Tag: random-number-generator

668 How are pseudorandom and truly random numbers different and why does it matter? 2014-02-05T03:26:25.377

51 dd is producing a 32 MB random file instead of 1 GB 2018-12-27T11:01:09.337

31 Why is my /dev/random so slow when using dd? 2011-11-20T23:58:23.537

16 Why does `cat /dev/urandom` break your terminal? 2013-08-28T19:06:11.470

15 How often does /dev/urandom sample seeding from /dev/random? 2016-02-12T05:11:52.107

11 How can I know whether my machine have RNG hardware support? 2013-02-23T04:58:26.007

9 how do you make a letter password generator in batch? 2011-10-22T22:58:54.360

9 How to keep random numbers from changing in Excel? 2014-04-24T22:28:59.417

8 Why is GNU shred faster than dd when filling a drive with random data? 2012-04-29T11:37:58.653

8 Creating a large file of random bytes quickly 2014-08-04T21:26:02.160

6 Should I use “/dev/random” or “/dev/urandom” for large random data needs? 2015-09-23T20:55:26.750

5 How to generate random numbers with a .wav file? 2012-07-31T21:25:25.860

4 how to record mic input and pipe the output to another program 2012-10-22T14:39:43.840

4 Is reading from /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail draining entropy? 2014-01-06T01:24:20.513

4 What AMD processors provide RDRAND? 2015-10-17T02:36:51.140

4 Play random movie/episode within a folder from its context menu 2017-08-23T22:40:55.140

3 Does 'urandom' share the same entropy of 'random'? 2010-06-10T10:31:13.997

3 How to determine a coin toss online? 2012-04-02T23:16:53.520

3 Calculating mean of value across random trials/refreshes in Excel? 2013-04-30T23:29:54.937

3 How do computers generate random numbers 2015-03-19T22:56:08.540

3 Why am I constantly running out of entropy? 2015-07-23T21:14:07.120

3 Biased Random results in Excel 2016-02-29T22:43:25.850

3 Can't load /root/.rnd into RNG : where can I find it, or how to create it? 2019-09-22T20:24:56.913

2 Randomly reorder pages in PDF document 2013-10-07T23:09:33.147

2 Random selection with a caveat / criteria 2015-05-20T13:02:56.540

1 Math Round multiple cells, generate integers and histogram integer values 2011-05-06T14:10:32.590

1 Have a script execute a command randomly every now and then 2011-12-02T08:54:25.193

1 What's the best way to get a random(ish) sequence of printable/alphanumeric characters? 2013-04-19T06:53:16.663

1 How do computers generate random numbers? 2014-10-07T15:02:19.350

1 cat /dev/random brings up print dialog 2015-11-08T01:06:48.260

1 Configure the default Random Number Generator algorithm in Windows. 2018-09-07T11:36:33.717

1 Generating (pseudo) random numbers from a log file (eg. /var/log/maillog) 2019-10-03T18:40:17.500

0 Are GPG keys generated on windows as secure as ones generated on linux? 2012-07-26T14:01:06.103

0 MS Excel: Unique random number generator within a range 2013-07-03T07:53:42.860

0 Excel VBA: Rnd() method isn't random enough 2013-11-14T20:37:39.390

0 How to generate inverted normal random numbers in VBA? 2014-11-08T15:17:43.287

0 Not quite grasping /dev/random and /dev/urandom 2014-11-20T01:11:07.137

0 How do I generate random numbers between a range in cells? 2015-01-26T19:40:58.033

0 Unable to plot a scatter plot in excel 2016-08-11T00:18:41.507

0 TrueRNG Pseudo GUI Issues - Collision 2017-12-19T09:32:16.703

0 RANDBETWEEN but smaller than another cell value 2018-08-28T13:33:29.103

0 Kernel random numbers generator fails on VMWare in a Debian VM - "Cannot find a hardware RNG device to use" 2019-08-19T17:04:30.307

0 convert decimal random values to binary for ent testing 2020-01-25T03:39:20.727

-1 Random Number in Linux 2013-01-13T19:23:29.127

-1 Auto generate unique number with no duplicate 2016-08-11T07:09:57.920

-2 \/?' was unexpected at this time error in batch file 2015-07-22T00:28:46.550

-2 Excel formula Help: Random sequence number 2018-05-09T14:25:47.220

-4 Entering a random number sequence seed under surveillance 2019-03-02T05:08:03.673