Tag: virtual-memory

97 Should I disable swap file if I have lots of RAM or should I move it to a virtual RAM drive? 2014-09-11T08:34:47.017

71 How is virtual memory actually increasing the memory space? 2017-01-10T07:34:58.570

28 What is virtual memory? 2009-09-17T19:13:36.680

28 Unpause application in Mac OS X 2010-03-10T07:16:10.280

25 Commit charge is 100% full but physical memory is just 60% when using no page file 2012-10-02T23:53:22.003

23 Why does Linux use a swap partition when the kernel supports paging/virtual memory anyway? 2013-03-26T13:50:58.513

19 How to diagnose ballooning OS X kernel_task and wired memory usage? 2010-02-21T09:56:41.067

19 How to stop a Linux process for later execution swapping-out its memory 2016-11-14T14:55:42.747

15 How much swap is a given Mac application using? 2010-01-18T09:57:30.937

14 Do I still need to use virtual memory? 2009-10-14T06:00:46.147

13 Increase page file or buy RAM? 2013-01-24T07:51:59.980

13 ImDisk: Create physical memory drive (not virtual memory drive) from command-line 2013-08-17T22:47:50.597

12 How do I suppress "low memory" warnings in Vista Home Premium when running without paging file? 2009-09-15T19:46:39.253

12 Linux overcommit memory 2010-10-17T15:21:04.093

12 Why is my browser using so much memory? 2010-12-26T14:11:27.710

12 Does it matter about the amount of the swap area in Linux system 2015-02-16T13:53:58.093

11 How to find virtual memory size and cache size of a linux system? 2009-09-29T13:47:30.213

11 Virtual Memory and SSD 2011-11-14T18:46:08.413

9 On Mac OS X how can I see how much memory is being used by what programs? 2011-01-28T03:34:48.663

9 What is the exact difference between the parameters (pgpgin, pswpin) and (pswpout, pgpgout) in /proc/vmstat? 2014-07-20T10:50:32.427

9 How do I know how much swap is used on Windows 7? 2015-05-21T02:59:10.893

9 What is the Optimal Virtual Memory Size For 8 GB RAM | WIN 10? 2016-06-17T18:03:24.010

8 How to tell Linux to explicitly swap out main memory of a suspended process? 2010-04-07T13:42:57.803

8 What are the dangers of manually setting IncreaseUserVA? 2011-03-04T09:31:41.110

7 Is Visual Studio 2008 a 32Bit Application? 2009-09-03T08:17:52.227

7 How do I limit the memory usage of a specific process in linux? 2010-04-24T10:58:27.103

7 Process Explorer not showing the biggest user of my RAM 2010-09-06T16:41:59.883

7 How did UNIX multitasking work without virtual memory? 2011-08-10T19:21:36.320

7 Why is my swap used even if my physical RAM isn't full? 2011-09-15T10:15:31.923

7 Confused about Windows 7 64-bit page file with SSD 2012-08-26T03:37:00.530

7 Get Python to raise MemoryError instead of eating all my disk space 2012-11-20T23:56:04.933

6 Clarification of the difference between PCI memory addressing and I/O addressing? 2012-10-21T20:12:53.500

6 How does a software like Cheat Engine work? 2013-02-10T04:36:24.720

6 Why does my CPU only support 32GB RAM when it has 39 address bits? 2015-07-23T00:20:43.337

6 What to do about the vmmap process in Mac OS X always hogging the CPU? 2018-07-12T22:14:52.300

5 How to interpret Windows XP's Virtual Memory Info - the 10 numbers and 1 graph 2010-01-19T03:15:40.910

5 How to increase Hard-Disk LifeSpan? 2010-08-29T19:13:49.457

5 linux: per-process monitor, every 10 minutes, with history access 2012-12-04T13:43:04.307

5 How to increase swap memory in Windows? 2014-08-06T15:49:08.690

5 What does it mean to have a swap partition mounted at /dev/null? 2015-02-05T22:42:45.760

5 Why won't Windows 7 record crash details when the paging file is separated from the operating systems drive, and can I do something about this? 2017-04-01T19:04:18.680

4 In winxp, I have 4GB of RAM, am using 1.77GB, but programs keep paging out to memory. Why? 2009-08-18T05:15:50.470

4 Virtual memory on Linux doesn't add up? 2010-04-04T23:12:26.113

4 Why RAM usage is much bigger than Virtual Memory usage 2010-11-19T19:12:22.200

4 On Windows 7, does it help to use two partitions on the hard drive for virtual memory page file? 2012-04-23T23:10:28.620

