53rd Oklahoma Legislature

The Fifty-third Oklahoma Legislature was the meeting of the legislative branch of the government of Oklahoma, composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives. State legislators met at the Oklahoma State Capitol in Oklahoma City from January 4, 2011, to January 8, 2013, during the first two years of the first administration of Governor Mary Fallin.[1]

53rd Oklahoma Legislature
Todd Lamb (R)
President Pro Tem of the Senate:
Speaker of the House:
January 4, 2011-January 8, 2013
32      16     
70      31     

Dates of sessions

  • Organizational day: January 4, 2011
  • First regular session: February 7, 2011 – May 27, 2011
  • Second regular session: February 6, 2012 – May 25, 2012

Previous: 52nd Legislature • Next: 54th Legislature

Party composition


Affiliation Party
(Shading indicates majority caucus)
Republican Democratic Vacant
End of previous legislature 26 22 48 0
Begin 32 16 48 0
Latest voting share 66.7% 33.3%

House of Representatives

Affiliation Party
(Shading indicates majority caucus)
Republican Democratic Vacant
End of previous legislature 62 39 101 0
Begin 70 31 101 0
July 4, 2011[2] 69 100 1
December 2011[3] 68 99 2
February 14, 2012[4]
April 2012[5] 67 98 3
End of Legislature
Latest voting share 66.7% 33.3%

Major legislation

As Long as the Waters Flow statue in front of Oklahoma State Capitol.


2011 Legislative Session

  • Abortion - HB 1888 banned abortions after 20 weeks of pregnancy, except in situations dangerous or life-threatening to the mother.
  • Abortion - SB 547 mandated that standard health insurance policies sold in Oklahoma or sold through a state health insurance exchange do not include elective abortion coverage.
  • Agency consolidation - HB 2140 consolidated the Oklahoma Department of Central Services, Oklahoma Office of Personnel Management, Oklahoma State Employees Benefits Council, and the State and Education Employees Group Insurance Board into the Oklahoma Office of State Finance.
  • Corrections reform - HB 2131 expanded eligibility of low-risk, nonviolent inmates for community sentencing and electronic monitoring programs.
  • Education reform - SB 346 eliminated social promotion from public schools after the third grade.
  • Education reform - HB 1456 established an "A-F" Grade System for public schools.
  • Education reform - HB 1380 eliminated the ability of public school teachers to appeal any termination to state district courts as a trial de novo.
  • Education reform - HB 2139 increased the authority of the Oklahoma Superintendent of Public Instruction to manage the Oklahoma State Department of Education.
  • Guns - HB 1439 expanded the right of Oklahomans to use deadly force at their place of business if they feel threatened.
  • Guns - HB 1652 - allowed licensed Oklahomans to carry a concealed weapon on Oklahoma Department of Career and Technology Education facilities.
  • Pensions - HB 2132 required any cost of living adjustment increases to be fully funded prior to implementation.
  • Pensions - HB 1010 increased the retirement age for new members of the Oklahoma Uniform Retirement System for Justices and Judges from 65 to 67.
  • Pensions - SB 377 increased the retirement age for new members of the Oklahoma Teachers' Retirement System from 62 to 65 and establishes a minimum age of 60 for full retirement benefits for teachers who meet the rule of 90 (age plus years of service).
  • Pensions - SB 794 ensured that elected officials are treated the same as other public employees when calculating retirement benefits.
  • Pensions - SB 347 provided for the forfeiture of a municipal employee's retirement benefits upon conviction of crimes related to their office.
  • Public employee unions - HB 1593 repealed requirement that cities grant collective bargaining rights to their non-police and non-fire employees.
  • Tort reform - HB 2128 reduced the cap on non-economic damages in tort lawsuits from $400,000 to $350,000.
  • Tort reform - SB 862 eliminated joint and several liability from tort lawsuits.

