2001 U.S. Figure Skating Championships

The 2001 U.S. Figure Skating Championships took place between January 14 and 21, 2001 at the FleetCenter in Boston, Massachusetts. Medals were awarded in four colors: gold (first), silver (second), bronze (third), and pewter (fourth) in four disciplines – men's singles, ladies' singles, pair skating, and ice dancing – across three levels: senior, junior, and novice.

2001 U.S. Figure Skating Championships
Type:National championship
Date:January 14 – 21
Location:Boston, Massachusetts
Host:Skating Club of Boston
Men's singles:
Timothy Goebel
Ladies' singles:
Michelle Kwan
Pair skating:
Kyoko Ina / John Zimmerman
Ice dance:
Naomi Lang / Peter Tchernyshev
2000 U.S. Championships
2002 U.S. Championships

The event was used to determine the U.S. teams for the 2001 World Championships, 2001 Four Continents Championships, and the 2001 World Junior Championships.

Competition notes

  • Frank Carroll coached both the senior men's and senior ladies' champions, the first time one coach had trained two senior champions since Richard Callaghan did it in 1997 with Tara Lipinski and Todd Eldredge. Eldredge placed second here.
  • Sibling pairs team Danielle Hartsell / Steve Hartsell were nearly forced to withdraw before the event after he fell on his head during practice. He required 12 stitches, but they went on to win the short program and the bronze medal overall.

Senior results


Rank Name Club TFP SP FS
1 Timothy GoebelWinterhurst FSC2.531
2 Todd EldredgeDetroit SC3.022
3 Matthew SavoieIllinois Valley FSC5.553
4 Michael WeissWashington FSC5.515
5 Trifun ZivanovicAll Year FSC6.044
6 Johnny WeirUniv. of Delaware FSC9.066
7 Justin DillonSt. Moritz ISC11.597
8 Ryan JahnkeBroadmoor SC11.578
9 Ryan BradleyBroadmoor SC14.0810
10 Derrick DelmoreWashington FSC14.5119
11 Danny ClausenSt. Paul FSC17.01012
12 Evan LysacekDuPage FSC18.51511
13 Kurt FromknechtWestminster FSC of Erie19.51313
14 Joshua FiguridoThe SC of Boston20.01214
15 Braden OverettDenver FSC23.51715
16 Don BaldwinLos Angeles FSC24.01616
17 Johnnie BevanSpokane FSC24.01417
18 Scott SmithThe Gardens FSC of MD27.01818
19 Robert BrathwaiteAll Year FSC28.51919


Rank Name Club TFP SP FS
1 Michelle KwanLos Angeles FSC1.511
2 Sarah HughesThe SC of New York3.022
3 Angela NikodinovAll Year FSC4.533
4 Jennifer KirkThe SC of Boston6.044
5 Amber CorwinAll Year FSC7.555
6 Beatrisa LiangAll Year FSC9.066
7 Ann Patrice McDonoughBroadmoor SC11.087
8 Andrea GardinerHouston FSC13.599
9 Sara WheatUniv. of Delaware FSC14.0128
10 Ye Bin MokLos Angeles FSC15.51110
11 Lisa NesudaDallas FSC16.01011
12 Alicia CavanaughNew England FSC18.51312
13 Stacey PensgenGenesee FSC18.5715
14 Katie LeeSt. Paul FSC20.01413
15 Stephanie Chace-BassLos Angeles FSC21.51514
16 Stephanie RothThe SC of New York24.51716
WD Elizabeth KwonSC of Northern VA16
WD Sasha CohenOrange County FSC
WD Naomi Nari NamAll Year FSC


Rank Name Club Fact. Places SP FS
1 Kyoko Ina / John ZimmermanThe SC of New York / Birmingham FSC2.021
2 Tiffany Scott / Philip DulebohnColonial FSC / Univ.of Delaware FSC3.532
3 Danielle Hartsell / Steve HartsellDetroit SC3.513
4 Stephanie Kalesavich / Aaron ParchemDetroit SC6.554
5 Amanda Magarian / Jered GuzmanBroadmoor SC / Los Angeles FSC8.065
6 Laura Handy / Jonathon HuntUniv. of Delaware FSC8.046
7 Jessica Miller / Jeffrey WeissNorthern Kentucky SC / Peninsula SC11.087
8 Sima Ganaba / Amir GanabaLos Angeles FSC13.5118
9 Larisa Spielberg / Craig JoerightDetroit SC13.599
10 Molly Quigley / Bert CordingNashville FSC15.01010
11 Rena Inoue / John Baldwin, Jr.All Year FSC17.51311
12 Lindsay Rogeness / Brian RogenessLos Angeles FSC19.01412
13 Stephanie Woodman / James PetersonUniversity of Delaware FSC / Lakewood Winter Club19.01213
WD Tiffany Stiegler / Johnnie StieglerLos Angeles FSC7
WD Po Hayes / Richard GillamAtlanta FSC / Los Angeles FSC15

