Tag: webmin

3 How to set certify the Webmin panel with Let's Encrypt 2016-12-25T20:42:44.557

2 delete webmin or not? any good reasons to keep it sitting on server? 2011-10-18T12:27:21.390

2 Webmin: New Virtualhost Apache configuration is incorrect, how to fix? 2013-09-17T13:47:15.953

2 Adding ssh keys for user on webmin interface? 2017-05-01T03:47:18.800

1 How can I log in to Webmin if it doesn't accept/I can't remember my user details? 2011-08-21T16:22:24.297

1 webmin bind issue- error when i try to start bind 2012-02-09T15:22:11.450

1 How can I connect to webmin as a sudo user 2012-06-22T13:27:04.263

1 stop emails originating from apache / php 2013-01-10T15:03:16.860

1 Webmin Java applets not starting 2013-03-29T09:19:47.137

1 How to get webmin working in Server 2008(X64) 2013-04-10T18:43:06.053

1 How to execute a script from a browser that is on a private server? 2013-09-18T22:57:47.660

1 How can I supervise processes in webmin much like supervisord? 2015-02-06T13:26:43.243

1 Ubuntu server running Apache and Webmin is directing http://[ip] to Webmin 2016-07-13T14:49:48.940

1 Apache2 + fcgid + virtualmin - Slow website 2017-02-16T09:56:32.973

1 Can I View Webmin executed commands? 2017-07-09T00:32:51.123

1 how can I prevent a redirect to localhost - ubuntu 17.04 2017-10-01T23:23:11.067

1 Why Virtualmin refuses to change the PHP version? 2019-01-22T06:19:09.833

1 Apache not starting via Webmin but works via apachectl in the terminal 2019-04-01T15:13:20.980

1 Failed to create virtual server: A virtual server with the same name and port already exists - but this is not visible 2019-05-12T10:01:42.607

1 Why can not I connect to Webmin on my AWS centOS server? 2019-07-16T11:13:44.660

1 How can changing the Hostname with Webmin Networking Configuration break a VPS network connection 2019-07-16T14:31:09.067

1 subdomain of subdomain not resolving 2019-08-15T15:17:19.923

1 How to give phpmyadmin privileges to create databases? 2019-10-24T12:53:40.197

1 how to allow a web page not to use https in apache 2020-02-29T11:31:56.253

0 installing webmin/plesk/cpanel/directadmin on pc on which squid proxy is installed 2012-02-09T08:16:32.423

0 Enable XSLT with Webmin on Ubuntu server 2012-09-21T14:14:44.660

0 Sent mail getting blocked by spam filters 2012-12-10T19:17:38.877

0 BIND9 & Webmin new DNS nameserver not accepted by registrar 2013-03-20T01:09:36.703

0 Limiting messages in Centos log file 2014-05-28T15:24:31.327

0 What limitations does Webmin/Virtualmin have as opposed to cPanel/WHM? 2014-10-03T02:31:13.590

0 Virtualmin cPanel backup migration failed 2014-10-03T03:13:59.933

0 port forward from wan to lan 2015-01-08T09:15:33.307

0 php.ini changes not reflected to website 2015-03-10T09:52:16.817

0 Trouble at Setting Up Webserver 2015-04-20T01:35:23.460

0 Cron Error : chdir failed (/usr/share/httpd): - Using Nginx 2015-07-07T05:24:08.790

0 Can't receive external email in virtualmin 2015-10-09T19:01:37.790

0 OpenVPN specific configuration 2016-03-11T00:46:47.347

0 Upgrade Debian 6 to Debian 7 bigmem 2016-04-18T16:04:58.533

0 Webmin -> Virtualmin -> Let's Encrypt -- Getting error about e-mail when registering SSL 2016-09-10T21:19:06.823

0 Webmin -> Virtualmin -- How to access FTP? 2016-09-11T00:14:18.970

0 Cannot connect even though ports are open 2016-09-23T20:53:36.080

0 How to test if you can access your webserver from a public IP 2016-12-23T22:00:09.033

0 Firefox reports SEC_ERROR_CA_CERT_INVALID after changing web site certificate 2017-01-07T12:49:40.283

0 Remote gateway management page access 2017-01-19T11:02:26.297

0 How Can I use dual drive dedicated server as RAID1 array? 2017-03-31T12:34:00.580

0 Package: "xorgxrdp" install failed! [Webmin] 2018-05-03T11:54:32.053

0 How to protect webmin via .htpasswd? 2018-06-02T16:15:36.493

0 installing webmin on an existing bind server 2018-09-24T18:52:46.053

0 Use NGINX to proxy webmin in /admin 2019-03-18T14:05:12.790

0 Cron Jobs in Webmin 2019-04-24T11:00:34.647

0 setting up a db in webmin - with user, db-creation, permission - sequence and steps 2019-05-24T09:01:21.100

0 How to log in to MariaDB MySQL root via Webmin on Debian? 2019-06-09T15:03:50.017

0 Where is virtualmin default used ssl located? 2019-07-22T07:31:16.823

0 Fail to install squid on Raspbian 2019-10-28T22:33:04.360

0 Why Webmin doesn't show much option? Am I not a root? 2019-11-29T14:09:08.190

0 webmin: Overview on the created vhosts lack some servers that are up and running 2020-01-22T15:27:03.220

-1 postfix send mail through another smtp server? 2013-03-30T09:31:16.723

-1 MySQL don't start (ubuntu): [ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: unknown option '--skip-locking' 2013-10-26T04:30:41.677

-1 Cant acces webmin outside the virtual machine running it (VirtualBox -> Ubuntu-Server 16.04 -> LAMP -> Webmin) 2016-09-09T02:43:54.497

-1 Bind DNS serverdo not answer domain name 2017-10-21T13:14:49.297