2012 Catalans Dragons season

This article details the Catalans Dragons rugby league football club's 2012 season. This is the seventeenth season of the Super League era.

2012 Catalans Dragons season
Super League XVII Rank4th
Play-off resultPreliminary Semi-final
Challenge Cupquarter-final
2012 recordWins: 20; Draws: 0; Losses: 10
Points scoredFor: 812; Against: 611
Team information
ChairmanChristopher Levy
Head CoachTrent Robinson
  • N/A
StadiumStade Gilbert Brutus
Avg. Attend.0
High. Attend.0
Top scorers
TriesVincent Duport – 19
GoalsScott Dureau – 131
PointsScott Dureau – 313
< 2011 List of seasons 2013 >


As of 9 September 2012
Super League XVII
Pos Team Pld W D L PF PA PD Pts
1 Wigan Warriors 27 21 0 6 994 449 +545 42
2 Warrington Wolves 27 20 1 6 909 539 +370 41
3 St Helens R.F.C. 27 17 2 8 795 480 +315 36
4 Catalans Dragons 27 18 0 9 812 611 +201 36
5 Leeds Rhinos 27 16 0 11 823 662 +161 32
6 Hull F.C. 27 15 2 10 696 621 +75 32
7 Huddersfield Giants 27 14 0 13 699 664 +35 28
8 Wakefield Trinity Wildcats 27 13 0 14 633 764 131 26
9 Bradford Bulls 27 14 1 12 633 756 123 23[lower-alpha 1]
10 Hull Kingston Rovers 27 10 1 16 753 729 +24 21
11 Salford City Reds 27 8 1 18 618 844 226 17
12 London Broncos 27 7 0 20 588 890 302 14
13 Castleford Tigers 27 6 0 21 554 948 394 12
14 Widnes Vikings 27 6 0 21 532 1082 550 12
Source: superleague.co.uk and BBC Sport.
Rules for classification: 1st on competition points; 2nd on match points difference.
Competition points: for win = 2; for draw = 1; for loss = 0.
  1. Bradford Bulls deducted 6 points on 25 July 2012 for entering administration[1]

