1540s in music

The decade of the 1540s in music (years 1540–1549) involved some significant events.

List of years in music (table)
  • … 1530
  • 1531
  • 1532
  • 1533
  • 1534
  • 1535
  • 1536
  • 1537
  • 1538
  • 1539
  • 1540
  • 1541
  • 1542
  • 1543
  • 1544
  • 1545
  • 1546
  • 1547
  • 1548
  • 1549
  • 1550
In art
1530s . 1540s in music . 1550s
Other events: 1540s . Music timeline


  • 1540
    • 4 April – Cristobal Morales leaves the position of master of the choristers at the Chapel of the Papal Basilica in St. Peter's, Rome
    • 23 April – Thomas Tallis loses his job at Waltham Abbey due to the Dissolution of the Monasteries
    • 27 April – Gioseffo Zarlino is elected capellini and mansionario of the Scuola di San Francesco in Chioggia
    • 1 May – Ambrose Lupo is taken on as a musician and composer at the court of Henry VIII
    • 30 December – Jacques Arcadelt is appointed maestro di cappella at the Sistine chapel in Rome
    • December – Nicolas Gombert dismissed from his position at the court chapel of the Emperor, Charles V
  • 1541
    • 25 May – Cristobal Morales re-joined the Papal choir at St. Peter's, Rome
    • 15 July – Jacques Buus appointed second organist at the basilica of S Marco, Venice
  • 1542
  • 1543: Thomas Tallis becomes a Gentleman of the Chapel Royal in England.
    • 20 July Tielman Susato is granted a three-year privilege to print music in the Netherlands.
  • 1544
    • 28 October Giovanni Pierluigi Da Palestrina appointed organist at San Agapito Church, Palestrina
  • 1545
    • 1 May Bartolomeo de Escobedo appointed maestro di cappella at the chapel of the Papal Basilica at St Peter's in Rome.
    • 1 May Cristobal Morales was granted 10 months leave from the Papal Chapel in Rome. He never returned.
    • 31 August Cristobal Morales succeeded Andres de Torrentes as maestro di capilla at Toledo Cathedral.
  • 1547
    • 6 May Waclaw of Szamotuly joined the Chapel Royal of Sigismund II Augustus of Poland in Vilnius.
    • 28 May Jacques Arcadelt reappointed maestro di cappella at the Sistine chapel.
    • 12 June Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina marries Lucrezia de Goris in his home town of Palestrina, Lazio
    • 9 August Cristobal Morales leaves the position of maestro di cappella at Toledo Cathedral.
    • Bologna's first public theatre, the Teatro Della Sala, was opened. It burned down in 1623.
  • 1548 François Roussel appointed maestro di cappella at St. Peter's, Rome
  • 1549 Juan Francisco de Penalosa succeeded Francisca Sacedo as principal organist of Toledo Cathedral
    • Balint Bakfark appointed court lutenist to King Sigismund Augustus of Poland

Bands formed




  • Martin Agricola – Book of Protestant hymns Sangbuchlein, published in Wittenberg.
  • Giovanni Domenico da NolaCanzone villanesche a3, books 1 and 2.
  • Jhan Gero – Il Primo Libro de Madrigali Italiani et Canzoni Francese a due voci, published in Venice.
  • Giordano Passetto – Madrigali nuovi a voce pare, book 1 (Venice: Antonio Gardano)


  • Benedictus AppenzellerDes Chansons a Quattre Parties (Antwerp: Henry Loys & Jehan de Buys), a collection of chansons for 4 voices
  • Jacques Arcadelt – First book of madrigals for three voices (Venice: Antonio Gardano), "together with some madrigals by Costanzo Festa along with twelve French chansons and six new motets"
  • Pierre Certon
    • Second book of motets for four voices (Paris: Pierre Attaignant & Hubert Jullet)
    • Third book of motets for four voices (Paris: Pierre Attaignant & Hubert Jullet)
  • Domenico Ferrabosco – First book of madrigals for four voices (Venice: Antonio Gardano)
  • Silvestro Ganassi dal FontegoRegola rubertina, Venice
  • Cipriano de Rore – First book of madrigals a5.


