1996 Australia Day Honours

The Australia Day Honours 1996 are appointments to various orders and honours to recognise and reward good works by Australian citizens. The list was announced on 26 January 1996 by the Governor General of Australia, Bill Hayden.[1]

The Australia Day Honours are the first of the two major annual honours lists, the first announced to coincide with Australia Day (26 January), with the other being the Queen's Birthday Honours, which are announced on the second Monday in June.[2]

Order of Australia

Companion (AC)

General Division

Dr Michael Stockton Keating AOFor service to social, economic and public sector reform, particularly as a leader in organisational and management reform[1]
Professor Malcolm Ian LoganFor service to education, business and the arts, particularly through raising international awareness of Australian higher education services, and for promoting cooperation between countries

Officer (AO)

General Division

Richard Wigram Locke Austin, OBEFor service to art and to international relations[1]
Dr Julie Laraine CliffFor service to medicine and international relations as a leader in the development of community health services in Mozambique
Dr Neil Raymond ConnFor service as Under Secretary of the Northern Territory Treasury and to the community
Dr Joan CrollFor service to medicine, particularly in the fields of mammography and ultrasound
Dr John Stewart DeebleFor service to community health in the fields of health economics and health insurance policy development
Albert Coulston Evans, AMFor service to industrial relations
John Peter FarnhamFor service to the Australian music industry and to charitable and community organisations, particularly those relating to youth
Dr Robert Henry FraterFor service to radio astronomy
Dr Joseph GentilliFor service to the study and teaching of geography, particularly in the areas of climatology and immigration studies
Professor Colin Ivor JohnstonFor service to medical research particularly in the areas of heart and kidney disease and to postgraduate medical education.
Professor Graeme George Kelleher, AMFor service to environmental conservation and sustainability and the development of policy for marine parks.
Reginald Dawson LivermoreFor service to Australian theatre and drama as a performer, writer and director, and to the community
Dr Stanley William McCarthyFor service to medicine, particularly in the field of cancer pathology
Professor Paul John NestelFor service to medicine, particularly in the field of research into heart disease and its prevention
Douglas John ScottFor service to aeronautical engineering safety and performance and to international relations
Thomas Anthony ShermanFor public service, particularly in the area of Australia law enforcement
Emeritus Professor Richard Limon StantonFor service to economic geology and geological research
His Excellency The Honourable Michael Carter TateFor service to the Australian Parliament and the community
Professor the Honourable Evan Herbert WalkerFor service to architecture, town planning and the Victorian Parliament

Military Division

ArmyMajor General Stephen Newman Gower, AMFor distinguished service to the Australian Defence Force, in Logistics and Personnel appointments and to the Army as General Officer Commanding, Training Command[1]
Major General Francis John HicklingFor distinguished service to the Army and Australian Defence Force in the field of military training
Air ForceAir Vice Marshal Brendan Donald O'LoghlinFor distinguished service to the Royal Australian Air Force as Air Officer Commanding, Training Command

Member (AM)

