A Certain Magical Index III

A Certain Magical Index is an anime series adapted from the light novel series of the same title written by Kazuma Kamachi and illustrated by Kiyotaka Haimura. The story adventures of Tōma Kamijō, a high school student with a unique power in his right hand, who resides in a scientifically advanced city, and his interactions with other psychic and magic users after he meets Index, a young nun whose mind has been implanted with the 103,000 magical texts of the Index Librorum Prohibitorum. It was produced by J.C.Staff and directed by Hiroshi Nishikiori.

A Certain Magical Index III
Country of originJapan
No. of episodes26
Original networkAT-X
Original releaseOctober 5, 2018 (2018-10-05) 
April 5, 2019 (2019-04-05)
Season chronology

A third season, titled Toaru Majutsu no Index III, began airing in Japan on October 5, 2018.[1] The third season adapts the light novels from the 14th through the 22nd volumes. The opening theme music from episodes 1 to 15 is "Gravitation" by Maon Kurosaki and the ending theme is "Revolution Eve" (革命前夜, Kakumei Zenya) by Yuka Iguchi.[2] The second opening theme from episodes 16 onwards is "ROAR" by Maon Kurosaki and the theme is "Owaranai Uta" (終わらない歌) by Yuka Iguchi.[3]


No.No. in
TitleOriginal air date on
Transcription: "Konran" (Japanese: 混乱)
October 5, 2018 (2018-10-05)
Since the September 30 attack on Academy City by The Right Seat of God's Vento of the Front, tensions grows between the Catholic Church and Academy City, with the latter's tightening their security. Tōma has an unlucky day where he gets bitten by a hungry Index, hit by a ball on the head by Seiri, accidentally sees his teacher Suama Oyafune removing her skirt and gets attacked by Mikoto after the latter discovers a selfie of him and her mother Misuzu in his phone. As he heads home, Tōma is forced to follow an old woman named Monaka Oyafune, Suama's mother, to an empty park. Monaka reveals to Tōma that she is one of Academy City's Board of Directors and fears the upcoming war and wants him to investigate whether the recent world wide protest against Academy City are really the work of the Catholic Church. Tsuchimikado appears and shoots Monaka, which the latter explains she ordered the former to shoot her to protect her family and satisfy the rest of the Pro-War Board of Directors for talking with Tōma behind their backs. Agreeing to work with her, Tōma follows Tsuchimikado as they head to Avignon, France via a supersonic jet.
250"The Right Seat of God"
Transcription: "Kami no Useki" (Japanese: 神の右席)
October 12, 2018 (2018-10-12)
Tōma is parachuted into a river and almost drowns but is saved by Itsuwa of the Amakusa Catholics. He explains to Itsuwa that he and Tsuchimikado are trying to find Constantine's Document, also known as the C Document, a magical item that was long ago given by Emperor Constantine to the Pope which allowed whatever the user believes, the people living on Papal Lands also believed it, which Tsuchimikado believes is responsible for the world wide anti-Academy City protest. Bringing him to a cafe, Itsuwa explains the C Document is in Avignon and not in Rome due to the events of the Avignon Papacy and the city's ley lines allows the document to spreads it's magic throughout Europe. However, Tōma and Itsuwa are forced to abandon the cafe after rioters reazlies Tōma is from Academy City. Meanwhile in London, Stiyl and Agnese interrogate Lidvia and Biagio over information on who God's Right Seat are and their goals which Lidvia reveals they are four special individuals who sacrificed their ability to use normal magic in exchange for divine powers so they can rid themselves of Original Sin and become closer with God. As they avoid the rioters, Tōma and Itsuwa gets a call from Tsuchimikado that they need to find one of the city's ley lines so Tōma's Imagine Breaker can destroy the effects of the C Document. Just before Tōma and Itsuwa disrupts one of the site of the ley lines, they are attacked by God's Right Seat, Terra of the Left.
351"The Document of C."
