Tag: powershell-4.0

293 Native alternative to wget in Windows PowerShell? 2011-11-28T09:56:40.167

16 Why does running PowerShell change my console font? 2014-01-24T21:00:46.227

5 Can the default PowerShell terminal keep a command history? 2013-11-23T19:47:51.490

5 Get-ChildItem | tree gives me a wierdly formatted tree 2014-04-23T14:25:24.493

5 Test network ports faster with PowerShell 2014-09-01T02:33:03.677

3 Powershell Custom Properties - Change Property name 2016-10-05T15:28:58.367

3 stop-computer : Privilege not held 2017-04-13T08:59:23.293

3 PowerShell issue - IF statement curly brackets 2017-06-14T14:26:38.010

2 Invoke-Sqlcmd not working after PowerShell 4 install 2014-01-12T17:23:45.513

2 Using Advanced Parameter Sets in a Function with Multiple Unique Switches 2015-06-18T23:38:08.277

2 Unable to kill a process 2016-03-07T09:35:21.510

1 Can't install PowerShell 4.0 2014-07-16T07:05:07.867

1 PowerShell Remote Defrag 2014-10-08T01:08:58.937

1 Tail pattern with context in Powershell 2015-12-18T20:20:16.260

1 How to create a PowerShell graphical interface? 2016-04-17T12:59:45.943

1 "This Update is not applicable to your system" 2016-04-18T10:56:25.923

1 PowerShell script stops after running If statement 2017-01-31T05:59:00.113

0 Can't get powershell to return where results from GCI using ACL 2014-06-05T08:51:03.193

0 why remote powershell session dose not need password 2015-02-20T12:42:25.043

0 Powershell 4.0 script to recycle MS Outlook in Win 2012 R2 Server? 2015-07-29T08:07:02.613

0 Syncronize Hyper-V - Dual Boot Windows 10/Server 2012R2 2015-12-20T12:37:36.567

0 Mount a Linux VMDK on Windows 2012 R2 2016-05-31T14:04:55.303

0 My commands in runonce are not running 2017-07-17T19:00:26.883

-1 Regedit Don't open 2015-04-24T17:42:14.810

-1 How to add SAMAccount to results? 2019-06-24T10:33:41.970