General Division

Associate Professor James William BakerFor service to medicine, particularly in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology[1]
Keith William BarnesFor service to Rugby League as a player and administrator
Donald Reginald BlewFor service to the community, Australian Rules Football and swimming
Ailsa Gray BondFor service to women, particularly through the Country Women's Association
William Napier Bonthrone, MBEFor service to the rural community, particularly through the United Grazier's Association of Queensland
Professor Anne Elizabeth BoydFor service as a composer and educator
Dr Peter BrineFor service to medicine, particularly in the fields of paediatric anaesthesia and paediatric intensive care
Timothy BurstallFor service to the Australian Film Industry as a producer, director and writer
Stanislaus Anthony CarrollFor service to the community, particularly through the Mercy Life Centre and Compassionate Friends
Richard McKenzie CharltonFor service to the petroleum industry and the community
Janet Mary ConradFor service to landscape architecture, education and international relations
Richard John William d'ApiceFor service to conservation and the environment and to the community
The Honourable Dr Bruce Charles EastickFor service to the South Australian Parliament, local government and the community
Frederick Royce EdwardsFor service to community health, particularly through the Australian Health Insurance Association
Emeritus Professor Christie Jayaratnam EliezerFor service to the Tamil community in Australia
Dr George Durward FieldingFor service to medicine, particularly as a surgeon
Sister Anne Marie GardinerFor service to Aboriginal education and cultural development
Eileen Mary GlassFor service to people with intellectual disabilities and their families, particularly through L'Arche in Australia
Cuthbert Oswald Harry, OBEFor service to the community, particularly the welfare of veterans
Mussolini Bangkiringu HarveyFor service to the Aboriginal community, particularly in the Northern Territory
Stephen Phillip HaynesFor service to sport, particularly through the detection and prevention of abuse of illegal substances
Moya Patricia HendersonFor service to music, particularly as a composer
Professor Jennifer Ann JamesFor service to nurse education
Eileen JergaFor service to social welfare, particularly in relation to defence force families
Henrietta KayeFor service to the marine conservation movement particularly through project Jonah
The Reverend Father Clement Bernard KilbyFor service to the community, particularly through Centacare family services
Dr Kenneth Wilson KnightFor service to education, public administration and the Archives Authority of New South Wales
Henry Krongold, CBEFor service to the community, particularly through the promotion of education, the arts, medical research and social welfare
Jennifer Catherine LearmontFor service to community health in the fields of transfusion-transmitted infections and advocacy for the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorders
Dr Richard Albert LettsFor service to music as an administrator and consultant
Valerie Anne LhuedeFor service to conservation, particularly through the restoration and preservation of Yerranderie Historical Mining Village
The Honourable Margaret LusinkFor service to the law through the Family Court of Australia, and to the community
Michael Patrick Thomas LynaghFor service to rugby union football
Charles Reginald LyneFor service to surf-lifesaving
Ian MacleanFor service to the inauguration of the system of Australian Archives and to the development of the archival profession
Dr David Field MahoneyFor service to veterinary science, particularly research into and the development of vaccines against serious cattle disease
Alan John MathesonFor service to ethnic affairs, particularly in the field of industrial relations
Erich Anton MayerFor service to the business community and to youth, particularly through reforms in education and training programmes
James Harold McCalmanFor service to local government and to the New South Wales electricity distribution industry
Dr Kenneth Comninos MichaelFor public service and engineering, particularly through the maintenance and expansion of the main road network
Irene MillsFor service to the advancement of health care services in the rural sector of Western Australia
John Neville MorphettFor service to architecture, business and commerce, and the community
John Edwin Neary, OBEFor service to the entertainment industry and the Talent Development Project
Professor Ronald Kim OatesFor service to medicine, particularly in the field of paediatrics, and the welfare of children
Commander Michael Avison Parker, CVO, RN (Ret'd)For service to education, particularly through the Plain English Speaking Award Scheme, and to the community
Professor Clive Brownley PascoeFor service to contemporary music education
Joan Burton PatonFor service to ornithology, education and the environment
Anne PiaszczykFor service to nursing, particularly in the field of oncology
James William RiggsFor service to mental health, particularly through the Richmond Fellowship
Mary SeahFor humanitarian and courageous service to Australian POWs incarcerated in Changi
Robert James SearlsFor service to medical research and administration, particularly through Prince Henry’s Medical Research Centre, and to the mining industry
Elsa Kay SharpFor service to education, particularly in the field of vocational training
Dr Peter Roger ShergoldFor public service
Keith Courtney SinghFor service to business and the community
Dr Dale SpenderFor service to the community as a writer and researcher in the field of equality of opportunity and equal status for women
Deane Frederick StahmannFor service to the development of the pecan nut industry and research into biological pest control
Harold James SternbeckFor service to conservation through the Hunter Valley Conservation Trust, and to local government
Joyce StevensFor service to social justice for women as an activist and writer
John Colin SweetmanFor service to the tourism and hospitality industries, particularly in relation to education and training
Edward Franklin ThomasFor service to the performing arts, particularly the development of Australian-made television programmes, and to the community
Marelle Ann ThorntonFor service to people with disabilities, particularly through the Spastic Centre of New South Wales
Wyndham TreasureFor service to yachting, particularly the promotion and marketing of Australian yachting
Percy James TreziseFor service to the preservation and interpretation of Aboriginal rock art and the study of prehistory and archaeology
Professor Lance Thomas TwomeyFor service to education, particularly in the field of physiotherapy
Frank Burdon (Don) WebbFor service to medicine, particularly in the field of orthopaedic surgery, and to St John Ambulance in Western Australia
Peter William WeissamFor service to the arts
Charles Frank WestripFor service to arts administration and the building industry
Marjorie Georgina Joan WilliamsFor service to the community as a writer, particularly in the areas of peace, social equality and protection of the environment
Beryl Muriel WiltshireFor service in the field of social welfare
Dr Peter Hon Jung WongFor service to the Chinese community
Gwenda Merle ZietschFor service to youth

