2012 CONCACAF Women's Olympic Qualifying Tournament squads

This article lists the squads for the 2012 CONCACAF Women's Olympic Qualifying Tournament, to be held in Canada. The 8 national teams involved in the tournament were required to register a squad of 20 players; only players in these squads were eligible to take part in the tournament.

Players marked (c) were named as captain for their national squad. Number of caps, players' club teams and players' age as of 19 January 2012 – the tournament's opening day.

Group A


Coach: John Herdman

No. Pos. Player Date of birth (age) Caps Club
1 1GK Karina LeBlanc (1980-03-30)30 March 1980 (aged 31) 90 Sky Blue FC
2 2DF Shannon Woeller (1990-01-31)31 January 1990 (aged 21) 4 Rutgers University
3 3MF Melanie Booth (1983-08-24)24 August 1983 (aged 28) 51 Vancouver Whitecaps
4 3MF Carmelina Moscato (1984-05-02)2 May 1984 (aged 27) 52 Piteå IF
5 2DF Robyn Gayle (1985-10-31)31 October 1985 (aged 26) 47 Vancouver Whitecaps
6 3MF Kaylyn Kyle (1988-10-06)6 October 1988 (aged 23) 37 Vancouver Whitecaps
7 2DF Rhian Wilkinson (1982-05-12)12 May 1982 (aged 29) 105 Surrey United Firefighters
8 3MF Alyscha Mottershead (1991-05-25)25 May 1991 (aged 20) 37 Toronto Lady Lynx
9 2DF Candace Chapman (1983-04-02)2 April 1983 (aged 28) 91 Western New York Flash
10 4FW Christina Julien (1988-05-06)6 May 1988 (aged 23) 32 Ottawa Fury Women
11 3MF Desiree Scott (1987-07-31)31 July 1987 (aged 24) 26 Vancouver Whitecaps
12 4FW Christine Sinclair (1983-06-12)12 June 1983 (aged 28) 169 Western New York Flash
13 3MF Sophie Schmidt (1988-06-28)28 June 1988 (aged 23) 68 magicJack
14 4FW Melissa Tancredi (1981-12-27)27 December 1981 (aged 30) 61 Piteå IF
15 3MF Kelly Parker (1981-03-08)8 March 1981 (aged 30) 17 Atlanta Beat
16 2DF Lauren Sesselmann (1983-08-14)14 August 1983 (aged 28) 2 Atlanta Beat
17 4FW Brittany Timko (1985-09-05)5 September 1985 (aged 26) 103 Unattached
18 1GK Erin McLeod (1983-02-26)26 February 1983 (aged 28) 62 Dalsjöfors GOiF
19 3MF Chelsea Stewart (1990-04-28)28 April 1990 (aged 21) 50 Vancouver Whitecaps
20 4FW Chelsea Buckland (1990-01-20)20 January 1990 (aged 21) 0 Oregon State Beavers

Costa Rica

Coach: Karla Alemán

No. Pos. Player Date of birth (age) Caps Club
1 1GK Julieth Arias (1990-12-06)6 December 1990 (aged 21)
2 4FW Saudy Rosales (1985-10-13)13 October 1985 (aged 26)
3 3MF Yendry Villalobos (1984-05-27)27 May 1984 (aged 27)
4 4FW María Barrantes (1989-04-12)12 April 1989 (aged 22)
5 2DF Diana Sáenz (1989-04-15)15 April 1989 (aged 22)
6 2DF Carol Sánchez (1986-04-16)16 April 1986 (aged 25)
7 3MF Mariela Campos (1991-01-04)4 January 1991 (aged 21)
8 2DF Daniela Cruz (1991-03-08)8 March 1991 (aged 20)
9 4FW Carolina Venegas (1991-09-28)28 September 1991 (aged 20)
10 3MF Shirley Cruz (1985-08-28)28 August 1985 (aged 26) Lyon
11 4FW Raquel Rodríguez (1993-10-28)28 October 1993 (aged 18)
12 2DF Lixy Rodríguez (1990-11-04)4 November 1990 (aged 21)
14 3MF Marianne Ugalde (1990-05-10)10 May 1990 (aged 21)
15 3MF Cristin Granados (1989-08-19)19 August 1989 (aged 22)
16 3MF Katherine Alvarado (1991-04-11)11 April 1991 (aged 20)
17 3MF Adriana Venegas (1989-06-12)12 June 1989 (aged 22)
18 1GK Erika Miranda (1984-12-02)2 December 1984 (aged 27)
19 2DF Fabiola Sánchez (1993-04-09)9 April 1993 (aged 18)
20 2DF Wendy Acosta (1989-12-19)19 December 1989 (aged 22)