2012 fixtures and results


2012 Engage Super League

DateCompetitionRndVrsH/AVenueResultScoreTriesGoalsAttLive on TVReport
5 February 2012Super League XVII1 BullsAOdsal StadiumW34–12Baitieri, Greenshields, Bosc, Sa, Millard, RaguinDureau 5/610,610BBC Sport
18 February 2012Super League XVII3 TigersHStade Gilbert BrutusW28–20Bosc, Duport, Millard (2), BaitieriDureau 4/57,488BBC Sport
24 February 2012Super League XVII4 SaintsALangtree ParkW34–32Casty, Blanch, Duport, Dureau, Sa, MillardDureau 5/613,108Sky SportsBBC Sport
4 March 2012Super League XVII5 WarriorsADW StadiumL12–36Dureau, MounisDureau 2/3, Bosc 0/114,464BBC Sport
10 March 2012Super League XVII6 Salford City RedsHStade Gilbert BrutusW40–18Blanch (2), Duport (2), Dureau, Bosc, Pryce, MillardDureau 4/88,158BBC Sport
17 March 2012Super League XVII7 Hull Kingston RoversHStade Gilbert BrutusW20–12Paea, Blanch, BoscDureau 4/47,337BBC Sport
25 March 2012Super League XVII8 Wakefield Trinity WildcatsABelle VueL22–32Mounis, Dureau, Duport, GreenshieldsDureau 3/47,254BBC Sport
31 March 2012Super League XVII9VikingsHStade Gilbert BrutusW76–6Greenshields (3), Casty, Sa, Cardace (4), Anderson, Blanch, Millard, DuportDureau 11/12, Millard 1/19,156BBC Sport
5 April 2012Super League XVII10BroncosATwickenham StoopW36–18Anderson (2), Duport (2), Menzies, Dureau, PryceDureau 4/71,829BBC Sport
9 April 2012Super League XVII11 WolvesHStade Gilbert BrutusW44–16Menzies (2), Sa (2), Paea, Bosc, Anderson, MillardDureau 3/8, Bosc 1/111,500Sky SportsBBC Sport
20 April 2012Super League XVII12 RhinosAHeadingley StadiumL18–34Anderson, Menzies, PryceDureau 3/313,282Sky SportsBBC Sport
5 May 2012Super League XVII13 GiantsHStade Gilbert BrutusW27–20Cardace, Greenshields, Pryce, Casty, DuportDureau 1/3, Bosc 2/2, Bosc 1 DG10,684BBC Sport
20 May 2012Super League XVII14VikingsAHalton StadiumW42–34Anderson (2), Greenshields, Pryce, Duport, Paea, Bosc, DureauDureau 5/84,684BBC Sport
27 May 2012Magic Weekend15BroncosNEtihad StadiumW42–18Paea, Pryce (2), Casty (2), Menzies, FakirDureau 7/732,953Sky SportsBBC Sport
1 June 2012Super League XVII16 Salford City RedsASalford City StadiumL30–34Millard, Dureau, Stacul, Paea, Casty, DuportDureau 2/5, Bosc 1/15,841BBC Sport
9 June 2012Super League XVII17 WarriorsHStade de la MossonL14–36Penalty Try, DureauDureau 3/313,858Bein SportBBC Sport
22 June 2012Super League XVII18 Hull Kingston RoversACraven ParkW13–10Sa, GreenshieldsDureau 2/2, Dureau 1 DG7,142BBC Sport
30 June 2012Super League XVII19 Wakefield Trinity WildcatsHStade Gilbert BrutusW34–10Blanch (3), Menzies (2), GreenshieldsDureau 5/68,842BBC Sport
9 July 2012Super League XVII20 WolvesAHalliwell Jones StadiumL6–15BaitieriDureau 1/110,570Sky SportsBBC Sport
14 July 2012Super League XVII2 Hull FCHStade Gilbert BrutusW44–14Pryce, Dureau (2), Millard (2), Blanch, Greenshields (2)Dureau 6/87,388BBC Sport
20 July 2012Super League XVII21 SaintsHStade Gilbert BrutusL15–20Duport, RaguinDureau 3/3, Dureau 1 DG10,387BBC Sport
28 July 2012Super League XVII22BroncosHStade Gilbert BrutusW19–12Baitieri, Fisher, MillardDureau 3/3, Dureau 1 DG7,622BBC Sport
5 August 2012Super League XVII23 GiantsAGalpharm StadiumL18–36Casty, Millard, BlanchDureau 3/35,822BBC Sport
12 August 2012Super League XVII24 Hull FCAKC StadiumL10–30Duport (2)Dureau 1/110,765BBC Sport
18 August 2012Super League XVII25 RhinosHStade Gilbert BrutusW38–34Sa, Dureau, Casty (2), Duport, MillardDureau 7/710,269BBC Sport
2 September 2012Super League XVII26 TigersAWheldon RoadW46–26Duport, Blanch (3), Sa, Greenshields (3)Dureau 7/85,005BBC Sport
8 September 2012Super League XVII27 BullsHStade Gilbert BrutusW50–26Greenshields (3), Duport, Sa, Anderson, Menzies, Millard, DureauDureau 7/99,254Sky SportsBBC Sport

2012 Total Home Attendance 68,181 –

(As of 9 June 2012)