2012 Legislative Session

  • Education agency consolidation - SB 1797 consolidated the Oklahoma Teacher Preparation Commission, which oversees teacher training requirements, and the Oklahoma Office of Accountability, which monitors the performance of public schools, into new Oklahoma Office of Educational Quality and Accountability under the direction of the Oklahoma Secretary of Education.
  • Guns - SB 1733 authorized citizens to openly carry firearms upon receiving a license from the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation.
  • Public safety - HB 3052 establishes the Justice Reinvestment Initiative to provide grants to local criminal justice agencies, mandated mental health screenings prior to sentencing, increased parole and community corrections for non-violent offenders, and included other provisions to reduce incarceration rates.
  • Energy efficiency - SB 1096 directs all State agencies to reduce energy consumption by 20 percent by 2020
  • Energy research - SB 1627 established the Oklahoma Energy Initiative to fund energy research and development projects
  • Litigation reform - HB 2654 limits the remedies available to royalty owners for disputes with oil and gas companies
  • Transportation - HB 2248 increases annual funding to the Oklahoma Department of Transportation to address failing bridges and highways
  • Transportation - HB 2249 increases annual funding to the various counties to address failing bridges and highways
  • Physicians - HB 3058 expands Oklahoma Hospital Residency Training Program to address physician shortage in rural areas
  • Welfare reform - HB 2388 requires the Oklahoma Department of Human Services the drug-test all adult who apply for the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program
  • Abortion - SB 1274 requires doctors to inform pregnant women that she has the right to hear the heartbeat of fetus prior to performing an abortion
  • Veterans - SB 1863 allows military veterans to transfer military experience for academic credits and other professional licensing requirements
  • Meth production - HB 2941 limits the amount of pseudoephedrine which may be purchased within a given time span
  • Veterans - HB 2689 allows children of military personnel from Oklahoma to receive in-state college tuition without regard for state of residency
  • Water - HB 3055 commits the state to using no more fresh water in 2060 than is presently used


2012 Legislative Session

  • HB 3061 - Income tax cut - Lowers the rate of the state income tax
  • SB 1990 - American Indian Cultural Center - authorizes a bond issue to pay for the completion of an Oklahoma City-based museum

Added to 2012 ballot as a referendum

  • HJR 1092 - Human Services Commission - Gave voters the opportunity to abolish constitutionally-authorized commission overseeing Department of Human Services, gives oversight to state legislators


This article is part of a series on the
politics and government of


Republican caucus

  • Majority Floor Leader: Mike Schultz
  • Assistant Majority Floor Leader: Clark Jolley
  • Assistant Majority Floor Leader: Anthony Sykes
  • Assistant Majority Floor Leader: John Ford
  • Majority Whip: Cliff Branan
  • Majority Whip: Dan Newberry
  • Majority Whip: Gary Stanislawski
  • Majority Whip: Rob Johnson
  • Majority Caucus Chairman: Bryce Marlatt
  • Majority Caucus Vice-Chairman: David Holt

House of Representatives

  • Speaker: Kris Steele (R-Shawnee)
  • Speaker pro tempore: Jeffrey W. Hickman (R-Fairview)

Republican caucus

  • Republican Majority Leader: Dale DeWitt
  • Republican Majority Floor Leader: Dan Sullivan
  • Assistant Republican Majority Floor Leader: Lisa Billy
  • Assistant Republican Majority Floor Leader: Gary Banz
  • Assistant Republican Majority Floor Leader: Mike Jackson
  • Assistant Republican Majority Floor Leader: George Faught
  • Assistant Republican Majority Floor Leader: Dennis Johnson
  • Assistant Republican Majority Floor Leader: Leslie Osborn
  • Republican Majority Whip: Skye McNiel
  • Deputy Republican Majority Whip: Dennis Casey
  • Deputy Republican Majority Whip: Marian Cooksey
  • Deputy Republican Majority Whip: Corey Holland
  • Deputy Republican Majority Whip: Fred Jordan
  • Deputy Republican Majority Whip: Steve Martin
  • Deputy Republican Majority Whip: Randy McDaniel
  • Deputy Republican Majority Whip: Mike Sanders
  • Deputy Republican Majority Whip: Paul Wesselhoft
  • Republican Majority Caucus Chairman: Weldon Watson
  • Republican Majority Caucus Vice Chairman: Harold Wright
  • Republican Majority Caucus Secretary: Marian Cooksey

