Tag: pivot-chart

5 Can I convert a list of names directly into a pie chart in Excel? 2016-06-08T19:23:53.573

3 Can I automatically sort a grouped and stacked pivot chart by a sum of values without showing this on the chart? 2017-04-30T12:05:50.163

2 How to connect existing slicers to new pivot charts? 2017-04-06T06:54:07.927

2 How to remove a duplicate value on slicer in Excel 2017-11-18T07:12:37.613

2 Excel Pivot with percentage and count on bar graph 2018-06-01T07:33:00.013

2 Excel chart formatting lost when Refresh All or individual Right Click on Data > Refresh 2018-10-30T11:15:02.057

2 Excel: Pivot chart of values using value-stdDev as error bars? 2019-04-02T13:00:24.250

1 Date axis with Pivot Chart (Excel 2016) 2016-07-20T22:36:47.690

1 Excel Pivot Chart - Percentage of Rows Containing Yes 2016-08-20T03:44:33.953

1 Delete time data labels with zero value from a bar chart? 2017-02-24T10:41:39.623

1 Excel Chart - Automatically Adjust Scale of Secondary Axis 2017-06-19T09:54:44.817

1 Excel:can I simplify creation of following pivot table and chart somehow? 2017-06-28T19:04:48.493

1 Pivot table pulling from another excel file not updating when the file is updated 2017-07-05T23:06:38.493

1 Excel Pivot chart - displaying values not in the source data 2017-09-06T00:56:08.210

1 Plot day to day execution time duration for list of items 2017-10-27T15:22:55.390

1 Student voting system in Excel: Combination Slicer and Histogram 2018-01-18T21:18:28.623

1 How to maintain pivot chart format after refresh? 2018-03-13T15:49:54.293

1 Show contiguous time periods without data in Libre Calc pivot table, pivot chart? 2018-04-06T14:49:54.947

1 How to make chart showing year over year, where fiscal year starts July? 2018-04-13T22:52:43.373

1 Pivot chart losing format after refresh 2018-07-25T07:23:40.410

1 Combining categories in charts 2018-11-24T17:39:26.483

1 MS Excel Filter Chart Data Labels not updating with filter 2019-01-15T16:11:22.573

1 How to lock the format of a pivot chart 2019-02-12T14:14:21.267

1 Excel VBA: check if a chart series exists, if not continue 2019-06-27T05:08:38.750

0 Dynamic Selection from Multiple Value Fields in Excel Pivot Chart 2016-08-19T00:03:30.417

0 Hide secondary rows in pivot chart but keep shown in pivot table Excel 2016 2016-10-29T01:46:06.340

0 treat row labels as number instead of text in Excel pivot chart 2016-10-29T17:43:15.057

0 Excel 2013 - removing LegendEntry objects from a PivotChart Legend using VBA 2016-11-08T10:53:49.897

0 How can I automatically create a series of Pivotcharts based on a Pivottable in Excel? 2016-11-24T10:52:16.343

0 Disconnect link between copied charts in Excel 2017-05-26T02:34:38.843

0 Pivot Chart made on Windows Excel not working on Mac 2017-06-16T15:52:40.480

0 Slicer only corresponds to table not my chart - Mac Excel 16 2017-11-07T12:02:55.620

0 Plotting values instead of sums in a pivot chart 2018-01-02T22:01:06.753

0 Error bars in pivot graphs Excel 2018-01-03T07:25:35.997

0 How to remove blanks from pivot chart in Excel 365? 2018-08-24T15:47:54.040

0 Excel Pivot Table - Adding fields to columns independant of eachother 2019-03-08T16:55:58.790

0 Create Excel Chart Data Series based on Cell Contents 2019-03-13T18:03:08.007

0 How to make multiple pivot charts from one pivot table? 2019-03-20T08:27:22.430

0 How to use different colors for bars of a pivot chart based on values? 2019-03-25T11:10:44.063

0 Is it possible to use the fields as a slicer? Excel Pivot Table 2019-04-12T18:11:12.317

0 Converting Pivot Charts to svg format 2019-04-15T15:54:50.093

0 Excel chart is not displaying chart lines correctly? 2019-04-15T16:25:08.630

0 Compare current month to same month last year in Excel pivot table 2019-05-16T14:32:51.333

0 Excel - Pivot Chart formating reset when filtered 2019-05-31T14:38:14.693

0 How to create a histogram with 2 legends based on dates 2019-06-04T08:50:01.410

0 Toggleable series in a pivot chart 2019-06-05T06:49:53.367

0 Pivot Table does not show all dates (last ones) 2019-06-06T10:41:15.683

0 How can I show multiple values for a row? (Excel Pivot Table) 2019-07-07T20:52:56.353

0 Microsoft Excel 2019 (365) custom colours won't stick on pivot chart 2019-07-12T17:55:41.177

0 Slicer updating just one of the Pivot tables within same tab 2019-07-26T13:56:16.463

0 How to preserve pivot chart formatting? 2019-07-27T06:32:16.043

0 MS Excel. Does it make sense to represent data in such a way? 2019-09-09T09:41:25.183

0 MS Excel. Slicer alternative when dealing with hundreds of values 2019-09-09T11:44:21.983

0 MS Excel. How to analyse dates when they are heading names? 2019-09-10T08:42:33.530

0 How to analyse correlations in Ms Excel 2019-09-16T11:53:40.857

0 Create a way for a layperson to query the data model in Excel 2019-10-10T18:59:10.840

0 How to add string data values below bar chart as custom data labels? 2019-10-21T08:33:41.540

0 Pivotchart, Multi-level category labels. Remove primary/secondary label 2019-10-22T19:28:58.583

0 Change Excel Slicer from "OR" to "AND" 2019-11-19T21:40:18.180

0 Office365 Excel 2016. Windows 10. How to make Pivot Table Chart only list rows where a specific field in the table has data 2019-11-28T09:41:56.870

0 Counting the occurence of active durations by month and into a graph 2020-01-03T21:38:57.810