Tag: statistics

55 **How** harmful is a hard disk spin cycle? 2010-10-10T12:11:56.900

23 Why do different manufacturers have different S.M.A.R.T value? 2010-06-11T02:55:47.040

10 Is it possible to analyze the size of a SubVersion repository? 2010-04-26T16:40:30.100

10 Mean Time to Failure (MTTF): When disk manufacturers post this, how should you interpret their numbers? 2011-10-25T03:02:17.503

10 Long-term storage reliability of various media 2012-07-28T03:39:30.643

9 Application to gather mouse usage statistics 2010-10-21T15:44:29.537

8 Is there a software that performs a textual analysis on blogs? 2011-08-11T14:38:11.897

8 How do I see the network adapter statistics in Windows 7? 2015-06-29T06:13:26.977

5 In linux, how can you tell which processes use the most network bandwidth? 2009-11-09T08:27:57.417

4 Graphing mean and standard deviation 2010-04-17T14:50:36.713

4 Creating map of countries colored using country statistics 2010-10-19T15:56:48.313

4 Monitoring application usage on OS X 2011-09-18T04:51:56.510

3 Live football stats API 2009-08-20T10:26:07.820

3 IE Browser Market Share: What Are the Real Statistics? 2009-10-29T01:47:46.600

3 What percentage of computers today are *nix based? 2010-05-27T15:05:22.587

3 What's the most common Firefox user-agent? 2010-08-05T00:10:35.540

3 Getting i/o statistics of a process per file 2013-10-03T18:58:39.813

3 Line chart in LibreOffice - data in rows (type, x, y) rather than in a 2-input table 2016-07-04T01:16:49.783

3 Calculate Median based on counts of value 2017-08-14T07:57:45.893

3 Counting pairwise combinations from many options in Excel 2018-08-08T14:01:34.450

2 Firefox add-on that tracks webpage load time including DNS retrieve time? 2009-12-31T06:17:01.227

2 How many SVN checkouts of my project on google code? 2010-02-05T00:13:36.037

2 How often do netbook parts break? 2010-06-07T17:14:17.497

2 Suggestions for aesthetically pleasing statistics applications or screensavers? 2010-09-15T17:54:31.650

2 Software that shows network activity? 2011-05-11T06:22:40.263

2 Remotedesktop - monitor activity statistics - Windows Server 2008 R2 2011-07-07T17:58:58.780

2 Counting how many webpages were loaded in 1 day in Google Chrome 2011-11-15T01:02:41.780

2 What is MS Word counting or ignoring when it counts words in an open vs. closed file? 2015-10-10T20:14:57.850

2 Calculating the average ("hitrate") of football results 2018-06-18T20:40:10.980

2 Plot several time series "categories" for several groups 2019-06-18T22:04:04.670

1 Measuring internet performance 2010-04-23T16:31:42.320

1 long table in excel - how to produce stats for subtables? 2010-04-24T15:41:57.670