Ice dancing

Rank Name Club TFP CD1 CD2 OD FD
1 Naomi Lang / Peter TchernyshevAmerican Academy FSC2.01111
2 Tanith Belbin / Benjamin AgostoDetroit SC4.84422
3 Jessica Joseph / Brandon ForsythDetroit SC / The SC of Boston6.63343
4 Beata Handra / Charles SinekSanta Rosa FSC / The SC of New York6.62234
5 Jesica Valentine / Matthew KossackThe SC of Boston10.26555
6 Kimberly Navarro / Robert ShmaloSanta Rosa FSC / Queen City FSC12.27666
7 Caitlin Obremski / Jonathan MagalnickWashington FSC / Coyotes SC of AZ14.28777
WD Deborah Koegel / Oleg FediukovIceWorks SC5

Junior results


Rank Name Club TFP SP FS
1 Parker PenningtonWinterhurst FSC2.531
2 Benjamin MillerSt. Paul FSC2.512
3 Michael VillarrealArctic Blades FSC4.023
4 Shaun RogersUniv. of Delaware FSC6.554
5 Rusty FeinWashington FSC8.046
6 Rohene WardStarlight Ice Dance Club8.575
7 Nicholas LaRocheColonial FSC11.068
8 Michael SasakiSouth Bay FSC11.597
9 Dennis PhanLos Angeles FSC14.0109
10 Pierre BalianAll Year FSC14.0810
11 Sam-Tyler DafoeDallas FSC16.51111
12 Mauro BruniWindy Hill SC18.01212


Rank Name Club TFP SP FS
1 Joan CristobalPeninsula SC2.512
2 Alissa CzisnySt. Clair Shores FSC3.551
3 Lindsey WeberDetroit SC4.023
4 Colette IrvingThe SC of Boston5.534
5 Amber CzisnySt. Clair Shores FSC8.046
6 Louann DonovanThe SC of Boston9.595
7 Jordana BlesaLos Angeles FSC10.577
8 Amanda FritzSC of Mt Lebanon12.088
9 Lindsey BergBroadmoor SC13.0610
10 Joanna GlickThe SC of New York14.0109
11 Kailee WatsonLos Angeles FSC17.01211
12 Erica AdenTri-Cities FSC17.51112
13 Katie MulvaneyUtah FSC19.51313


Rank Name Club TFP SP FS
1 Deborah Blinder / Jeremy AllenUniv. of Delaware FSC1.511
2 Kristen Roth / Michael McPhersonDetroit SC3.022
3 Brandilyn Sandoval / Derek TrentBroadmoor SC4.533
4 Christen Dean / Joshua MurphyAmerican Academy FSC6.044
5 Emma Phibbs / Devin PatrickWashington FSC / Orange County FSC7.555
6 Terese Anselmi / Michael AdlerDetroit SC9.066
7 Alexis Hoffstadter / Lucas VrinerDuPage FSC11.087
8 Marcy Hinzmann / Ronnie BiancosinoWinterhurst FSC / Univ. of Delaware FSC11.578
9 Christie Baca / Scott SmithOrange County FSC / Glacier Falls FSC13.599
10 Briana McInerney / Joseph JorgensThe SC of New York / Washington FSC15.01010
11 Brooke Kayland / Yevgeniy ShvetsovLos Angeles FSC / Van Nuys FSC16.51111

Ice dancing

Rank Name Club TFP CD1 CD2 OD FD
1 Lydia Manon / Michel KlusDetroit SC2.22111
2 Kendra Goodwin / Chris ObzanskySC of Morris NJ / Univ. of Delaware FSC4.01322
3 Kakani Young / Ikaika YoungSeattle SC5.83233
4 Melissa Ralph / Ryan O'MearaDetroit SC / Coyotes SC of AZ8.04444
5 Loren Galler-Rabinowitz / David MitchellThe SC of Boston10.05555
6 Kirsten Frisch / Brent BommentreSC of Morris NJ / Wissahickon SC12.06666
7 Laura Smith / Andrew SmithLos Angeles FSC14.27877
8 Brittany May / Yuri AntonovWinterhurst FSC / The Gardens FSC of MD16.09788
9 Lia Nitake / Ian Ross-FryeAll Year FSC / Wissahickon SC17.88999
10 Laura Munana / Luke MunanaPalomares FSC / Peninsula SC20.010101010
11 Janna Napier / Peter KimzeyLone Star FSC / Arctic Blades FSC22.011111111
12 Kimberly Cole / Dylan RoseberrySt. Paul FSC / Denver FSC24.012121212

Novice results


Rank Name Club TFP SP FS
1 Matthew LindColonial FSC1.511
2 Adam AronowitzAmerican Academy FSC4.023
3 Egor MacypuraStockton FSC4.552
4 Jordan BrauningerNorthern Kentucky SC6.044
5 Joshua UsterDuPage FSC6.535
6 Ben WoolwineNorthern Kentucky SC9.576
7 Wesley CampbellNashville FSC11.068
8 Steven HsuLos Angeles FSC11.597
9 Jason WongThe SC of Boston14.0109
10 Leif HafstromEscondido FSC15.51110
11 Michael DimalantaPeninsula SC17.01211
WD Traighe RouseIceWorks SC8


