~/.vim folder has gone after vim reinstall (Ubuntu 10.10)


I had a problem with an arrow keys in Ubuntu (known as the A B C D problem). All advices I have found does not help me to resolve this bug. So, I deside to reinstall vim totaly. After I install it with «sudo apt-get install vim», it's doesn't create .vim folder & .vimrc file in my home… So when I install Akita set of addons it's does not work and my vim runs totaly clear without any highlighting and so on…

How to fix this bug. Where could be .vim && .vimrc folders and files?


Posted 2011-05-27T15:48:01.760


1Post to askubuntu.com - the sister-site for Ubuntu. – Jordan Parmer – 2011-05-27T15:51:06.153

keep backup, you must. – None – 2011-05-27T15:52:06.870



The global vim configuration file is at /etc/vimrc, local, if it has been created, is hidden in your home folder (~/.vimrc). Article open vimrc file


Posted 2011-05-27T15:48:01.760

Reputation: 101