Player appearances

  • Super League Only
FB=FullbackC=CentreW=WingerSO=Stand-OffSH=Scrum HalfPR=PropH=HookerSR=Second RowL=Loose ForwardB=Bench
5Cyril StaculxxxxxxxxxxWxxWWxxxxxFBFBFBxxxx
15Jean Philippe BailexxxCSRCCxxxxxxxCxxxxxxBxxxxx
16Éloi PélissierxxxxxBBBxBxBxxxxxBBBBBxBBBB
17Cyril GossardSRxxxBBxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBxxxxx
19Frederic Vaccarixxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
20Michael SimonxxxxBBxSRBxBBBBxxxxxxxxxxxxx
21Julian BousquetxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBBxxxxxx
26Ben FisherBBxxHHHxHxBxxHHBBxxHxHHxxxx
27William BarthauxxxxxxxxxxxxBxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
28Damien CardacexxxxxxxWxxWWWxxxxxWxWWWWxxx
29Mathias PalaxxxxxxxxxxxxBCxxxWxWxxxxWWx
30Kevin LarroyerxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBxxBx
31Anthony MariaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxBx

= Injured

= Suspended

Challenge Cup

15 April 2012Cup4th Hull Kingston RoversACraven ParkW20–18Pryce (2), HendersonDureau 4/47,000BBC Sport
28 April 2012Cup5thEaglesHStade Gilbert BrutusW68–6Cardace (3), Bosc (2), Pryce (2), Pélissier (2), Duport, Menzies, StaculDureau 10/127,000BBC Sport
13 May 2012CupQF WolvesHStade Gilbert BrutusL22–32Paea, Simon, Fisher, DuportDureau 3/411,000BBC SportBBC Sport

Player appearances

  • Challenge Cup Games only
FB=FullbackC=CentreW=WingerSO=Stand OffSH=Scrum HalfP=PropH=HookerSR=Second RowL=Loose ForwardB=Bench
1Clint GreenshieldsxxFB
2Damien Blanchxxx
3Leon PryceSOSOSO
4Setaimata SaCSRx
5Cyril StaculWWx
6Thomas BoscxFBW
7Scott DureauSHSHSH
8David FerriolBPx
9Ian HendersonHHH
10Rémi CastyPBP
11Steve MenziesBSRSR
12Louis AndersonSRxSR
13Gregory Mounisxxx
14Sebastien RaguinxBB
15Jean Philippe Bailexxx
16Éloi PélissierBBx
17Cyril Gossardxxx
18Daryl MillardFBCC
19Frederic Vaccarixxx
20Michael SimonPPB
21Julian Bousquetxxx
22Jamal FakirBBB
23Lopini PaeaSRxP
24Jason BaitieriLLL
25Vincent DuportCCC
26Ben FisherxxB
27William Barthauxxx
28Damien CardaceWWW
29Mathias Palaxxx
30Kevin Larroyerxxx
31Anthony Mariaxxx


14 September 2012Play-offsQF WarriorsADW StadiumL6–46AndersonDureau 1/17,232Sky SportsReport
21 September 2012Play-offsPSF RhinosHStade Gilbert BrutusL20–27Greenshields, Blanch (2), BoscDureau 2/411,523Sky SportsReport

Player appearances

  • Play-off Games only
FB=FullbackC=CentreW=WingerSO=Stand OffSH=Scrum HalfPR=PropH=HookerSR=Second RowL=Loose ForwardB=Bench
1Clint GreenshieldsFBFB
2Damien BlanchWW
3Leon PrycexB
4Setaimata SaCC
5Cyril Staculxx
6Thomas BoscSOSO
7Scott DureauSHSH
8David FerriolxP
9Ian HendersonHH
10Rémi CastyPP
11Steve MenziesSRSR
12Louis AndersonSRSR
13Gregory MounisBB
14Sebastien RaguinBx
15Jean Philippe Bailexx
16Éloi PélissierBx
17Cyril Gossardxx
18Daryl MillardWW
19Frederic Vaccarixx
20Michael Simonxx
21Julian Bousquetxx
22Jamal FakirBB
23Lopini PaeaPB
24Jason BaitieriLL
25Vincent DuportxC
26Ben Fisherxx
27William Barthauxx
28Damien Cardacexx
29Mathias Palaxx
30Kevin Larroyerxx
31Anthony Mariaxx

