Tower of Night
- "Evil-looking monstrosity."
- -Magda Burlix
The Tower of Night was a massive fortress constructed on the New Sanctaphrax rock. Vox Verlix originally designed the structure to give the upper levels to the Sky-Scholars and the lower levels to the Earth-Scholars, in order to prevent bickering and conflicts. However, the Guardians of Night seized the whole tower for themselves, casting out Vox, Amberfuce, and the Librarians.
Battles around the Tower of Night
First Attack on the Tower of Night
Varis Lodd once attempted to attack the Tower of Night with a fleet of skycraft. The skycraft were outmatched by the Tower's defenses and the attack failed.
Second Attack on the Tower of Night
During the events of The Last of the Sky Pirates, Rook and Twig carried out a raid on the Tower of Night from the Skyraider in a rescue mission to save Cowlquape Pentephraxis. The attack was succesful and Cowlquape was rescued from the sinister tower.
The Tower of Night was a long, narrow, tapering building. In the center of the structure was the dungeon, a massive, hollowed-out room with perches at various points along the walls which prisoners were confined to. Though they were not technically enclosed on their perch, the only way off was to jump to certain death. Between the dungeon and the outer wall were the passageways and chambers in which the Guardians of Night themselves resided. Towards the top of the structure was Orbix Xaxis's personal chamber, and at the very top was Midnight's Spike.
During the events of Vox, a massive lightning bolt from Dark Maelstrom burned the Tower of Night to the ground, killing all the Guardians of Night and the prisoners.
Sections of the Tower of Night
- Midnight's Spike
- Ceremonial Cage
- Eastern Baskets
- Prison Ledges
Known Prisoners of the Tower of Night
Cowlquape Pentephraxis was the only person to ever escape the Tower of Night. Most spent years on the ledges awaiting a trial that would almost certainly lead to execution.