Military Division

NavyChief Petty Officer Anthony John CrockerFor service to the Royal Australian Navy, particularly as the Chief Naval Stores sailor at HMAS Platypus[1]
Commodore Michael Hutton DowsettFor service to the Royal Australian Navy, particularly in the field of Naval Health Services
Principal Chaplain Michael Thomas HolzFor exceptional service to duty and dedication to the Royal Australian Navy and chaplaincy
ArmyBrigadier Ian James BryantFor service to the Australian Defence Force and through involvement with the ADF's Operational Role in Northern Australia
Colonel Roger James DaceFor service to Defence and to the Australian Defence Force in the field of acquisition and Logistics
Brigadier Gregory Howard GardeFor exceptional service to the Army Reserve
Brigadier Roger Anthony PowellFor exceptional service as Director of Military Education and Training at the Australian Defence Force Academy and as Commander of the 6th Brigade
Lieutenant Colonel Mark Peter SampsonFor exceptional service to the Army Reserve in the field of operations
Colonel Robert Alexander SimpsonFor exceptional service to the Army and, in particular, as the Senior Medical Officer, 2nd Division
Lieutenant Colonel Alan John Sparks BEMFor exceptional service to the Army as the Chief Instructor of the Warrant Officer and Non Commissioned Officer Wing at the Land Warfare Centre
Lieutenant Colonel Rowan John TinkFor exceptional service to the Army in the field of Regional Force Surveillance
Air ForceWarrant Officer Leslie Albert BaileyFor service to the Royal Australian Air Force in the field of aircraft logistics engineering
Group Captain Garry Freemantle BatesFor service to the Royal Australian Air Force in the field of resource management
Group Captain James Roderick ColeFor service to the Royal Australian Air Force as Commanding Officer No 34 Squadron
Warrant Officer Richard NewtonFor exceptional service as Warrant Officer of the Royal Australian Air Force

Medal (OAM)