Coach: José Luis Elejalde

No. Pos. Player Date of birth (age) Caps Club
1 1GK Katherine Montesino (1992-01-17)17 January 1992 (aged 20)
2 2DF Sandra Enamorado (1984-03-06)6 March 1984 (aged 27)
3 2DF Yutmila Galindo (1978-03-15)15 March 1978 (aged 33)
4 2DF Sucel Maceo (1987-03-21)21 March 1987 (aged 24)
5 2DF Yoanis Linares (1975-12-31)31 December 1975 (aged 36)
6 3MF Jessica Pupo (1990-09-12)12 September 1990 (aged 21)
7 2DF Marianela Morales (1991-07-01)1 July 1991 (aged 20)
8 4FW Yezenia Gallardo* (1991-06-28)28 June 1991 (aged 20)
9 3MF Dayanay Baró (1986-05-18)18 May 1986 (aged 25)
10 4FW Yaremis Fuentes (1991-01-30)30 January 1991 (aged 20)
11 3MF Rachel Peláez (1993-05-05)5 May 1993 (aged 18)
12 1GK Lucylena Martínez (1991-05-28)28 May 1991 (aged 20)
13 3MF María Pérez (1992-09-07)7 September 1992 (aged 19)
14 3MF Yarisleidy Mena (1994-02-17)17 February 1994 (aged 17)
15 2DF Anay Bombú (1991-10-21)21 October 1991 (aged 20)
16 3MF Yisel Rodríguez* (1989-01-30)30 January 1989 (aged 22)
17 2DF Yunelsis Rodríguez (1977-06-21)21 June 1977 (aged 34)
18 2DF Indira Manzano (1993-10-11)11 October 1993 (aged 18)
  • Defected


Coach: Ronald Luxieux

No. Pos. Player Date of birth (age) Caps Club
1 1GK Géralda Saintilus (1985-12-10)10 December 1985 (aged 26)
2 2DF Natacha Cajuste (1984-02-24)24 February 1984 (aged 27)
3 2DF Carmelia Aristilde (1986-12-25)25 December 1986 (aged 25)
4 2DF Kencia Marseille (1980-11-08)8 November 1980 (aged 31)
5 2DF Marie Lounie Valcine (1986-11-02)2 November 1986 (aged 25)
6 2DF Fiorda Charles (1987-02-21)21 February 1987 (aged 24)
7 3MF Lovely Placide (1988-11-17)17 November 1988 (aged 23)
8 3MF Darlene Beauciquot (1984-09-11)11 September 1984 (aged 27)
9 4FW Adeline Saintilmond (1984-12-25)25 December 1984 (aged 27)
10 3MF Wisline Dolce (1986-11-22)22 November 1986 (aged 25)
11 4FW Sophia Batard (1989-03-08)8 March 1989 (aged 22)
12 1GK Ednie Limage (1985-05-15)15 May 1985 (aged 26)
13 2DF Marie Eline Bellevue (1988-03-18)18 March 1988 (aged 23)
14 3MF Samantha Brand (1988-06-16)16 June 1988 (aged 23) IFK Gävle
15 4FW Kimberly Boulos (1987-04-16)16 April 1987 (aged 24) Bollstanäs SK
16 4FW Tatiana Mathelier (1983-08-11)11 August 1983 (aged 28)
17 3MF Roselord Borgella (1993-04-01)1 April 1993 (aged 18)
18 3MF Manoucheka Pierre Louis (1989-06-24)24 June 1989 (aged 22)
19 3MF Nadia Valentin (1997-04-10)10 April 1997 (aged 14)
20 4FW Marie Soline Bellevue (1988-03-18)18 March 1988 (aged 23)

