Tag: rubygems

100 How to install rmagick on Ubuntu 10.04? 2010-07-15T04:02:32.277

62 gem install rails doesn't do anything 2010-09-18T23:17:30.267

16 I have compiled ImageMagick on my CentOS, and RMagick won't install 2011-11-25T18:04:05.800

15 How to install the latest version of Ruby and Ruby on Rails in Ubuntu? 2011-06-01T20:02:27.587

13 How to completely remove Ruby, Ruby gems on Mac OS X 10.6.4 2010-09-29T14:23:29.950

10 How to install the MySQL Ruby Gem on Ubuntu 9.10? 2010-01-16T01:35:43.463

10 How to rebuild all my Ruby gems? 2012-10-18T17:52:14.723

8 How do I alias a Homebrew installed Ruby 1.9 gem binary in /usr/local/bin? 2011-12-20T17:58:23.623

8 How to backup ruby gems? 2012-12-16T01:04:04.657

7 How to configure installed Ruby and gems? 2010-05-03T10:54:04.837

7 How to install RMagick RubyGem on Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard? 2010-06-13T20:13:25.360

6 Can't vagrant install a plugin: gem dependency fails despite being installed 2014-08-22T19:33:00.720

5 Ruby RubyGems: Why do I always get error messages when trying to install gems? 2010-06-18T23:28:33.727

4 Rails: Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' 2010-01-30T18:41:48.590

4 Pass cmd.exe arguments via a shortcut? 2011-03-12T15:57:30.023

3 Problem installing SQLite3 RubyGem on Ubuntu 2010-01-04T03:12:40.860

3 Gem Binaries not found with oh-my-zsh 2012-10-29T12:42:47.030

2 Installing Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu 10.04: A Living Nightmare 2010-06-25T00:54:37.717

2 Bundle install not working for ubuntu 2011-06-29T02:05:46.320

2 How install gem rails for all users in arch-linux 2012-09-17T03:23:55.460

2 Rails - Installation Error 2013-02-01T14:12:53.827

2 Remove all Ruby from Ubuntu 2013-04-08T15:37:46.003

2 What is the difference between ruby package and ruby gem as bellow? 2016-08-19T18:27:46.833

2 Installing vagrant plugin on the corporate network 2016-09-09T10:20:47.180

2 Having trouble installing ruby gem for iStats 2019-01-17T14:18:16.530

1 How to install rdiscount ruby gem in windows vista? 2009-12-24T11:22:19.813

1 Ruby/gem installation paths scattered all over, cause? 2011-04-11T09:21:14.330

1 SVN, SSL certificate negotiation failed. However we don't use SSL certificate on our SVN Server 2012-02-28T02:23:53.137

1 libxslt is missing installing Nokogiri with RVM 2012-04-08T15:09:45.313

1 ubuntu (setup using chef) - issues updating packages on the system (e.g php, rubygems plus others) 2013-06-17T18:24:50.997

1 Rails startup script runs twice 2014-04-15T03:57:34.503

1 OS X `gollum` install not working 2014-05-10T16:21:58.380

1 Ruby error on my Mac 2014-08-23T18:28:16.053

1 Gems installed with the --user-install option into the OS X home folder aren't working properly afterwards. 2014-12-12T01:22:59.770

1 NoMethodError with Ruby when installing SoundCloud 2000 client for CLI 2014-12-31T16:00:24.080

1 Error creating a Ruby launchd task with RVM in OS X 2015-11-28T06:51:18.263

1 Installing ruby / gems / jekyll on mac 2016-06-02T23:38:25.517

1 Ruby version 2.3.3 Gemfile 2.3.0 (Sprockets Update) 2018-06-24T16:10:20.827

1 Trouble uninstalling gem bundler 2019-06-19T16:59:41.343

1 Could not fetch specs from https://rubygems.org/ 2019-07-19T14:06:13.770

0 Installing Rake: invalid gem format 2009-12-10T16:51:56.520

0 How to install/update Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu 9.10? 2010-01-03T18:02:54.517

0 no download and install progress, no error message (no text at all!) for sudo gem install merb 2010-06-07T13:08:01.070

0 How do I make RubyGems install binaries to a different directory? 2011-03-07T15:03:00.647

0 How to keep gems in sync for two ruby versions? 2011-10-14T07:24:41.387

0 Ubuntu pervasive RubyGems 2012-07-19T22:59:21.217

0 How to avoid man-db 2012-12-15T02:34:57.837

0 Autotest can't find growl? (Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 3.2.11) 2013-01-20T16:37:53.297

0 What should I make out of this message? 2014-03-28T18:37:16.637

0 Incorrect lookup as user, but correct at root 2014-07-02T02:30:31.357

0 Removing or Uninstalling Ruby, Rails, and/or Gems from Mac OS X 10.9.4 2014-07-09T20:26:06.190

0 Reinstall Ruby framework on OS X Yosemite 2015-01-05T12:08:02.170

0 Can't migrate ruby windows to ruby cygwin 2015-09-17T10:54:21.723

0 Install ruby >= 1.8.7 on CentOS release 5.11 2016-03-07T04:27:07.790

0 How to update the version of gems of a locally cloned heroku ruby on rails repository using bundle? 2016-08-13T11:31:29.313

0 Why I obtain these error messages when I try to install gem bundler on Ubuntu? (Could not create Makefile) 2016-11-15T09:56:58.170

0 RVM Installation Issues Linux 2017-03-29T00:54:45.683

0 Is the coderay syntax-highlighting plugin built into redmine, or does it have to be installed separately? 2017-09-06T10:55:07.490

0 Gem can't switch sources 2019-05-16T07:32:52.633

0 get install bundler failed (you't don't have write permission) 2019-06-09T17:26:59.753

0 SASS suddenly stopped working; terminal keeps responding with "command not found: sass" despite every potential solution I tried 2019-08-21T16:14:36.297

0 Do I have to revert to earlier ruby version to install ruby gem -v 0.5.2 2019-08-29T12:11:00.893