General Division

Alan Bertram AlderFor services to the community, particularly through the State Emergency Service[1]
Dr James Alexander, VRDFor services to youth, particularly through the scouting movement
Enid May AngellFor service to the community
Arthur Vey AngoveFor service to the local government and the community
Walter Bruce AnnabelFor service to the newspaper industry, particularly as the editor of the Bega District news and to the community
Herbert Hector Ashby, DCMFor service to the welfare of veterans
Judith Marjory AshtonFor service to the Australian tourism industry
Phyllis Evelyn AshtonFor service to the entertainment industry and charitable organisations
Douglas Joseph AshtonFor service to the entertainment industry and charitable organisations
Walter Howard AshtonFor service to horology
Stephen Gordon BallardFor service to children with disabilities, particularly through the provision of respite care services
Elsie May BallardFor service to children with disabilities, particularly through the provision of respite care services
Nina Gertrude Barden-HoffmanFor service to the support and promotion of charitable organisations, particularly as a journalist.
Harrie Sylvia Todds BarrettFor service to the community, particularly as a benefactor and supporter of charitable organisations
Allan BeahanFor service to the community
Conrad Geiger BeardFor service to the community through benevolent organisations
Ralph BeckinghamFor service to sailing and the Olympic movement, particularly through sports administration
Walter BedwellFor service to the community, particularly through the entertainment of veterans and the aged
Doreen Daisy BentFor service to the community
George Tasman BenwellFor service to the community, particularly through the Westernport Safety Council
Betty Joy BeohmFor service to the community, particularly to ex-servicemen and women
Desmond Norman BethkeFor service to the community and local government
James Harold BettessFor service to the community and local government
Phillip John BlakeyFor service to youth, particularly as State Co-ordinator of 'Bridging the Gap', a job help program
Kenneth Roy Hilton BlanchFor service to journalism
Alan Michael BlowFor service to the arts, particularly through the Tasmanian Museum, Art Gallery and the Salamanca Arts Centre Inc
Frederick Mervyn BondFor service to local government and sport, particularly Leisure Australia
Pamela Kay BorthwickFor service to the community and youth, particularly as a school councillor
Wilma Alice BowmanFor service to social welfare and disabilities services
Mary Therese BowsherFor service to people with intellectual disabilities and their families
Helen BrownFor service to nursing and veterans, particularly in the area of aged and extended care
Wesley Edward BrowneFor service to the community, particularly through ex-service welfare
Dr Francis Harding BurnsFor service to medicine in the area of diabetes care and in the prevention of drug and alcohol abuse
Jennifer Lorraine ButtFor service to the community through the Rural Drought Relief for Women and Children Programme
Commissioner Alistair Grant CairnsFor service to the community, particularly through the Salvation Army
Robert Bruce CameronFor service to vocational education and training, particularly in the automotive trades and the community
The Reverend John Colin CampbellFor service to the Baptist Church of NSW and the community
Tonya Roxanne CarewFor service to children, particularly through Protect All Children Today and the Pony club movement
Irene CaseFor service to the Scleroderma Association of New South Wales
Jeffrey Alan ChealesFor service to the sport, particularly as a judge, coach and administrator
Alan Henry ClarkFor service to veterans, particularly the Australian Federation of Totally and Permanently Incapacitated ex-service personnel
Beryl Adeline ConnFor service to the community, particularly the Caulfield Medical Centre Auxiliary
Ellen CookFor service to the Scout Association of Australia
Wing Commander Geoffrey Laurence Cottee, RFDFor service to youth through the Air Training Corps
Elisabeth Claire CrudenFor service to people with hearing disabilities, particularly through Better Hearing Australia
Kingsley Grant CulleyFor service to the water and waste water industry and the community
Beverley Joan DaviesFor service to the community
Gordon Edwin DavisonFor service to the Scout Association of Australia
Emils DelinsFor service to the Latvian community
Lola Clair DownesFor service to sport, particularly track and field athletics
Henryk Jan DuszynskiFor service to the 'Tatry' Polish Folklore Ensemble
Joseph Zev EisenbergFor service to the arts, particularly as Director of the New England Regional Art Museum
Cecil Charles EtwellFor service to the community through the Mackay Show Association
Mavis Isabel FaganFor service to the Alzheimer's Association of Tasmania
Professor Kevin Stanley FaggFor service to the development of business and management studies at Central Queensland University
Nancy Margaret FalloonFor service to the Girl Guides Association of Australia and to the community
Joan Heather FisherFor service to the Nature Conservation Society of South Australia