4 Swaping, Paging, Segmentation, and Virtual memory on x86 PM architecture 2012-07-28T15:13:08.670

4 What is Paging in memory management? 2012-10-10T17:42:34.037

4 Virtual memory usage vs resident set size 2013-05-23T14:35:28.013

4 Create a Virtual USB disk drive and connect it to Virtual Box 2013-07-29T10:27:57.327

4 Disable virtual memory in Windows 8 is good? 2013-11-17T11:27:51.920

4 What is the difference between virtual memory and built-in memory (RAM)? 2014-05-02T04:45:21.963

4 How to increase Virtual Machine disk space? 2014-05-22T12:25:54.903

4 Why does Windows always use as much Virtual Memory as there is RAM installed? 2014-07-06T14:12:01.843

4 Operating VirtualBox 5 on old Pentium 4 32bit CPU with 4GB RAM 2015-07-28T12:17:14.270

3 How to make programs consume physical memory instead of virtual memory 2009-09-25T09:37:51.893

3 Lack of Virtual Memory - confusion 2010-01-25T06:07:53.127

3 Identify an instance of Google Chrome by PID 2010-06-12T06:52:49.557

3 Virtual memory vs. Virtual address space 2011-09-06T17:42:18.860

3 What are the benefits of Virtual Memory? 2011-09-21T14:30:50.267

3 Will allocating too much virtual memory have any negative effect on your laptop? 2011-11-15T19:26:16.550

3 Does PF Delta include soft faults? 2011-11-29T19:36:25.830

3 Virtual Memory is confusing me 2011-12-24T23:18:06.257

3 How can I configure Firefox to assume I have less memory? 2012-08-09T09:19:47.733

3 Seemingly inconsistent output from `top` re: Swap header vs. SWAP column 2012-11-27T15:37:13.630

3 Why does increasing Virtual Memory not helping game performance? 2013-12-17T11:07:10.540

3 macOS - virtual memory limit (architectural or practical)? 2019-01-22T00:42:09.373

2 Optimizing Windows XP to use less HD access 2009-10-20T18:59:18.660

2 Windows application to monitor virtual memory activity 2010-03-06T01:01:22.227

2 Can we decrease page swapping? 2010-03-22T14:10:18.453

2 improving swapping strategy 2010-07-19T00:23:15.920

2 Make JVM use Virtual Memory only after using 1GB of RAM 2010-07-29T22:55:06.753

2 When a process isn't using virtual memory, does it have the kernel or user memory in RAM? 2010-08-05T14:35:49.273

2 Scheduled Task Priority and Paging problems 2010-09-29T23:09:56.220

2 How much virtual memory? 2010-12-20T16:40:00.943

2 ulimit broke my server 2011-03-08T03:09:44.703

2 Windows 7 virtual memory size 2011-07-20T13:48:41.980

2 High latency when writing big files. How to prevent more-than-second page faults when quickly filling up FS? 2011-10-13T15:30:31.247

2 What's the virtual memory address space limitation of a Win32 application? 2012-02-21T06:34:33.823

2 Top command cache vs free memory 2013-05-03T10:36:29.130

2 Turn off single process swap and overcommit 2013-08-19T17:45:03.100

2 Can anyone explain what is virtual memory? 2013-09-26T05:13:40.760

2 Changing virtual memory using batch 2013-12-16T12:42:45.963

2 How to know the size of page frame used by my OS? 2014-04-30T09:04:45.557

2 Should I/Need I set the virtual memory on system parition or not? 2014-08-03T17:43:17.060

2 How big are copy on write pages in linux? 2014-08-08T21:22:27.913

2 How to diagnose low memory on Windows 10? 2015-09-08T04:28:52.627

2 Processors and virtual/physical addresses 2015-09-22T09:07:15.353

2 Linux on iMX6 and CMA memory 2015-10-23T06:33:37.703

2 Is it possible to manually send programs to virtual memory in windows? 2015-12-04T23:43:03.423

2 How to detect thrashing on an SSD-equipped Windows system? 2016-05-06T14:54:21.787

2 Why doesn't an SSD improve the speed of running applications compared to a HDD? 2016-07-10T00:38:56.200

2 Will Microsoft Windows 10 overcommit memory? 2017-03-31T13:20:37.633

2 Is there a way to turn removable drives into fixed ones in windows 10? 2018-02-06T14:16:23.037

2 How does Windows OS keep track of a processes virtual memory? 2018-02-20T14:21:12.383

2 Understanding Windows Process Memory Layout 2018-08-20T17:58:53.960

2 Excessive virtual memory/page file - Can I tone it down for space? 2018-10-31T15:32:39.473

2 How to identify which process committed memory 2018-11-02T17:45:56.727

2 How to increase memory for a Java application in Windows 10? 2019-01-31T10:13:45.943

2 How to resolve APFS overallocation error from volume "VM" without reformatting disk 2019-05-16T19:18:04.590