Tag: vimrc

2 Vim is putting two tabs whenever I punch in tab 2013-05-13T19:40:00.587

2 How can I make my configuration available regardless on which machine I am working on? 2013-05-23T21:00:08.380

2 Use VIM to pass options to PDF reader 2013-07-17T20:45:56.700

2 Set vim to auto insert spaces after comma? 2013-11-23T22:05:36.260

2 Why viminfo setting dosen't work in VIM 2013-12-27T10:15:16.373

2 Map vim commands to compile-time features 2014-01-17T21:28:52.580

2 How to use multiple spaces in listchars? 2014-03-13T00:22:57.817

2 How can I validate my .vimrc? 2014-04-07T16:46:37.853

2 Vim - How Recognize Spaces as Tabs (set listchars=tab) 2014-08-25T15:07:17.483

2 Disable vim plugins for large files 2014-10-22T18:18:03.243

2 How to include all Vim config files in some folder? 2014-11-14T09:46:53.243

2 Effectively manage sets of Vim settings 2015-02-16T19:42:39.663

2 How to map ctrl/p clear cache and refresh NERDTree root node? 2015-03-31T12:43:35.717

2 Vim make a custom macro or command 2016-11-14T12:40:36.067

2 Vim - Detect Caps Lock Status 2017-06-20T13:13:28.303

2 How to make Vim "repeat search" direction absolute instead of relative? 2019-04-29T09:36:56.757

1 VIM has stopped using my _vimrc and I can't figure out where it is getting set? 2009-08-26T16:34:56.167

1 Starting vim at top of the screen 2009-12-06T23:03:12.900

1 Vim full color and anti aliasing on Windows 7 2010-01-27T23:52:28.887

1 How can I assign vim to be the default application to open my _vimrc file? (Windows 7) 2010-02-25T18:53:07.690

1 vimrc - Acess Denied 2010-07-10T23:05:09.053

1 Running gVim on a USB Drive 2011-04-17T06:55:51.110

1 Mapping keys in VIM on Mac 2011-05-07T18:36:25.930

1 Split up .vimrc, where to put what? 2011-05-24T12:39:10.187

1 Corrupt vimrc file 2011-06-18T06:18:53.197

1 GVim Specify Directory for :browse open Command 2011-07-07T01:51:46.810

1 How do I get correct indentation for HTML and Javascript in gVim? 2011-08-27T10:52:19.987

1 Vimrc for different gnome-terminal profile? 2011-09-01T00:52:10.257

1 map a command with vim 2011-09-13T07:56:34.927

1 jump to <++> keeping fold 2011-11-11T21:25:52.863

1 How to show characters when using the change "c" command 2011-12-17T01:00:36.707

1 Opening files from Eclipse in gvim skips vimrc and gvimrc 2012-01-13T15:03:03.900

1 Getting man path through Vim 2012-01-20T11:26:46.630

1 Vim creating files 2012-02-23T19:28:23.147

1 VIM disable highlighting upon search deletion 2012-04-04T17:05:51.077

1 Vim Overlength highlighting for certain filetypes only 2012-05-17T01:47:01.967

1 Vim: make text go red or screen flash after 80 column mark? 2012-08-27T19:16:17.480

1 Using a session-specific .vimrc 2012-10-19T14:22:12.563

1 Why do vim's StatusLine and StatusLineNC do not have the same background color? 2012-10-24T15:23:12.327

1 How do I use inoremap with multiple characters? 2012-12-04T08:13:38.583

1 Vim: How do you remap the functionality of CTRL-W to a different key? 2013-01-23T05:25:27.990

1 Best way to sync vimrc files 2013-02-12T19:54:28.030

1 Vim has unexpected key presses on startup, what could be causing this? 2013-02-18T03:35:26.060

1 Is there a simple setting that make Vim find filetype more smart? 2013-04-14T03:27:07.357

1 Select vimenter autocmd's to run based on args 2013-06-16T14:29:11.940

1 vim "+ register unreachable. + key causes unwanted motion 2013-07-15T22:24:25.293

1 Vim: automate reading line from external file 2013-08-01T17:03:31.490

1 vimscript delete whole line or word in command mode (q:) 2013-11-07T02:02:28.317

