226 How to automatically reload modified files in Notepad++ 2011-04-24T23:33:06.207
170 How do you reuse a visual mode selection? 2010-12-10T16:58:32.090
104 Change default text editor for crontab to vim 2011-05-10T16:13:21.293
98 How do I reverse selected lines order in Vim? 2010-09-17T23:57:13.297
75 It's All Text for Chrome? 2011-03-24T05:59:41.387
63 How can I make Sublime Text reload the file being edited? 2014-09-22T13:50:11.940
50 How do I do multi-line editing in Atom editor? 2015-08-14T13:55:30.480
41 In Notepad++, how do I split long lines in several rows? 2012-03-24T17:13:55.533
37 How can I edit a file if there is no vi, vim, joe, etc? 2012-08-20T19:22:32.500
37 Copy and paste text in midnight commander (MC) via putty in Linux 2015-03-01T22:50:52.600
34 How can I use custom colours in the Microsoft VBA editor? 2011-07-21T19:04:42.560
30 Opening a text file at a certain line (shortcut) 2011-05-30T03:06:34.233
28 Edit one file in two different buffers in emacs 2011-09-21T11:52:38.653
26 When I press the space bar it deletes the letters after it 2019-07-07T13:25:50.833
24 How do I get Google Drive to open text files with arbitrary extensions as text files? 2013-10-14T12:12:32.863
21 Light text editor for CSV file? 2010-03-14T01:49:03.197
20 What is the edit command for 64-bit Windows 7? 2011-01-24T07:33:30.593
19 Is there a way to start vim in read only mode 2012-02-28T13:05:53.040
19 How to know cursor position index in an editor 2015-03-28T05:18:58.663
18 Notepad2 or Notepad++ and why? 2010-05-18T12:16:39.447
18 How can I let TextMate show line numbers when I'm coding C++? 2011-03-14T21:51:53.527
18 how to do a vim search inverse search for all lines with out text 2012-01-30T11:56:47.880
17 Show/Hide function folding margin on Notepad++ 2009-08-24T12:34:20.417
16 Search all within opened tabs with Sublime Text 2 2012-10-04T17:18:30.763
16 How do I record and run multiple find/replace with Sublime Text 2? 2013-06-10T12:20:46.950
15 Windows-style, terminal based, text editor for linux 2009-11-12T08:59:48.593
15 Any text editor that can apply some math to replacement text? 2010-09-27T16:54:21.650
15 How can I make vim show the current class and method I'm editing 2011-05-05T16:09:41.963
15 Highlight all occurrences of a word in Github's Atom text editor 2014-04-14T15:11:43.923
14 Is there a Linux equivalent of Programmer's Notepad or Notepad++ 2010-10-15T19:20:39.260
14 Is there a way in Sublime Text to display find results in a panel at the bottom of the current window? 2014-11-05T10:36:46.107
14 Multiple cursor selection on a pattern in Visual Studio Code 2017-09-22T08:39:02.167
13 Add select next match in Notepad++ (like Ctrl + D in Sublime Text) 2015-03-27T08:50:16.623
12 Notepad++ split line after given number of characters 2016-06-13T10:55:59.140
11 What is the easiest way to get a yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss timestamp hotkey on the Mac? 2010-12-30T08:36:50.373
11 How to remove all the duplicated words on every line using Notepad++? 2012-07-26T18:53:17.103
11 vi/vim alternative to sublimetext's "Expand selection to scope" 2013-04-22T13:10:01.973
10 textwidth=0 and wrapwidth=0 in .vimrc.local not being respected 2011-02-25T04:05:57.770
10 Why can Vim open large files faster than some other text editors? 2012-07-24T13:27:46.187
10 Change default text editor to Sublime Text in Linux Mint 2014-01-19T22:51:48.283
9 Simple tree notepad like editor 2009-12-15T08:36:16.303
9 Some pretty fixed width font for Windows? 2010-09-22T21:23:51.030
9 Multiple foldmethods in vim 2010-12-08T10:55:48.507
9 VIM: How do you get the last ex command you used? 2011-01-08T16:17:06.630
9 Transparent background in Notepad++? 2012-05-09T15:37:11.850
9 TextMate - Recover unsaved files 2012-05-17T01:39:44.553
9 Why did this WhatsApp message freeze my phone? 2018-05-03T16:34:30.017
8 Which are the non-x text editors in Powershell? 2009-10-09T08:41:17.783