Group B

Dominican Republic

Coach: Rufino Sotolongo

No. Pos. Player Date of birth (age) Caps Club
1 1GK Isairis Minaya (1992-10-27)27 October 1992 (aged 19) 1
2 2DF Carmen Polanco (1993-05-19)19 May 1993 (aged 18) 1
3 2DF Denny Vargas (1990-08-12)12 August 1990 (aged 21) 5
4 2DF Lissy Sánchez (1995-12-05)5 December 1995 (aged 16) 5
5 2DF Ana Odaliza Díaz (1985-07-27)27 July 1985 (aged 26) 1
6 3MF Yesenia López (1984-12-09)9 December 1984 (aged 27) 5
7 3MF Loida Michel (1993-08-12)12 August 1993 (aged 18) 3
8 3MF Diana Santana (1994-10-17)17 October 1994 (aged 17) 4
9 4FW Anajaira Claudio (1996-08-24)24 August 1996 (aged 15) 0
10 4FW Yaqueisi Núñez (1994-04-19)19 April 1994 (aged 17) 3
11 4FW Betzaida Ubrí (1990-05-09)9 May 1990 (aged 21) 5
12 1GK Heidy Salazar (1985-08-25)25 August 1985 (aged 26) 4
13 3MF Leonela Mojica (1987-08-28)28 August 1987 (aged 24) 5
14 2DF Amanda Rodríguez (1994-11-04)4 November 1994 (aged 17) 0
15 3MF Jocelyn Rodriguez (1984-05-30)30 May 1984 (aged 27) 2
16 3MF Katherine Rodríguez (1990-08-05)5 August 1990 (aged 21) 0
17 3MF Johanna Martínez (1989-10-03)3 October 1989 (aged 22) 5
18 3MF Olysabel Santana (1986-11-17)17 November 1986 (aged 25) 5
19 3MF Gabriela Peña (1995-08-23)23 August 1995 (aged 16) 0
20 3MF Brenda Frías (1988-06-19)19 June 1988 (aged 23) 5


[1] Coach: Raúl Calderón

No. Pos. Player Date of birth (age) Caps Goals Club
1 1GK Maricruz Lemus (1990-05-02)2 May 1990 (aged 21) 5 0 Jutiapanecas
2 2DF Jeymi Piedad Hernández (1993-12-02)2 December 1993 (aged 18) 1 0 Muniguate
3 2DF Marilyn Rivera (1992-02-19)19 February 1992 (aged 19) 10 0 Unifut
4 2DF Shannon Brooks (1991-06-24)24 June 1991 (aged 20) 3 0 N. Dakota State U.
5 3MF Londy Barrios (1992-04-08)8 April 1992 (aged 19) 11 0 Unifut
6 2DF Gloria Lohaiza (1987-04-22)22 April 1987 (aged 24) 14 1 Profutbol
7 4FW Wendy Pineda (1989-07-09)9 July 1989 (aged 22) 16 6 Champions
8 2DF María Monterroso (1993-11-30)30 November 1993 (aged 18) 12 3 Unifut
9 3MF Cinthya López (1993-08-23)23 August 1993 (aged 18) 12 0 Unifut
10 3MF Gladys Suriano (1985-12-26)26 December 1985 (aged 26) 20 4 Unattached
11 3MF Rocío Sosa (1990-08-24)24 August 1990 (aged 21) 12 2 Unifut
12 1GK Mariandre Rodas (1995-04-14)14 April 1995 (aged 16) 0 0 Profutbol
13 4FW Celeste Pelayes (1983-12-26)26 December 1983 (aged 28) 0 0 Profutbol
14 2DF Coralia Monterroso (1991-12-26)26 December 1991 (aged 20) 7 1 Unifut
15 3MF Kimberly de León (1989-08-29)29 August 1989 (aged 22) 9 1 Champions
16 3MF Alejandra de León (1983-08-19)19 August 1983 (aged 28) 9 4 Profutbol
17 3MF Ana Martínez (1990-01-08)8 January 1990 (aged 22) 13 3 Unifut
18 2DF Idania Pérez (1992-06-03)3 June 1992 (aged 19) 6 4 Jutiapanecas
19 3MF Andrea Tobar (1988-07-08)8 July 1988 (aged 23) 6 2 Chinautla
20 4FW Katherine Ramos (1991-10-28)28 October 1991 (aged 20) 14 4 Unifut