Transcription: "C Bunsho" (Japanese: C文書)
October 19, 2018 (2018-10-19)
Tsuchimikado appears and joins forces with Tōma and Itsuwa against Terra, who flees when a platoon of powered suits sent by Academy City interfere with their fight. Tsuchimikado then stays behind to stop the suits while Tōma and Itsuwa chase after Terra at the Palais des Papes. Once there, Tōma contacts Mikoto by phone and learns from her that according to the media, Academy City launched an attack on Avignon in retaliation against a plan to attack it, but their conversation is cut short when Terra, having the C Document in his hands, attacks him. During their fight, Terra realizes that Tōma still has not attained the full power of Imagine Breaker because he lost his memory, but nevertheless, Tōma takes advantage of a weakness in Terra's abilities to defeat him and destroy the C Document. Just as Tōma is about to inquire Terra about what he knows about Imagine Breaker, a squad of stealth bombers led by Accelerator attack the palace, allowing Terra to escape. However, at St. Peter's Basilica, Terra is killed for involving civilians in the conflict by Acqua of the Back who decides to take the war against Academy City personally after Terra and Vento's failures.
452"The Dark Side of Academy City"
Transcription: "Gakuentoshi anbu" (Japanese: 学園都市暗部)
October 26, 2018 (2018-10-26)
Team GROUP captures a blackmarketter for questioning who is later killed by an esper wearing a steel helmet. Etzali investigates the blackmarketter's home but a black ops team arrives. Etzali disguises himself as one of the operators but not before leaving some clues to his team. GROUP learns the blackmarketter sold a weapon to a sniper named Sunazara whose target is Monaka and Accelerator stops the assassination attempt after Awaki teleport him to Monaka's location. GROUP soon learns the assassination attempt was a distraction for another darkside team named SCHOOL, lead by the 2nd Level 5, Teitoku Kakine, and their real target was the particle engineering laboratory. To further complicate matters, the other teams like MEMBER, BLOCK and ITEM are getting involved as well. Meanwhile, the former Skill-Out Shiage is now working with Team ITEM, led by the 4th Level 5, Shizuri Mugino and her teammates, Rikō Takitsubo, Saiai Kinuhata and Frenda Seivelun, who treat Shiage with no respect. Learning about Monaka's assassination attempt, ITEM reazlies SCHOOL's real goal and heads to the particle engineering laboratory only to fight with the steel helmet esper. Despite killing the esper, Teitoku escapes with the device he stole, forcing ITEM to split up while Shiage runs away from SCHOOL's Pink dressed Assassin. Elsewhere, GROUP learns Team BLOCK is planning to steal Biological weapons from the city's virus vault but Etzali reveals the vault is a decoy as their real target is Satellite control center which controls the Hikoboshi 2 orbital laser weapon in space. Accelerator heads to the Satellite control center alone to fool BLOCK that they are falling for their trick.
553"Dark Matter"
Transcription: "Dāku Matā" (Japanese: 垣根帝督(ダークマター))
November 2, 2018 (2018-11-02)
While Kazari takes a lost Last Order home, Accelerator arrives at his location and faces Saraku, a teleporter of MEMBER and defeats him after realizing Saraku can only teleport behind his opponents. Elsewhere, MEMBER's leader "The Professor" confronts Teitoku only to be killed by the latter after using his power, Dark Matter. Meanwhile, BLOCK starts their real goal, to shut down the city's surveillance system and help 5000 mercenaries invade the city. However, one of their members is actually Etzali in disguise, who alerts the city's drone helicopters to head to their location and stop the mercenaries. Despite their heavy losses, the remaining BLOCK members, Saku Tatsuhiko and Megumi Teshio, continues their next part of the plan, bringing the mercenaries to Academy City's detention facility and kidnap Awaki's gang to use as leverage to make her help them enter the Windowless building and kill Aleister. GROUP heads to the detention facility where Accelerator stays back to hold off the remaining mercenaries while Etzali faces off against Xochitl, a MEMBER agent and his colleague from the Aztec organization who has come to Academy City to kill Etzali for treason. Tsuchimikado and Awaki confronts Saku and Megumi trying to free Awaki's gang but Megumi kills Saku for endangering the hostages and decides to forcefully get the information from Awaki instead. Despite Megumi knocking out Tsuchimikado, Awaki is able to defeat Megumi after getting over her trauma of teleporting herself. With the hostages safe and Etzali saving Xochitl's life from the grimoire she was using, GROUP heads back home. However, Teitoku arrives at ITEM's apartment after torturing Frenda for information.