Democratic caucus

  • Democratic Minority Leader: Scott Inman
  • Democratic Minority Floor Leader: Mike Brown
  • Deputy Democratic Floor Leader: Eric Proctor
  • Assistant Democratic Floor Leader: Wes Hilliard
  • Assistant Democratic Floor Leader: Steve Kouplen
  • Assistant Democratic Floor Leader: Al McAffrey
  • Assistant Democratic Floor Leader: Jeannie McDaniel
  • Assistant Democratic Floor Leader: Wade Rousselot
  • Assistant Democratic Floor Leader: Mike Shelton
  • Democratic Whip: Ben Sherrer
  • Assistant Democratic Whip: Cory T. Williams
  • Democratic Caucus Chairman: Jerry McPeak
  • Minority Caucus Vice Chairman: Joe Dorman
  • Democratic Caucus Secretary: Donnie Condit



District Name Party Hometown First Elected
Lt-Gov Todd Lamb Rep Oklahoma City 2011
1 Charles Wyrick Dem Fairland 2004
2 Sean Burrage Dem Claremore 2006
3 Jim Wilson Dem Tahlequah 2004
4 Mark Allen Rep Spiro 2010
5 Jerry Ellis Dem Hugo 2008
6 Josh Brecheen Rep Coalgate 2010
7 Richard Lerblance Dem Hartshorne 2003
8 Roger Ballenger Dem Okmulgee 2006
9 Earl Garrison Dem Muskogee 2004
10 Eddie Fields Rep Pawhuska 2010
11 Judy Eason McIntyre Dem Tulsa 2004
12 Brian Bingman Rep Sapulpa 2006
13 Susan Paddack Dem Ada 2004
14 Frank Simpson Rep Ardmore 2010
15 Jonathan Nichols Rep Norman 2000
16 John Sparks Dem Norman 2006
17 Charlie Laster Dem Shawnee 2003
18 Kim David Rep Tulsa 2010
19 Patrick Anderson Rep Enid 2004
20 David Myers Rep Ponca City 2002
21 Jim Halligan Rep Stillwater 2008
22 Rob Johnson Rep Piedmont 2010
23 Ron Justice Rep Chickasha 2004
24 Anthony Sykes Rep Moore 2006
25 Mike Mazzei Rep Tulsa 2004
26 Tom Ivester Dem Sayre 2006
27 Bryce Marlatt Rep Woodward 2008
28 Harry Coates Rep Seminole 2002
29 John Ford Rep Bartlesville 2004
30 David Holt Rep Oklahoma City 2010
31 Don Barrington Rep Lawton 2004
32 Randy Bass Dem Lawton 2004
33 Tom Adelson Dem Tulsa 2004
34 Rick Brinkley Rep Owasso 2010
35 Gary Stanislawski Rep Tulsa 2008
36 Bill Brown Rep Broken Arrow 2006
37 Dan Newberry Rep Tulsa 2008
38 Mike Schulz Rep Altus 2006
39 Brian Crain Rep Tulsa 2004
40 Cliff Branan Rep Oklahoma City 2002
41 Clark Jolley Rep Edmond 2004
42 Cliff Aldridge Rep Midwest City 2002
43 Jim Reynolds Rep Oklahoma City 2000
44 Ralph Shortey Rep Oklahoma City 2010
45 Steve Russell Rep Oklahoma City 2008
46 Andrew Rice Dem Oklahoma City 2006
47 Greg Treat Rep Catoosa 2011
48 Constance N. Johnson Dem Oklahoma City 2006