1 How to measure total downloaded bytes over a longer period? 2011-08-08T08:02:07.053

1 Multiple Ubuntu servers - quick stats 2011-09-26T19:46:41.183

1 dropbox file type statistics 2011-12-23T17:57:28.803

1 What hardware is most important for sparse matrix operations? 2012-05-29T20:13:40.157

1 How to fill in missing data series? 2013-12-23T22:38:08.190

1 Checking chrome url autocomplete prabability stats 2014-01-17T11:29:02.827

1 Use LINEST on filtered data - Excel 2014-10-05T18:05:06.633

1 Linux program used to gather installed packages, processes, listening ports, etc.? 2015-01-29T20:04:20.350

1 Stats on /proc/diskstats always shows more writes than reads 2015-02-06T16:02:07.933

1 How to add metadata (source of the dataset) to a file (dataset)? 2015-05-27T01:39:02.703

1 Laptop battery uptime monitor 2015-08-27T18:04:21.510

1 Find out network usage from router 2015-09-26T14:05:45.433

1 CPU performance growth stagnates 2016-05-23T15:26:39.723

1 Getting per-user or per-command CPU/load information for Linux 2016-11-07T02:35:54.807

1 TP Link - data statistics resets after modem restart 2017-02-04T08:39:16.337

1 How to draw the center of mass of a scatter plot in Excel? 2017-03-30T16:39:20.807

1 How are statistical maps made? 2017-11-21T11:51:53.590

1 Quickly show Readability Statistics in Microsoft Word 2019-01-13T19:26:42.903

1 MS Excel Filter Chart Data Labels not updating with filter 2019-01-15T16:11:22.573

1 Get count of file types in a directory 2019-06-05T22:33:19.127

1 "Stretching/Shrinking" data to align it with other data with Excel preferably 2020-01-21T18:16:42.247

1 View historical record of applications used on a PC 2020-02-10T14:53:16.977

0 How can I count commands in a log file? 2010-01-25T16:26:10.570

0 List and count unique words from a Word document 2011-02-28T10:54:28.333

0 Any rerefence of CPU world statistics? 2013-11-07T08:37:47.153

0 Time management/computer usage tool for Linux 2013-11-20T17:02:26.980

0 Excel: extrapolating data by group into the same column 2013-12-16T20:49:05.107

0 Is there a way to log and view application run time statistics in Windows 7? 2014-02-08T01:29:04.917

0 Is there a system monitoring tool that lets me write complex queries against the data? 2014-06-05T20:21:06.593

0 Finding trends in multi-category data in Excel 2014-06-12T03:26:19.390

0 How can I measure disk writes per file/program over a long period of time 2015-01-03T17:03:50.613

0 How can I track internet upload/download on linux while ignoring local traffic? 2015-06-24T23:05:07.137

0 What is the easiest way to generate a pi diagram or bar diagram from raw data? 2015-10-06T07:21:28.010

0 Excel - choosing numbers from bigger data set 2016-04-18T12:44:46.353

0 Statistics in excel including modified text values 2016-04-21T06:54:10.637

0 How to set all column types and measures simultaneously in SPSS? 2016-05-01T19:03:31.430

0 Unable to plot a scatter plot in excel 2016-08-11T00:18:41.507

0 OpenOffice calc colorize data points differently 2017-02-20T06:57:02.447

0 Excel Data Distribution 2017-10-07T19:56:09.803

0 Summary web usage of each process 2017-11-06T09:58:09.650

0 How to count the number of cell pairs containing x and y values larger/smaller than the mean in excel? 2017-11-24T20:22:18.893

0 How to modify data to make box plot? 2018-07-16T16:36:35.597

0 data export from site is in lines, how to put it in table form 2018-12-31T09:08:04.463

0 Exclude outliers from any excel formula (numbers) 2019-02-22T11:39:12.040

0 Hourly/Daily Statistics from tcpdump (reading from file) 2019-03-21T22:56:03.573

0 Mac Application/File Opening Statistics 2019-03-24T03:41:44.743

0 Very High Correlations In Forex Data 2019-04-09T15:07:09.230

0 USB test methodology and automation tools 2019-04-12T13:54:59.227

0 How to calculate FMI for R^2 using mice package? 2019-05-15T21:13:47.150

0 Increase Pre-Populated Excel Spreadsheet by a Percentage 2019-08-31T14:50:57.040

0 Random Number Help - I have a confidence, max, and min, how should I do this? 2019-09-19T16:10:51.917

0 Automating Repetitive Minitab Analysis 2019-10-09T11:24:42.900

0 awk,sed help needed for addressing density 2019-11-29T01:11:07.167

-1 Looking for a Book to teach Statistics using Excel 2009-10-05T01:30:51.593

-1 When using laptop for heavy duty statistical analysis is it more important to have highest possible RAM or fastest possible processor? 2016-06-08T10:16:35.107

-1 Excel 2016 getting statistics out of distribution of A B C 2017-04-27T15:08:02.643