2015 Danish European Union opt-out referendum

A referendum on one of the country's opt-outs from the European Union was held in Denmark on 3 December 2015. Specifically, the referendum was on whether to convert Denmark's current full opt-out on home and justice matters into an opt-out with case-by-case opt-in similar to that currently held by Ireland and the United Kingdom. Approval of the referendum was needed for Denmark to remain in Europol under the new rules. However, it was rejected by 53% of voters.

Danish European Union opt-out referendum
Thursday 3 December 2015
Proposed Law to change the justice opt-out to a case-by-case opt-in.[n 1][1]
Votes %
Yes 1,375,862 46.89%
No 1,558,437 53.11%
Valid votes 2,934,299 98.13%
Invalid or blank votes 55,962 1.87%
Total votes 2,990,261 100.00%
Registered voters/turnout 4,153,041 72%
Source: Statistics Denmark[2]
Election posters in Copenhagen


After Danish voters rejected the Maastricht Treaty in a 1992 referendum, the Edinburgh Agreement that was reached granted four exceptions to Denmark, one of which concerning Justice and Home Affairs. The Danish people subsequently approved the Maastricht Treaty in a 1993 referendum.

Several Danish governments had considered holding a referendum on abolishing certain opt-outs. When it became clear that, under new rules, Denmark would have to leave Europol due to its full opt-out, the two main political parties agreed to hold a referendum after the 2015 general election. The second Lars Løkke Rasmussen government that was formed following the election subsequently decided on 21 August 2015 to hold a referendum on 3 December.[3]

Consequences in legislation

List of legislation

The following are EU-laws affected by the opt-outs, that the proponents wanted to opt into:[4]

Police and criminal law
  • Directive 2014/41/EU, EUR-lex, eu.dk, Direktivet om den europæiske efterforskningskendelse i straffesager, regarding the European Investigation Order in criminal matters
  • Directive 2011/99/EU (de), EUR-lex, eu.dk, Direktivet om den europæiske beskyttelsesordre, regarding the European protection order
  • Regulation 606/2013 (de), EUR-lex, eu.dk, Forordningen om den civilretlige beskyttelsesordre, regarding the European protection order
  • Directive 2011/36/EU (de), EUR-lex, eu.dk, Menneskehandelsdirektivet, regarding preventing and combating trafficking in human beings and protecting its victims
  • Directive 2011/92/EU, EUR-lex, eu.dk, Direktivet om seksuelt misbrug af børn, regarding combating the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children and child pornography
  • Directive 2013/40/EU, EUR-lex, eu.dk, Cybercrimedirektivet, regarding attacks against information systems
  • Directive 2014/57/EU, EUR-lex, eu.dk, Direktivet om markedsmisbrug, regarding criminal sanctions for market abuse
  • Directive 2014/62/EU, EUR-lex, eu.dk, Direktivet om falskmøntneri, regarding the protection of the euro and other currencies against counterfeiting by criminal law
Civil law and commercial law
  • Regulation 1346/2000 (de), EUR-lex, eu.dk, Konkursforordningen, regarding insolvency proceedings
  • Regulation 1206/2001, EUR-lex, eu.dk, Bevisoptagelsesforordningen, regarding cooperation between the courts of the Member States in the taking of evidence in civil or commercial matters
  • Regulation 1896/2006, EUR-lex, eu.dk, Betalingspåkravsforordningen, creating a European order for payment procedure
  • Regulation 861/2007, EUR-lex, eu.dk, Småkravsforordningen, establishing a European Small Claims Procedure
  • Regulation 805/2004, EUR-lex, eu.dk, Forordningen om indførelse af et europæisk tvangsfuldbyrdelsesdokument for ubestridte krav, creating a European Enforcement Order for uncontested claims
  • Directive 2008/52/EC (de), EUR-lex, eu.dk, Mæglingsdirektivet, regarding mediation in civil and commercial matters
  • Regulation 593/2008, EUR-lex, eu.dk, Rom I-forordningen om lovvalg inden for kontrakt
  • Regulation 864/2007, EUR-lex, eu.dk, Rom II-forordningen om lovvalg uden for kontrakt
  • Regulation 662/2009, EUR-lex, eu.dk, Forordningen om bilaterale aftaler om lovvalgsregler, establishing a procedure for the negotiation and conclusion of agreements between Member States and third countries on particular matters concerning the law applicable to contractual and non-contractual obligations
  • Regulation 655/2014, EUR-lex, eu.dk, Kontosikringsforordningen, establishing a European Account Preservation Order procedure to facilitate cross-border debt recovery in civil and commercial matters
Family law
  • Regulation 650/2012 (de), EUR-lex, eu.dk, Arveretsforordningen, regarding jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and acceptance and enforcement of authentic instruments in matters of succession and on the creation of a European Certificate of Succession
  • Regulation 2201/2003, EUR-lex, eu.dk, Bruxelles IIa-forordningen, regarding jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial matters and the matters of parental responsibility
  • Regulation 4/2009, EUR-lex, eu.dk, Underholdspligtsforordningen, regarding jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of decisions and cooperation in matters relating to maintenance obligations
  • Regulation 664/2009, EUR-lex, eu.dk, Forordningen om bilaterale familieretlige aftaler, establishing a procedure for the negotiation and conclusion of agreements between Member States and third countries concerning jurisdiction, recognition and enforcement of judgments and decisions in matrimonial matters, matters of parental responsibility and matters relating to maintenance obligations, and the law applicable to matters relating to maintenance obligations


