Amédée Donatien Doublemard

The sculptor and medalist Amédée Donatien Doublemard was born at Beaurain in Nord and was taught by Francisque Duret. In 1842, he enrolled at the École des Beaux-Arts of Paris and began exhibiting his work at the Paris Salon in 1844. He died in Paris on 20 July 1900. In 1855 he shared the Prix de Rome with Henri Chapu. This entitled him to study at Rome where he stayed for three years. On his return to Paris, he was kept busy creating busts of the rich and famous of the period. He also completed several important public works such as his La France en deuil déposant une couronne sur la tombe des soldats morts pour sa défense, le 19 janvier 1871 for Saint-Quentin, his monument honouring Bon-Adrien Jeannot de Moncey in Paris and his monument to Camille Desmoulins in Guise in the Aisne. He was named a Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur in 1877 and received a variety of prizes and medals including a silver medal at the 1889 Exposition universelle. Félix Charpentier was a pupil of his. He bequeathed to the Institute his collection of art to assist students preparing to compete for the Prix de Rome.[1]


Name Location Photograph Date Notes
Étude d'homme Whereabouts not known
1844 Doublemard's first ever submission to the Paris Salon in 1844.[2]
Piété filiale de Cléobis et Biton Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts in Paris
1855 This work executed in 1855 won the Prix de Rome in that year.[3]
Monument to Maréchal Jean-Mathieu-Philibert Sérurier See comment
1863 Statue erected in Laon in 1863 having been cast in bronze by A.Laurent. Destroyed by the Germans in the course of the 1914-1918 war. Re-erected in 1932 to 1934 but requisitioned by Germans in 1941, melted down to reuse bronze and never replaced. The work had been shown at the Paris Salon of 1865.


Monument to Jean Béranger Paris
1885 The bronze statue of Béranger had stood in Paris' Square du Temple until 1942 when it was dismantled in order to re-use the bronze content. In 1953 a new sculpture was erected, sculpted by Henri Lagriffoul[6]
Alexander Killing Himself in front of the corpse of his friend Clitus Laon
1853 A bas-relief in plaster[7]
Hector and Astyanax Laon
1854 A model in plaster[8]
Bust of Monsieur Haunet Église Sainte-Marguerite.Paris
1853 Bust in marble. Haunet had served as a priest at Sainte Marguerite.


Le Nord See comment
1855 to 1857 This sculpture was removed and melted down by the Germans but fortunately the Musée d'Orsay have a drawing by Edouard Denis Baldus in their collection so we can see how the sculpture would have looked. The relief had decorated Paris' Palais du Louvre.[10]
Bust of the Abbé de Feletz Whereabouts unknown
Bust of the cleric Charles-Marie de Feletz[2]
Bust of Le Carlier d'Ardon Marc Jean François Philibert Laon
1885 Bust of the French politician[11]
Enfance de Bacchus Had stood in the Jardin des Plantes (Deux-Sèvres) in Niort
Dismantled for the bronze content during 1939-1945 war. This was the final work carried out by Doublemard whilst he studied at the French Academy in Rome.


Monument to Moncey Place Clichy. Paris
Monument remembers Moncey's role in the 1814 defence of Paris. The monument's column has reliefs depicting Moncey's actions. The bas-reliefs are entitled "Le combat de la barrière de Clichy", "La Patrie en deuil" and "Le Patriotisme"


Bust of Fouquier d'Hérouille Musée Saint-Quentin
Sculpture for the Louvre Paris
Sculpture for the Aile de Marsan.


Admiral Ferdinand-Alphonse Hamelin Musée du château de Versailles
1864 A bust in marble shown at the Paris Salon of 1868[2][16]
Bust of Augustin Magdelain Musée de Picardie in Amiens
1865 Marble bust dates to 1865[2]
Statues of Saint Thomas d'Aquin and Saint Bonaventure Sainte-Trinité, Paris
1867 Statues of two Saints executed for the Église de la Trinité[17][18]
Monument to Marie-François Auguste de Caffarelli du Falga Leschelles
1865 The monument used Doublemard's 1860 bust of Caffarelli[19]
Bust of Ambroise Thomas Whereabouts not known
1874 This bust of the French composer was shown at the 1874 Salon.[2]
War memorial in Saint Quentin to the dead of the 1870 war Cimetière Saint-Jean in Saint-Quentin
1874 The original bronze sculpture by Doublemard was melted down during the Vichy regime to re-use the bronze. Replacement sculpture carried out by Diosi.


