Tag: standard-user

9 How do I (properly) access another users' recycling bin without logging in as him? 2010-01-24T16:30:20.180

5 Open Worksheets In New Window In Excel 2010 Without Administrative Access 2013-03-05T15:59:02.287

4 Allow Standard user to run program requiring UAC elevation 2010-02-02T14:21:35.800

2 Taking access rights away from standard user 2011-03-22T11:01:08.380

2 Can Windows standard user change service startup type? 2011-07-25T11:01:46.060

2 Setting up multiple standard users with admin privileges on a Mac 2016-09-07T23:27:33.670

1 Standard Users should not be able to modify files in D: 2011-05-20T19:06:09.353

1 Windows 7 install rights standard user 2013-02-13T19:55:53.523

1 Do Windows 7 Home Premium updates work under Standard User Account? 2013-12-28T20:15:36.747

1 windows 10 task manager startup disable button is greyed out 2016-08-25T17:08:41.667

0 Why is the "Standard Account" option disabled (grayed-out) 2010-10-01T05:18:59.103

0 How to give standard users the ability to run task manager as a admin (windows 8.1) 2015-08-17T12:57:00.147

0 How to share files between administrator and standard account? 2016-01-07T22:59:44.067

0 Win 7 allowed REG commmand from command line from standard account 2016-02-24T00:06:03.217

0 How can I find out when I logged in without administrator access? 2016-03-03T02:36:47.747

0 Change Windows user to an Administrator from Ubuntu 2017-05-04T07:02:08.377

0 Can I view mutiple spreadsheets at once in Excel 2010 without editing the Registry? 2017-06-23T19:10:25.357

0 Windows 10 Domain User is automatically made a local administrator 2017-10-02T14:37:57.713

0 W10 - Upgraded from Home to Pro, now crashes on Standard Account 2019-05-03T08:11:54.967

0 How to get access to admin privileges on standard-user OS X? 2019-06-13T16:26:21.793

-1 How to "Deep Freeze" only the "Standard User Account" on Windows? 2015-08-13T15:34:20.893

-2 Is there a command to convert administrator account to standard user account windows via a command line 2015-03-18T14:01:02.607

-2 How change to administrator account from standard account 2015-06-29T19:42:23.980

-3 Running CMD as Admin on a Standard User on Windows 8.1 2015-05-26T21:15:55.637