  • Jacques Buus – First book of French chansons for six voices (Venice: Antonio Gardano)
  • Sebastian z FelsztynaDirectiones musicae ad cathedralis ecclesia premislensis usum, Kraków
  • Silvestro Ganassi dal FontegoLettione seconda [=second book of Regola rubertina], Venice
  • Balthasar ResinariusResponsorium numero orctoginta de tempore et festis...libri duo


  • Jacques Arcadelt – Il Quinto Libro di Madrigali for 4 voices (Venice: Antonio Gardano)
  • Paolo AretinoSacra responsoria (Venice: Gerolamo Scotto)
  • Jacquet de Berchem – "Ala Dolc'ombra de le Belle Frondi" published by Antonio Gardano in Venice.
  • Simon Boyleau – Motets for four voices (Venice: Girolamo Scotto)
  • Francesco Corteccia – First book of madrigals for four voices (Venice: Girolamo Scotto)
  • Hans Neusidler – three books of lute music: Das erst Buch: ein newes Lautenbüchlein, Das ander Buch: ein new künstlich Lautten Buch, and Das dritt Buch: ein new künstlich Lauten Buch.
  • Georg Rhau – Newe Deudsche Geistliche Gesenge published in Wittemberg.
  • Cipriano de Rore – Il secondo libro de madrigali for 5 voices published in Venice.
  • Tielman Susato (ed.)
    • Third book of chansons, for four voices (Antwerp: Tielman Susato), contains only compositions by Thomas Crecquillon
    • Fifth book of chansons, for five and six voices (Antwerp: Tielman Susato), contains mostly compositions by Nicolas Gombert


  • Perissone Cambio
    • Madrigals for five voices (Venice: Antonio Gardano)
    • Canzone villanesche alla napolitana for four voices (Venice: Antonio Gardano)
  • Vincenzo Fontana – First book of canzone villanesche alla napolitana for three voices (Venice: Antonio Gardano)
  • Gian Domenico del Giovane da NolaMadrigali for four voices.
  • Cipriano de Rore – Motets for five voices
  • Vincenzo RuffoLi madrigali a notte negre for four voices published in Venice
  • The Lutheran hymnal Geistliche Lieder published by Valentin Babst in Leipzig


  • Giovan Thomaso di Maio – Canzone villanesche a3, book 1.


  • Giovanni Animuccia – First book of madrigals for 4, 5, and 6 voices (Venice: Antonio Gardano)
  • Loys Bourgeois – First book of four-part psalms (Lyon: Godfroy & Marcelin Beringen frères), published for the Calvinists of Geneva using the French translations by Clément Marot.
  • Jacques Buus – First book of ricercars for four voices or instruments (Venice: Antonio Gardano)
  • Perissone Cambio – First book of madrigals for four voices (Venice: Antonio Gardano), also includes a few madrigals by Cipriano de Rore
  • Francesco Corteccia
    • New expanded edition of the first book of madrigals for four voices, including pieces composed for intermedii for the comedy Il furto by Francesco d'Ambra (Venice: Antonio Gardano)
    • Second book of madrigals for four voices (Venice: Antonio Gardano)
    • First book of madrigals for five and six voices (Venice: Antonio Gardano)
  • Heinrich GlareanDodecachordon published in Basel.
  • Hans Neusidler – Das erst Buch: ein newes Lautenbüchlein
  • Enriquez de Valderrabano – Book of vihuela music Libra de musica de vihuela intitulado Silva de Sirenas published in Valladolid


  • Benedictus Appenzeller – A collection of sacred songs without a title (Augsburg: Philip Ulhart)
  • Arnold Caussin – First book of motets for five voices (Venice: Antonio Gardano)
  • Heinrich Faber – Beginner's music textbook Compendium Musicae published in Nuremberg.
  • Cipriano de RoreIl terzo libro de madrigali a cinque voci (Third Book of Madrigals for Five Voices) published in Venice.


  • Gasparo Alberti – First book of masses (Venice: Girolamo Scotto), the first printed book of masses dedicated to a single Italian composer
  • Paolo AretinoLibro primo delli madrigali cromati (Venice: Girolamo Scotto)
  • Jacques Buus
    • Second book of ricercars (Venice: Antonio Gardano)
    • First book of Intabolatura d'organo di recercari (Venice: Antonio Gardano), a collection of ricercars in organ tablature
    • First book of motets for five voices (Venice: Antonio Gardano)
  • Ghiselin Danckerts – Canons for four voices (Augsburg: Melchior Kriesstein)
  • Nicolao Dorati – First book of madrigals for five voices (Venice: Antonio Gardano)
  • Jhan Gero – Libro primo delli madrigali a quatro voci
  • Claude Goudimel – book of chansons.
  • Clement Janequin – XXX chansons nouvelles
  • Hans Neusidler – Das ander Buch: ein new künstlich Lauten Buch
  • Giovanni Domenico da Nola – Motets for five voices.
  • Gioseffo Zarlino – Moduli motecta vulga noncupata liber primus – book of motets for 5 voices