Sister Josephine FitzpatrickFor service to education, particularly as Principle of the Sacred Heart School at Cunnamulla
Joseph Leonard ForaceFor service to the Maltese community
Arnold Henry Scott FosterFor service to the community and to ballroom and old time dancing
John Richard FrancisFor service to the community
Rodney FrankFor service to the community
John Robert FranklinFor service to the Australian Air League
Joan Gwenneth FreemanFor service to the community
Jeannette Isobel FullerFor service to the community, particularly through providing support and care for the aged
Margaret Joyce GaylardFor service to community health, particularly through providing support for the needs and care of the aged and the disadvantaged
Draga GeltFor service to the Slovenian community
Mollie Isabella GibsonFor service to the community
Helen Margaret GiffordFor service to music as a composer
Trevor MacDonald GiffordFor service to the Volunteer Sea Search and Rescue Association of Western Australia and the Marine Rescue Association of Australia
Edward Frank GodfreyFor service to the blue nursing service.
Shirley Beatrice GollingsFor service to early childhood education.
Alan Leslie GordonFor service to veterans, particularly through the Holbrook Sub-Branch and Club of the Returned and Services League
Zbigniew GrabczewskiFor service to the Polish community and the taxi industry
Aileen May GriffithsFor service to the community
Helen Lurline GriffithsFor service to the community as an advocate for those affected by cystic fibrosis
John Charles GriffithsFor service to youth, particularly through the Victorian branch of the Scout Association, and to the community
Meredith GriggsFor service to early childhood education, particularly through KU Children’s Services
Mietka Irena GruszkaFor service to the Polish community and multicultural organisations
Dr Roger Kingsley HallFor service to paediatric dentistry
Stewart James HarleyFor service to aged people, particularly through Aged Care Tasmania
Beverley Elizabeth HarrisFor service to netball
Neil John HarrisFor service to the community, particularly through Lions Clubs International
Charlotte Annie HastieFor service to rural women, particularly through the Country Women’s Association
Dr Mileham Geoffrey HayesFor service to jazz as a player, promoter and administrator
Bryan Charles HazellFor service to cricket as a player and administrator
David John Clifford HeathFor service to veterans, particularly through the Naval Association, the Naval Club and the Naval Reserve Cadet Movement
Sister Yvonne Anne HeffernanFor service to the well being of prisoners and their families, and to homeless men through the Matthew Talbot Hostel
Neville Joseph HenshawFor service to surf-lifesaving at club state and national levels.
Joseph John HepinstallFor service to the Adelaide and suburban cricket association and wildlife conservation.
Mildred Elizabeth HigginsFor service to the community.
Kathleen Elsie HolmesFor service to the community health, particularly through the Glaucoma Foundation of Australia.
The Reverend Ronald Victor HoltFor service the community through the Uniting Church in Australia
Captain Donald Arthur HopperFor service to maritime safety and rescue communications
Michael Matthew HowlinFor service to veterans, particularly as treasurer of the Cabravale Ex-active Servicemen's Club.
Patricia Delsey InghamFor service to aged people through the League of Help for the elderly and to the Women’s Royal Australian Naval Service.
Trevor Huntley JacobsFor service to the community.
Shirley Anne JamesFor service to people with intellectual disabilities, particularly through Eurella Community Services.
David Phillip JohnFor service to local government.
Bette JonesFor service in support of the Country Fire Authority as a radio operator and to the community.
Emeritus Professor Peter Numa JoubertFor service to road and offshore yachting safety
Constantine George KailisFor service to the Greek community.
Philia KambitsisFor service to the Greek community, particularly to aged people.
The Reverend William Duncan KennedyFor service to the community as a hospital chaplain
Margaret Dawn KidneyFor service to the community particularly through the Offenders and Rehabilitation Services Auxiliary and through the Anglican Church.
Jack Lindsay KileFor service to local government and to the community.
John Maxwell KnowlesFor service to the community, particularly through the Lions Club International
Irene KrastevFor service to multicultural groups, the Bulgarian community, and to the aged
Zbigniew Tadeusz Sykstus KwiecinskiFor service to veterans
Jacqueline Ann LambertFor service to Aboriginal studies through the Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Studies
Margaret Yvonne LamondFor service to education as a teacher and advocate in the field of hearing impairment
Marion Sau Foong LauFor service to the Chinese community, and aged people
Patrick Victor LewisFor service to veterans, particularly through the Australian Legion of Ex-Servicemen and Women
Bruce LivingstoneFor service to the Motor Trades Association and related organisations in the Australian Capital Territory
Paul John MackettFor service to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander family history research
