7 Girls

7 Girls is a 2001 documentary film about female surfers Layne Beachley, Serena Brooke, Heather Clark, Megan Abubo, Rochelle Ballard, Keala Kennelly and Sofia Mulanovich. This road trip film follows a group of surfers around the Pacific Ocean as they surf Hawaii, Fiji, Tahiti, and Indonesia. The film conveys their enthusiasm for the sport, sense of humor, and their respect for nature.

7 Girls
DVD jacket
Release date
Running time
60 min


gollark: I doubt it actually makes it problematically contagious though.
gollark: https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2021/04/28/brazil-rejects-the-gamaleya-vaccine
gollark: Apparently there are some quality control issues with the Russian Sputnik V vaccine and some of it actually is replication-capable.
gollark: The adenovirus-vector ones could probably be patched to not not replicate in humans.
gollark: It's totally real, they cloned a sheep one time.
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