13th Quebec Legislature

The 13th Legislative Assembly of Quebec was the provincial legislature in Quebec, Canada that existed from May 15, 1912, to May 22, 1916. The Quebec Liberal Party led by Lomer Gouin was the governing party.

Seats per political party

Affiliation Members
  Parti libéral du Québec 62
     Conservative Party 16
     Liberal Independent 1
  Parti ouvrier 1
Ligue nationaliste canadienne 1
 Government Majority

Member list

This was the list of members of the Legislative Assembly of Quebec that were elected in the 1912 election:

Name Party Riding
     Harry Slater Conservative Argenteuil
     Paul Tourigny Libéral Arthabaska
     Frédéric-Hector Daigneault Libéral Bagot
     Arthur Godbout Libéral Beauce
     Edmond Arthur Robert Libéral Beauharnois
     Antonin Galipeault Libéral Bellechasse
     Joseph-Olivier Gadoury Conservative Berthier
     John Hall Kelly Libéral Bonaventure
     William Frederick Vilas Libéral Brome
     Eugène Merril Lesieur Desaulniers Libéral Chambly
     Joseph-Arthur Labissonnière Conservative Champlain
     Pierre D'Auteuil Conservative Charlevoix et Saguenay
     Honoré Mercier Jr. Libéral Châteauguay
     Honoré Petit Libéral Chicoutimi
     George Nathaniel Scott Libéral Compton
     Arthur Sauvé Conservative Deux-Montagnes
     Alfred Morissett Libéral Dorchester
     Jules Allard Libéral Drummond
     Georges-Stanislas Grégoire Libéral Frontenac
     Gustave Lemieux Libéral Gaspé
     William H. Walker Libéral Huntingdon
     Joseph-Aldéric Benoît Libéral Iberville
     Joseph-Édouard Caron Libéral Îles-de-la-Madeleine
     Philémon Cousineau Conservative Jacques-Cartier
     Joseph-Mathias Tellier Conservative Joliette
     Charles-Adolphe Stein Libéral Kamouraska
     Hyacinthe-Adélard Fortier Libéral Labelle
     Jean-Baptiste Carbonneau Libéral Lac-Saint-Jean
     Ésioff-Léon Patenaude Conservative Laprairie
     Walter Reed Libéral L'Assomption
     Joseph-Wenceslas Lévesque Libéral Laval
     Alphonse Bernier Conservative Lévis
     Joseph-Octave Morin Conservative L'Islet
     Joseph-Napoléon Francoeur Libéral Lotbinière
     Jérémie-Louis Décarie Libéral Maisonneuve
     Rodolphe Tourville Libéral Maskinongé
     Donat Caron Libéral Matane
     Joseph Demers Libéral Mégantic
     Joseph-Jean-Baptiste Gosselin Libéral Missisquoi
     Joseph Sylvestre Conservative Montcalm
Armand Lavergne Ligue nationaliste canadienne Montmagny
     Louis-Alexandre Taschereau Libéral Montmorency
     Georges Mayrand Libéral Montréal-Dorion
     Séverin Létourneau Libéral Montréal-Hochelaga
     Napoléon Turcot Libéral Montréal-Laurier
     Denis Tansey Conservative Montréal–Sainte-Anne
     Napoléon Séguin Libéral Montréal–Sainte-Marie
     Charles Ernest Gault Conservative Montréal–Saint-Georges
     Clément Robillard Libéral Montréal–Saint-Jacques
     John Thomas Finnie Libéral Montréal–Saint-Laurent
     Godfroy Langlois Libéral Montréal–Saint-Louis
     Cyprien Doris Libéral Napierville
     Charles Ramsay Devlin Libéral Nicolet
     Ferdinand-Ambroise Gendron Libéral Ottawa
     George Benjamin Campbell Conservative Pontiac
     Lomer Gouin Libéral Portneuf
     Cyrille Fraser Delage Libéral Québec-Comté
     Eugène Leclerc Libéral Québec-Centre
     Louis-Alfred Létourneau Libéral Québec-Est
     John Charles Kaine Libéral Québec-Ouest
     Maurice-Louis Péloquin Libéral Richelieu
     Peter Samuel George Mackenzie Libéral Richmond
     Auguste-Maurice Tessier Libéral Rimouski
     Joseph-Edmond Robert Libéral Rouville
     Télesphore-Damien Bouchard Libéral Saint-Hyacinthe
     Lomer Gouin Libéral Saint-Jean
     Georges-Isidore Delisle Libéral Saint-Maurice
  Joseph-Alphonse Langlois Parti ouvrier Saint-Sauveur
     William Stephen Bullock Libéral Shefford
     Calixte-Émile Therrien Libéral Sherbrooke
     Joseph-Octave Mousseau Libéral Soulanges
     Prosper-Alfred Bissonnet Libéral Stanstead
     Charles Ramsay Devlin Libéral Témiscaming
     Léo Bérubé Conservative Témiscouata
     Jean Prévost Liberal Independent Terrebonne
     Joseph-Adolphe Tessier Libéral Trois-Rivières
     Hormisdas Pilon Libéral Vaudreuil
     Amédée Geoffrion Libéral Verchères
     Charles Allan Smart Conservative Westmount
     Napoléon-Pierre Tanguay Libéral Wolfe
     Guillaume-Édouard Ouellette Libéral Yamaska

Other elected MLAs

  • Joseph-Léonide Perron, Quebec Liberal Party, Verchères, October 16, 1912
  • Joseph-Émery Phaneuf, Quebec Liberal Party, Bagot, January 16, 1913
  • Alfred-Joseph Bissonnett, Quebec Liberal Party, Stanstead, January 16, 1913
  • Lucien Cannon, Quebec Liberal Party, Dorchester, June 2, 1913
  • Arthur Trahan, Quebec Liberal Party, Nicolet, June 2, 1913
  • Andrew Philps, Quebec Liberal Party, Huntingdon, November 10, 1913
  • Marcellin Robert, Quebec Liberal Party, St. Jean, November 10, 1913
  • Joseph-Fabien Bugeaud, Quebec Liberal Party, Bonaventure, May 7, 1914
  • Walter George Mitchell, Quebec Liberal Party, Richmond, November 21, 1914

Cabinet Ministers

  • Prime Minister and Executive Council President: Lomer Gouin
  • Agriculture: Joseph-Édouard Caron
  • Colonisation, Mines and Fishing: Charles Devlin Ramsey (1912-1914), Honoré Mercier Jr. (1914-1916)
  • Public Works and Labor: Louis-Alexandre Taschereau
  • Lands and Forests: Jules Allard
  • Roads: Joseph-Édouard Caron (1912-1914), Joseph-Adolphe Tessier (1914-1916)
  • Attorney General:Lomer Gouin
  • Provincial secretary: Louis-Jérémie Décarie
  • Treasurer: Peter Samuel George MacKenzie (1912-1914), Walter Georges Mitchell (1914-1916)
gollark: Who's been jailed then?
gollark: I see. I think I'd consider tight control of information (and lack of government accountability) authoritarianism things, and the problem appears to have been caused by those.
gollark: Yes, it is indeed stupid. You were saying it was not authoritarianism, however.
gollark: I would consider censoring information which makes your government look bad fairly authoritarian.
gollark: There were (are) apparently bad quality issues: https://blogs.sciencemag.org/pipeline/archives/2021/04/28/brazil-rejects-the-gamaleya-vaccine


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