House of Representatives

House Speaker Kris Steele
NameDistrictPartyCityFirst elected
Rusty Farley1RepHaworth2010
John R. Bennett2RepSallisaw2010
James Lockhart3DemHeavener2010
Mike Brown4DemTahlequah2004
Doug Cox5RepGrove2004
Chuck Hoskin6DemVinita2006
Larry Glenn7DemMiami2004
Ben Sherrer8DemPryor2004
Marty Quinn9RepClaremore2010
Steve Martin10RepBartlesville2004
Earl Sears11RepBartlesville2006
Wade Rousselot12DemOkay2004
Jerry McPeak13DemWarner2004
George Faught14RepMuskogee2006
Ed Cannaday15DemPorum2006
Jerry Shoemake16DemMorris2004
Brian Renegar17DemMcAlester2006
Donnie Condit18DemMcAlester2010
R. C. Pruett19DemAntlers2004
Paul D. Roan20DemTishomingo2000
Dustin Roberts21RepDurant2010
Wes Hilliard22DemSulphur2004
Sue Tibbs23RepTulsa2000
Steve Kouplen24DemHoldenville2008
Todd Thomsen25RepAda2006
Kris Steele26RepShawnee2000
Josh Cockroft27Rep2010
Tom Newell28RepSeminole2010
Skye McNiel29RepBristow2006
Mark McCullough30RepSapulpa2006
Jason Murphey31RepGuthrie2006
Danny Morgan32DemPrague2002
Lee Denney33RepCushing2004
Cory T. Williams34DemStillwater2008
Dennis Casey35RepMorrison2010
Sean Roberts36RepHominy2010
Steve Vaughn37RepPonca City2010
Dale DeWitt38RepBraman2002
Marian Cooksey39RepEdmond2004
Mike Jackson40RepEnid2004
John Enns41RepWaukomis2006
Lisa J. Billy42RepPurcell2004
Colby Schwartz43RepYukon2006
Emily Virgin44DemNorman2010
Aaron Stiles45RepNorman2010
Scott Martin46RepNorman2006
Leslie Osborn47RepMustang2008
Pat Ownbey48RepArdmore2008
Tommy C. Hardin49RepMadill2010
Dennis Johnson50RepKingfisher2006
Corey Holland51RepMarlow2008
Charles Ortega52RepAltus2008
Randy Terrill53RepMoore2004
Paul Wesselhoft54RepMoore2006
Todd Russ55RepCordell2009
Phil Richardson56RepMinco2004
Harold Wright57RepWeatherford2008
Jeff Hickman58RepDacoma2004
Mike Sanders59RepKingfisher2008
Purcy Walker60DemElk City2000
Gus Blackwell61RepGoodwell2002
T. W. Shannon62RepLawton2006
Don Armes63RepFaxon2002
Ann Coody64RepLawton2004
Joe Dorman65DemRush Springs2002
Jadine Nollan66RepSand Springs2010
Pam Peterson67RepTulsa2004
Glen Mulready68RepTulsa2010
Fred Jordan69RepJenks2006
Ron Peters70RepTulsa2000
Daniel Sullivan71RepTulsa2004
Seneca Scott72DemTulsa2008
Jabar Shumate73DemTulsa2004
David Derby74RepOwasso2006
Dan Kirby75RepTulsa2008
David Brumbaugh76RepBroken Arrow2010
Eric Proctor77DemTulsa2006
Jeannie McDaniel78DemTulsa2004
Weldon Watson79RepTulsa2006
Mike Ritze80RepTulsa2008
Randy Grau81RepEdmond2010
Guy Liebmann82RepOklahoma City2004
Randy McDaniel83RepOklahoma City2006
Sally Kern84RepOklahoma City2004
David Dank85RepOklahoma City2006
William T. Fourkiller86DemStilwell2010
Jason Nelson87RepOklahoma City2008
Al McAffrey88DemOklahoma City2006
Rebecca Hamilton89DemOklahoma City2002
Charles Key90RepOklahoma City2000
Mike Reynolds91RepOklahoma City2002
Richard Morrissette92DemOklahoma City2002
Mike Christian93RepOklahoma City2008
Scott Inman94DemOklahoma City2006
Charlie Joyner95RepMidwest City2006
Lewis H. Moore96RepEdmond2008
Mike Shelton97DemOklahoma City2004
John Trebilcock98RepTulsa2002
Anastasia Pittman99DemOklahoma City2006
Elise Hall100RepOklahoma City2010
Gary Banz101RepMidwest City2004

References and notes

  1. Publications - Senate Journals, Oklahoma Senate Archived July 9, 2013, at the Wayback Machine (accessed July 2, 2013)
  2. Republican Rusty Farley (District 1) died.
  3. Republican Dan Sullivan (District 71) resigns.
  4. Democrat Curtis McDaniel is elected to succeed Farley. Democrat Al McAffrey (District 88) is elected to the State Senate
  5. Republican Sue Tibbs (District 23) died.
  6. The Lieutenant Governor of Oklahoma serves as the President of the Senate.
  7. Although Lamb is formally listed as being from Oklahoma City, he does not represent any city either as Lieutenant Governor or as Senate President.
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gollark: I know 0.2 physics or more or less.
gollark: School *is* a number of cryoapioforms, really.
gollark: Or somewhat self-regularizing discrete ones.
gollark: I mean, look at something something continuous chaotic systems.
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