8 How do I read a text file's hidden characters? 2010-03-23T11:35:46.390
8 Is there a way to "lock" the viewport in vim? 2010-05-20T03:49:20.187
8 Text Editor that hilights all instances of selection for Mac 2010-07-19T16:11:44.423
8 Append after last character in line in vim editor 2010-07-28T19:11:41.593
8 Edit-text-files-over-SSH using a local text editor 2011-09-27T07:14:57.533
8 Vim: edit multiple lines 2013-01-22T10:07:00.103
8 Clear the kill ring in emacs 2013-02-04T22:09:44.050
8 Editing CSV files in Ubuntu 2013-02-13T19:13:46.820
8 How can I view putty log files with color in Notepad++ or other text editors? 2017-11-30T20:42:52.920
7 Alternatives to TextEdit? 2009-08-19T22:51:47.883
7 A desktop Wiki editor/viewer: is there anything out there? 2009-09-25T16:06:47.983
7 How do I make vim's autoindent not drop trailing spaces? 2010-03-16T20:45:40.707
7 How do I change the default text editor in Ubuntu 2010-07-28T09:31:55.833
7 Why is so hard to use the dash character? 2010-10-26T03:52:24.583
7 How to change fonts in Kod? 2011-01-17T01:35:18.023
7 Customize text editor and terminal to use non-monospaced fonts without the horrible results? 2011-11-15T07:42:09.573
7 How do I remove empty lines in Notepad++ after pasting in data from Excel? 2013-06-19T08:17:51.857
7 Toggle Syntax highlighting in Notepad++ 2013-09-02T08:24:21.530
7 I'm using Bash in "vi mode". What's the hotkey sequence to edit the current command line using an external editor? 2014-04-01T15:47:59.843
7 Atom editor: disable anti-aliasing 2015-09-07T18:24:34.203
7 A free way to convert camel case to snake case and snake case to camel case 2016-11-16T04:52:15.397
6 Mac Text Editor (with function list) 2010-03-07T15:59:31.370
6 Notepad++ like editor for linux which highlights words on right clicking 2010-10-28T20:04:50.497
6 How Does One Remove Duplicate Text Lines From Files Larger Than 4GB? 2010-12-08T20:09:34.057
6 Textmate not opening at all on Mac OS X 2011-02-26T03:49:15.563
6 How can I print source code on OS X with line numbers, line-wrapping, margins, formatting? 2011-11-30T05:18:56.833
6 mcedit - select all text 2012-08-09T12:42:31.930
6 Vim style cursor movement for Notepad++ 2012-10-08T03:08:13.790
6 How to columnize text with tabs (in vim or on the shell) 2013-10-29T19:59:56.000
6 Linux Text editors able to work with very, very long lines & fixed length records 2014-07-07T11:27:09.000
6 Use GitHub's Atom Text Editor as Default Text Editor in Windows 2014-11-18T15:13:09.903
6 Why do text editors think this file is UTF-8? 2015-03-31T07:14:34.290
5 File association for editing on a mac 2009-08-03T19:42:58.923
5 Vim Editor is very smart? 2009-09-19T18:28:00.123
5 Editor with muti-line search and replace 2009-10-04T23:01:48.860
5 Notepad++ Tweaking 2009-11-12T15:25:01.787
5 Good Linux editor (nedit replacement)? 2010-07-30T15:36:28.243
5 Notepad with line numbers 2010-09-29T07:58:37.357
5 What options are there for generating custom text snippets on the Mac? 2010-12-21T18:51:16.683
5 How does one open multiple tabs in TextWrangler? 2011-01-07T07:48:34.883
5 how to get a decent emacs setup on linux 2011-03-11T03:38:47.250
5 Text editor for translators 2011-04-13T14:37:48.950
5 How to open a huge HTML file? 2011-04-21T17:38:15.937
5 Open unknown filetypes in text editor? 2011-07-15T21:03:31.523
5 Windows Notepad and Notepad++ show newlines in same file differently 2012-01-26T17:45:00.923
5 Does SciTE have a setting similar to Vim's colorcolumn? 2012-08-27T15:55:28.977
5 Strange permission changes when saving file on a Samba partition from a Windows editor 2013-01-24T19:37:39.567
5 Emacs: displaying list of subroutines/functions/classes in a source file 2013-08-07T14:04:43.393
5 Simplest way to get XML node count 2014-01-29T06:30:41.343
5 Sublime Text 3: How to enable autocomplete with Tab and Enter / Return 2015-03-11T17:37:43.500
5 Use Sublime Text find to highlight a regex group in search pattern 2015-09-27T19:58:34.130