Tag: resource-usage

283 Determine which tab in Firefox is using CPU resources? 2011-01-18T21:55:15.867

48 How do I find out what processes are accessing the hard disk in a GNU/Linux-based system? 2009-10-02T16:20:39.890

30 Is there `top` for disk usage 2013-02-23T22:45:40.497

10 How to find the process(es) which are hogging the machine 2011-08-22T07:57:33.390

9 Windows desktop background: how to have system info displayed 2009-07-18T16:26:47.087

9 What happens when a computer runs out of RAM? 2012-06-24T15:22:47.970

6 GNOME Shell has very high CPU and memory usage 2014-01-02T10:56:32.160

4 Low FPS in some games, but hardware not fully used 2012-12-15T23:50:02.083

4 Windows 8 MsMpEng.exe high disk usage, uninstalled Defender, and now AvastSvc.exe 2014-08-01T15:23:30.283

4 Analyze disk usage based on file type 2014-10-04T10:25:31.597

4 How to track down causes of ≥100% CPU usage in Firefox (on desktop)? 2017-02-11T13:02:26.430

4 Windows 10 averaging over 50GB of writes/day to SSD over 9months 2017-07-13T02:33:48.387

2 Setting up a download limit for a computer 2010-05-06T08:25:12.317

2 How to automatically end the process when Windows 8 Modern UI apps are closed? 2012-11-04T19:31:37.773

2 skype consumes 100% cpu on idle unles it has admin privileges 2014-01-26T13:12:57.457

2 How do I restrict a ESX client user to only their resource pool? 2014-03-24T01:05:06.270

2 What is the cause and disadvantages of high memory usage as time passes on Windows 8.1? 2014-05-01T23:33:43.573

2 What is Disk Active Time and how do I decrease it? 2017-01-16T22:24:52.853

2 Emacs Scheme buffer taking all CPU resources 2019-05-01T21:42:14.237

1 Hard disk 'whistles' with high access when nothing is running? 2011-11-23T04:51:34.300

1 Find out what driver is causing resource usage 2012-05-08T23:51:04.743

1 NETGEAR DGN 1000 Limit Usage Per System 2012-11-23T22:26:16.750

1 See exactly which service is using a file on Windows 8 2013-10-01T18:25:02.090

1 Proper Linux-based internet usage monitor 2013-10-11T01:48:22.737

1 Windows 8.1 100% disk usage 2014-10-17T05:36:55.657

1 TP Link - data statistics resets after modem restart 2017-02-04T08:39:16.337

1 How do I get a total of written data by process and by file on a linux system? 2017-12-20T09:28:46.453

1 how many resources nmon command use in AIX? 2018-04-13T13:56:12.630

1 Monitoring my computer's energy's usage - is it too low? 2019-01-03T00:28:35.173

1 Increase the time window in Resource Monitor 2019-11-14T09:25:36.713

0 Apache threads being kept around after browsing on a local development machine 2010-09-21T21:39:50.460

0 Dynamic terminal title: show server load status at X second interval 2013-03-06T23:51:42.037

0 OneDrive sync client installation taking forever 2014-07-10T18:19:37.673

0 Chrome - Very heavy HDD usage. Reading all fonts from 'Fonts' folder 2014-08-27T22:24:26.650

0 Windows 7 Chrome hogging up over half of cpu even when closed 2014-12-10T21:45:58.980

0 Why the number of CPU's so Large 2015-01-22T10:21:11.153

0 How does Windows deal with process memory or resource exhaustion? 2015-07-04T08:00:37.483

0 How to see the details of system process resource usage? 2015-12-25T13:14:24.627

0 CPU is fixed at 100% usage 2016-02-11T16:55:14.727

0 Windows 10 Task Manager System Processes 2016-03-02T22:32:19.453

0 Clearing data usage in windows 10 2017-01-01T06:24:24.730

0 CPU Usage of individual processes via TOP/Dumpsys cpuinfo 2017-01-25T12:37:29.833

0 is CompatTelRunner.exe really a respectable microsoft's program? 2017-07-20T07:20:26.927

0 Why does my disk space keep getting reduced more than I think it should? 2018-01-05T18:01:21.757

0 How to measure memory throughput utilization percentage? 2018-03-12T15:23:14.553

0 Filelight/TreeSize/DiskUsage tool, but for dates? 2018-08-22T07:08:04.527

0 System uses almost all my RAM 2019-01-11T15:43:16.983

0 Windows 2008 R2: resource / performance logging and alerting 2019-03-13T09:30:04.910

0 Linux tool that tests lots of applications and monitors usage, in a batch like manner? 2019-06-27T13:30:24.480

0 Zabbix not plotting values from a simple text file on another host using Zabbix agent 2019-08-14T08:16:58.027

-2 how to make my laptop run on minimum resources? 2015-11-19T09:06:47.643