Rank Name Club TFP SP FS
1 Kelsey DrewelUniv. of Delaware FSC2.021
2 Shanell NojiAll Year FSC3.532
3 Jennifer DonYarmouth Ice Club3.513
4 Kristen SheafferStarlight Ice Dance Club6.554
5 Lea NightwalkerISC of Fort Collins8.575
6 DeAnna ClarkSummit SC of Michigan10.067
7 Adriana DeSanctisGlissad Acad at Ice Land11.0106
8 Samantha MohrBroadmoor SC11.049
9 Sandra Jean RuckerRim of the World FSC12.088
10 Kristen MitaSkokie Valley SC15.5911
11 Samira BannaLilac City FSC16.01210
12 Mattina AlongeJamestown SC17.51112
13 Aanya ReitenLakewood Winter Club19.51313
14 Lisa DannemillerAnn Arbor FSC21.01414


Rank Name Club TFP SP FS
1 Janice Mayne / Josh MartinRim of the World FSC / Los Angeles FSC2.531
2 Jacqueline Jimenez / Themistocles LeftherisThe SC of New York2.512
3 Amy Howerton / Steven PottengerDallas FSC4.023
4 Colleen Okolski / Benjamin OkolskiAnn Arbor FSC7.064
5 Keri Lynn Blakinger / Mark LadwigUniv. of Delaware FSC / Red River Valley FSC8.046
6 Brittany Vise / Nicholas KoleBroadmoor SC8.575
7 Nicole Hartunian / Kirk ForbesAll Year FSC9.557
8 Tanya Bakerman / Jeremy CorbColonial FSC12.088
9 Catherine Rigoulot / Adam BackusCharter Oak FSC14.0109
10 Amanda Harris / David SandersHuntsville FSC15.51110
11 Kadee Leishman / Bilal KheirUtah FSC / Peninsula SC15.5911
12 Erin Goto / Jordan JudtGlacier Falls FSC / Los Angeles FSC18.01212

Ice dancing

Rank Name Club TFP CD1 CD2 FD
1 Victoria Devins / Kevin O'KeefeThe SC of Boston4.0111
2 Tertia Cole / Leo UngarPeninsula SC / Palomares FSC8.0222
3 Sarah Solomon / Benjamin CohenWashington FSC14.0443
4 Flo Steed / Augie HillTexas Gulf Coast FSC / Skokie Valley SC14.0334
5 Cheryl Russell / Kenny Metzger, Jr.St. Moritz ISC / Peninsula SC22.0665
6 Meryl Davis / Charlie WhiteDetroit SC24.0557
7 Kate Slattery / Patrick ConnellyUniv. of Delaware FSC26.0776
8 Eleanor Langhans / Joseph BraaschPeninsula SC / La Jolla FSC34.0889
9 Kelly Goodsell / Aaron-Taylor AustinGenesee FSC36.01198
10 Trina Pratt / Robert PrattBroadmoor SC39.091010
11 Laura Page / Joel DearWinter Club of Indianapolis / Indiana/World Sk Acad FSC43.0101111
12 Stephanie Ellis / Maxim ZavozinEscondido FSC / Citrus FSC48.0121212

International team selections

World Championships

Men Ladies Pairs Ice dancing
1 Timothy Goebel Michelle Kwan Kyoko Ina / John Zimmerman Naomi Lang / Peter Tchernyshev
2 Todd Eldredge Sarah Hughes Tiffany Scott / Philip Dulebohn Tanith Belbin / Benjamin Agosto
3 Angela Nikodinov

Four Continents Championships

Men Ladies Pairs Ice dancing
1 Todd Eldredge Michelle Kwan Kyoko Ina / John Zimmerman Naomi Lang / Peter Tchernyshev
2 Matthew Savoie Sarah Hughes Tiffany Scott / Philip Dulebohn Tanith Belbin / Benjamin Agosto
3 Michael Weiss Angela Nikodinov Steve Hartsell / Danielle Hartsell Jessica Joseph / Brandon Forsyth
1st alternate Jennifer Kirk
2nd alternate Amber Corwin

World Junior Championships

Men Ladies Pairs Ice dancing
1 Johnny Weir Ann Patrice McDonough Deborah Blinder / Jeremy Allen Tanith Belbin / Benjamin Agosto
2 Ryan Bradley Sara Wheat Kristen Roth / Michael McPherson Lydia Manon / Michel Klus
3 Parker Pennington Ye Bin Mok Kendra Goodwin / Chris Obzansky
1st alternate Benjamin Miller
2nd alternate Evan Lysacek
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gollark: Names are merely pointers to fuzzy regions of high-dimensional thingspace.
gollark: No.
gollark: I'm actually busy reviewing new music harvest for OIR™.
gollark: No.
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