Gloria Dawn MansfieldFor service to primary industry, particularly through the Cattlemen’s Union of Australia
Stanley MarshFor service to local government and the community
Barbara MasonFor service to community health organisations
Alice Mary MayallFor service to the community
Heather Maureen McCabeFor service to music, particularly as musical director of the Bundaberg Symphony Orchestra
James Ian McCoyFor service to the community
Grace Thelma McDonaldFor service to netball
Winifred McDonellFor service to education, particularly in the field of mathematics
Euphemia Stirling McDougallFor service to women’s hockey
Margaret Ellen McEnteeFor service to women, particularly through the Catholic Women’s League of Australia
Thomas James McKeanFor service to the community, particularly through the Lone Parents’ Support Service and the Corio Rotary Club
William John McLennanFor service to the community, particularly through the Society of St Vincent de Paul and senior citizens groups
Shirley June MeldrumFor service to the community
Dr Olga Henrietta MendisFor service to the Sinhalese community
Henri Marie Joseph MeyerFor service to the trade union movement
Alois MikulaFor service to the Scout Association of Australia, and veterans
Peter Irvine MitchellFor service to soccer administration
Patricia MitchellFor service to rural education and the arts
Janet MoodyFor service to the performing arts, particularly through the St Luke’s Little Theatre Society
Peter Edward MorrissFor service to the design and engraving of postage stamps and the engraving and development of banknotes
Joseph Masie MosbyFor service to the community of the Torres Strait Islands
Albert MoseleyFor service to surf lifesaving
Michael Joseph MoyFor service to the community, particularly the aged and people with disabilities, and as an administrator of horse racing
Jeannine Seraphie NeumannFor service to the community through the Gold Coast Welfare Association
Leslie Patrick Gilwell NewmanFor service to ballroom dancing
Lila Mary NotleyFor service to the community, particularly through Life Education Centres
Ilga NyiradyFor service to the Latvian community
Kelvin Mahon O'ConnellFor service to local government, primary industry and veterans
Patricia Marie O'HaraFor service to people with hearing impairment
Muriel OehlmanFor service to veterans, particularly through the Southport Sub-Branch of the Returned and Services League of Australia
Douglas Orson OldfieldFor service to education through the Wesley College Council, and to the community
Alexander OverettFor service to business and commerce, particularly through the Auctineers and Agents Committee
Ruth PadgettFor service to the community through the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme
Graeme Alston ParkFor service to youth through the Scouting movement
Anthony Joseph ParkerFor service to accountancy, and the community
Rob ParrellaFor service to sport, particularly lawn bowls
Nancy Hearne PatonFor service to the sugar industry
Robert George PhillipsFor service to local government through the Clare District Council
Air Commodore Edward Thomas Pickerd, OBE, DFC, (Ret'd)For service to youth through the Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme.
Louis David PlatusFor service to sports administration through Maccabi Australia
Ian Stuart Armitage PowerFor service to veterans, particularly through the Central Queensland district branch of the Returned and Services League of Australia
Malcolm RabeFor service to the community
William RaceFor service to veterans through the Sunnybank sub-branch of the Returned and Services League of Australia
Hermine Rose RaupFor service to the German/Austrian community
Linda Louise Lewis ReabyFor service to community health, particularly in the promotion of breast cancer awareness and research
Hilton James ReddingFor service to radio broadcasting
Dr Beryl May RichFor service to medicine, particularly in the areas of Aboriginal health and maternal and baby health
Ronald Robert RichFor service to the community, particularly as chairman of Dubbo Base Hospital
Bruce RindfleishFor service to local government and the community
Charles RobertsonFor service to local government, the aged, and sports administration
Major Aylmer Campbell RobertsonFor service to the community, particularly through the Toowoomba Art Gallery and the Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce
Ian RogersFor service to chess
Norman John RowlandFor service to the aged through the Mount Warrigal Retirement Village
Gustaf Frithiof RybergFor service to the community
Allan William SansomFor service to the community
Mavis Olwin SansomFor service to the community
Kenneth William ScarlettFor service to the arts, particularly in the promotion of Australian sculpture
Frederick Edmund SchipkeFor service to the community through the teaching of music and as a musician
Marjory Hannah Meredith ScurlockFor service to the community, particularly through the Anglican Church and the Western Australian Branch of the National Council for Women
Gwen SecombFor service to education through the South Australian Association of School Parents Clubs Inc
