Tag: rails

14 How to install and use different versions of ruby? 2011-09-27T17:24:14.710

12 Can't access rails server on VM from host 2015-05-22T00:45:17.017

10 What is the simplest way to download a gem without installing rubygems? 2011-08-19T17:47:57.297

8 Why can't nginx access puma socket on CentOS 7? 2014-11-06T15:08:04.337

7 Ubuntu in Virtualbox - WEBrick web server very slow when using local IP address 2010-09-01T09:08:38.467

3 git out of memory 2011-03-06T23:42:52.413

3 How to create a GEM_HOME for rvm? 2011-09-27T20:30:34.143

3 Elastic beanstalk rails application with git source and deploy hooks 2012-11-26T06:33:39.110

3 "which rails" works.. but "rails --version" doesn't.. how come? 2013-12-06T08:08:21.030

2 Customize netbeans rails module 2011-07-08T08:56:27.280

2 Can't find sqlite3 in this ruby/rails version using rvm 2011-09-27T22:46:48.880

2 Elastic beanstalk Rails - defaults to production environment even if I set staging environment 2012-11-27T09:02:41.307

1 can I remove imagemagick by deleting directories? 2012-03-06T14:57:48.040

1 Unable to start rails on port 80 2012-06-25T05:29:58.553

1 Gemfile template 2012-08-05T22:20:34.393

1 VPS set up to serve php and rails 2012-10-28T11:32:50.590

1 Rails startup script runs twice 2014-04-15T03:57:34.503

0 How to install/update Ruby on Rails on Ubuntu 9.10? 2010-01-03T18:02:54.517

0 Error installing Rails 3.0.1 (File not found:lib) 2011-02-17T16:35:46.230

0 no gitignore file in new rails app 2011-11-13T22:57:19.553

0 Cannot find Ruby on Rails installed 2012-06-15T10:50:28.043

0 Rails didn't install correctly, specifically the uninstaller 2012-11-30T13:17:25.453

0 Re-enable TextMate 2 alpha Rails 'rocketship' shortcut 2013-12-20T04:57:55.373

0 Which version of rails should I install with ruby 2.0.0 installed? 2014-06-11T23:31:00.247

0 How to run rails driven app (Snorby) on different port 2015-07-31T00:47:02.683

0 Is installing Rails via Debian APT package a best practice? 2015-09-24T16:46:34.217

0 3.3V and 5V rail in modern PC 2015-12-12T15:22:17.280

0 Excel or Rails, Capitalize first letter, change all caps to capitalized, but respect capitalization mid name 2016-11-22T16:19:13.127

0 running curl command inside a rails application 2017-01-18T16:17:39.133

0 windows 10 WSL ubuntu unable to ping anything 2018-09-14T20:09:05.873

0 Rails Server extconf failed, exit code 1: 2019-03-28T19:14:18.310

0 Microsoft Azure deployment issue with Rails 5.2 app including package.json 2019-05-11T15:54:23.483

0 Redis connection refused when using sidekiq in production EC2 2019-05-21T13:29:31.823

0 I am trying to install Ruby on Rails using this guide: https://gorails.com/setup/osx/10.13-high-sierra ,but I am having trouble 2019-05-24T07:51:41.440

0 Server stopped but port 3000 still being used and localhost accessible 2019-07-04T16:52:28.927

0 Connecting rails to postgresql doesn't work anymore since updating from Ubuntu 18.04 to 19.04 2019-09-08T10:24:23.190

0 The application rails 5 resets every 30 seconds in the browser 2019-09-10T14:48:26.083

0 Rails server doesn't start anymore 2019-09-20T18:21:36.883

0 RVM install after Catalina OS Upgrade 2019-12-25T17:35:09.160