2012 squad statistics

  • Appearances and Points include (Super League, Challenge Cup and Play-offs) as of 21 September 2012.
No Player Position Age Previous club Contracted Until Apps Tries Goals DG Points
1 Clint Greenshields Fullback 30 St George Illawarra Dragons 2012 23 18 0 0 72
2 Damien Blanch Wing 29 Wakefield Trinity Wildcats 2012 21 15 0 0 60
3 Leon Pryce Centre/Stand Off 30 St Helens R.F.C. 2014 28 12 0 0 48
4 Setaimata Sa Centre 24 Sydney Roosters 2012 20 9 0 0 36
5 Cyril Stacul Wing 27 Catalan Dragons 2012 8 2 0 0 8
6 Thomas Bosc Stand Off 29 Catalans Dragons 2012 20 9 4 1 45
7 Scott Dureau Scrum-half 26 Newcastle Knights 2012 32 12 131 3 313
8 David Ferriol Prop 33 Catalan Dragons 2012 22 0 0 0 0
9 Ian Henderson Hooker 29 New Zealand Warriors 2012 27 1 0 0 4
10 Rémi Casty Prop 27 Catalans Dragons 2012 32 9 0 0 36
11 Steve Menzies Second Row 38 Bradford Bulls 2012 22 9 0 0 36
12 Louis Anderson Second Row 27 Warrington Wolves 2012 19 9 0 0 36
13 Gregory Mounis Loose forward 27 Catalan Dragons 2012 22 2 0 0 8
14 Sebastien Raguin Second Row 32 Toulouse Olympique 2012 24 2 0 0 8
15 Jean Philippe Baile Second Row 25 Catalans Dragons 2012 6 0 0 0 0
16 Éloi Pélissier Hooker 21 AS Saint Esteve 2012 17 2 0 0 8
17 Cyril Gossard Second Row 30 Catalan Dragons 2012 4 0 0 0 0
18 Daryl Millard Centre 27 Wakefield Trinity Wildcats 2012 30 14 1 0 58
19 Frederic Vaccari Wing 24 Catalans Dragons 2012 0 0 0 0 0
20 Michael Simon Second Row 25 Catalan Dragons 2012 11 1 0 0 4
21 Julian Bousquet Prop 21 Lézignan Sangliers 2012 2 0 0 0 0
22 Jamal Fakir Prop 30 Catalans Dragons 2012 28 1 0 0 4
23 Lopini Paea Prop 28 Sydney Roosters 2012 26 6 0 0 24
24 Jason Baitieri Loose forward 23 Sydney Roosters 2012 31 4 0 0 16
25 Vincent Duport Wing 24 Toulouse Olympique 2012 32 19 0 0 76
26 Ben Fisher Hooker 21 Hull Kingston Rovers 2012 15 2 0 0 8
27 William Barthau Scrum-half 22 Catalan Dragons 2012 1 0 0 0 0
28 Damien Cardace Wing 21 Lézignan Sangliers 2012 13 8 0 0 32
29 Mathias Pala Centre 20 Catalans Dragons 2012 6 0 0 0 0
30 Kevin Larroyer Second Row 19 Catalan Dragons 2012 2 0 0 0 0
31 Anthony Maria Second Row 19 Toulouse Olympique 2012 1 0 0 0 0

= Injured = Suspended

Out of contract 2012

Players out of contract in 2012:

2012 transfers in/out


Name Position Signed from Date
Louis Anderson Loose forward Warrington Wolves July 2011
Damien Cardace Centre Lézignan Sangliers July 2011
Julien Bousquet Prop Lézignan Sangliers July 2011
Leon Pryce Stand Off St Helens R.F.C. August 2011


Name Position Club Signed Date
Ben Farrar Centre Manly Sea Eagles August 2011
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gollark: Hi kthoau!
gollark: To keep people guessing.
gollark: In potatOS I just comment random functions and stuff to explain what they do, or alternatively to just blatantly lie.


  1. "Bradford Bulls handed six-point deduction by RFL". BBC Sport. Retrieved 27 July 2012.
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