A "yes" vote was supported by the governing Venstre, the Social Democrats, the Conservative People's Party, The Alternative, the Social Liberal Party and the Socialist People's Party. A "no" vote was supported by the Danish People's Party, the Liberal Alliance, the Red–Green Alliance, the People's Movement against the EU and the Young Conservatives.

Opinion polls

Date(s) Polling agency Sample For Against Undecided Lead
1–2 December 2015Megafon/TV21,92739.4%42.2%18.4%2.8%
30 November–1 December 2015Gallup/Berlingske1,63037%42%21%5%
25 November–1 December 2015Wilke/Jyllandsposten2,00037.4%41.1%21.5%3.7%
22–30 November 2015Epinion/DR2,77832%36%31%4%
26–29 November 2015Megafon/TV21,00035%40%25%5%
25–26 November 2015Gallup/Berlingske1,03534%38%25%4%
20–23 November 2015Megafon/TV21,03139%38%23%1%
18–23 November 2015Norstat/Altinget1,00234%41%25%7%
16–22 November 2015Epinion/DR2,37332%29%34%3%
November 2015Voxmeter/Ritzau1,00934.8%32.1%33.1%2.7%
November 2015Voxmeter/Ritzau1,01033.0%30.5%36.5%2.5%
November 2015Voxmeter/Ritzau1,00526.8%30.4%42.7%3.6%
26–28 October 2015Megafon/Politikenca. 1,00032%28%40%4%
22–26 October 2015Norstat/Altinget1,00031%37%33%6%
14–21 October 2015Epinion/DR Nyheder1,00529%28%39%1%
September 2015Voxmeter/Ritzau1,00926%37%36%9%
21–24 September 2015Megafon/Politikenca. 1,00041%32%27%9%
16–21 September 2015Norstat/Altinget1,00131%36%33%5%
24–26 August 2015Megafon/Politikenca. 1,00041%27%33%14%
21–24 August 2015Norstat/Altinget1,00034%33%32%1%
June 2015Norstat/Altingetca. 1,00038%31%31%7%
May 2015Norstat/Altingetca. 1,00040%30%30%10%
April 2015Norstat/Altingetca. 1,00036%29%34%7%
12–17 March 2015Norstat/Altinget1,00138%27%35%11%
3 February 2015Norstat/Altingetca. 1,00039%27%34%12%
12 January 2015ukendt/Børsenca. 1,00043%41%16%2%
January 2015Norstat/Altingetca. 1,00039%27%34%12%


Results by electoral district
Choice Votes %
Invalid/blank votes55,962
Registered voters/turnout4,153,04172.00
Source: Statistics Denmark[2]