Sacred music






  • date unknown – Giovanni Maria Artusi, Italian composer and theorist (died 1613)
  • probableWilliam Byrd, English composer (died 1623)
  • probable – Jakob Regnart, Franco-Flemish composer (died 1599)
  • probableGirolamo Dalla Casa, Italian composer, cornetist and writer (died 1601)
  • probableWilliam Daman, Flemish recorder player, organist and composer (died 1591)
  • probableGiovanni Dragoni, Italian composer (died 1598)
  • probableNoel Fagnient, Flemish composer and shopkeeper (died c.1600)
  • probableJohannes de Fossa, Flemish composer and choirmaster (died 1603)
  • probableMarcin Leopolita, Polish composer and musician (died c.1585)
  • probableFrancesco Rovigo, Italian composer and organist (died 1597)
  • probableAlexander Utendal, Flemish singer, composer and choirmaster (died 1581)
  • probable – Matthaus Waissel, German lutenist, composer, Lutheran theologian, publisher, schoolteacher and writer


  • September 7 – Hernando de Cabezon, Spanish composer, publisher and editor (died 1602)
  • probableVincenzo Bellavere, Italian composer and organist (died 1587)


  • January 27 – Gioseffo Guami, Italian composer, organist, singer and teacher (died 1611)
  • February 22 – Santino Garsi da Parma, lutenist and composer (died 1604)
  • May 20 – Gasparo da Salo, Italian violin maker and double bass player (died 1609)
  • November 1 – Tarquinia Molza, Italian singer (died 1617)
  • probableCesare Bendinelli, Italian trumpeter (died 1617)
  • probableJakob Meiland, German composer, organist and choirmaster (died 1577)



  • Maddelena Casulana, Italian composer, lutenist and singer. First female composer of the period to have her music printed and published.
  • Ivo de Vento, Flemish composer and organist. Died 1575.


  • October 19 – Giovenale Ancina – Italian priest and composer (died 1604)
  • probable
    • Gioseppe Caimo, Italian composer and organist (died post 1584)
    • Luzzasco Luzzaschi, Ferrarese composer (died 1607)
    • Lodovico Balbi Italian composer, singer, choirmaster and Minorite friar (died 1604)
    • Antoine Barbe II Flemish organist and choirmaster (died 1604)
    • Gioseppe Caimo Italian composer and organist (died 1584)
    • Bernardo Clavijo del Castillo Spanish composer, organist, harpsichord player and teacher (died 1626)
    • Anthony Holborne English composer (died 1602)


  • date unknownLuca Bati, Italian composer (died 1608)


    • Lucrezia Bendidio, Italian noblewoman and singer (died c.1584)
    • George de la Hele, Flemish composer (died 1586).
    • Manuel Mendes, Portuguese composer (died 1605).


    • Gines Perez De La Parra, Spanish composer (died 1600).
    • Lambert de Sayve, Flemish singer and composer (died 1614).
    • Tomas Luis de Victoria, Spanish composer, singer, organist, priest and choirmaster (died 1611).


  • December 9 – Costanzo Antegnati – Italian organ builder, organist, and composer
  • date unknownKaspar Ulenberg, German theologian, poet, and composer (died 1617)
  • – Eustache du Caurroy, French composer and singer (died 1609)
  • Giovanni de Macque, French composer, singer, organist and choirmaster (died 1614)


  • 1540: Francesco De Layolle, composer and organist (c.48)
  • 1541:
  • 1542: Lodovico Fogliano, theorist and composer (c.66) died in Modena
  • 1543: probable
  • Avery Burton, composer (c.73) died in England
  • 1544:
    • Balthasar Resinarius, (c.58)
    • Benedictus Dulcis, (c.52)
  • 1545: April 10 – Constanzo Festa, Italian composer (born c.1485–1490)
  • 1547: October or November – John Redford, English composer, poet and playwright (born c. 1500)
  • 1548: June 14 – Elzéar Genet de Carpentras, French composer (born c. 1470)
    • January 23 – Bernardo Pisano, Italian composer and singer (57)
      April 10 – Giacomo Fogliano, Italian composer, organist and teacher (born c.1468)
      August 16 – Georg Rhau, printer, publisher and composer, died in Wittenberg (c.60)
      October 21 – Sixt Dietrich, composer and teacher, died in St Gallen, Switzerland (c.55)
      Vincenzo Capirola, lutenist and composer, died in Brescia (c.74)
  • 1549: – Richard Pygott, English composer and choirmaster
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