Marian Nell ShandFor service to conservation through the May Gibbs Foundation and the Nutcote Trust
Dr William Neil ShandFor service to conservation through the May Gibbs Foundation and the Nutcote Trust
Paul William SharrattFor service to the arts, entertainment industry and the community
Reginald Leslie ShelswellFor service to junior cricket and rugby league football
Dorothy Ida ShepherdsonFor service to the community
The Reverend Reginald Jack SkippenFor service to the community through the Blue Nursing Service
Roy Frederick SmalleyFor service to tennis
Arthur James SmithFor service to veterans.
Harold Gordon SolomonFor service to veterans, particularly merchant mariners
Henry Edward SpicerFor service to the community, particularly through Lions International
George Raymond SpindlerFor service to veterans and the community through the Returned and Services League
Margaret Louise StaasFor service to the community, particularly through the Australian Red Cross Society and the Lindfield Women’s Bowling Club
Madonna Pearl StauntonFor service to the visual arts
Neil Anthony StephensFor service to cycling
Diana Yorke StottFor service to aged people with disabilities
William Arthur Henry StoylesFor service to veterans, particularly as Appeals Director, Victorian branch of the Returned and Services League of Australia
Rasalingam SubramaniamFor service to multicultural organisations, the Tamil community and local government
Louie John SukariFor service to the Lebanese community
Kathleen Cavenagh SymesFor service to the community, particularly through the RSPCA and the Victoria League for Commonwealth Friendship
Joyce Winifred ThieleFor service to the community, particularly through the Children’s Medical Research Institute
Barry Edward ThompsonFor service to aviation, particularly as General Manager, General Aviation, of the Federal Airports Corporation
George Ronald ThomsFor service to gynaecology and obstetrics, and hospital administration
Angus Leith ThomsonFor service to tennis as a coach and administrator
Joan Adel ThorburnFor service to local government
Dr Bernard James ThorleyFor service to special education
Howard James TilyFor service to the community, particularly through St John Ambulance Australia
John Henry TinettiFor service to aged people through the Goldfields Aged Pensioners’ Welfare Association
Mary Evelyn (Peg) TozerFor service to people with intellectual disabilities
William Arthur Creswick TrethowanFor service to lawn bowls administration
Hazel Elizabeth Treweek, MBEFor service to the arts through the teaching and encouragement of drama
George Francis TuckerFor service to the community, and to the funeral service industry
Patricia Margaret TylerFor service to children with disabilities
Ruby May Muriel UnderhillFor service to the Preston and Northcote Community Hospital Auxiliary
Lieutenant Colonel Raymond Leo Underwood, (Ret'd)For service to the Queensland Canine Control Council
Winifred Ellen UrchFor service to the community
Dr Peter George ValderFor service to botany and horticulture
Adrianus Fransiscus Casper van den EndeFor service to the community, particularly through the State Emergency Service.
Anthony William Dean VaughanFor service to local government and the community
Ferenc VigFor service to gymnastics coaching and administration, the Queensland Renal Association and the Hungarian community
Bruce Maxwell VineyFor service to the community and local government
Dr Floriano Francesco VolpatoFor service to the community, particularly the Italian community
William Arthur WadeFor service to the community, the New South Wales Parliament and local government
Peter Andrew WaiteFor service to the community, particularly through the Scout Association of Australia
Brian Joseph WaldronFor service to accountancy and the community
Judith Devine WalkerFor service to community health through nutrition education
John WalkerFor service to the housing and timber manufacturing industries
Anthony John WarrenerFor service to the community through the TAFE Motor Sport Service Smash Repair Team and to athletics administration
William Johnson WaudbyFor service to the community
Robert Sidney WeatherallFor service to the community
Desme Heather WhiteFor service to dance education
Gladys Winifred WhitesideFor service to the community, particularly people with vision impairment
Russell Trevor WhitmoreFor service to surf-lifesaving
Bettine Isabel WildFor service to diabetes education and to people with diabetes
Charles Alexander William G. WilsonFor service to the community of Mount Gambier, particularly through social welfare, veterans’ and learning programmes
Peter Muir WilsonFor service to the building and construction industry
Gregory Bruce WithnellFor service to the community, particularly through the State Emergency Service Road Accident Rescue Service
Ross WolfendenFor service to sports and athletics coaching and administration
William Chon-Fang WongFor service to the Chinese community
Marie Therese WoodsFor service to the community, particularly through the Red Cross Singers
Roy Samuel WorfoldFor service to the community, particularly through communications workshops
Noel Clifton ZeplinFor service to the preservation of Western Australia’s railway heritage