Transcription: "Chō nōryoku-sha-tachi" (Japanese: 超能力者達)
November 9, 2018 (2018-11-09)
Shiage learns that SCHOOL has attack ITEM's apartment, only to arrive and find Rikō and Saiai beaten by Teitoku. Teitoku tries to kill Shiage but is stopped by Rikō who uses her AIM Stalker ability by overdosing on Ability Crystals but is shot by the Pink dressed Assassin. SCHOOL leaves, having achieve their mission on disabling Rikō's power, but a vengeful Shizuru wants revenge on Teitoku and orders Rikō to use her power, even if it will kill her. To protect Rikō, Shiage takes her under Aiho's care while he fights Shizuru, who has just killed Frenda for betraying them. As Shizuru chases him to get the Ability Crystals, Shiage leads her to an abandoned building and using himself as bait, defeats Shizuru after stabbing a Crystal in her right eye, shooting her and knocking her out with a punch. Meanwhile, Teitoku tortures Kazari for Last Order's whereabouts to gain information from her but is saved by Accelerator where the two Level 5 espers battle throughout the city. Teitoku reveals his hatred of Aleister, after learning he was his backup plan for the Level 6 Shift project and in order to prove his superiority, plans to kill Accelerator. Despite Teitoku's Dark Matter, Accelerator manages to defeat him. Aiho tries to stop Accelerator from killing Teitoku, only for the latter to stab her, making Accelerator go berserk and pummel Teitoku. Last Order arrives and is able to stop and calm down Accelerator. By the end of the day, as the injured survivors are hospitalized, Tsuchimikado discovers one Dark side team didn't join today's chaos, Team DRAGON.
755"The Third Level"
Transcription: "Dai San Kaisō" (Japanese: 第三階層)
November 16, 2018 (2018-11-16)
Itsuwa reveals to Tōma she has come to Academy City as his bodyguard to protect him from Acqua, who is now targeting him for ruining God's Right Seat plans. While Itsuwa's Amakusa comrades watch from afar and plan to have she and Touma to get close and be a couple, Mikoto is still dealing with the revelation of Tōma's amnesia. Tōma brings Itsuwa to his home, where Index accidentally destroys the bathroom, which Itsuwa decides to bring Tōma and Index to a spa located in 22nd District's underground city. After an awkward meeting between Itsuwa, Index and Mikoto in the spa, Tōma and Itsuwa takes a walk at a park. However, Acqua appears, having defeated the rest of the Amakusas, demands Tōma hand over his right arm which contains Imagine Breaker. Tōma and Itsuwa tries to fight back but are unable to hit him due to Acqua's Saint powers. After beating Tōma to a pulp, Acqua gives him one more day before he gets his right arm while Itsuwa feels guilty for failing her mission.
856"Saint Breakout"
Transcription: "Seijinkuzushi" (Japanese: 聖人崩し)
November 23, 2018 (2018-11-23)
Tōma is hospitalized after the encounter with Acqua. Itsuwa is still depressed after failing to protect Tōma, but becomes motivated again after a stern lecture from Saiji. Knowing that Acqua will return to kill Tōma, Amakusa prepare themselves for battle. After receiving information from Orsola about Acqua's past and abilities, Amakusa goes to confront Acqua. The group engages Acqua in battle, first by using a curse that Acqua is able to nullify with the power of the Divine Mother. The Amakusa Christians then use a spell known as "Saint Destroyer" designed specifically to defeat Saints. Itsuwa launches the attack with her lance, but the technique seemingly fails to work against Acqua. The members of Amakusa are quickly overwhelmed and defeated, however, before Acqua can kill any of the Amakusa he leaves after sensing the presence of the group's leader, Kanzaki Kaori. Acqua goes to confront Kaori and the two began to fight, with Kaori vowing to defeat Acqua for the sake of her comrades.