By district

District Yes No Valid Blank Invalid Total
Votes % Votes %
Capital Region442,17950.4435,34849.6877,52715,6742,587895,788
1. Østerbro21,10356.416,29443.637,39785113638,384
2. Sundbyvester14,32149.014,92751.029,24863411029,992
3. Indre By15,96458.411,38141.627,3456118828,044
4. Sundbyøster11,26344.613,98655.425,24957211825,939
5. Nørrebro18,35549.818,52750.236,8821,30515438,341
6. Bispebjerg9,23942.312,59957.721,83858010922,527
7. Brønshøj17,23947.519,08552.536,32473815637,218
8. Valby10,85245.812,83054.223,6825678324,332
9. Vesterbro14,46850.114,41149.928,87982311629,818
10. Falkoner16,82160.511,00239.527,8236256928,517
11. Slots14,32755.211,62844.825,9555438526,583
12. Tårnby12,13340.817,62159.229,7543536230,169
Copenhagen Surrounding Areas124,92848.2134,15651.8259,0843,748619263,451
1. Gentofte25,14965.913,01634.138,16552712338,815
2. Lyngby17,51160.811,27939.228,7904909429,374
3. Gladsaxe15,90548.916,58951.132,4945805433,128
4. Rødovre13,71942.618,46657.432,1854997032,754
5. Hvidovre9,89739.115,39160.925,2883343825,660
6. Brøndby12,75340.918,44359.131,1963426631,604
7. Taastrup14,76742.120,29457.935,0614859335,639
8. Ballerup15,22742.420,67857.635,9054918136,477
North Zealand131,22853.3115,13046.7246,3583,329596250,283
1. Helsingør15,43847.916,81452.132,25246710632,825
2. Fredensborg20,90560.113,90139.934,8063964735,249
3. Hillerød24,25649.424,88350.649,13971913449,992
4. Frederikssund17,40342.623,40457.440,80749610741,410
5. Egedal24,75655.120,15044.944,9066459645,647
6. Rudersdal28,47064.115,97835.944,44860610645,160
1. Rønne4,93646.85,62153.210,5572044910,810
2. Aakirkeby5,00244.96,15055.111,1521913711,380
Zealand and South Denmark Region478,22544.3601,65655.71,079,88115,6052,9631,098,449
1. Lolland8,28936.314,57763.722,8662497923,194
2. Guldborgsund13,64640.420,09359.633,7394269434,259
3. Vordingborg10,77941.515,17758.525,9563367226,364
4. Næstved18,61342.425,26957.643,88258611144,579
5. Faxe12,95740.818,79459.231,7513797832,208
6. Køge21,26045.425,54554.646,8056568847,549
7. Greve17,70046.920,04153.137,74140910138,251
8. Roskilde23,88551.922,15748.146,04282911146,982
9. Holbæk15,82543.320,72456.736,54945310137,103
10. Kalundborg17,40038.727,58261.344,98251611445,612
11. Ringsted14,49043.518,83656.533,3264778733,890
12. Slagelse16,33540.324,18959.740,5244616541,050
1. Odense Øst14,77944.918,15955.132,93874911633,803
2. Odense Vest13,93845.716,59454.330,53258111231,225
3. Odense Syd19,25852.517,42847.536,68673114137,558
4. Assens10,24644.812,64655.222,8923555723,304
5. Middelfart17,31546.819,71653.237,0315347537,640
6. Nyborg13,71344.117,37455.931,0874669231,645
7. Svendborg16,65242.522,54257.539,19466711139,972
8. Faaborg14,68745.717,48354.332,1704879732,754
South Jutland166,45844.6206,73055.4373,1885,2581,061379,507
1. Sønderborg17,48944.421,90455.639,39351911440,026
2. Aabenraa13,56144.616,86055.430,4213867830,885
3. Tønder8,88544.511,08055.519,9653145920,338
4. Esbjerg By12,37638.120,11861.932,49446411133,069
5. Esbjerg Omegn12,94045.115,74254.928,6823726829,122
6. Varde12,50647.313,93752.726,4433675326,863
7. Vejen16,14645.019,74255.035,88847912236,489
8. Vejle Nord13,79949.214,25250.828,0514927828,621
9. Vejle Syd13,40146.115,67853.929,07948810929,676
