How to increase swap memory in Windows?



I bought a new system with 4 GB of RAM. I don't know how do I check how much swap memory I have allocated. I know that we can increase RAM physically. I want to increase swap memory on windows. How can I increase swap memory? Is that possible?


Posted 2014-08-06T15:49:08.690

Reputation: 269

Question was closed 2014-08-07T20:03:13.517

Why is this tagged with windows-7 and windows-8? Are you running both operating systems? – ChrisInEdmonton – 2014-08-06T15:51:44.350

1 It's similar for other versions of Windows. – ChrisInEdmonton – 2014-08-06T15:52:28.247

no previously i worked with windows-7 , now i moved to windows-8. I want to know on both. thats why i tagged – Ramkee – 2014-08-06T15:53:03.507

4The process to increase your virutal memory has not been changed in 14 years since the release of Windows XP. This seems like a question that could have been researched a great deal more before asking it. – Ramhound – 2014-08-06T16:09:25.530

FWIW, I find it hard to dig up a dupe. – Louis – 2014-08-06T16:35:53.903

@Louis Probably because it's quicker to type the question into Google than ask here and wait. First result is MS documentation on changing the size of virtual memory in Windows. Similar to the reason you won't find a canonical question for "How do I turn on my computer?"

– Jason C – 2014-08-06T16:37:56.413

@JasonC Haha, true. But one day google will point here. ^_____________^ – Louis – 2014-08-06T16:39:23.490

@Louis Arguably, it would be better if the top Google result remained the official documentation, which Micrsoft, despite other issues, is traditionally good at maintaining. I am debating if I should delete my answer. – Jason C – 2014-08-06T16:51:01.503

@and31415 ^ Nice find, there it is. – Jason C – 2014-08-07T05:42:51.007



Taken directly from the documentation, which is the first Google result for "windows change swap space":

  1. Open System by clicking the Start button Picture of the Start button, right-clicking Computer, and then clicking Properties.

  2. In the left pane, click Advanced system settings. Administrator permission required If you're prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.

  3. On the Advanced tab, under Performance, click Settings.

  4. Click the Advanced tab, and then, under Virtual memory, click Change.

  5. Clear the Automatically manage paging file size for all drives check box.

  6. Under Drive [Volume Label], click the drive that contains the paging file you want to change.

  7. Click Custom size, type a new size in megabytes in the Initial size (MB) or Maximum size (MB) box, click Set, and then click OK.

See also

This applies to Windows 7, 8, and all earlier versions back to at least XP. The procedure hasn't changed in over a decade.

Jason C

Posted 2014-08-06T15:49:08.690

Reputation: 8 273

@ThatBrazilianGuy This procedure is for Windows 8 as well. – Jason C – 2014-08-06T19:04:58.520


First of all, newer versions of Windows use mainly page file not swap file.

To check your current pagefile:

Win+R (Run...) -> sysdm.cpl -> Advanced -> Change...


Posted 2014-08-06T15:49:08.690

Reputation: 661


Its true, the process of all Windows when it comes to changing the virtual or paging file remains almost the same. You need to access your computer, control panel and follow procedures as shown in this way

Procedures : Windows 8

  1. Power on your machine and open all programs.

  2. Go to Control panel and then systems and security.

  3. Go to system and then to advanced system setting.

  4. Open properties, advanced and then settings.

  5. Click change, paging file settings and follow prompts.

Procedures : Others

  1. Go to advanced, settings and performance.

  2. Advanced, virtual memory and then Change.

  3. Click the drive you want to change, go to Paging file size for selected drive and add the new size of your choice.

based on this link


Posted 2014-08-06T15:49:08.690

Reputation: 11


Welcome to Super User! Whilst this may theoretically answer the question, it would be preferable to include the essential parts of the answer here, and provide the link for reference.

– Cfinley – 2014-08-06T16:25:51.860