1 Vim will not stop creating backup files (Windows 8) 2013-12-14T16:49:48.900

1 Should I bother moving stuff from vimrc to gvimrc? 2013-12-22T14:26:42.537

1 Vim not making font italic when it should? 2014-01-05T22:30:51.630

1 Vim: What is the difference between these two methods of setting a variable? 2014-01-16T08:28:56.117

1 vim - Autosave file to disk, efficiently 2014-02-03T01:57:24.423

1 Vim: Vertical navigation in insert mode 2014-02-22T08:31:18.257

1 Why is there a difference in the popup dialog from .gvimrc and command line? 2014-03-21T18:34:02.057

1 How to determine what buffer was changed externally with gVim? 2014-03-21T19:19:50.237

1 Should I create an empty $HOME/.vimrc, or copy /etc/vim/vimrc? 2014-04-03T09:16:58.777

1 Windows Vim symlink config file persistent error 2014-05-14T20:13:21.880

1 How to avoid `.viminfo` in `$HOME` 2014-05-26T08:18:02.217

1 Removing a custom vim configuration 2014-05-29T03:29:13.097

1 Line length highlighting works correctly in console Vim, not GUI 2014-06-21T04:24:10.840

1 Vim - mapping for moving between buffers silently 2014-09-11T16:25:04.043

1 How to run something insert mode, get user input then return to insert mode? 2014-09-12T21:00:22.023

1 vim: library of common substitutions without plugins? 2014-09-30T11:38:04.083

1 Mapping from .vimrc does not apply 2014-11-13T06:59:14.407

1 How to autocomplete python class in vim 2015-01-26T00:15:23.410

1 How do I fold my .vimrc non-temporarily using vim code-folding? (sp13-vim) 2015-04-16T06:46:22.333

1 Stop Vim from automatically tw=78 line-break wrapping text files 2015-04-23T05:30:21.373

1 Vim Return to last point in file 2015-09-11T14:51:34.960

1 Vim; Shortcut to add comment at beginning of line 2015-09-27T18:30:00.873

1 .vimrc sourcing another leads to plugin errors 2015-10-31T14:56:33.270

1 How to setup in `~/.vimrc` a mapping for `colorscheme` to toggle `solarized` between `dark` and `light`? 2016-01-14T14:36:00.653

1 Make part of php comment line bold in vim 2016-03-11T10:47:08.140

1 vim recent changes breaks vmap? 2016-04-27T19:02:21.930

1 vim how to unmap [[ 2016-06-08T10:50:07.367

1 Vim: How can I remap a key, but only when I combined it with a number? 2016-07-14T17:04:15.353

1 Splitting a single file into multiple windows on Vim 2016-10-28T02:13:51.590

1 How to map commands in Vim? 2016-10-28T12:30:09.533

1 How to disable navigation keys in Vim? 2016-11-06T23:43:47.280

1 vim autocmd not working 2016-12-12T06:22:29.530

1 Vim mapping for .vimrc only 2017-07-25T11:53:45.530

1 ability to switch between panes has broken in tmux with vim 2017-07-25T12:45:31.343

1 Autocmd ignores mapping? 2017-07-26T09:46:40.703

1 How can I change certain keywords in vim to all-caps? 2017-11-17T12:09:46.777

1 Not able to map any keys between F1 to F5 in gvim 2018-05-24T23:47:24.133

1 Issue with vim setup python ide 2018-05-31T22:53:19.177

1 how to make vim to have python interactive runtime window 2018-07-07T03:43:03.697

1 How to use gruvbox airline theme? 2018-07-18T00:32:37.067

1 Vim session with splits with remote ssh files 2018-08-07T20:35:20.410

1 vim is using previous version of vimrc under some circumstances 2018-09-04T08:30:43.480

1 How do I use a custom vimrc file? 2018-11-17T13:14:49.853

1 Move cursor by line number when moving through multiple lines (e.g. `5j`), move by display line when moving through a single line (e.g. `j`) 2019-02-02T12:30:39.053

1 Extending highlight on line number to ALE gutter as well 2019-02-10T10:24:49.357

1 How to move from insert to replace/overtype mode in vim 2019-04-08T15:29:10.900

1 Vim - E490: No fold found 2019-05-30T12:48:33.100

1 my WSL ubuntu vi editor screen is broken when I scroll down 2019-07-11T16:32:56.123

1 Why Won't Deleting vimrc Reset Vim Settings? (Mac) 2019-10-09T00:24:39.543

0 Setting the viminfo path in gVim for portability (Windows) 2010-03-21T11:46:00.947

0 ~/.vim folder has gone after vim reinstall (Ubuntu 10.10) 2011-05-27T15:48:01.760