba School of Dentistry in Brazil, and at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
As a researcher, she holds many research grants from federal, institutional and association sources. She has over 100 scientific peer reviewed paper and over 150 abstracts.
She is expanding the research of biomaterials and tooth-restoration interfaces using biomimetics and tissue engineering. Her work is focused on tooth properties and the improvement or development of new restorative materials. Bedran-Russo's research regarding Biomodification of dentin using bioactive agents has potential impact to introduce novel bioinspired dental therapies to prevent caries and to develop long lasting tooth colored restorations.
Originally from Brazil, Bedran-Russo earned her DDS at the Aracatuba School of Dentistry in São Paulo; her MS in operative dentistry/clinical sciences at Piracicaba; and her PhD in dental material sciences at Piracicaba. She came to the United States in 2002 as a visiting research scholar to develop research in biomaterials at University of North Carolina. Her husband, Stephen Russo, is a periodontist.