Military Division

NavyWarrant Officer Peter Gregory DerbyFor service to the Royal Australian Navy, particularly in the field of marine engineering in HMAS Brisbane and HMAS Perth[1]
Senior Chaplain Brian Ernest RaynerFor meritorious service as a chaplain in the Royal Australian Navy, particularly as a Senior Chaplain
Commander Bryan Douglas StapleyFor meritorious service in the Royal Australian Navy, particularly as Officer-in-Charge, Technical Training Centre, HMAS Cerberus
ArmyWarrant Officer Class One Alan James BowenFor service as the Regimental Sergeant Major of the Australian Medical Support Force Australian Contingent, United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda
Warrant Officer Class One Barry Keith BrownFor service to the Australian Army as Chief Driving Instructor for the Army School of Transport
Warrant Officer Class One Barry Robert BuckleyFor service to the Australian Defence Force, particularly as the Chief Photographer for the Department of Defence
Warrant Officer Class One Rodney Lance CarrFor service to the Australian Army in the fields of discipline, ceremonial and personnel administration within the 13th Brigade
Sergeant Colin Rowland MatthewsFor meritorious service to the Army as the Chief Dog Trainer of explosive detection dogs at the School of Military Engineering
Warrant Officer Class One Siegfried ReminFor meritorious service to the Army as an instructor with the Land Warfare Centre and as the Regimental Sergeant Major of the Land Command Battle School
Warrant Officer Class Two Bruce John WilliamsFor meritorious service to the Army as Sergeant Major of the Base Administrative Support Centre Enoggera Military Police Section
Air ForceWarrant Officer Beverley Jean BlythFor service to the Royal Australian Air Force in the field of health services clerical support
Warrant Officer Jeffery John BromheadFor meritorious service to the Royal Australian Air Force in the field of administration, particularly in the Office of the Chief of the Air Staff
Sergeant Michael Gerard DowlingFor service to the Royal Australian Air Force in the field of Air Movements
Flight Sergeant Rodney William SullivanFor meritorious service to the Royal Australian Air Force in the field of Motor Transport Fleet Database Management
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  1. "Government Gazette Appointments and Employment". Commonwealth of Australia Gazette. Special (National : 1977 - 2012). 26 January 1996. p. 1. Retrieved 25 August 2019.
  2. "Announcing and presenting awards". www.pmc.gov.au. Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. Retrieved 25 August 2019.
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