Coach: Leonardo Cuéllar

No. Pos. Player Date of birth (age) Caps Club
1 1GK Cecilia Santiago (1994-10-19)19 October 1994 (aged 17) 16 Club Santos Laguna
2 2DF Arianna Romero (1992-07-29)29 July 1992 (aged 19)
3 2DF Rubí Sandoval (1984-01-18)18 January 1984 (aged 28) 70
4 2DF Alina Garciamendez (1991-04-16)16 April 1991 (aged 20) 17 Stanford University
5 2DF Bianca Sierra (1992-06-25)25 June 1992 (aged 19) Auburn University
6 2DF Natalie Garcia (1990-01-30)30 January 1990 (aged 21) 3 University of San Diego
7 3MF Teresa Noyola (1990-04-15)15 April 1990 (aged 21) 7 Stanford University
8 3MF Marilyn Diaz (1991-11-18)18 November 1991 (aged 20)
9 4FW Maribel Domínguez (1978-11-18)18 November 1978 (aged 33) 96 UE L'Estartit
10 3MF Dinora Garza (1988-01-24)24 January 1988 (aged 23) 30 Tigres de la UANL
11 4FW Mónica Ocampo (1987-01-04)4 January 1987 (aged 25) 37
12 1GK Anjulí Ladrón de Guevara (1986-10-07)7 October 1986 (aged 25)
13 2DF Jennifer Ruiz (1983-08-09)9 August 1983 (aged 28)
14 4FW Renae Cuéllar (1990-06-24)24 June 1990 (aged 21) University of Arizona
15 2DF Luz Saucedo (1983-12-14)14 December 1983 (aged 28)
16 4FW Anisa Guajardo (1991-03-10)10 March 1991 (aged 20) Pali Blues
17 3MF Veronica Perez (1988-05-18)18 May 1988 (aged 23) 23 Saint Louis Athletica
18 2DF Christina Murillo (1993-01-28)28 January 1993 (aged 18)
19 2DF Mónica Alvarado (1991-01-11)11 January 1991 (aged 21) 5 Texas Christian University
20 4FW Chrystal Martínez (1996-10-12)12 October 1996 (aged 15)

United States

Coach: Pia Sundhage

No. Pos. Player Date of birth (age) Caps Goals Club
1 1GK Hope Solo (1981-07-30)30 July 1981 (aged 30) 104 0 Unattached
2 2DF Heather Mitts (1978-06-09)9 June 1978 (aged 33) 119 2 Unattached
3 2DF Christie Rampone (c) (1975-06-24)24 June 1975 (aged 36) 245 4 Unattached
4 2DF Becky Sauerbrunn (1985-06-06)6 June 1985 (aged 26) 15 0 Sky Blue FC
5 2DF Kelley O'Hara (1988-08-04)4 August 1988 (aged 23) 7 0 Atlanta Beat
6 2DF Amy LePeilbet (1982-03-12)12 March 1982 (aged 29) 57 0 Atlanta Beat
7 3MF Shannon Boxx (1977-06-29)29 June 1977 (aged 34) 154 22 Unattached
8 3MF Amy Rodriguez (1987-02-17)17 February 1987 (aged 24) 74 22 Unattached
9 3MF Heather O'Reilly (1985-01-02)2 January 1985 (aged 27) 153 33 Sky Blue FC
10 3MF Carli Lloyd (1982-07-16)16 July 1982 (aged 29) 120 29 Atlanta Beat
11 2DF Ali Krieger (1984-07-28)28 July 1984 (aged 27) 27 0 1. FFC Frankfurt
12 4FW Lauren Cheney (1987-09-30)30 September 1987 (aged 24) 52 17 Unattached
13 4FW Alex Morgan (1989-07-02)2 July 1989 (aged 22) 28 10 Western New York Flash
14 4FW Sydney Leroux (1990-05-07)7 May 1990 (aged 21) 1 0 Atlanta Beat
15 3MF Megan Rapinoe (1985-07-05)5 July 1985 (aged 26) 39 11 Unattached
16 3MF Lori Lindsey (1980-03-19)19 March 1980 (aged 31) 24 0 Western New York Flash
17 3MF Tobin Heath (1988-05-29)29 May 1988 (aged 23) 35 4 Unattached
18 1GK Nicole Barnhart (1981-10-10)10 October 1981 (aged 30) 41 0 Unattached
19 2DF Rachel Buehler (1985-08-26)26 August 1985 (aged 26) 68 3 Atlanta Beat
20 4FW Abby Wambach (1980-06-02)2 June 1980 (aged 31) 167 125 Unattached
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gollark: **And** add the emoji.
gollark: Or talk about transistors.
gollark: If I wanted to call things transistors, obviously.
gollark: My bot has no extra perms over, well, me.


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