957"Holy Mother Veneration"
Transcription: "Seibo sūhai" (Japanese: 聖母崇拝)
November 30, 2018 (2018-11-30)
The battle between Kanzaki and Acqua continues, however it soon becomes apparent that Acqua possess more raw power. Meanwhile Tōma, having regained consciousness sneaks out of hospital to go and aid the Amakusa against Acqua. En route to where the fight is taking place, he runs into Misaka, who reveals that she knows about his amnesia, Tōma declines her offer of help and leaves to go the sight of the battle. Meanwhile, Acqua continues to overpower Kanzaki, until the other members of Amakusa jump into battle to aid her. Kanzaki reveals that she has discovered Acqua's weakness, by stacking both the power of the Divine Mother and that of a Saint, he is extremely vulnerable to spells that target those with powers of a Saint. As such this means that "Saint Destroyer" is his one true weakness as it targets those with Saint powers, whilst normal Saints would be rendered immobile, in the case of Acqua it would cause the power of the Divine Mother to run rampant causing his body to self-destruct. Itsuwa realizes the reason "Saint Destroyer" failed earlier is that Acqua prepared a defensive spell specifically to counter it. Realizing his weakness has been discovered Acqua prepares to launch a powerful attack to defeat the Amakusa. However, just as the attack is about to hit, Tōma arrives and manages to cancel out the attack with his right hand, thereby creating an opening which allows the Amakusa to defeat Acqua with "Saint Destroyer". Back in the Vatican, the Pope becomes aware of Acqua's defeat and soon after he is approached by Fiamma of the Right, the leader of God's Right Seat. Fiamma tells the Pope that he has no interest in targeting Academy City and that his true goal is to obtain Index to increase his own power, even at the cost of plunging Europe into conflict. Realising Fiamma's true intentions the Pope attempts to subdue Fiamma, but he is easily bested with Fiamma's power, "The Holy Right". Fiamma then departs for England, whilst the injured Pope asks Vento to pursue Fiamma.
1058"Sky Bus 365"
Transcription: "Sukai basu 365" (Japanese: スカイバス365)
December 7, 2018 (2018-12-07)
A explosion in the Eurotunnel, the main trade route between Britain and mainland Europe, severely damages both the English and French economies causing heightened tensions between both countries. In order to determine the nature of the explosion, the British Royal family calls Index as a consultant, with Tōma acting as her guardian. The flight to Britain takes a turn for the worst when Tōma learns from the flight crew, after discovering a large uncleaned blood stain, that a member of a French anti-English terrorist organization has infiltrated the flight as part of a plot to take out England's aerial supply routes. Tōma is confined to prevent panic spreading throughout the plane, whilst Index stumbles upon the main perpetrator attempting to sabotage the plane's landing stabilizers and is subsequently taken hostage as a result. Luckily, Tōma manages to hear the terrorist man-handling Index and breaks out of captivity, rescuing Index. Elsewhere, Necessarius, who are aware of the terror plot, cast a series of illusions with the hopes of forcing the plane to make an emergency landing, but their efforts are thwarted by an unidentified third party. Back on the plane Tōma subdues the terrorist but is puzzled as to why the terrorist waited this long before taking any action. Concluding that there a second terrorist that must have snuck aboard the cargo hold during the plane's brief pitstop in Paris, Tōma heads down in order to confront him. With the help of Stiyl, who arrives on a stealth jet under orders of Necessarius after their illusion casting ploy fails to land the plane, Tōma is able to neutralize the second terrorist
1159"British Labyrinth"
Transcription: "Igirisu meiro" (Japanese: 英国迷路)
December 14, 2018 (2018-12-14)
Landing in Edinburgh, Tōma and Index are greeted by Kanzaki, who takes them to Buckingham Palace. There, Tōma and Index meet Queen Elizard, First Princess Riméa, Second Princess Carissa, Third Princess Villian, and the Knight Leader. The meeting starts in earnest after Tōma is given a brief lecture regarding Curtana Original a powerful sword originally possessed by the Royal family said to hold the power of Archangel Michael, along with the Curtana Second, a replacemet currently wielded by Elizard after the original was lost. At the meeting Elizard voices suspicions that the Eurotunnel bombing was carried out by the French Roman Orthodox Church. Furthermore, Elizard states that Necessarius have tracked the source of the interference that prevented them from landing Tōma and Index's hijacked flight to Scotland, the perpetrators being a mysterious organization known as "New Light" who have just completed an archaeological dig. Elizard then dispatches Index, the Knight leader along with Princess Carissa and Princess Villian to investigate the Eurotunnel bombing and the members of the Anglican church to investigate the true intentions of "New Light" with Tōma in tow. In London, the members of New Light arrive with the artifact obtained from their dig, however, their plan goes awry when Lessar, one of the members of New Light causes a scene after accidentally misplacing a suitcase she was carrying. The members of Necessarius manage to subdue two members of New Light, whilst Tōma partnered Oriana Thompson (now working for Britain), pursue Lessar. Whilst chasing Lessar, the Church of England calls Tōma and informs him that the suitcases carried by the members of New Light are linked and that the contents of one case can be freely teleported between any of the others. After cornering Lessar, she reveals that there in fact five cases and she transports the artifact to the fifth case. Immediately after, Tōma saves Lessar from an assassination attempt. Oriana recognizes the weapon used in the failed assassination as being a Robin Hood arrow, a weapon only used by members of the Knights of England. Lessar then explains that the artifact that was being carried by New Light is in fact the Curtana Original and that New Light themselves are working for Princess Carissa. Carissa plans to use the Curtana Original to launch a coup against the British monarchy with the intention of launching an invasion of France.
