You have to add this file into desired runlevel. For example:
sudo update-rc.d my-service default
Will add it into default runlevel in Debian-based distros. Also, be sure that the file has such structure:
case "$1" in
#do startup commands
#do stop commands
However, in SUSE Linux there is /etc/init.d/skeleton
that should be edited to create new scripts. This skeleton contains special comments (they are comments for the shell, but used by YaST) to describe on which runlevels the start/stop must be.
Once done, the script will show in YaST → System → System Services (runlevel) and can be switched on/off from there (making the links, etc).
To enable a service you can also use chkconfig
, as in:
chkconfig --set someservice on
chkconfig --set someservice off
and the appropriate links will be created/deleted. For finer control over levels, you can use
chkconfig --level 35 someservice on
Source: OpenSUSE update-rc.d equivalent.
update-rc.d command not found , and its not available under /usr/sbin/ also ..... For more info am using SUSE Linux Enterprise 11 – asvignesh – 2014-05-12T11:33:58.517
1I updated the answer, hope this will help. – Danatela – 2014-05-12T11:57:40.233
Still no luck and one more issue ... when i start the service form /etc/init.d/my-service start its working fine but if i try service my-service start didn't start my app – asvignesh – 2014-05-12T12:11:02.423
1OK I will download SLES and test it... – Danatela – 2014-05-12T12:20:22.290
hey dont waste resource for this thing .... i u have any suggetions let me know – asvignesh – 2014-05-12T12:21:52.263
2You don't need to upvote each my comment ;) What does
tell to you? – Danatela – 2014-05-12T14:58:52.187