Tag: php.ini

12 how to change path of php ini windows 2014-06-25T08:28:25.683

6 is there any way to find out how I was hacked? What was the weak point? 2010-02-23T11:05:10.510

5 MediaWiki: increase session timeout 2010-10-29T17:17:46.603

4 Securing Apache server against slightly untrusted PHP code? 2009-12-20T03:02:21.677

4 PHP CLI not respecting memory limit in php.ini 2012-11-15T22:53:41.343

4 How do I disable ALL error messages via php.ini? 2013-01-02T22:15:04.167

3 Change php.ini used by commandline 2011-12-05T12:41:57.257

3 php 5.6.20 - /etc/php5/conf.d directory missing 2016-05-20T09:17:43.450

3 Configuring PHP for MongoDB on Mac OS X Sierra 2017-02-28T15:46:13.860

2 How to enable safe mode for php.ini in Xampp? 2009-09-30T06:51:03.423

2 Mac OS X 10.5.8 issue with php.ini file (PHP 5.2.10) 2009-11-07T22:56:22.420

2 Curl extension not working for php 7, Windows 7 and Apache 2.4 2019-09-12T15:47:45.140

1 Can't add PHP extension "mssql.so" 2011-04-01T14:31:34.393

1 PHP files are downloaded instead of getting interpreted 2012-02-21T11:21:34.573

1 php PDO sqlsrv "could not find driver" 2014-03-19T15:12:03.517

1 Implications of Increasing Max File Size In php.ini 2014-04-24T01:54:38.423

1 Virtual host installation not working 2016-12-07T21:38:34.250

1 Windows 10 update, Imagick php not working anymore 2017-04-26T15:59:48.730

1 How can I change values of the `.ini` files via command line? (linux or windows) 2018-08-15T16:45:41.460

1 Can't increase upload_max_filesize in a Wordpress LAMP stack 2019-02-06T15:20:08.940

1 MAMP 5 (Nginx) - How can I extend timeout in my MAMP setup? 2019-08-19T06:33:24.813

0 (Ubuntu - Lamp) Why exist in Ubuntu lamp 2 PHP.ini files? 2010-06-01T19:07:16.980

0 How do I add a php extension to php.ini file? 2011-11-18T16:29:22.980

0 Turning on "E_ALL" (errors) in php.ini 2013-01-23T17:07:12.750

0 Create two partial php.ini files 2013-04-08T10:22:13.180

0 how to get php executable path file of a system remotely? 2014-02-07T18:04:33.557

0 Adminer - can't allow for larger file uploads than 2mb 2014-08-31T01:09:18.697

0 Installing PHP extension mbstring in PHP 5.6 CentOS 6.8 2016-09-05T14:11:06.420

0 how to add mongodb.so to AMPPs 2016-10-08T10:57:37.603

0 myPhpAdmin gives lots of deprecation notices 2017-01-11T10:33:46.467

0 Difference between memory_limit and php_memory_limit 2017-07-17T15:05:37.637

0 php configuration is different with symlink 2018-03-14T10:24:03.377

0 How can a PHP extension be installed if php.ini does not exist? 2018-05-03T17:39:44.393

0 Getting a lot of Warnings while installing Pear in Linux 2018-11-20T06:44:41.210

0 Does session function is needed to run wordpress and how to configure it? 2019-02-18T09:31:12.550

0 Max execution time of 7200 exceeded 2019-04-20T13:50:19.243

0 How to edit file php.ini in my h? 2019-05-23T12:20:52.583

0 After uncomment extension=pgsql in php.ini Apache HTTP Web Server restart is failed 2019-06-22T10:44:40.720

0 PHP and postgresql 2019-06-25T07:23:45.137

0 XAMPP not taking PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR into account in MacOS 2019-07-03T20:00:10.903