Transcription: "Yōhei" (Japanese: 傭兵)
December 21, 2018 (2018-12-21)
1361"Curtana Original"
Transcription: "Katēteru orijinaru" (Japanese: カテーテル オリジナル)
December 28, 2018 (2018-12-28)
Transcription: "Eiyū-tachi" (Japanese: 英雄達)
January 11, 2019 (2019-01-11)
1563"Spark Signal"
Transcription: "Mukai-den butai (supākushigunaru)" (Japanese: 迎電部隊(スパークシグナル))
January 18, 2019 (2019-01-18)
1664"The Governing Board"
Transcription: "Tōkatsu riji-kai" (Japanese: 統括理事会)
January 25, 2019 (2019-01-25)
Transcription: "Kaibutsu (doragon)" (Japanese: 怪物(ドラゴン))
February 1, 2019 (2019-02-01)
1866"The Alliance of Independent Nations"
Transcription: "Dokuritsu gokudōmei" (Japanese: 独立国同盟)
February 8, 2019 (2019-02-08)
1967"Misaka Worst"
Transcription: "Bangai Kotai (Misaka Wāsuto)" (Japanese: 番外個体 (ミサカワースト))
February 15, 2019 (2019-02-15)
2068"A Reason to Protect"
Transcription: "Mamoru Riyū?" (Japanese: 守る理由)
February 22, 2019 (2019-02-22)
2169"Star of Bethlehem"
Transcription: "Betsurehemu no Hoshi" (Japanese: ベツレヘムの星)
March 1, 2019 (2019-03-01)
Transcription: "Gaburieru" (Japanese: 天使の力 (ガブリエル) )
March 8, 2019 (2019-03-08)
Transcription: "Hyūzu Kazakiri" (Japanese: ヒューズ=カザキリ)
March 15, 2019 (2019-03-15)
2472"List of Prohibited Books (Index)"
Transcription: "Indekkusu" (Japanese: 禁書目録(インデックス))
March 22, 2019 (2019-03-22)
Transcription: "Tsubasa" (Japanese: )
March 29, 2019 (2019-03-29)
2674"Son of God"
Transcription: "Kami no Ko" (Japanese: 神の子)
April 5, 2019 (2019-04-05)
gollark: They have, of course, launched "COVID marshals" and encouraged people to report violations since, but I'd really just expect that to create more resentment.
gollark: Having a lockdown in the first place and then inconsistent and rather bees rules since has probably burned through many people's available annoying-thing-tolerance.
gollark: People's willingness to tolerate annoying things is limited.
gollark: I do not think that is accurate.
gollark: Yes. I'm aware some people didn't, but it would be significantly worse if they did more of them.


  1. "ANIME NEWS: 'A Certain Magical Index III' to premiere in October". asashi. July 28, 2018. Retrieved March 17, 2019.
  2. "A Certain Magical Index Season 3's Theme Song Artists Revealed". Anime News Network. July 9, 2018. Retrieved March 17, 2019.
  3. "Index VA Yuka Iguchi Sings A Certain Magical Index III New ED Song in Music Video". Crunchyroll. January 22, 2019. Retrieved March 17, 2019.
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