Bust of Odilon Barrot Whereabouts not known
1878 This bust was shown at the 1878 Éxposition universelle[2]
Monument to Bolivar Guayaquil
1874 Sculpture dates to 1874[17]
Jeune Faune et panthère Whereabouts not known
1875 Work in plaster shown at the Paris Salon of 1875[17]
Bust of Charles Picard musée Antoine Lécuyer Saint Quentin.
1879 1879 bust.[21]
Bust of Victor Suin Laon
Bust of the French politician[2]
Bust of Léon Bienvenu Vervins (Aisne)
Bust located in Vervins Hôtel de ville[2] The bust was a gift given to Vervins by Bienvenu's daughter in 1932.[22]
Bust of Louis Lefèbre Omaha
La Comédie théâtre de la Gaîté-Lyrique, 3bis, rue Papin
- Doublemard's statue "La Comédie" decorates the front of the Théâtre de la Gaîté[17]
Bust of Adolphe Yvon Château de Versailles
Bust of the painter Adolphe Yvon[2]
Bust of Henri Martin
1887 This was shown at the 1887 Paris Salon and was purchased by the French State for the Musée du Trocadéro.


Monument to Jean-Baptiste André Godin Guise
The replacement statue of Godin
1888 Doublemard's original plaster model of the figure of Godin was shown at the Paris Salon of 1882. A bronze casting was made and this was the centre-piece of the monument erected in Godin's honour after his death with sculpture by Doublemard and Tony-Noël. The monument fell victim to the occupying German's thirst for bronze and it was dismantled and melted down during the 1914-1918 war. It was replaced in 1923 with a replica fashioned by Felix Charpentier.

[24] [25] [26]

Monument to Camille Desmoulins See note.
The 1949 version of Camille Desmoulins statue in Guise
1882 Doublemard had shown the plaster version of his Desmoulins figure at the Paris Salon of 1882 and this was cast in bronze and erected in 1890 in Guise's place d'Armes. Desmoulins, a French revolutionary, had been born in Guise. Doublemard added two bas-reliefs to the monument these depicting scenes from Desmoulins' life. After the war Félix Charpentier created another bronze of Desmoulins, replicating Doublemard's work, this cast by Durenne and Val d'Osne of Paris but before this was erected on the pedestal a marble bust of Desmoulins by Alexandre Lesquien served as a temporary replacement. Ironically Charpentier's bronze suffered the same fate as Doublemard's and was dismantled and melted down by the Germans during the occupation of the Second World War. It was replaced yet again in 1949 it is thought using Charpentier's original plaster cast.


Regnard Whereabouts not known
1891 This work in marble was shown at the 1891 Paris Salon and was purchased by the French State for the Théâtre national de l'Odéon[29]
Bust of Octave Feuillet Whereabouts not known
1894 A work in marble purchased by the French State at the Paris Salon of 1894.[2]


Medal for Animal Protection Society of Paris
Around 1895 On the obverse of the medal there is a representation of Justice holding a pair of scales surrounded by various animals. Just below the scales there is reference to The law of 2nd July 1850. On the reverse, within a border of two laurel branches, the medal is engraved with the name of Mr.Desfosses. The rim of the medal is stamped with « Cuivre » to indicate it is made from copper.

Funereal work

Name Location Photograph Date Notes
Decoration of the tomb of Edmond Morin. Sceaux
1884 Composition Les instruments du peintre for the painter Morin's tomb.


The tomb of Jules Garcin Cimetière Montmartre Paris
1874 The sculpture for the tomb of the French composer and violinist dates to 1886.[2]
The tomb of Gil-Pérès | Passy Cemetery
1885 Marble sculpture on Gil-Perès' tomb.[32]
The tomb of Philippe Ricord Père-Lachaise Cemetery Paris
The bust of Ricord with attendant cherubs decorates a small chapel built over his tomb.