10. Fredericia10,83841.015,58259.026,4203086226,790
11. Kolding Nord10,79449.511,02250.521,8162986022,174
12. Kolding Syd10,70243.713,79256.324,4943075824,859
13. Haderslev13,02143.317,02156.730,0424648930,595
Mid and North Jutland Region455,45846.6521,43353.4976,89116,9372,196996,024
East Jutland194,32048.2208,66551.8402,9857,947958411,890
1. Århus Syd22,92554.718,98945.341,91499410543,013
2. Århus Vest19,07748.620,14851.439,2258499940,173
3. Århus Nord21,28050.820,60549.241,8851,15410743,146
4. Århus Øst26,73456.820,30743.247,0411,33213548,508
5. Djurs18,15942.824,22257.242,3815948043,055
6. Randers Nord9,69340.114,49659.924,1892955624,540
7. Randers Syd10,88442.514,74057.525,6243695326,046
8. Favrskov12,30648.313,14951.725,4554605525,970
9. Skanderborg23,96751.822,27348.246,2408527647,168
10. Horsens18,39541.925,53358.143,92867511744,720
11. Hedensted10,90043.414,20356.625,1033737525,551
West Jutland131,93648.5139,99351.5271,9294,341600276,870
1. Struer10,98445.213,33654.824,3203353724,692
2. Skive11,31145.613,47054.424,7813736325,217
3. Viborg Vest12,63449.512,91350.525,5474326126,040
4. Viborg Øst11,70750.911,29049.122,9973466023,403
5. Silkeborg Nord11,12347.112,47952.923,6023614824,011
6. Silkeborg Syd12,65851.312,01348.724,6714296625,166
7. Ikast9,27145.311,19654.720,4673384720,852
8. Herning Syd9,90547.211,08652.820,9913396021,390
9. Herning Nord11,99750.211,92049.823,9173623924,318
10. Holstebro15,38349.315,82650.731,2095636331,835
11. Ringkøbing14,96350.814,46449.229,4274635629,946
North Jutland129,20242.8172,77557.2301,9774,649638307,264
1. Frederikshavn12,38437.520,67462.533,0583937533,526
2. Hjørring14,26942.519,32557.533,5945038834,185
3. Brønderslev16,32841.523,02258.539,3505298139,960
4. Thisted15,16744.618,84555.434,0125277134,610
5. Himmerland15,51645.518,60854.534,1245175334,694
6. Mariagerfjord9,46442.712,68757.322,1512983722,486
7. Aalborg Øst16,66641.723,27558.339,9417438440,768
8. Aalborg Vest15,75947.617,37152.433,1305616233,753
9. Aalborg Nord13,64941.818,96858.232,6175788733,282
Source: Danmarks Statistik


  1. The ballot question was the name of the proposal.
gollark: 1545 files.
gollark: Well, it's the copy of the downloads folder on my old laptop.
gollark: Some random things are shoved into "documents" and stuff and I have several thousand things under downloads and a backup of downloads.
gollark: This is optimal and efficient.
gollark: I have 4827 screenshots in one folder, 4136 memes (or something) in another one, 500 other things in an "archive" folder, and 194 "programming" things.


  1. "Forslag til Lov om omdannelse af retsforbeholdet til en tilvalgsordning". retsinformation.dk. Department of Civil Affairs. Retrieved 3 December 2015.
  2. "Folkeafstemning torsdag 3. december 2015: Resultater - Foreløbig opgørelse af valgresultat". dst.dk (in Danish). Statistics Denmark. Retrieved 3 December 2015.
  3. "Denmark to vote on Justice and Home Affairs opt-in model on 3 December". Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. 2015-08-21. Retrieved 2015-08-21.
  4. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2015-04-02. Retrieved 2015-03-17.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
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