Tag: parted

8 How to force partition to value out of range 2015-09-13T16:30:13.123

4 How to learn what `gparted`, `partitionmanager`... libcalls or `fdisk`, `parted`... commands are wrapping? 2015-02-05T10:47:47.013

4 Why does GNU parted write data to the first 440 bytes of the MBR? 2018-04-03T07:16:48.057

3 Bash scripting parted for GPT 2015-04-24T17:04:04.573

2 Can not mount copy of image file (ddrescue): "can't have a partition outside the disk" 2015-02-21T09:11:47.347

2 Ext4 fs corrupted after shrunken by parted 2016-05-13T03:20:42.340

1 How to partition a Free Space using parted 2014-05-26T02:17:40.087

1 How to modify the starting boundary of an ext4 partition? 2014-06-30T22:19:00.947

1 Remove GPT filesystem on USB 2014-12-22T12:06:35.187

1 Expanding disk partition on root drive with LVM 2015-09-10T00:03:48.737

1 Reallocate space using parted (no gui ) 2015-10-19T14:04:35.550

1 What flash drive geometry depends on? Can I change it on my preference? 2016-01-16T22:30:55.813

1 Recovering deleted/overwritten partition 2016-04-17T00:33:15.910

1 Can't create a partition table on micro SD card 2016-05-23T03:36:43.313

1 Windows displays old NTFS after partitioning disk for ext4 on Linux 2016-05-25T22:52:00.863

1 How to make GPT extend to the full 3TB a disk has? 2016-11-16T08:29:56.240

1 Removing a partition with boot flag 2017-03-11T23:06:05.637

1 How to extend partition linux parted 2017-06-28T21:36:14.057

1 Resize LUKS Partition 2018-02-01T16:00:06.093

1 Trouble figuring out optimal alignment of multiple partitions on a 931.5 GiB external Advanced Format HDD while in Linux 2018-02-02T17:13:38.557

1 How do I shrink the partition of an img file made from dd? 2018-11-06T22:23:54.103

0 how to use parted to create one parition with max size and one 16MB 2014-05-02T19:11:38.550

0 CloneZilla, what are all these files? 2014-10-30T09:50:25.503

0 Creating an LVM group 2016-01-28T02:19:21.550

0 Expanding linux partition failure 2016-04-09T14:55:09.013

0 Reclaim 100GB on disk not "seen" by fdisk but shown in parted 2016-07-10T15:19:07.607

0 Move Linux Partitions, Dual Boot with windows 2016-07-13T17:30:45.180

0 Create a fresh table with GNU parted 2017-04-20T09:39:04.417

0 Why is the partition type frequently used with mkpart when building gpt-based partitions? 2019-05-30T16:00:33.490

0 “No valid partition table was found on this device.” + “Error: Can't have a partition outside the disk!” + fdisk reads “7.3T” Size; How do I fix this? 2019-12-31T06:49:58.530

0 How to specify a GPT name containing spaces with parted? 2020-01-31T21:48:49.130

-1 What is Partition Table: gpt_sync_mbr? 2016-03-09T15:35:25.333