The tomb of François Bazin Père-Lachaise Cemetery Paris
1879 The bust used for Bazin's tomb was shown at the Paris Salon of 1879.[33]
The tomb of Alphonse Gabriel Victor Paillet Père-Lachaise Paris Cemetery
Doubemard carried out sculptural work for Paillet's tomb.


The tomb of Jean-Baptiste Godin, Founder of the "Association du Familistère" Guise
Old postcard showing monument over Godin tomb. Shows the bust of Godin and the two seated figures "Le travail" and "La Famille" and above the bust the composition L'Immortalité
1889 Two seated figures in bronze depicting Le Travail (work) and La Famille (family) were executed by Doublemard and Edme Anthony Paul Tony-Noel for Godin's tomb in Guise's allée des Peupliers. Le Travail is represented by a foundry worker with anvil and hammer whilst a woman holding a baby represented La Famille. Casting was by Denonvilliers of Vouvray. The bronze high-relief composition L'Immortalité for Godin's tomb was cast by Denonvilliers in 1889 and based on a plaster model by Doublemard and Edme Tony-Noél. This figure was placed above Godin's bust and above the seated figures of work and the family

[36] [37][38]

gollark: ···
gollark: > complains about people dismissing dissenting opinions> loses respect for someone due to them having dissenting opinions
gollark: Well, 0.5% or so death rate, it's not great.
gollark: Well, that seems to partly be for vaccines and testing, which don't seem to have much of a possible counting issue going on. The other bit is for treatment, and I don't think they would particularly want to go to the hassle of treating people who don't actually have it.
gollark: Why?


  1. "Cat'zArts website". Retrieved 23 November 2016.
  2. "Phidias - Encyclopédie des sculpteurs français". Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  3. "Piété filiale de Cléobis et Biton". Retrieved 28 February 2014.
  4. "Details of submissions Paris Salon 1865". Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  5. "Jean-Mathieu-Philibert Sérurier". Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  6. "E-Monument website listing dealing with Béranger statue". Retrieved 28 February 2014.
  7. "Alexander Killing Himself in Front of the Corpse of his Friend Clitus". Retrieved 28 February 2014.
  8. "Art & Architecture website-Courtaulds". Retrieved 28 February 2014.
  9. "Listing on culture website giving details Haunet bust". Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  10. "Details of drawing of a Doublemard sculpture lost after requisition by Germans". Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  11. "Le Carlier d'Ardon". Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  12. "Enfance de Bacchus". Retrieved 28 February 2014.
  13. "website devoted to monuments connected to Napoleon with several photographs". Retrieved 28 February 2014.
  14. "Fouquier d'Hérouille". Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  15. "Website with comprehensive details of the Louvre's external sculpture". Retrieved 3 March 2014.
  16. "Admiral Hamelin". Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  17. "Other Doublemard works". Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  18. "Petit palais article which includes information on the église de la Trinité" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 7 July 2013. Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  19. "Marie François Auguste Caffarelli". Retrieved 28 February 2014.
  20. "War memorial 1870". Retrieved 28 February 2014.
  21. "Listing on joconde website with information on Charles Picard bust". Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  22. "Bienvenu". Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  23. "Listing of works purchased by the State from the 1887 Paris Salon". Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  24. "Godin". Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  25. "Desmoulons". Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  26. "Godin monument". Retrieved 28 February 2014.
  27. "Listing on culture website with details of monument". Retrieved 3 March 2014.
  28. "Desmoulins relief". Retrieved 3 March 2014.
  29. "Listing showing works purchased by the State from the Paris Salon of 1891". Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  30. "Mistral listing giving details of works purchased by the French State from the Paris Salon". Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  31. "Edmond Morin". Retrieved 28 February 2014.
  32. "The tomb of Gil-Perès". Retrieved 28 February 2014.
  33. "Henry Jouin's "La sculpture dans les cimetières de Paris"". Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  34. "Gabriel Victor Paillet". Retrieved 28 February 2014.
  35. "Website dealing with Paris sculptures". Retrieved 3 March 2014.
  36. "l'Immortalité". Retrieved 28 February 2014.
  37. "Details of the two seated figures on Godin monument". Retrieved 2 March 2014.
  38. "Jean-Baptiste Godin". Retrieved 28 February 2014.
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