How to get webmin working in Server 2008(X64)


I have installed webmin in server 2008(howto) plus its dependecie activeperl(howto) under virtualbox, but I can not get it to work. Thit is what i did so far:

As per the activeperl(howto) I briefly turned off the server, cause otherwise it will not work, even after a reboot.

I went to: Start → Administrative Tools → Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager select FQDN then right-click my FQDN, and then pressed Stop.

when installing activeperl the first time, it did not find my folder cause it was in a perl64 folder, during the second time installing, i installed it in C:\Perlthe rest of the installation was next, next, install.

I then Started my Web server, right-click my FQDN → start

I then processed to download and install WebminInstall.exe, but after installation, webmin could not find http://localhost:1000/? I've Googled, and the only thing I encountered was, that it is not supported on Windows Server 2008, and that it is best to install it on a Linux distribution.

I am a big fan of Linux, but This is a school project, and it specifically said to install it on Windows Server 2008. Although I have time, I would like to finish it up early, since at the moment I only finished 2 out of 10 assignment, I would like to make it 3 out of 10 :)

Question: How to install Webmin on my Windows server 2008(x64)?

Note: If needed, I would happily install a x32bit version of server 2008

Thanks in advanced!!!


Posted 2013-04-10T18:43:06.053

Reputation: 678



This is wrong http://localhost:1000 its https://localhost:10000 or use the server name and its secure so you need to use https as above


Posted 2013-04-10T18:43:06.053

Reputation: 1

1Do you have a reference or more information you can offer to confirm this is indeed the OP's problem? – I say Reinstate Monica – 2018-03-02T17:08:14.177